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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. An "old" post, but your question wasn't fully answered -- because you can stack p-wings end-on-end, you can create a rounded wingtip by using a couple tiny winglets that decrease in width as you go. The more you use, the smoother the curve.
  2. We'll have someone whip up some Kerbinside Archeology contract packs...
  3. Nice! It saves quite a bit of time not having to switch scenes back & forth to get the facilities to reset back to normal. Thank you!
  4. That might be an effective use of wheels angled 45° or 90° at the very front or rear of a vehicle... rolly-bumpers, or the front of a tank's treads.
  5. That maybe be simply how KSP works. It would be awesome if it worked in all directions, though.
  6. ooo-- like an git ignore marker. At the very least, it should force a manual override in order to be listed on CKAN. Another thought is the possibility of a "soft" listing -- that is, the mod is listed, but you still have to visit the home page/source to download and install it.
  7. I like this observation -- I'm sure (hope) there's an "in reentry" condition to check for -- or at the very least the set of conditions that produce the effects would also silence the radio communications. The rest of chatterer's effects should continue, though.
  8. @EnzoMeertens -- I'm trying to use the version from Kerbalstuff, and there seem to be an error extracting the files. Any chance there was a buggy upload?
  9. Such a terrific mod! In the back of my mind I'm joining the clamor for compatibility with things like Dang It, but this is its own, beautiful thing. I'm really keen on seeing where this goes. Thank you for sharing!
  10. Thanks-- that makes total sense. I wasn't thinking of them in the sense of spawned tourists, etc. It'd be fun to have new "heroes" appear that could be rescued then employed in the space program.
  11. Thanks so much Nereid for continuing this terrific project. It adds such life to the game! A curious question on your latest patch notes: do CC spawned Kerbals *not* stay persistent in the game? This is obviously a question for CC... ;D
  12. I know many mod makers and users are taking a breath before 1.1, but hopefully this gives AlphaAsh and the gang some encouragement to continue... Thanks, muchly!
  13. Congratulations and thank you! Another adorably awesome craft for exploring!
  14. I've just taken a "trust, but verify" stance with CKAN -- which essentially has me manually managing my mods again. CKAN only provides the quick-install feature. And, to keep this on-topic: If I could have only one landing gear mod on a desert island, *THIS* would be the one!
  15. Well, the obvious answer to that is to emulate the way real windows behave and reflect in certain conditions--especially since these are (mostly) not just plain glass canopies but multi-layered, polarized, etc. viewports of awesomeness.
  16. New thread!-- fair enough Thank you so much for grabbing this one for modernization (ironically enough)! Please link to the old thread, too. It's always useful for the background development and conversation about the various parts.
  17. So great to see this back on the "current mod" rotation. I missed all those fantastical props.
  18. somewhat...creepy. Love it! :D
  19. [quote name='Geschosskopf']I disagree with this. I liked the old display because I could note it at a glance just by having resources open. Right-click menus, especially for jet engines, are just too cluttered up with stuff I don't care about to be useful at all, plus get in the way of enjoying wathcih my plane fly. The need for less air has been around since 1.0, although not as marked as it is now. So what the IntakeAir display showed was whether or not you'd flame out before your thrust fell off the table. It was a nice check on everything else, simple, quick, intuitive, and out of the way. I wish they'd bring it back.[/QUOTE] It still exists in the Alternate Resource Panel, but it behaves very stragely now. Not at all like we're used to, and not what you're looking for. It's better to develop a new display instead -- Nanogagues now has an indicator that shows the % from the engine right-click menu. Possibly assuming the average between engines if it could be different among a group of them. I'm sure TriggerAu will add it to Alternate Resources gauges.
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