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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. And if they don't, someone else will. Pretty much the only exception is someone who has skills/abilities/knowledge that are essential but no one else has (and knows it). Like this urban legend, that has appeared in many forms:
  2. Since we're going classic (do these qualify as moldy oldies these days? This music is over (or almost) 50 freakin' years old!) I went looking for some classic Stones, and came across this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jadvt7CbH1o (odd. Youtube doesn't allow that video to be embedded. So I'll just post the original as well) Early live concert version: Lyric version:
  3. That brings back memories of French 11, some 30 years ago. We were given oral multiple choice quizzes: the teacher read the questions and possible answers aloud, since these were language tests after all. Nerd/geek/keener that I was, I was in the first row. My hand was down beside my seat: 1 finger for A, 2 fingers for B, etc. At the end of the year half the class thanked me for helping them pass...
  4. Egads! Where's my bell bottoms and platform shoes? I loved rockin' to that stuff from my crib! Thanks for the flashback, man!
  5. Most of us get that it's a joke. But for something that can be a serious health issue, it's worth hammering home DO NOT DO THAT. Just in case someone does not realize that it's a joke. My daughter's (and everybody else's) collection of Polly Pocket dolls/toys were recalled because the tiny magnets could come loose and be swallowed deliberately or accidentally by kids
  6. I suppose it’s possible the NDA clause went both ways..
  7. I still haven’t been able to catch a Starlink train. This morning was my best chance with a peak at 3:55 am, as I’m getting ready to leave for work. But the sky was a bit hazy, with predawn on one side and a setting Moon on the other. So all I could see was Jupiter. I was wondering how some of you folks were seeing the passes so early, until I remembered that sunset is later the farther north one goes. When I lived even farther north a June sunset was at like 10pm, with predawn always visible somewhere on the horizon E: of course, go even farther north and it’s like “What sunset?”
  8. I’m going to guess that it’s a re-used fairing half, so not a huge loss?
  9. So the next Electron mission is titled "Don't Stop Me Now" which is the title of a Queen song, so I pasted the lyrics in that thread. Then I get in the car to run an errand, and lo' and behold, that song comes on first thing. So, well, I can't stop Freddy now...
  10. On the chance you’re being serious, I think in this case LOS meant Loss of Signal. I’ve heard that initialism during Shuttle launches. (Also audible in the Rush music video “Countdown,” about the first shuttle launch. On mobile right now or I’d link it) Nice to see that booster for a five-for-five on landings! We have a new life leader! Halfway to design life before a major refurb
  11. It's nice to see that they're having such a good time; they're having a ball!
  12. Video analysis shows a bird quite close (<1m) to the Snowbird after takeoff, so the possibility of a bird strike causing the crash is being looked into, but has not yet been confirmed globalnews.ca/news/7011319/snowbird-crash-bird-strike/amp/
  13. My mountain lab would have been happy to render assistance. Whether or not there’d be anything left for the cat is a different matter...
  14. Try to push the same poles together against the repulsion If magnets are ingested, they will try to stick together inside your digestive tract, causing all kinds of problems including obstructions. DON’T SWALLOW MAGNETS!!!!! If you magnetize a needle, you can carefully float it on the surface tension of the water, no floatation device needed. Warranty void if any amount of soap is in the water.
  15. Are your eyeglasses dirty? Pop the lenses out and view through them will be crystal clear!
  16. Aw, c’mon, can I, pleeeease? Huh huh please? Pwetty pwease wit sugar on top? I wanna click it, pweeeeeease!
  17. And so ends the world’s longest game of “Capture the Flag”
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