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Everything posted by AbeS

  1. So it isn't getting fixed? I know Navyfish had that problem with his mod when playing at lower res and managed to fix it. Another question: Could you possibly make your download so that we can extract to the GameData folder directly? The way it currently is I have to extract somewhere else, then take the GameData folder to it's desired location
  2. If anyone is using RealEngines here is a fix to add kerosene instead of LF I posted a while ago:
  3. The 2M heatshield has the same size as the 1M one (copy-paste mistake I think), so there are no heatshields that would fit the Mk-1 size
  4. Are you using Real Engines? Because it doesn't support stock engines yet
  5. What I measure is the difference in longitude, first measurement is done when I make my deorbit burn, second measurement done when I land. Then I use that as a reference to land where I want (pretty close at least)
  6. Downloading right away!
  7. Modify this in the config: <string name="ctrlSurfTimeConstant">0.25</string> I THINK it used to be 0.05, not really sure, test a bit
  8. I think it would be useful to add that to the OP (information about what the mod has to offer), like the RF thread explains almost everything so people don't have to ask the same things over and over again.
  9. All the parts of those part packs, I have never even used all stock parts
  10. is it happening in any other display? Some letters disappear sometimes when, while the game is loading on start-up, you switch to another window with Alt + Tab for example
  11. If you had MFS you wouldn't have that issue, I bet that's why Nathan didn't find that bug. I bet it should be an easy fix, wait for him to read your post (or download MFS it is awesome!)
  12. You are right that maybe it should work, I guess. But why exactly would you want to do that? if you can have the tank contain whatever fuel you want by pressing 'g' and the quantity you want by stretching it 'r'. I'm curious
  13. That is a semi-major axis of approximately 42,164,172.723 m (Or Ap = Pe = 35,793,172.723 m)
  14. Don't limit you acc, start at 1.2 TWR and leave it at that thrust, could help
  15. I think what he means is: when you unlock your first pwing (which would be like in the third column, if you remove all other wings) you don't need anything else, you can make any wing you want and there's no need for more tech nodes. That breaks the current plane tech tree
  16. I think that is intended, and by checking the config.xml (in GameData\CrewManifest\Plugins\PluginData\CrewManifest) there is no mention of permadeath anywhere, maybe it is always ON now
  17. I think what you want is drag, to kill horizontal velocity
  18. hmm, because it could be a FAR related problem. It would be a MJ related problem if the craft could be flown without flipping manually
  19. The ones with two crew manifest icons check navyfish's folder there should be a toolbar.dll in there that shouldn't
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