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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. @CobaltWolf @Rodger Would it be possible to get the Pegasus micrometeorite detector turned into a giant radiator? Possibly a part switch or another new part using the same model?
  2. Would the expansion of the wake wave be enough protect the craft?
  3. You do need to do supply and Kerbal runs to colonies at least once. As far as other KSC's, there's only 1 on Kerbin, AFAWK. Any others will be what you create around the planet using colony parts.
  4. I believe in one or two of his videos he has stated he would like to create content for KSP 2 when it comes out.
  5. So, I was recently going through the KSP 2 videos again, and I happened to notice something. I apologize in advance if this has been discussed before btw. Yeah, that thing on the front of the Daedalus style craft. I can't really make out what it is. Is it a shield to protect against interstellar material? Or is it to be used for aerobraking at your destination? While the former is less likely due to the size, it is protecting the most critical part, the spaceplanes. If the latter, that begs the question, does entry heat now act like it does IRL, meaning that heatshields will create a protective shockwave cone, allowing it to essentially protect the whole craft without covering the entire thing diameter wise? I'm scratching my head on this one and would love to hear your guys' and gals' input, please and thank you.
  6. There will be no replica spacecraft. You'll have to kitbash them yourself with the parts included. If you want replica parts, wait for mods like BDB and Tantares to be ported.
  7. Interstellar travel and multiplayer will not be dlc. They will be included in the base game. Nate has specified this several times.
  8. Well, KSP1 was EA for what? 5 years? With an update every 3 to 6 months? But they were a small studio with no big funding. KSP2 has an entire big team studio backed by a billion dollar company that's funding them. We might see minor updates every week or two, with major updates being 2 to 4 months. I'm being optimistic mind you, but still. It will be a whole new level of faster than KSP1's development time-line. I picture MP being in game by end of year, 1.5 years tops, best case scenario. 2 years to 3 years worst case.
  9. True, but that was with Pre-alpha/Alpha WIP assets. I would like a video with current assets.
  10. Oh no, I'm not asking they show everything, just a handful of things that people might really want to see. Like a tour of the KSC, some of the remastered parts, etc.
  11. Yes. Roadmap showed Interstellar will be added later and multi-player much much later.
  12. I think it would be good to build up some hype. So, I propose that we get three videos to be released once a month starting 3 months from EA launch: The Old, The New and The Future. The Old: A video that will show everything from the old game with it's fresh new look. So, basically the Kerbalor System, the KSP 1 parts, etc. The New: A video showing most of the new things that will be in the game at EA launch. Metallic Hydrogen, Procedural parts, any new part really. The Future: A video show casing what's to come. WIP colony construction, WIP Interstellar, WIP Planets, etc. I think this would be a good way to hype us up, and spread the word around Youtube and get more people interested in the series.
  13. @Rodger Found a bug with the MV planetary scan platform. If you unlock the secondary tracking while it's unfolding, it will stop moving and you can't extend or retract it anymore. Might want to lock secondary tracking to a fully deployed state. As for the Eve entry, completely stable now. So stable in fact, that I didn't even need to tell the craft to stay pointing retrograde.
  14. Sounds like you have Interstellar Fuel Switch. The current version is bugged in 1.12.3. Don't use IFS if you are in 1.12.3. Use cyrotanks or another up to date fuel switcher.
  15. The weight of the heat shield might need to be improved. It wants to flip around on reentry into Eve. Or increase the power of the RCS or torque of the reaction wheels. And finally, last but not least, Laythe. This one had no problems and didn't try to flip over, though, I would suggest you plan your arrival carefully, seeing as Laythe is mostly ocean, of course. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Sorry for the high volume on this picture shoot, couldn't decide on 5 or 6. So you get an extra 3.
  16. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet More Mars Voyager tax. So, I didn't realize the heat shield wasn't full on ablator, so to save the mission, I used ignore max temp cheat. IDK, if the heat shield will fully survive Eve's reentry at full ablator, but I wanted to see if this thing could land on Eve. Answer, yes, but not propulsively. You NEED a parachute. Even then, I fired the engines right before touchdown to lower the speed from about 5 m/s to 3 m/s. But it did land, albeit maybe a little roughly. Oh, and yes, this is 2.5x scale. Also, bonus image: Doin a little slide slippin. Edit: So I tested it with full heat shield ablator and it still wants to side slip, but it somehow survives, and it has ablator left over. This is reentry from a 156.5ish km Ap and a 91.5ish Pe
  17. No doubt Principia will get a 2.0 version soon after launch.
  18. Ah. Gotcha. I've been able to successfully multi dock before, but I think a mod is required, forgot which allowed it. Also, I just realized, your S-IVBs can't back up.
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