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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. There's two nose cones for Gemini, one for docking, one with a camera. It's easy to grab the wrong one. Make sure to read the title and look at the tip.
  2. A 1.5m Agena would be good as well. A new upper stage for Delta/Thor, or a 2nd upper stage for Titan I.
  3. Both versions would end up 1.875 wouldn't they? Unless Cobalt wants to add another custom diameter.
  4. Possibly, but I'm not complaining. I got like 6,700 m/s out of it. Also, IIRC there were different lengths to a wide body Agena. One plan called for a short one and one plan called for a long one I think. Would have to recheck the documents, going off memory, though with a terrible memory, not really trust worthy lol.
  5. Glad to hear it! Also, those look good! Also, you need a rocket before you can launch a capsule. I would suggest making R7/Soyuz rocket first before the Soyuz spacecraft.
  6. You thought it was Centaur III, but tis I- Agena E / WB Agena D / Shuttle Agena / Agena 2000!!!! Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet 6, 700+ m/s delta V left in the tank, hot damn. Of course, this is without payload and only to a 100 km x 100 km 0 degree orbit. Still, that's impressive. Better yet, it's storable propellants, making this good for long missions with the need to course correct. Edit: Okay, but the TWR is abysmal. 0.14 with a 2,000+ second burn time... yeah, have fun with that guys.
  7. You necroposted, meaning you brought a 'dead' thread back to life, which is kind of frowned upon. This mod is also dead considering the author hasn't been on the forum since 2014. If you would like an F-1 engine, there are three ways to get it: BDB, FASA, or through the Making History DLC. If you want a better looking F-1 with the DLC, use Restock/Restock+.
  8. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Full widebody Saturn V, I call it, Saturn C-7. Cobalt, could we go widebody S-IC and S-II?
  9. I noticed the bottom tank doesn't change in size when you elongate the upper tank. Shouldn't the bottom tank get longer or wider as well?
  10. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Testing out the new upper stage that I spotted on Github. BTW, @CobaltWolf Shouldn't the bottom tank get longer as well? Or are you forcing us to run the engine fuel/oxygen rich? Also, holy hell! 8,900 M/s still in the tank!
  11. I doubt it's less moddable since "More modability" has been the biggest selling point. If you're talking about that system they implemented (Forgot what it's called), they confirmed it can be bypassed and doesn't need to be used IIRC.
  12. I think Mir-2 is on hold until KSP 2 launches. Don't think we'll get much more until Tantares 2.0 (Not what it's called, just what I'm calling it.) for KSP 2 comes out. IIRC, quite a few big updates for various mods from various creators have been put on hold because of KSP 2 and everyone wanting to transition to the new game.
  13. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Decided to do one of the future expansions: Future Expansion - Project Apollo - NASSP Namely, this one:
  14. It's in the commits, not the releases. Press the "< > Code" button at the top left. Then where you see the "Master" drop down box, drop it down. Switch to "1.11 Development" Then hit the green "Code" drop down menu Press "Download ZIP"
  15. They're not custom craft, you could easily build them yourself. Besides, that was two months ago, idk If I still have the craft files.
  16. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet "A monster! A monster! I've turned into a monster! A monster! A monster! And it keeps getting stronger!" - Imagine Dragons - Monster But seriously, asparagus staging crossfuelled Saturn V... er... IV... this just feels... dirty. Well, it got a very nearly fully fuelled S-II and a fully fueled S-IV into a 327 x 329 km orbit at 0 degrees. I can think of several scenarios for this rocket: Quick Mun base run. Send a probe to catch up to voyager. Put a big and heavy single launch station into LEO. Put a small and light single launch station into GEO or further. Possibly put something into a retrograde sun orbit... *Is now going to test that theory* BRB! Edit: Check, nope. Can't do it. Though I did get Mariner 10 down to about 620 million km from the sun, so I got close... ish...
  17. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Got into a roughly 250 x 250 km (Give or take 2-3km) orbit at 90 degrees North. Last stage had 5,000+ M/S DV
  18. Go shorter! I want my Saturn V the height of a Delta, or better, Thor! I'm obviously joking, these look great! White RCS and other stuff when? Other stuff being the Docking and EVA light.
  19. Boosters don't fit, and they hang off, plus the decoupler connection points hang off in space. Just doesn't look good to me. If I make the boosters shorter, I would have to add more, and they'd just end up on the S-II anyway. There's also part clipping between the boosters and the Skylab solar array on the main body, even if I place the array between two boosters, the thrust vectoring fluid tanks clips. Although. I do like the shape... Thanks for giving me my next project! Well, here we go. Soon this will launch.
  20. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet To those of you that voted some monstrosity I've concocted for my own amusement, congrats, you won! 156 x 157 km orbit at 57.5 degree inclination. This had just enough fuel to reach orbit, with about a 30m/s 2 second burn left in the tanks
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