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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Yeah, my cat is probably sleeping right now. Getting all rested up for a busy night of keeping us awake by clawing at the underside of our bed (E: at least until I wake up enough to find the spray bottle )
  2. I was driving home from work down the highway with the Sun and blue sky at my back, with a dark wall of menacing grey ahead (turned out to be a blast of enough hail to coat roofs). The road got steadily wetter until the trucks were throwing waves of spray into the sunlit air. It was like driving through a rainbow
  3. Musk said on a recent Joe Rogan podcast that reuse roughly breaks even after two flights of the same booster, and is definitely profitable after flying a booster three times.
  4. That pic also gives a sense of just how tall the Superheavy launch mount legs are already.
  5. What do I remember about Mir? How about a fire aboard the space station? Having a supply ship crash into it? Scary stuff! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonfly:_NASA_and_the_Crisis_Aboard_Mir Good read.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanical_counterpressure_suit E: The MIT Bio-Suit sounds promising: If it can fit loosely for normal wear but tighten up in an emergency, that would be excellent. Then you just need an inflatable emergency airbag "helmet" to pop up and seal itself if pressure drops. Not sure of the mechanics of that; has a reasonably gas-tight powered zipper been invented yet? It doesn't have to be perfect, just emergency grade to get to a shelter.
  7. Oh, I’m sure The Boring Co. would have equipment on Duna Mars on one of the first few Starships
  8. I guess the better question if there is another element or compound besides water that self-organizes into a crystal as it freezes so that the frozen state is less dense than the liquid state? As in, has that rare property of ice where frozen bits float instead of sink as a pool of liquid freezes...
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-idB7XK2xI8&ab_channel=LearningBotNoob Hehehe....
  10. All the better for lots of “Suit up, duck, and cover” drills
  11. I probably mentioned this before, years ago.... An old mystery story: a woman dies. She appears to have died from lack of water (organ failures), yet her tissues are well if not excessively hydrated. The solution was that she only drank from the bottled water in her fridge, and hubby worked at a lab with access to heavy water, which he replaced her drinking water with. But although it’s not poisonous, the body can’t use heavy water, so she died. Is this a valid scenario?
  12. Aaand I’m outta likes for today; gee (gee? Like 7gee down to 0.38gee? Hmm) gee, I wonder why....
  13. That’s awesome. He’s an excellent PR person; I’ve gotten likes and replies from him, but never a retweet. You deserve it though, good job on the song.!
  14. For some reason I’m associating this landing with the Bugs Bunny short “Falling Hare”. The one with the gremlin. Imagining people running around Mission Control going “EEE! AAAAA! OOOOH!” During the 7 minutes of terror
  15. I’m not sure if it would be more amusing to hear the landing described in a golf announcer voice or a circus announcer/huckster voice... (my boss would be more amused if I got back to work...)
  16. I imagine Percy signing off with “K, I got this. Catch ya’s on the flip side!”
  17. Started watching “Lucifer” (THE Lucifer decides to join us mortals on our plane of existence) and this song was the title track for episode one. Very appropriate; a slick-looking devilish guy driving around at night in a black 57 Vette bopping to this tune.... So now it’s stuck in my head again...
  18. Oh for.... I did make a post with the link to the news of Rush Limbaugh’s passing, but apparently I then went to edit the title of this thread before submitting the post. Doh!
  19. I figured it was oak, but it turned out to be maple.
  20. Oh hey thanks, just in time too. I need to scan a Laythe geyser but my capsule-based landers haven't come down remotely anywhere near one. I wasn't looking forward to the chore of designing a spaceplane, so I searched for Laythe spaceplane tips and this came up, only 13 hours old at the time. Now I just need to stretch the cargo bay a little to accommodate the scanning arm, without messing it up (E: I can wedge it in there if I angle it. Now to build an arm to bring it out). Then I have to learn to fly the thing properly. I can build planes well enough when the mood strikes me, but I've never been much good at getting a spaceplane to orbit, so I've generally stuck to rockets. But this mission seems to be begging for a spaceplane, so here I go... This is the first time I've gone looking to use a craft not of my own design, but I really wasn't in to designing and tuning a spaceplane when I haven't even tried in ages, so I'd rather just use (or start from) a proven design. Learning to fly it will absorb enough of my limited time already. So thanks again for the .craft!
  21. Scrubbed for weather at the Cape or the recovery zone? I know Soyuz can launch in a blizzard, but it can't land in one, because it can't land!
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