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    Mun Marketeer
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  1. That'll be a major challenge. The studio cockpit was way bigger than the actual Eagle pilot unit.
  2. 3 years and 240 days is 1335 days. That's 13100 hours(assuming your clock is set to Earth time). Or arounf 3300 if using Kerbin days. Your "1h, 4m, 10s" likely isn't exactly that but anywhere in the 9.5s and 10.49s range. That'll give you potentially a drift of up to 2s per orbit, or using the lower number above, over 6600s in those 3+ years—nearly two full orbits. The drift you're showing is perfectly normal, in that sense.
  3. That's my point. So obviously, it hasn't been sold (yet?) I'm not convinced RW is even interested to initiate the sale, and the offer would more go in the other direction, if Haveli wants to offload it. From what I've seen so far, I doubt there is any interest. Certainly not for recognition/marketing purposes their "KSA" approach seems to be doing just fine in reaching the target audience. At most it would safeguard them from copyright/trademark lawsuits but: Copyright requires RW to copy parts of the game (code or assets) and they are clearly not doing that Trademark requires "confusion" by the (potential) buyers of the game. Not only does the ("blink blink") Kitten approach prevent that, given the state of KSP2 it's entirely in RW's interest to be very clear they have nothing to do with the PD product. So they're in the clear on that, too. So unless they get the chance to buy it for next-to-nothing (less than the cost of a lawsuit × the low probability of it) I doubt they are that eager to get it.
  4. What are the chances they care more about Tales of the Shire and less about KSP and look to offload the IP to any willing party (RW?) On the one hand I'd have thought that by now they would already gave sold it to Rocketwerkz. OTOH, I don't think RW needs the KSP IP to make KSA a success. So they can afford to hold out for a low price.
  5. That's one theory. Maybe T2 didn't have enough lawyers or wasn't sure they had the skills to produce a watertight NDA? Nobody wants to rush an unfinished product to the market, do it's less "desire" and more "confronted with the reality of needing to ship the product"
  6. Looking forward to that list of Pluto-sized dwarf-planets with a dense atmosphere. Why did NASA skip Osiris-Rex over Bennu instead of landing it there and drill for some core samples. All that traveling to scrape off some dust in a fly-by> Are they stupid? Don't they know it generates enough gravity to allow for serious drilling? It's made from neutronium, after all. I'm glad you used the word "only," If I would make a list of "authorities on physics" and I'd be generous enough to include NDG on it, Squad would still not be on that list.
  7. For clarification: "not my circus, not my monkeys" was me imagining what RW was saying and not actual insider knowledge. For clarification, my reasoning is not based on secret knowledge but just on what we do know: At this point the KS2 title is quite toxic and I can imagine RW having doubts about the marketing value of the brand With KSA already (rightfully or not is a separate issue) seen as a "KSP1 successor done right" there seems little added value to me to be the "official" replacement. It's a nice to have that they might pay $50k for, but not $1M (pulling the numbers out of where the sun don't shine) The software is of little value; most of the code clearly can't be reused. There is the sound and 3D models though That makes me think that RW buying the KSP IP is more a matter of "it's nice to have if the opportunity arises and the price is right" than something they're spending a lot of effort and money on to pursue So, IF Tencent decided to buy PD, it's less on RW's request and more as a way to make money by selling the rights to individual titles. Any interest RW expressed to them would be more along "how much would you want for it if you buy it?" and far less of "oh yes please please" Delayed reaction due to constant "bad gateway" responses when clicking the submit button
  8. 1. Yes. Welcome to America. It's surprising what you can get away with when you're a big corporation and you can afford good lawyers, especially when consumer protection laws are extremely weak. And if you think all this is outrageous, wait until you get your first hospital bill. 2. It's "the other angle." T2 is the one taking the loss here. They have written off PD and sold it, likely at a solid loss. Whoever buys the KSP rights doesn't have to recover the KSP2 losses, those are largely absorbed by T2. 3. Thread carefully here because it's easy to wander into "beancounters only want to destroy the game the Noble Programmers try to create out of Love For Humanity" territory and reality is more complex than that. For sustainable prolonged development, the game needs to be a commercial success. Straying away from the True Kerbal Spirit (whatver that is) is detrimental for long term support from its fan base. But so is "We WaNt It As NeRdY AnD CoMpLeX As PoSsIbLe" because without sufficient sales development will stop.
  9. You're a bit selective in what you find acceptable and not. If the concern is that newcomers would get terrible ideas of how things work in the real solar system then you can scrap 3/4 of the game and the super density ("a bit dense" whahahaha) is a big, heavy part of that. It's your choice to say "it's totally acceptable" but it's still a choice and not the obvious unbiased demarcation you make it out to be.
  10. We all learn that lesson. I did 30 years ago when I bought an Amiga. Yes, you have the superior hardware and all that jazz. But the big volume stuff go where the big volumes are. You made a conscious choice to not get a Windows machine, And getting second servings in the gaming world is part of that too.
  11. That has been clear for a long long time. Pretty sure that the recent forum outage convinced even the most hopeful ones that the lights are really out. I doubt anyone thinks that. It's pretty clear someone--not RW--bought PD with the intent of selling the rights to individual titles to interested parties. RW might be one of those parties Well, RW would be the IP holder if they buy the rights of whoever bought PD. That's the whole point of selling it to them. Also, they would primarily be interested in the rights and not the code. I doubt they'd be touching that although the soundtracks are things that could be transferred. Maybe. But their primary reasoning would be to be able to position them,selves as the "rightful" (literally) heir to KSP and have the "official" KSP2-replacement (whether it's called KSA or KSP3 will be up to them). Surely there's some marketing value in it. If they feel it's enough to cover the cost for buying the KSP IP they will do that. If they feel it doesn't, they won't. Time will tell. Whoever bought PD sits with an otherwise worthless KSP title if they don't find a buyer, so RW can hold off and negotiate a lower price if they're confident no one else wants it. Or maybe they already have a deal with the buyer. Time will tell. I find it hard to imagine anyone on this forum is not soured by the KSP2 experience. Few people will be impressed by "Nate-style" pre-production videos and 10s animations and certainly not count on KSA turning out to be the KSP2 we hoped, or were promised, to get.
  12. Do they realize that it'll result in people whining and complaining that they actually have to pay for DLC 8 years later?
  13. Likely because the buyer isn't interested in KSP either, but bought the whole PD package with the intent of selling individual titles to interested parties. Surely those sales are largely already agreed upon, but there will be additional signing of papers, crossing t's and dotting i's before that's done. And then you'll see an announcement. IF (and that's the big unknown) there's a buyer. It's easy to assume RW is the one, with the eerie timing of their announcement and a product that's clearly intended as "KSP 3" but at the same time it makes perfect sense to me that they're not pursuing the title. So maybe someone else turns out to be the buyer. Or no one.
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