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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Hmm, a stretched Vulcan with three Raptors and a full complement of SRBs, topped by a 5m Centaur V: "Where do you want to go today?" Superheavy: "Hold my LN2..."
  2. Bird is away, looking good! Stage sep norminal, S2 ignition and fairing sep good.
  3. Perhaps the time honored routines need updating, instead of the (paraphrased) binary approach: "Payload?" - "Go!" "Vehicle?" - "Go!" "GSE?" - "Go!" "Range?" - "Range is RED. Repeat, Range is RED!" Perhaps Range could use a more real-time risk-assessment approach. But when lives are on the line, changing what is known to work is inherently risky and must be considered very carefully indeed. :shrug:
  4. A little cross-pollination from the ULA thread….
  5. So long, and thanks for all the fish fixes! Definitely the most interesting updates were on your watch, Max. Sorry to see you go, but then you're not, not really. Not that there was much left to do here with major updates wrapping up...
  6. I think it’s worth noting that all Starship variants including Lunar will be stainless steel, as far as we know. As such, they should be able to take a fair amount of aerobrake without any extra thermal protection, especially if there are leftover props to act as a heat sink. And when crew is not involved and time is less of an issue, then the aerobrake passes can be as shallow as they need to be
  7. I just got the second jab yesterday, but I’m not getting YouTube piped straight into my brain yet. So the 5G must be still syncing up. Cheap antennas.
  8. I suppose one fictional solution would be that spacecraft use a “magic box “ to get around. Pick a name, any name for this magic box. It is rugged, expensive, incredibly complex, and has unobtanium at its core. Hence it is valuable, so it emits a tracking signal for salvagers. It is this box that can be leased or mortgaged, and can be tracked anywhere in the galaxy by repo or salvage entities.
  9. Yeah, Siri is an elite-level player of Name that Tune. Although I haven’t figured out how to get her to listen to something playing on the same iPhone…
  10. Excellent video guys, thank you for that. And thank you for this fantastic game, Felipe. It's been my go to since I discovered it in 2013, while wanting to try Orbiter but leery of what I was hearing about it until I ran across a suggestion of KSP as sort of an Orbiter-lite. At least I think that's how I found this game; my memory of that time is kind of hazy from all the late nights... It was nice to get a look at the Modfather and some of the other forum "brass." This forum has been my first stop when surfing since I found it, since it's such a great crowd here. Hats off to the moderators for keeping it that way! I look forward to starting what will hopefully be my last, final master career once the dust settles (and smoke clears) On Final Approach. To all the developers past, present, and future, THANK YOU for bringing us this Big Bang Program!
  11. Hearing this all over the place today, it's like the kids rediscovered it today. Even my wife is cranking it (she's an Education Assistant)
  12. Is someone finally seriously serious about space nuclear propulsion?
  13. Ouch! A nice round C$99.98 for the both. Still... Why does this get released after Father's Day? I would have had something to ask for...
  14. Sorry, edited post to try a different link and added that it's Buck Rogers
  15. Ah, good memories, thanks! Reminds me of Buck Rogers (I think this may have been posted earlier in this thread, sorry),,,
  16. I enjoy all forms of music from Gregorian chants through synth-pop. Man, disco and funk are in there, too. 'Twas a line from a song that I find pretty catchy... But yeah, I can do without country and most rap, but some is good....
  17. Ye gads I had no idea that was a thing. I only knew one version, which I think is far better than... that ( I like rock, I like soul, I like pop but I never liked disco...) Still gives me shivers...
  18. Yet another Fast&Furious movie, and they're calling it..... F9... So they figured out how to use Quickload to pull off their stunts this time?
  19. Blast it! ninja'd! Thrice twenty-one bottles of BEvERage on the wall, Thrice twenty-one bottles of BEvERage, Take one down, pass it around, Twice thirty-one bottles of BEvERage on the wall!
  20. I’m kinda split on this issue. Mostly because in my experience, commercial coffee is a heckuva lot hotter than home-brewed coffee, presumably so it stays hot until the person is ready to drink it. So where I pour a cup of coffee at home and immediately spill it on myself, I may end up with a first-degree burn if I don’t get to the tap kinda soon. But at the drive through, the coffee is almost boiling. If I spill its an instant burn, and a second degree burn if it’s a large amount and not dealt with quickly (no tap in the car!). But that hasn’t happened to me. Maybe home coffee makers run cooler here. Bit I have had a similar thing happen to me. Sitting at a diner, drinking my coffee which had cooled to a gulpable temp. I didn’t notice the waitress top up my cup, and took a big swallow, spitting it back out on the counter as it seared my mouth. My whole mouth was scorched for days because I did not expect that. But I didn’t sue…
  21. As well as saving the headache, chaos, and carnage of trying to update the global navigation systems to metric. No more Blackbirds descending to flight level 600
  22. Shebenty eight bottlez of beer on de wall Shebenty eight bottlez of beer Take one down, pash it around Shebenty hic sheven bottlez of beer on der wall
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