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Everything posted by Jon144

  1. You Electricity hippy. Why can't you embrace capitalism?

  2. China really wouldnt be my #1 vacation pick right now for reasons such as no youtube. If you cant upload untill the very end of the summer I think somone else should take over this series. No offense but you signed up to make them by request at a weekly basis.
  3. Haha yeah! The old landing gear.... Squad did something funky with their physics with the update. I don't know why or what but the wheels on it just clip into anything they touch now. Luckily the new smaller gears have far more rigid hit-boxes and work well as bearings. Their main problem is they are pretty glitch parts in the editor at least. Whenever you use the sideways/horizontal/vertical move tool they have a habit of snapping into very strange places.
  4. Welcome to the club! If you keep the work up I am sure you can come up with a very effective design!
  5. Working on improving my rolling designs. I now have a jet powered unicycle inspired by starwars. I have a link on my sig for more information.
  6. I really like the look of the underside. But I think the cockpit and front intake should be molded together a bit more to improve asthetics and aerodynamics. Good work in general!
  7. Your renderings are always beautiful esinoho! Wonder if you could render some of my crafts in the future. My k22 rapier no longers works but is still really pretty in .90
  8. I still think that the best part of this craft are the fairings. The stock fairings and their desintigration method of decoupling just seems like a joke. It shows structural panel fairings are just as thesable and far more elegant upon separation.
  9. Great idea!? The moving scanner part actually has a hit-box? If so I will need to exploit this.
  10. The Trial and error that went into making it was infuriating. It took about 12 tries to get it working and then several experiments to get it working to the extent that it does. And yes... I was compelled to build this after re-watching the prequels.
  11. Presenting....... The Future of Rover Technology The Uni-Roller! And Now Twin-Roller! The Uni-Roller is a 100% stock Jet-Propelled rover inside of a large freely rotating wheel made of high durability parts. The Uni-Roller can obtain speeds up to 40 M/S. Unfortunately the faster it goes the greater the force placed on the wheel. The faster the speed the larger the wheel stretches. The more the wheel stretches the likelier the possibility of a mechanical failure resulting in serious damage. The maximum safe speed on level ground is around 20-30 M/S. It is recommended to make turns under 25 M/S as the small stabilizers on the side cannot keep the craft from flipping on its side at faster speeds. Download and drive it yourself here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/muxvqi6r9jgaxms/UniRoller.craft?dl=0 The Twin-Roller is a continuation of the Uni-Roller but as it's name suggests... Has two wheels instead of one. All rules that apply to the Uni-Roller apply to the Twin-Roller. Download the Twin-Roller here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aydgcht0bljvuoq/Twin-Roller.craft?dl=0 Known Glitch: Since the outside part of the wheel is uncontrolled it will likely be deleted as debris after going back to the space center. If you do not wish this to happen attach a small probe core to the inside portion of the outer wheel or wheels.
  12. Neat stuff! The Falcon looks like a fun bird to fly.
  13. I tested it and it doesn't work anymore. The turret at-least. I hope the Uni-Roller makes it into the next episode. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...04#post1971104
  14. Once I make more tanks I will for sure pit them against each-other. Too busy IRL right now. Maybe by the weekend or next week.
  15. I've never been to gas giant two. Because squad hasn't added it in. I was really expecting it in the version one release. Jool is just too boring on it's own. What ever happened to all the progress they said they made on it and it's moons? The last time we ever got any major new bodies to the solar system to explore was in .18 That is why I have kind of lost interest in space exploration after playing for so many years.
  16. Should have seen it coming. I knew deep down squad would make some small seemingly innocent changes that drastically impact our creative abilities. I am not giving up on stock yet. I have some good bearings using the small landing gear and I sm sure I can build neat stuff with them. Like you I am seriously dissapointed as my pre-version 1 projects got crippled. I had a high capability mega truck using basic turboshafts for axel power I was going to release. Maybe squad will one day add hinge parts or freely rotating stuff to make our lives easier. Luckily these old designs were documented when they still worked to be seen in the history books. It was going to be so awesome...
  17. Its weapons appear to be it's looks.
  18. Fine work comrade. This vodka powered plane can be used to drop vodka bombs I presume. Looks like democracy is in trouble today.
  19. You need to make more micro-replicas. That stuff is so cool. Does the saturn v replica still work in version 1?
  20. Thank you for all of your feedback! I have heavier armored versions I have not yet shared. There are actually plenty of structural panels behind the "Wing" so it really isn't much of a weak-spot. The only major weakness is the small turret ring that if shot will disconnect the turret.
  21. I would be ready to get back into this if ground forces are needed. I agree a new thread should be made for submissions. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...er-Medium-Tank TANK!
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