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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. Never replace files with a new update. Always remove the entire Warp folder and copy the new one in.
  2. YES! The long awaited update is here. Thank you! +1
  3. I like the idea of extracting BorateMinerals from asteroids and refine them into Boron. I'm not really a fan of Regolith IMO. Maybe also include SilicateMinerals which then can be refined into Silicon. Silicon can then be used along with RareMetals to produce SpecializedParts (Obi's idea)
  4. Congratz with the alpha, I can only test it tomorrow as it is 2am here
  5. It is probably another mod as NH doesn't use .tga's, the same for stock textures.
  6. I don't think ksp can handle gif's, that's why two seperate files are used
  7. Those steps are for Photoshop and GIMP, also those are not complicated they are just technical terms, that's why it looks like it is complicated. steps 1-4 is for the flipped dds files in ksp. (when ksp loads dds files it flips them horizontally) step 5 is for preventing the lighting offset ingame step 6 is the "save as .dds"
  8. I just created a Dev branch on the repo, mega is good but I would prefer a webapp that uses live updating (github, bitbucket, dropbox, ondrive). Properly export your normal map to DXT5nm. You will also have to invert your X channel because the texture is flipped horizontally. If your program does not support DXT5nm export, you will have to do the swizzle yourself. From a regular (i.e. purplish) normal map that is oriented like most maps (i.e. longitude=0 in the center, before KSP's weirdness): 1. Invert the R channel 2. Copy the R channel to Alpha. 3. Copy the G channel to R and to B 4. Flip the image horizontally 5. Offset the image 1/4 of its width left. 6. Export as DXT5. Note that steps 4 and 5 should be done for all body maps since KSP expects planet diffuse/normal/height/etc. maps to be flipped horizontally and offset.
  9. After the update. About DDS conversion and biome maps: my program crashed, so I can't do anything, probably fixed next week. Further I have made configs for ATM, AntennaRange, RemoteTech, ResearchBodies, TextureReplacer, and the rescale mods. Also updated the EVE, PlanetShine, and DistantObject files. I'm now working on resources for the planets. Also, can you upload the files somewhere like github or dropbox, so we can share files easier with each other? I'm happy that I found some time for this mod for the moment as I'm also busy with other stuff: * Updating resources for OPM * Updating my wiki * Helping with CKAN * Making new icons for my ARP icons pack * Helping with CTT * And some other secret stuff (shhh...)
  10. Done! Merged into 1 big pack and added to CKAN. If you could suggest/recommend my pack into your ckan file, that would be awesome
  11. I have been asked to update CKAN's planet pack section and saw that your previous version of this pack was added to CKAN. Do I need to update the file, or do you want me to wait 'till you make a new release?
  12. RVE stands for Real Visual Enhancements, that is a graphics mod that is made for Real Solar System. SO if you don't use RSS, you can just delete the RVE folder
  13. Properly export your normal map to DXT5nm. You will also have to invert your X channel because the texture is flipped horizontally. If your program does not support DXT5nm export, you will have to do the swizzle yourself. From a regular (i.e. purplish) normal map that is oriented like most maps (i.e. longitude=0 in the center, before KSP's weirdness): 1. Invert the R channel 2. Copy the R channel to Alpha. 3. Copy the G chanel to R and to B 4. Flip the image horizontally 5. Offset the image 1/4 of its width left. (this is to fix the light offset) 6. Export as DXT5. Note that steps 4 and 5 should be done for all body maps since KSP expects planet diffuse/normal/height/etc maps to be flipped horizontally and offset.
  14. v0.6.0 is now available MERGED ALL THE PACKS INTO 1 PACK: Merged all the icon packs into one big pack ....Moved the icons into 1 folder ....Merged the version files into 1 file ....Merged the changelog files into 1 file Moved the MM configs in their own folder ....Added a :NEEDS check for the icons ....Added a :FOR check Updated ATM config New ModuleManager Renamed license files Added mod to CKAN Added a new flag Added a README.txt ....Moved the license into the readme Downloads on: DropBox GitHub KerbalStuff
  15. If you don't include OPM in your download, you can do whatever you want. But then you'll have to make a notice that your mod needs OPM. The decision lies by the devs ofcourse.
  16. A question about my icon packs: I plan to merge all the seperate packs into 1 big one for the following reasons: Mostly for CKAN compatiblility Reduce the .version files from 7 to 1 Reduce the file count But of course I want the opinions of you guys about this.
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