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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. This is one of the reasons I feel BDB needs its own shuttle. So we can have beautiful screenshots without it being off topic. I mean, sure we can do Saturn Shuttle or some Saturn inspired stuff like my S-IVB side mounted to a EFT SRB stack, but that's not the same. Hmmm, maybe Cobalt could pry request taking over SOCK and REDIRECT from Benjee. I kid of course, but a BDB style Space Shuttle, along with Jupiter (SDLV), Ares or any other SDLV would be nice.
  2. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Well, after a bit of trouble of forgetting the J-2X takes time to inflate, Skylab MOL (Requested by Cobalt) core made it into space after the J-2Xs gimballed hard to get the S-II back on track. The core module has no solar panels, but they will soon be added. Skylab MOL sits at a comfortable 120km x 120km 56.4 degree orbit. Oh, and yes, this is a Saturn V Ares I styled rocket.
  3. Some mission would require 3 Saturn V's. Apollo + 3 man LM, Apollo + 3 man shelter and Apollo + LM Truck + Rover.
  4. Is it that obvious? And yeah. Reminds me of the Athena modular family concept, specifically the Athena IIcS-2, just with a different upper stage. LMC_Athena_chart.jpg (576×381) (satnews.com)
  5. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Delta Lite. 2-ish ton payload to 236.9 KM x 159.4 KM at 43.876 degrees
  6. Maybe, though considering that Jarvis' 3rd stage was nothing but RCS (R-4D's specifically) thrusters meant for circularization and maneuvering, I wouldn't put it past NASA to try and do something RCS only on another spacecraft, especially during the Saturn age where wild ideas seemed to be running rampent.
  7. Not going to lie, I thought that was... uh... something else... when I was scrolling through and only caught a glimpse. On a serious note, 2,100 m/s out of a lunar ascent module?! With just RCS?! How?!
  8. @Rodger Has included one in the development download on Github. Download the zip and you'll find it in the Craft Folder. Sniped me
  9. Ah, so all we can do is wait for Shaddy 2.2 and hope it fixes it? Alright. At least it's just a visual glitch and not a physical one.
  10. @Rodger The new Shaddy parachutes switch between transparent and pink textures instead of having the real textures. Not sure what I did wrong if anything. I have Shaddy and TU. Only seems to effect BDB chutes. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xwjwhmu8zvjcwtr/KSP.log?dl=0
  11. What if fregat is used? Also, anybody got any ideas I could do? Kind of tapped out on them for now. I want to do a station, just not sure if it should be MOL or Skylab based.
  12. Yeah, it is a little impractical, but I was just putting out one possibility, which after taking a look at the diagram, looks more likely. If you look at the Soyuz, the connections between the Orbital and Reentry modules looks wider than it would normally be. This could be simplification for the diagram, but it could also be that they planned to do something like they did with Pirs and Poisk. Without actual documentation, it's hard to determine which.
  13. It might have been intended for unpressurized storage after detach, though, I do agree it is kind of ridiculous to block off the docking port now. Unless they would have modified the Orital module to have a docking port on the reentry module side. Just keep stacking the modules together, adding more and more space.
  14. Invaderchaos: "I want to make Pioneer Venus, but making it is a little difficult..." pTrevTrevs: "Hold my satellite bus!" Alternative: "Hold my booster."
  15. @CobaltWolf @Zorg @Invaderchaos Not really a bug, but just wanted to let you know the S-IVF is twisted 180 degrees around by default. The forward electrical/fuel connection port is on the left when you first pull the part from the list. It's no big deal as we can rotate it to the right orientation, just thought I'd point it out.
  16. Nah, it's not a bug, you just found the hidden interstage part switch that one of the BDB members forgot to include in the config. ./joke
  17. I was just kidding mostly. Furthermore, I'm sure that there's a lot of stuff that Cobalt and the team didn't add or didn't get to, due to complexity or unable to do it with their modding process at the time. With their new modding processes that they're currently using, some off the table parts might become on the table parts. I'm sure Titan will get revisited, maybe not any time soon, but sometime later. There's always room for improvement.
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