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Everything posted by Tery215

  1. Granted. The roads are now sentient and not willing to be driven on, at threat of comet-apocalypse. I wish I had all the comets.
  2. Granted. Air was toxic to anaerobic and ancient bacteria. I wish I had electrons.
  3. Would enjoy procedural minmusses. Though, what would you do out of the SOI?
  4. Granted. The Wishmaking Fairy's magical tutu is on you, and his-er inappropriates turn you to stone. I wish for free and advertisement-less entertainment services.
  5. Because the jet of spent rocket fuel is on collision with a part attached to the engine..? I don't know how far away it needs to be either. I recommend just not making the spent rocket fuel ray overlap with the asteroid.
  6. Granted. Every planet has a pea manifestation. I ate the one for earth. I wish for moar boosters.
  7. Granted. It is a piece of metal that is aware of its own existence, and soon begins to doubt you. I wish I had a fire.
  8. I return with a dubstep cannon that somehow (magically) creates so much pressure, that the stink gets blown away. My blown away hill fragments.
  9. Granted. The translator can only translate thoughts into extreme dubstep, which your mind is now being battered with. I wish for immunity to extreme dubstep.
  10. Granted. It's just a mudkip ball with feet bulging out. I wish for a collection of real fox tails.
  11. I'm not a scientist, but I can tell you that I was brainwashed into believing that life must follow this set of rules to be classified as life: Life must have a lifespan. be made of cells (???) reproduce. respond to the environment. (other things on wikipedia) By this set of rules, life barely manages to qualify itself in some forms. Fire can't be defined as a life form because it destroys itself very much and is made of burned molecules and fuel. I don't say that life may or may not be life, I say that the origin of life is simple and the criteria to determine whether a planet may have life depends on what we know about where life can come from, and where it can support itself sufficiently. Only science can give an answer to that.
  12. unfortunately said turbojets can't scale to 3.75 go ahead, there's not a problem with your plan (i hope he nerfs turbojets)
  13. Doesn't life have a general set of requirements to form, and no more? --There must be an energy source (sun) --There must be a process to generate like-life (bubbles in comets(you know, not all bubbles are life)) --Created life must be at least minimally suited to location (earth) If so, then one can determine whether a planet can have life, but it may or may not have life and may not have life before an indeterminable time.
  14. Granted. People are zombies in bowties. I wish for a tissue box.
  15. Granted. You wasted your wish. I wish I could survive old age.
  16. Granted. You are successful at creating busts of ghosts, but nobody can really understand why they're buying busts of nothing... I wish for giants.
  17. Granted. The Wishmaking Fairy assumes that making things invisible means placing bleach on them, and making things visible means placing sulfuric acid on them. (The wishmaking fairy's job is hard, you know..) You try it on yourself first. I wish for 10^700 forum posts.
  18. I use my brain bleaching spray on you. It's actually regular bleach, but your ... can no longer exist because your face is melting. My face.
  19. KSP can be a real extraplanetary explorer without terrain destruction. You don't NEED footprints to be a hero of the Mun, or to fly planes on Laythe. You might need footprints to create a permanent establishment(not the same as exploration), but it's easy to do without. Although, it would probably make asteroids a lot more fun. This would likely double the ram usage of the game, and the need for asteroid simulation isn't helping...
  20. Granted. There's a reason most of the planet is devoid of kerbals... Your Kerbal city was destroyed by the Deep-Space Kraken. I wish for a space engine(er).
  21. Eat bread-enriched milk with cooked meat chunks in it, plus some leaves for good measure.
  22. Granted. It only works on a gender that doesn't exist. I wish for computers to be available in nowhere.
  23. I agree. Wouldn't this, like, make any time warp (or out-of-loading-vehicle switches if you want to be really strict) impossible while near a rotating debris?
  24. I feel like they added enough to make this a complete game, but not quite. After all, a few rocket engines and resource definitions is nothing compared to procedural asteroid generation and klaws.
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