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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. OMG OMGOMG ERMAGERDOMG I FOUND A PLUGIN THAT FIXES THIS!!! Sorry about the yelling but you would be surprised how wide my smile is right now . Thank you so much for mentioning "Alpha Channel" guys.
  2. Not Photoshop, Paint.net. I may end up installing photoshop for this reason. It appears paint.net doesn't have a "disable transparency" feature.
  3. Oh and @Sumghai/someone who knows all this, I'm guessing that the Texture switching module will only work once Firespitter.dll is updated?
  4. Hello! I've run into the issue where big portions of the .dds part texture files are "invisible" when showing up. I've sent a message to a SQUAD dev on this matter as well (though he hasn't checked his inbox haha). NOTE that this isn't a transparency issue. No matter how many times I merge images, these sections remain completely invisible. Here are three pictures explaining the issue*: Stock unedited .DDS The red circled question mark shows where the invisible portion of the texture is. This section of the texture is supposed to be the top of the piece. It shows up in game, but is completely invisible when editing regardless of transparency. Highlighted .DDS This snip shows where the invisible portion is. You can highlight it through similar color matching with a nearby part, but it appears as though there is no way to make it actually visible for editing. 1000+ layer merge to remove transparency Still transparent after merging 1000+ copies of the same image on top of each other, the invisible textures remain invisible. Is there any way to fix this! *I would imgur link it but the new embeds are straight trash regarding captions Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for the read, - Avera9eJoe
  5. Speaking of this I had a dream a few days ago before 1.0 dropped where I walked up next to the cockpit of a plane. It ended up being the Mk2 inline. As I walked closed I realized that I could see inside the cockpit and then I woke up with the idea that KSP 1.0 had transparent windows that you could see in to from outside...
  6. Oh no! I don't have the time to watch this until I get home! I've watched Armageddon before and I'm excited for this next one too.
  7. Ferram could you say "cut chute if speed is above Xm/s"? X being reentry speeds. This would make sense in terms of chute strength too.
  8. I'm not sure if any devs will be able to answer this, but will the new landing wheels spin in this next patch?
  9. Would it be hard to make a plugin to swap between stock part textures? I'm interested in making my own texture variants for the stock parts and be able to swap in editor between them.
  10. Yeah I know what your getting at with putting "ablative black" on the airliner wings or the rest of the non-spaceplane plane parts. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that SQUAD seems to have designed the wing pieces so that they all have the same white base (inconsistent), but the "airliner" parts have a light gray trim (relatively consistent) , and the spaceplane parts have a dark gray/black trim (inconsistent). I'm trying to get both styles of trim to match as good as I can but no matter what I end up doing, the jet liner wings will be the only parts with the light gray trim. What I really would love is the option to choose which color variant to use (have a plugin to switch between part texture files in editor similar to procedural parts). I can't write code though.
  11. Haha I just got rep captioned "Do EEEETTT!!" It looks like I'm not the only one who wants it!
  12. SPPCC - Spaceplane Color Corrections Hello everyone! I've been slightly annoyed personally that the Spaceplane pieces (and a number of other parts) don't all have matching grays and textures. There is a base light gray coat that is for the most part the same for all parts, but there are about three or so shades of dark gray/black that are currently used. SO..... rather then complaining about it, I'm going to try and solve it! WIP link: SPPCC v0.01 (dropbox) Examples: In progress: (Sadly the reflection on the standard wings is much duller than the BIG-S parts, so no matter what editing they always look less shiny ) Please comment and critique!
  13. I'd be happy if you did the texture conversions after the rest of everything else if that would save you time. I'm making my own edits of the stock textures!
  14. Familiar anyone? It's the old fuel tank icon!
  15. I can make new textures. What are you looking for exactly?
  16. Stream starting in 28 minutes from this post. Goodbye Beta...
  17. I'm a big fan of Ven's textures! The only thing I don't like about them is that he redesigned the models - meaning you're technically building with attach nodes in non-stock places. These are purely redesigning the textures so the attach nodes aren't changed at all.
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