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Everything posted by Kerbart

  1. There's nothing to say that hasn't been said already. Well, except for the fact that nowhere in the game “experience” makes such a difference. When starting out it's a white-knuckle, 30 minute experience. Nowadays it’s “How much time do I have until the next KAC alarm? 2 minutes? Good, so I don't have to rush docking this time then.” No matter how bad you’re at it, keep doing it like crazy. You will get better and it is totally worth it.
  2. @metalpoetzais working on just that... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149275-pykan-pure-python-ckan-client/#comment-2787221
  3. To be a bit cynical here, total radiosilence and simply refusing to admit there's an issue is exactly what most people on this forum, over the years, have come to expect. The console editions seem to have taken it a step further but that's mainly because the console edition is a first release, not an n-th release in which Squad was able to iron most of the bugs out. Granted, it's a port, so most of the code should work. But there's also a console-specific part, and that's where the pain is. It'll take four or five editions to iron out all the little pain points, I bet. Just as with the PC version. But those versions were free or very cheap; that's where Squad drops the ball. Thousands of divorced parents learn the hard way in the US that getting your right in court (for child support) does not mean getting your money. If the US courts are that indifferent to child support I doubt they'll run harder for getting money from a foreign software company who sold a game. Good point. Not sure if it will work. After all, the CC company will lose their commission over the refund, and software refunds are... sketchy. I'd love to hear from someone that this worked though! Of course, if you paid with a debit card you're up the creek without a paddle.
  4. But shouting matches don't get you anywhere either. If the problem is that serious, you shouldn't relegate it to a knee-jerk "here we go again" reaction from the rest of the community by being "that guy" who during town hall meetings always complains about the traffic lights on Main Street. Yes, Squad dropped the ball on console editions. Post about it. Organize a mob with torches and pitchforks. Arise, ye people, arise! But pick the right place for that. Turning the devnotes in a mudsling fest is really not going to do that.
  5. One might get a bit worried if the near-radio-silence over the past weeks in regards to the PS4 patch (and the close-but-no-cigar fix for the XBox) is considered "continuously," but I can understand your frustration. Do understand the frustration of the poor people who spent good money on a console copy and as of yet cannot play a serious career game on it. I fully agree that the dev notes is not the place to discuss it. However, the phrase "self inflicted damage" comes to mind when we look at the situation. Perhaps it would be a good idea to include in the weekly dev notes two sub items, "XBox Edition" and "PS4 Edition" to keep us weekly posted on (doubtless immense) progress that's being made on the console editions. And some more responses on the forum. Your posts are in the double digits, they should be in the (s)quad digits! Fires are best extinguished before they flare up, after all. I might not be a good rocket jock, I can barely keep things like “Oberth Transfer” and “Hohmann Effect” apart, but I do like to think that the top-notch marketing & communication colleagues I work with do rub something off on me from time to time, so I know I'm not hypothesizing here. Actively engaging customers is hard work. It's painful from time to time. But in the end, it'll be totally worth it.
  6. We finally, finally see what might be the start of the Squad staff actively engaging the community on the forum. Which is something that is to be applauded, appreciated, and fostered. I'd love to see that blossom into a more interactive engagement of Squad with the community. So what do we have to lose? Just that. While the Console Situation is deplorable, I don't think the Dev Notes are the place to be complaining about it, especially not when it results in the old status quo, which was hearing nothing from Squad. So yeah, we have a lot to lose, and other users like me will complain about that.
  7. You can hide posts from a user. Which I find very satisfying and it works pre-emptively as well. But having the ability to remove a single post from views would be nice, too. Edit: oh wait, you meant “hide all posts from a user.” Yeah, is there totally. Float your mouse over a user's name, and at the bottom there's an "ignore user" option. Recommended by my cardiologist.
  8. And remember when anyone accuses you of “cheating” or “not playing the way it is intended to be played;” ask them if they use time warp. And then respond with “and you are accusing me of cheating?!”
  9. Who's to tell you it's not? Play the way it gives you the most enjoyment!
  10. I think that, in true Spinal Tap fashion, we need a dial that goes to 11.
  11. Can we stay focused on the Nyan Cat, please? EDIT: on a more serious note, I wouldn't mind if the Nyan posts were split off to a separate discussion and we can discuss real MM stuff in this thread.
  12. Kerbart

    Found a bug!

    Are you alligned with Kerbin when landing? It's not night everywhere on the sun, just at the part that is visible from Kerbin.
  13. Kickstarter + Never before seen technology = Say goodbye to your money.
  14. Your right! Theirs nothing more annoying than improper grammer!
  15. Excellent, @UomoCapra! We really appreciate communication like this, even if there's not a lot to communicate—just so we know you're alive and Things are Happening.
  16. Given the devs legendary inability to get into orbit properly we'll never get an update!!
  17. Especially since those claiming that are playing it wrong as well. Assuming they're not playing it the way I am playing it.
  18. What's normal, if you want to have the appearance of trying to connect with your customer base, is that you communicate those things, even when there's nothing to communicate. We can forgive @SQUAD for not doing so though; they're coders. It's not like they're rooted in a marketing/pr company. Right? RIGHT?
  19. I got a lot of jump crashes when i had the pre-pre-release version (the one released when th game was in pre) of KER installed. With the current pre-release of KER it seems a while lot better. Not 100% sure if it's KER related but it might be something to keep an eye on.
  20. FINE CONTROL CAN BE ANNOYING WHEN YOU VISIT THE FORUM IN BETWEEN MANEUVERS THOUGH. I didn't know about the thrust balancing though. That's pretty cool.
  21. Actually it's more like Java than like C. But it's definitely a "curly braces" language.
  22. A man decides to do the KSP community a favor and writes a mod that allows others to do the KSP community a favor. We all benefit from this. Code doesn't have to be written twice, is of better quality, and achieves means through preferred ways (not modifying actual files). Everyone wins. As a little joke, this man adds a Nyan Cat animation to the mod that he developed in his free time, free of charge. The mod that allows others to add things they made in their free time, free of charge, to KSP. The Nyan Cat shows up once in a while, and when it's there one knows that it's there for a limited time. Free of charge, made in their own free time, for the love of the community. Did I mention free of charge? Complaining about it seems so... entitled, no?
  23. I'll be watching it from the rear-seat of my auto-piloting flying car. Just sayin'
  24. CKAN is like Apple, “it just works.” Which is fine when things work. It's wonderful really. Until you encounter something that doesn't work. Then the "no, we're not telling you, that's too difficult for you" attitude becomes aggravatingly limiting. If CKAN covers your needs (which I assume it does) it's fantastic. There are many variables in place (your comfort zone regarding manipulating files, the number of mods you have, the frequency with which they get updated, the number of non-CKAN mods you have, etc, etc) that can put someone solidly in either they "yay" or "nay" camp. That has far less to do with CKAN and more with what those variables are. Granted, if CKAN were implemented this way or that way it would be perfect for me. But the nature of CKAN's design is to cater to a very large audience, many who can simply not enjoy mods if CKAN weren't around. With mods on github I should seriously consider writing some script to pull them automatically though. That'd be a fun project.
  25. I don't think it's overly pessimistic to not expect Porkjet to finish the successor of this mod, but @Tokamak is doing wonderful work with the existing parts.
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