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Everything posted by RyanRising

  1. Whether 'tis nobler in your game to ask for the mod author to upload use CKAN, and save yourself trouble, or to take the effort and update your mods yourself, and, by not asking, cease to annoy. To... Okay, I'll stop.
  2. I tried to read all the XKCD comics over one week, I think I succeeded, and then I found out about the tooltips/mouseover/alt-text and had to do it all over again. So worth it.
  3. I've been away from KSP for a very long time. I guess I just got bored waiting for 1.1 and wandered off to do other things. I will attempt to atone for my sins by throwing myself back at this game full force now that 1.1 is here. Maybe I'll finally, after almost three years, launch a manned mission to Duna. That last bit is probably a bigger problem.
  4. Wait, this is alive? When I left I thought this had been dead for months! So much has changed, what shall I do? Awesome work, BTW.
  5. I've been gone a long time, but I'm loading up KSP 1.1 now. I see a long, spaceship-filled night ahead of me for the first time in awhile. EDIT: Everything is tiny... but the navball... the navball is huge. Y'know what, continuing edits to this post, starting now. I still can't make a ship. Framerate is nice. The white horizons aren't gone, but are a bit less harsh. Orbit lines seem different. Do they follow your ship now? Haha, the classic PhysWarp message. Burning for orbit... Still no Delta-V readout, huh? Maybe 1.2. Orbit! Yay! YOU CAN SEE IN IVA FROM OUTSIDE THE SHIP THAT IS AWESOME! The EVA lights are at an unnaturally high framerate. My eyes have never known such beauty. Running into my ship over and over. Never let me run a space program. Uh oh, forgot solar panels. Some things never change.\ No better time to deorbit than the present. The reentry effects do not make my computer cry. *Sniff*. It's amazing. You can click to toggle RCS and SAS. I always thought you should be able to. Now you can. The parachute strings are shaded properly. Landed... rolling down a hill... all is well. EVERYTHING IS NOT WELL. Aaaaaand killed Jeb. Final Verdict: Quality of Life improvements for me, not the Kerbals. These QoL improvements are well worth waiting a year for. One more thing: Apparently the Kerbals' heads don't disappear using IVA. Hm.
  6. I should probably convert my account to Steam instead of the KSP store. I just don't want to!
  7. Sorry to necropost, but do you have that "better machine" yet? I don't want to see this disappear into the multitude of mods that were never completed.
  8. Hmm... Okay, I know this is both ridiculous and off-topic, but there's an unmatched left bracket in there. https://xkcd.com/859/ I am going to be bugged my this AWFULLY for the next four minutes.
  9. [quote name='Alshain']There isn't a 64bit executable so it can't possibly launch the 64bit version.[/QUOTE] I think he knows that. Anyway. SpacedInvader, you can ignore it. It won't do anything bad to your game, or anything good to your game.
  10. That toggle does absolutely nothing, just like the launcher's update feature.
  11. Ooh, so this is going to come to fruition via DynamicSFX? Wonderful!
  12. Like this! [noparse] [/noparse]It gives you this:
  13. It's an old feature, but I think they added some spots where you could do this.
  14. It's updated. Like, for realsies. Whoa. EDIT: Darnit, "must spread some reputation around." Oh well. Also, minor nitpick, but it's 1.0.5, not 1.05.
  15. So are you not supposed to click the EVA button for the 2-Kerbal Mk1 Crew cabin? Because if you do, you're spawned inside the part, then launched out of your ship with no way back in.
  16. How about y'all take a guess what I did in KSP today? Relatedly, if you EVA from the Mk1 crew cabin, you spawn in the middle of the part.
  17. So can you fly the space center? It looks like both the flight scene and the space center scene are loaded at once, which... wow. I mean, this is beyond Danny2462 proportions.
  18. Wait, so this means we'll have something to discuss really soon, right? EDIT: Or apparently RIGHT NOW. AAAAAAAAAAAA x 12
  19. Officially: Soonâ„¢ Unofficially, my funds are on Tuesday. EDIT: Ninja'd x3.
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