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Everything posted by AbeS

  1. I haven't really had a chance to test it myself, just changed everything to be exactly like the RSS configs. I think I will make a little test now. EDIT: BTW you need to remember it always assumes you are starting your transfer from a 0 deg inclination orbit. maybe that's what causes the inaccuracy. EDIT2: It really is way off, at least my tests for a Kerbin-Duna transfer, not sure why though :/
  2. then once you have module manager 1.5.6, save this code in notepad with a .cfg extension and put it anywhere in your GameData folder. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[MechJebCore]] { MODULE { name = MechJebCore } }
  3. you don't need engines that are the same size of your tanks! For example: 4m pod with a 4m tank attached, then a conical (rounded) tank that goes from 4m to 3m, then attach a 3m engine. Then use a procedural interstage adapter and maybe add bigger tanks below! Tons of possibilities! there are 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4m decouplers btw
  4. when you time warp your vessel wedges eastwards. In RSS it is even more noticeable than in stock. It can end up breaking your vessel. I think that's the issue, not sure though
  5. There isn't much difference between RSS and stock for me, and I have a really crappy computer
  6. Even while using SAS? maybe you could use smaller engines or a bigger vessel
  7. The one looking for a launch window planner, check out the link in my signature. I DID change the mass of Kerbol and modified all the planets to the current RSS settings (it looks exactly like the default calculator but it isn't). I left the names as they are because when I tried changing those it stopped working
  8. I don't play career mod, so I didn't check. You did TechRequired = advAerodynamics
  9. He won't, at least not yet. You can add it yourself wherever you want
  10. I left the stock values for those, so it is accurate I think. BTW, I had to take the mass of Kerbin and Mun from Wikipedia because those weren't in the cfg either, and couldn't find them on github (didn't search thoroughly )
  11. Hope it is useful, waiting for Nathan to help me with the moons configs
  12. Here it is, it works. The moons are probably funky because the LAN, Long of Peri and Mean Anomaly at Epoch aren't in the .cfgs. Should work for planetary transfers pretty well though. KSP Launch Window Planner for RSS all credits go to alexmun, of course
  13. I made a fork of the porkchop plot generator with the correct RSS numbers. Don't know how to test it though
  14. Nathan I did some of the work for you, it is just missing the LAN, Arg of Peri and the Mean Anomaly of the moons Here is the github how do I test it alexmun? EDIT: Figured it out, here is the link: KSP Launch Window Planner for RSS
  15. So Nathan said he would add a config that makes the 4m UP decoupler counter the offset of the mk1-2 pod, but I think he forgot to Just add this config somwhere in your GameData (WARNING: it only works if you use the heatshield: Mk 1-2 Pod -> Heat Shield for Mk 1-2 Pod (4M) -> UP40 Decoupler) @PART[decoupler_ftr_4m]:Final { CoMOffset = 0, 0, 1.0972 }
  16. It is intended, I could make you another one , give me a second
  17. Are you using FAR, Real Fuels, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Real Solar System and Realism Overhaul? those should be used together with RSS
  18. let the ships break! (that's what they are mode for anyway ) this is awesome!
  19. It has been mentioned by stupid_chris that you shouldn't time warp because unexpected things happen, like your example. From my experience, you can warp at x2 without it breaking
  20. With Real Fuels installed you need to go to the action group editor, then click the tank, then profit
  21. By looking at your pictures I can only say you should try using the procedural parts! I am amazed to see someone using only stock in RSS
  22. If you have the toolbar, you can switch between the Smoke skin and the default one
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