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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. is use the best way to spend on earth a day aka 24h spend your day in an hospital with random autist , very very very very deep autist, each time they toc in your presence you will learn something about yourself
  2. ask i n t e r n e t iwish i n t e r n e t - + * / per s o m e t h i n g
  3. how .... no idea .... Your moderately-small-asteroid-that-you-just-claimed
  4. UTF-8#q=you+tube+time+stamping+video *.img
  5. darpa ... romlaglog but well if some miss some ram i may or may not re-agence or rearrange a few neuronal scheme ear & there just using a few words ... for any question you can find me here https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maison_Blanche_(hôpital_psychiatrique) white house, psychatric hospital, srry no meta link (yet)
  6. banido por @Sᴄɪɴᴛɪʟʟᴀᴛ�ʀ
  7. tambien tambien claro que si got it ^^
  8. don't forget wall trophy is about respect reminder thks for the fight and feeding afterward ^^
  9. no hide EA can i sell slave and weapon and use them as well without expecting any sort of trouble in no return or press hunter §
  10. ban i do por "i calmar" calamar & u bis kraken: cal a mar del sol
  11. remove thks, there no need for more brain messed peops i guess ... why it's always like that
  12. hello nine car accident later (and else) im getting out of the crash yawning, while others have there leg shivering (i also yawn while the car is rolling asking myself, ah with luck may be this time) i like this thread do you like this thread ? ---- name, quest, question your turn and welcome
  13. i once met someone wich complained that he/she bought a gun, if you buy a gun that mean you want to play with other people that have gun i dont have a gun, but i can be killed buy a gun, no matter, i just use word, nothing else (also ip strike, i m used ..., i must somewhere, again have said something annoyin', notice that it could be here or somewhere on the internet i multithread word on various place ... people that ip strike for simple word make me laugh, yup they are really laughable) .
  14. when a sure there was no, ui but all the math behind was oki ... i used to be land surveyor after all for a few year ... also i don't type a single a line since 25 years, but when you ve done assembly in straight hexa, that's not really hard to see behind the code without typing any line of code (notice tha my neuronal scheme slighty messed up in the process "slighty")
  15. are you asking for closing you tube, ru tube, you ku, ok , dailimotion etc. and etc elthy ? and yes it does
  16. (quit that @adsi .... hahaha let's use languages trick to take advantage of the situation .... ah oops this fall under rule no religion,no politcs, no sex ....#bored ... let's camp the subforum i m fine there ... most people don't come this deep onto the forum , here or any random other interent forum, there so much ...)
  17. remind me that don't click this as well my grand father was never coming to the airport, never, i used to take the plane each holliday i was lucky ... he came once ... well the front landing not worked ... we landed safely, i was happy to take the toboggan as a young kid, and was yelling "my fresh new case, my fresh new case" (yup i just got a new samsonite to travel ...) while i guess most people were just happy to just land ... i not even once thought about death ... feel free to click i just don't care
  18. mafia boss, politics boss, religion [insert one] boss, a homeless, a random person are on a boat ... everyone faloout the boat, who left on the boat ? clever boat
  19. - so that's wink just wink - just to watch them grow a noah arch away from pluto in [insert number of years and not everyone gonna leave anyway] here - i do wonder if people sometime are even serious ... ----------------------------- -oi yo sup hello bonjour konichiwa etc. etc. - so your looking for something, oki no problemo homer - i do wonder if sometime peops are even serious
  20. what's the difference between a tree leaf and a doll art ... the pay per butt but but what aboout the complex serv her side calc hulls and don't live in bubble whe had a vision whil in a room full of [insert currency] you ll get breast, in a room full of tree you ll get breath
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