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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. The newest version of RCS Sounds is added and available on CKAN, so you can add it to your recommendation list
  2. Amarius made a typo in the link, I'll let him know As for the distribution, amarius doesn't has his current build hosted anywhere, so I can't edit any files for the moment. I already asked him to host his files on GitHub or dropbox so I can edit them, but he didn't respond on that. The only thing I can do is make my own version of it, but for a release, amarius has to check it first.
  3. You can use cbNameLater = <name> for renaming a body just before it loads
  4. With pleasure. https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/2173 EDIT: I've been asked to add it directly to CKAN-meta https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/pull/748
  5. oops, I red the files so quick that I didn't saw it. Could you the also change that on KS, because CKAN now lists Asclepius as LGPL 3.0
  6. the netkan-bot made a new file for 0.0175 https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-meta/blob/master/Scatterer/Scatterer-0.0175.ckan
  7. Your licenses on KerbalStuff are conflicting with each other. Your KS Licenses: The following information is copied from the 'License Selection Guide'. CC0 This allows people to modify your work, sell it, or use it to develop nuclear weapons  all without giving you any credit! CC-SA This doesn't exist but CC-BY-SA does. This allows the public to copy and distribute your work and require that you be given credit. Check 'Creative Commons Licenses' for more CC licenses. Lesser General Public License (LGPL) This is a software license, which your mod isn't. This allows people to use your software in conjunction with other software (by exposing an API or something similar). I should go for a Creative Commons license, as it fits best for your planets. EDIT: If you'll include other mods into your download, please add their license file into the download. You've done this for MM but not for Kopernicus.
  8. Very cool, can't wait to see those implementations for it. I agree on this. Will the Triton analog's orbit be retrograde? If this is possible ofcourse. It probably begins with a C
  9. @AlphaAsh, we're having some problems with adding KerbinSide Core to CKAN. If you could join the conversation on https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/2166 Problems with KS and the core: * Some files are in both mods and are identical. * Some files are in both mods but aren't identical. * Some files are present in KerbinSide but not the core. * Some files are absent in KerbinSide but are in the core.
  10. That is because the mod isn't updated for 1.0.4, but it works fine in 1.0.4.
  11. Idk if it anyone noticed but the license in the OP says: Shouldn't that be 64K?
  12. The seperator rings and plates are an aesthetical part that is used for seperating your payloads (like putting a wall between them). They do not work like the stock separators. There are docking rings in the mod that do work like the stock parts.
  13. Looks very good. IMHO: Make the green band go all around the package?
  14. Well the known bug about warping is when you warp in the space center and then launch a craft via the launchpad it ruins the surface PQS. I don't know if warping in the tracking station can also cause issues.
  15. It should create contracts for the OPM planets. If you want to use a contract pack, it can because most packs are compatible with Kopernicus planets.
  16. KCT doesn't affect anything as already mentioned in this thread, the Kopernicus thread and github. This is a Kopernicus bug when Kerbin is reparented
  17. Is the core required for KerbinSide w/ bases
  18. It is not recommended to update Kopernicus if the mod isn't build for it. Updating it is on own risk.
  19. If the problem still occurs with a new install with only KIS, please report back here. If the problem occurs when adding a certain mod, report it here and on the respective mod thread.
  20. Did you try this on a clean install of KSP with only KIS?
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