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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet - Imgur Test launch of the Saturn VIIIB (8B) (C-8B). This C-8 version widens both the second and third stages. The second stage is now the same diameter as the first and the third is widened to give it more delta V.
  2. You do realize @pTrevTrevs and I basically post an album of pictures every other page? Join the club, don't worry about clutter!
  3. It's made for 2.5-2.7 sized system. It will work in a stock system, it will actually be OP.
  4. Don't have an answer as in you and BDB are in talks, or don't have an answer as in "No comment" NDA and BDB is working on the engine?
  5. Hmmm. Well, I'll stick with my 8-8-1/2 C-8. A 6-12-2 config just seems 1) Underperformance for the 1st stage, 2) over complication of the 2nd stage as well as making it the main work horse instead of the 1st stage being the work horse, imo.
  6. Huh. Interesting. Also, that diagram shows 8 F-1s and 8 J-2s. Or is it an oversimplification? Also, holy hell, 12 J-2s? Damn. Also also, if they build the 48 foot wide Nova, would it have even fit in the VAB?
  7. I was using the numbers off Wikipedia. S-IC-8 = 12.2 * 0.625 = 7.625 + round down = 7.5m S-II-8 = 10.1 * 0.625 = 6.3125 + round down = 6.25m S-IVB = 6.6 * 0.625 = 4.125 + round up = 4.375m
  8. I have Cryotanks and have all the options available. LH/O2, LH, LCH4, LCH4/O2 and O2. It might be interstellar fuel switch. I don't have that mod. Maybe both are trying to modify ACK and ACK isn't responding well. @prmedic22 If you give us your log file, we can take a better look.
  9. Stage 3 - S-IVB - Stretched by 1.5m. Comes in both 1x J-2 and 2x J-2 variants. - BDB Stage 2 - S-II - Stretched by 9m. 8 xJ-2. Use the S-II alternate engine mount. Place 8x BZ-25 Radial Attachment Point Jr.'s around the edge. - BDB Stage 1 - Kitbash top to bottom: EP-50 Engine Plate - Flipped upside down to connect to the S-II engine mount - SquadExpansion AE-FF5 Payload Fairing (7.5m) - Normal orientation - NFLV EA-F768 Fuel tank - 8 Saturn S-II Ullage motors attached upside down to provide retro thrust upon separation - NFLV EA-F192 Fuel Tank - NFLV AE-FF5 Payload Fairing (7.5m) - Flipped upside down to create the C-8 aerodynamic engine skirt. Skirt should be long enough to just hide the exhaust manifolds on the F-1 engines -NFLV EA-F96 Fuel Tank - NFLV 8x BZ-25 Radial Attachment Point Jr. - Placed on the very edge radially - RestockPlus 8x F-1 engines - Fuel pipes facing inward with vectoring hydrallics outward - BDB
  10. BEAUTIFUL The second stage is within a meter or two of being the correct length. As for the 1st stage, I'm positive I measured it and it's within the same margin of error. Though, I can't really remember, so I might have eyeballed it, so the margin for error might be hire. If you're talking about diameter, then they're are both the right diameters. 2nd stage is 6.25 and 1st stage is 7.5 (minus skirt radius)
  11. Ah, perhaps. I keep forgetting how heavy the shields are. Perhaps pulling the mono out of the CM will also help. As for the adapter, 1.875 meters. Though, since Lite never got approved, I'm not sure how it would look like. I think a straight 3.125 fairing ring with a 1.875m connector inside it would look best, think Starliner. Actually, now that I think about it, I do have Boring Company installed. It has the Starliner adapter, I'm going to check it out and see if it works well. Edit: So the Boring adapter is too small, but here's a picture to give you an idea: There's very minor clipping the way I have it, but unless Benjee10 gives us a shorter panel variant, I found this is the best placement. There's like a ring that goes around the bottom of the SM. Line the bottom of the panel connector with the ring's bottom edge/line. Also turn off the panel supports like Benjee10 said. Some images to help:
  12. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Orion Lite launched aboard Delta IV M+ 4,4 (Because Atlas N02 and N22 couldn't handle launching it.)
  13. Delta IV M+ 4,4 launching Orion Lite. @benjee10 Orion Lite may need some more balancing. I wasn't able to launch it with an Atlas V N02, which was said would have been the launch vehicle of Orion Lite according to an article I found. I even tried N22 like Starliner, and still nothing. Speaking of which, would it be possible to get an adapter to go from Orion to Centaur? Also, ninthninja05 is right, the COM is way too forward on the Lite.
  14. No. The docking ports aren't compatible with stock docking ports.
  15. There is no Constellation variant in ACK. The small SM is for Orion Lite, a LEO oriented Orion. The launch vehicle would have been an Atlas V 402, kind of like the Starliner Atlas V, but without any solid strap-ons.
  16. I figured it out. So I had deleted the booster folder because I have Photoncorp installed, so the booster folder wasn't needed. But, I had an older version of Photoncorp, one that didn't have the radial decoupler, but I have updated Photoncorp and have it now.
  17. RO patches are generally handled by the RO team themselves, IIRC.
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