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Everything posted by BLUAV8R

  1. I think @Horus had a very good ideal Beale! Your pack is growing quite large (which under no circumstances is a bad thing! ) but as consequence to that it means your pack is growing more demanding of memory I think that once you finish up your current projects the next step should be to learn texture sharing of parts (where multiple parts pull their textures from the same file) as it could potentially go from 124 Mb to 24 Mb of space i personally have NO idea how to do it but some modders who use it all the time and could really help you would be Sumghai, the developer and maintainer of the Fustek Station Parts Expansion (your American parts analogue), or Helldiver, main artist and co-creator of the KSO Mini Shuttle System. As far as I'm aware it's not a complicated system to learn as Sumghai learned it and applied it to his pack within the week of saying he'd try it out I remember you saying you wanted to get better at mod development and texturing (even though I already think you're doing awesome! ) and this could be an amazing next step!
  2. *insert viking funeral with full honors and jet flyby here*
  3. Because there's already enough great mods to cover the American side of the space industry such as FusTek station parts and FASA
  4. Also wondering, a "Fix" per say is not really what is needed but possibly a work around in where the game wont crash and can actually use these better models and textures to its advantage. However I'm assuming that would require remapping the texture resources for each part of the pack, which is a LOT of work. But if you can do it lack, PLEASE
  5. If you're looking for suggestions, the RLA Stockalike pack has had some updates with new parts that could use adding
  6. Sorry if this has already been answered, but using this pack and the stockalike configs and engine packs, I find that all tweakscale capabilities on engines are no longer visible or changeable, anybody know why? Any help is appreciated!
  7. Hey! Just started using these configs and I must say I love them! Is there any chance you could create a config for the Tantares mod? Keep it cool
  8. Sounds cool but you're gonna need some pics! I recommend imgur
  9. Yes! Looks amazing and could really be used as I just got into RemoteTech
  10. He's got a point while I do wish every one of my rockets could have the amazing style and stock-feel as this pack, I sometimes take pride in assembling my own creation that wasn't a selection of parts MADE for a specific thing which is why packs with modularity (KW, FASA, NovaPunch, B9) are so popular. So if anything, I would propose that modular parts that are stock-alike and of this style would be the best. But let's not throw too many ideas at Beale as he's already been pumping out project after project, we certainly don't wanna overwhelm him.
  11. So I'm off the forums for a day and half, and it feels like i've missed so much!!! Great work Beale!!! Keep it cool
  12. Hey Beale, so i'm finding a bug that when i'm building my salyut stations, I go to build and once I add the V-C1 part (the one you just made a science lab), trying to right click on it breaks my right click, for all parts, and nothing shows up Once I leave the VAB or click "new craft" it works but once I right click the V-C1 it breaks again... Im trying to find out what the log file is saying now. It might be a bug with tweakscale/tweakableeverything/or the KSPAPIExtensions.dll? Testing now
  13. Haha i've been running without it and i'm fine, I have barely ANY part mods at the moment so I dont need to worry!
  14. I agree! This sounds like a neat little project to do if you have time/interest Beale
  15. Trying it out now! Will update! EDIT 1: Tried it, same results Maybe I put the file into the wrong folder? I put it under BoudlerCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/TextureReplacer.cfg Is it supposed to go somewhere else? And the log file was spamming the sames messages over and over again still unfortunately, but thanks for the help!
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