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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Ya'll don't like Saturn I-X? Well, the S-II is hardwelded to Skylab, which doesn't make any hinge like areas. Now, docking S-II to a docking port will probably create problems. Yes, I could just use Quantum struts, but... Docking S-II to the front of Skylab? Would just look... off to me.
  2. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet *Notices this is his fifth post of images on a single page* Oh no, anyway... Lab Module II is docked to Skylab. Not entirely sure what to do next with this... any ideas? Connect ISS to Skylab? Just keep adding more modules? Make Skylab into an ISS that doesn't follow the original?
  3. Enterprise flies up to Skylab and restores both the micro-meteorite shielding and the broken solar panel, allowing Skylab's thermal regulation systems to keep the interior cool. This also allows for the reorientation of Skylab to a more parallel with the ground orientation, which will simplify docking for future visiting spacecraft.
  4. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Skylab Habitation module docked. Next up, Shuttle Enterprise will launch new shielding up to the Skylab module to allow for Skylab to be oriented not Sun-ward. (Spoiler alert, I'll just be flying up a new Skylab module and 'pretending' to install the shielding ) On a separate note, should Enterprise also fly up a new solar array to replace the left one that broke off during ascent? (Again, will just be a trick of the camera in replacing it.) Or should I leave it off? Actually, @Zorg @CobaltWolf Would it be possible to get the shielding of the Skylab as actual parts that could be attached via nodes via EVA construction?
  5. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet MOL Lab Module I is docked with Skylab. Lab Module I brings with it new experiments and machines to allow the team of Skylab to do even more experiments. Lab II is under construction and will join when ready, but until then the Habitation module will be launched next, giving our kerbals a dedicated place to sleep, it will also give better accommodations than what the designers of Skylab could provide.
  6. Make sure you have the latest MM file (4.2.2) and probably should make sure you have the latest download.
  7. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Skylab expansion phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 is already well underway.
  8. Did you have your control surfaces active? I found turning them off actually helps the spacecraft roll better. (Also make sure to set your tail to yaw only). It also helps to manually roll the rocket instead of letting Mechjeb do it, at least for me this works.
  9. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet So, at first, I thought my install was glitched, but turns out I was just launching during a Solar Eclipse. Also, no one guessed what rocket I was emulating with the LDC. It was the Ariane 5. And teasers! Yep, return on the side mounted S-IVB Shuttle!
  10. Ah that sucks. Let me guess, the folder was "Too big for the recycling bin, it will be permanently deleted now."
  11. I don't think so. The irl RS-25s are 2.4m in diameter. Times that by 0.625m to get ksp size and that equals 1.5m. That's 0.375m away from 1.875m and 0.25m away from 1.25m. You could easily round up or down. I think the orbiter in SOCK may be a little undersized, though that may be due to the limitation of the ET sizing. At 8.4m irl, that makes it 5m ksp. 8.4m x 0.625 = 5.25m which is closer to 5m than 5.625m. @benjee10 would be able to tell us more though since they made the mod. On a personal note, I wouldn't mind having a truly KSP sized Orbiter with a custom sized diameter ET to be able to have a full sized KSP sized orbiter, assuming that the orbiter is indeed undersized. The ET isn't legoable, so having a custom sized one wouldn't bother me.
  12. I don't think there is, did a google search and nothing came up. @Invaderchaos and @EStreetRockets are the devs for that mod though.
  13. Get rid of that decoupler. The straight S-IVB spacecraft adapter has a BiG G node specifically designed for the spacecraft.
  14. Actually, SUZIE in KSP would be 3.125 meters in diameter, same as the Ariane 6 would be And what the Ariane 5 should be.
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