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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. That's a kind of old one to me, although I heard it as "Not screaming like the other people in his car." I guess the best is to combine them, "Not screaming like the terrified passengers in his car."
  2. Now that's a beast! My favorites? Ghost Trains!
  3. Hopefully, it's the last woman...
  4. Fiery end down, as usual Fiery end down, as usual, but in this case the fiery end will be pointing in the direction of travel
  5. The thing is, failure is a great teacher. If you learn nothing from failing then you will continue to fail. SpaceX learned a lot about COPVs from the destruction of AMOS-6.
  6. I wonder what will be the youngest age group that recognizes that fool...
  7. Oh sweet Kod, what did I start now...? Sorry Dman, I must bow to the Dude @adsii1970... That just cracked me right up. Okay, I'll go hide now...
  8. Somewhat true, but that iterative design and willingness to fail is built upon the other factors. Without heavy cost-cutting by SpaceX (in-house production, cost-oriented design, and employee productivity examples) the hardware-rich iterative approach gets far too expensive. I bet the old space contractors would have a collective stroke if they knew how comparatively little was spent on Starships. And even we would probably be surprised. But it seems they’ve learned nothing since that report.
  9. Payload delay, what, is Boeing building it? Ok, sorry, that was too easy. But if it’s military, it’s a fairly safe assumption that it’s being built by one of the usual oldspace suspects.
  10. Maybe I should start using FIVE dots, just to see your reaction
  11. Well I was going to after I saw a tweet about it, but it’s blocked in Canada, assuming that’s the SNL skit. So I didn’t after trying to find a version I could watch, but found squirrels instead… One of the few times I could use a VPN, I suppose….
  12. Unfortunately, Anne McCaffrey didn’t live long enough to see real live Dragonriders, even if they rode a mechanical Dragon instead of biological….
  13. So Smoth appears to be trying to suck Bezos dry. I mean, what have they all been doing? They be built a test article or two, a Blue Moon mock-up, some pathfinder engines, and hopefully the first Vulcan flight engines will soon be finished. Let’s just hope they pass acceptance testing. Other than that, they’ve slaughtered a lot of trees and electrons, AFAICT. It seems they spent more on lawyers than hardware….
  14. See, now here I thought my grammar was pretty darn good, but I find I have no idea of the proper usage of the ellipsis, or even that three dots was called an ellipsis. I shall endeavor to pay more attention to using this powerful punctuation properly as I spam it across the forum.... Learn something new every day....
  15. You're welcome. I strongly recommend perusing the site; creator Randall Munroe is a genius https://xkcd.com/1433
  16. And in case you didn't get the first reference, from: https://xkcd.com/1244/
  17. Okay, she’s bad luck, pure and simple. Lucky herself, but not for those around her, apparently. Teela Brown complex? You’d think she’d stop going aboard ships. How many crossings did she make, I wonder? Great post!
  18. What goes around, comes around. Something about glass houses?
  19. Whoops, oh right, that category of "I could tell you, but then..."
  20. Which gets Weird Al-ified into "Got the wrong foot amputated"... Do I have a question about the forum? Ummm.... Is there ever a "moderating emergency?" I suppose when a mod account got hackd and threads got mashed together was one... Any others? And is it annoying when people use ... as much as I do...?
  21. Sammy Hagar was the best lead singer Van Halen ever had! Sammy Hagar was the worst lead singer Van Halen ever had!
  22. Funny how the character that appears to be the chief engineer bears more than a passing resemblance to Scotty...
  23. "I BRAKE FOR HALLUCINATIONS!" - Bumper Sticker Oooh, look, butterflies! Must follow the flutterbyes.....
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