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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Oh yeah, definitely. And yeah, but they were unregulated. Of course, always check the sources yourself.
  2. Wikipedia requires sources now and is regulated, schools and unis are actually now required to allow Wikipedia iirc.
  3. No, Cobalt has no interest in the C-8. You can make a C-8 using near future launch vehicle parts combined with the new Saturn parts.
  4. Actually, having a vacuum optimized version for the sustainer engine would be great for the S-1D. It could be made like the one engine from the 1.9 update, have it able to run in sea level mode then switch to vacuum mode upon 1.5 sep. (Welcome to 910 btw everyone)
  5. So they're basically making the Saturn Multi-body but with solids? Interesting. Oh yeah, that's why the Offset COM exists iirc. Stock KSP does lifting body capsules rather well IMO, I use it when I'm slightly off on my trajectory.
  6. No, the S-1D ditches the 2nd and third stage and was not a shuttle replacement. The 1st stage stayed the same length give or take. It also didn't use the F-1B. "F-1-V." So... M-1? Also, I don't know if that is cursed or not.
  7. It was like a Saturn V, but the first and second stage were welded together so it was just one long S-1C. No SRBs or LRBs either. If that helps.
  8. No, not ETS. It was a rocket that used Saturn hardware or something. It was proposed as a replacement for the shuttle, along with NLS and those ones. Ergh, it's like sls but with F-1Bs and J-2Xs.
  9. Aardvark 2 deorbiting Skylab after Skylab 5 has safely left a few days ago. I'm billing you guys for the clean up, Cobalt and Zorg. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  10. Saturn C-3A: -1st Stage: 8.1m irl/5m KSP with 2 or 3 F-1s -2nd stage: 8.1m irl/5m KSP with 4 J-2s -3rd stage: 5.6m irl/3.75m KSP S-IVB with 1 J-2 Saturn C-3B two stage: -1st stage: 10m irl/6.25 KSP with 3 F-1s -2nd stage: 8.3m irl/ 5m KSP with 4 J-2s Saturn C-3B Three stage: -1st stage: 10m irl/6.25 KSP with 3 F-1s -2nd stage: 8.3m irl/ 5m KSP with 4 J-2s -3rd stage: 5.6m irl/3.75m S-IVB with 1 J-2 Saturn C-3BN Three stage: -1st stage: 10m irl/6.25 KSP with 3 F-1s -2nd stage: 8.3m irl/ 5m KSPwith 4 J-2s -3rd stage: 5.6m irl/3.75m S-IVB with 1 NERVA (Would substitute with Timberwind) From what I can gather.
  11. With repairs done, Skylab is back up and running, though at limited capacity thanks to the missing solar panel. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Also, can anyone else confirm that the "Control from here" function of the Apollo Active/Probe Docking Port doesn't work?
  12. Well, after a few mishaps (Some of them due to user error) Skylab is in space, but is badly damaged. Skylab 2 is being postponed to research KASA's options. Skylab has been put into safe mode for now until the damage can be assessed. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
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