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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. This was the only version I knew until now. And I find the video to be hilarious (much better than a record going around)
  2. I think this “like” malfunction is just an evil plot to delay @tater‘s journey to 20kilorep until some jealous moderators can catch up.... *like*
  3. Like, I’m really starting to dislike this lack of likes, like, y’know? i thought it would have been fixed by now, especially since I spotted a forum admin lurking yesterday...
  4. Fer sure!!! Apparently they don't want our money that badly? They're just waiting to grab it all at once when KSP2 drops...
  5. That’s just an engineering problem, and a relatively simple one (compared to creating these vessels in the first place) at that. There is no reason it can’t be solved, if it hasn’t been already. MOAR STRUTS!
  6. Ah, you beat me to it. Heard about it on the news last night, kept meaning to post about it here. And yeah, 75?!? Wow. I’m sure he’d want everyone to let the good times roll... E: Update: cause-of-death was heart disease. Apparently he had a heart procedure recently, and was recovering when he was found unresponsive in his apartment
  7. This is a perfect example of why plain ol' screenshots are perfectly qualified for loading screen consideration
  8. Another blast from the past, that slipped under by radar until now...
  9. I stand corrected. And puzzled. I must cogitate...
  10. Well, you got the magic word, but Dragon is just a capsule, not the rocket. The answer I was looking for, and I knew it would be a bit on the easy side, was just "a Dragon." But yeah, you got it.
  11. in days of yore, much feared was I. With wings and fangs, I ruled the sky Today I’m tame, and fly much higher by trading wings for a tail of fire. What am I?
  12. I’m glad to see this thread revived; it was quite a bit of fun. This seems more like one of those mystery riddles If he thought it was his room he would have used the key or keycard OTOH, he could have been sharing the room and expecting the other person to let him in. So not an airtight case.
  13. Singer Eddie Money died this morning of esophageal cancer at age 70. I hope he has his “Two tickets to Paradise” in hand...
  14. Lol! Even better when read in "Arnie voice"!
  15. You can use a smaller power plant if you don't need to process 1 ton in 4 hours, Dropping it to 1 ton per 24hr day drops the power requirement to ~200MW, or just 10MW if you can wait 20 days per ton. Given typical interplanetary transit times, if the processing plant is robotic then what's the hurry?
  16. Lots of good advice here, so I'll just add this: (navball docking alignment indicator is the only docking aid I use. As a substitute you can rt-click each docking port and "control from here," then use SAS to set one to point to normal and the other to anti-normal. That will make the ports point squarely at face perfectly parallel to each other (but not necessarily pointing at each other), without drifting as you orbit.)
  17. Lots of awesome pictures here, too many to name. Hopefully our community manager folks can pare them down enough to vote on. Here's my contribution. It took me awhile to dig up this old challenge save, but I couldn't find the save I needed and had to recreate the pass. Then it was a repetitive process to get a decent powered screenshot out of it. Now if only the Sun Kerbol would shine from the north for better lighting...
  18. Yeah, I kinda figured to write a bad Yelp review of a Klingon establishment would be to risk challenging the honour of all the employees there. Not recommended unless you’re tired of living. @Vanamondeand @KSK, better keep your phasers fully charged, and don’t leave home without them! ”I couldn’t eat another bite after the first one, but since I enjoy living, I’ll give it a 10/10...” Edit: Oh, and shouldn’t this be in forum games?
  19. Hmm, after a little more thought, Pacific Daylight Time is the same as Mountain Standard Time. So if the Wet Coast stuck on Daylight Time while Alberta and the Mountain Time states stuck to Mountain Standard Time, that would make for quite a large block of no time zone changes...
  20. So, they just need to make the novel Footfall (by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle) into a movie. Typical alien invasion stuff; the audiences should lap it up. There are so many Niven books that need to be made into movies, but that seems to be “Crazy Eddie” talk.
  21. Actually, winter is on Standard Time. So if it stayed on DST year-round you'd be screwed out of your daylight winter morning commute. In spring we spring forward to Daylight Saving Time. Saving it for the evening, I guess? Why did DST start in the first place? Survey says Google says: http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/c.html Really, to get the same effect as DST, we just need to adjust our business/school/life schedules by an hour...
  22. Ah yes, just need a mage to repeatedly cast the "Tiltowaite!" spell at the pusher plate.... (from the ancient RPG Wizardry, which I played on the Apple II)
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