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Everything posted by acc

  1. No problem, I've fun too to make designs. And it's cool, now I can set my UV map like I want it. But after realse you're welcome to do retexturing -- Something to decide: I was thinking about building extra station docking ports, to give a PMA ingame more sense. My idea is to hold stock docking ports as normal docking ports and have some biger docking ports for the station modules. But I think a kerbal can pass bearely a 1.25m port, so it would be better to add biger one than smaller. The Karya Module still keeps the 1.25 mounts, but Kunity etc would get the station ports and the PMA connect them together, like in real. This brings also more realistic in station designing ingame. I would say 1.5m is a good value. What do you think about this idea?
  2. Hehe - Don't worry, i like it too First ingame tests with a white blank texture: Btw. everyone is welcome to suggest, comment or something else
  3. Yep, the 2.3 km unload is a problem for this mission designs. My solution is to keep the carrier vehicle unmanned and just forget about them after seperation.
  4. Thanks for your replies Basically it is a command pod (gets the command module and crew capacity; maybe I add later a interior). And for part reduction on stations I think it is a good idea. Sure, it'll have a action for enable/disable, like the stock RCS thrusters. But how do I make that in blender (or in general)? Was not able to find some informations about that.
  5. For retexturing? ;D -- Two questions: 1.) Whats the simplest way to make the collider mesh? 2.) How can I make builtin RCS thrusters? (If it's possible) Please help a noob
  6. good idea, I'll keep an eye on this project
  7. How do i get the side mount connected like the top mount? Thanks for any help
  8. Project: ISS Alike Station Parts My goal is a set of simplyfied ISS-alike modules for KSP, to build more realistic space stations. I'll provide functionality of each module (lifesupport, science, etc...) - Suggestions are welcome. Karya (Zarya) Functional Cargo Block The Karya is my interpretation and kerbalized version of the real ISS Zarya Module. (Solar panel not included, it's from Kosmos Space Station Parts Pack) Status: In Progress Download: - Pressurized Mating Adapter (PMA) Status: In Progress Download: - DP1500 (1.5m) Docking Port It's my version of the CBM. Status: In Progress Download: -
  9. To the EVA welding: you can weld a module/section and add the grab/attach function from KAS
  10. Hm, but then I need one part more per node. The thing is I want to reduce the part count for my station modules (ISS replica) to a minimum, so I'm not happy with this solution. But thanks anyway Or do you mean before I weld the part set? I tested it with fuel tanks and other parts too, all with the same result. Edit: Yay! Now I get it and it works. If I simple use stack probe cores as start and end part, the nodes start working. I realy don't get why it works that way, but it does
  11. hm, i've read a lot and tested node editing and the root part trick, but seems like nothing works for me, still no node snap. was not expecting building a simple presurized mate adapter would end up with so much trouble...
  12. No, it does'nt But nevermind, I have a biger problem: the attach nodes on my welded parts wont work. They are shown in the VAB, but they don't snap to other nodes. Surface attachment works fine, so i don't get it what could be wrong. If I use this part as root I also can't attach other parts to the nodes. Here my part.cfg - simple two structural cylinder surface attached: PART { name = weldtest-1 module = Part author = UbioZurWeldingLtd rescaleFactor = 1 PhysicsSignificance = -1 node_stack_topMk1FuselageStructural0 = 0,0.4828123,0.2112143,0,0,0,1 node_stack_bottomMk1FuselageStructural0 = 0,-1.404688,0.2112143,0,0,0,1 node_stack_topMk1FuselageStructural1 = 1.639177E-07,1.392188,-0.2112143,0,0,0,1 node_stack_bottomMk1FuselageStructural1 = -1.661033E-07,-0.4953123,-0.2112143,0,0,0,1 node_attach = 0,0,-0.6375,0,0,0.0125,1 CrewCapacity = 0 TechRequired = sandboxWeld entryCost = 0 cost = 760 category = Structural subcategory = 0 title = test 1 manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd description = Warranty void during re-entry. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0 mass = 0.8 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.15 minimum_drag = 0.225 angularDrag = 1.5 crashTolerance = 105 breakingForce = 75 breakingTorque = 75 maxTemp = 3000 fuelCrossFeed = True MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model position = 0,-0.4546876,0.2112143 scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25 rotation = 0,0,0 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/MK1FuselageStructural/model position = 0,0.4546876,-0.2112143 scale = 1.25,1.25,1.25 rotation = 0,180,1.001791E-05 } }
  13. short question, if someone knows: works welding with procedural parts too?
  14. very nice please do the 1-2 pod next. this old piece of scratched metal need new shiny paint too edit: oh, you already has done
  15. I had this bug too, but with the structural part from the procedural parts. after updating the pack the bug was gone. I think something with the truss part is wrong. Every launch vehicle with this part had exacly the same bug at 6km.
  16. Try the Hollow Docking Rings/Fairings from Bahamuto Dynamics. Maybe this works like you want.
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