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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Thank you for reviving this again! It had been on my radar to ask about.
  2. That does make total sense, but so far--Kerbin is a vast, uninhabited paradise. Maybe it's a case of wide-flung colonies of Kerbals, finally reconnecting after the decline of a long-forgotten empire... And thanks also for the link about off-Kerbin bases. Not long after asking the question, I found all sorts of responses and comments answering my question. I'll stay tuned about that sort of thing.
  3. Anything keeping this from being declared .90 compatible?
  4. Is this the future? This is a tremendously fun idea and execution. Am I wrong to assume this only works on Kerbin? I'd love for this to allow building up bases on Mun, Minmus and beyond! --also, I'd love for them to be hidden/unusable until they're discovered by flying around/scansat.
  5. This is a good question. My sense is that I'd not expect there to be photo cells on the bottom side of these panels, nor would I think to install a second ring immediately below this one (though I may do it anyway, I'm forgiving of a lot of clipping) -- It's a single-purpose kind of deployment. We still need to use the standard surface-attach panels and extendable panels to for most ships.
  6. The only "problem" with the stock toolbar is that the larger icons rapidly fill up the top of the screen with no means of hiding them. I do foresee a new toolbar mod that addresses the stock bar issue with foldout or dropdown categories.
  7. Oh! That wasn't just me, then. I had splashed a plane down just past the runway, and noticed that the pilot would sink like a stone upon hitting the water after climbing out of the craft and jumping in. Once he hit bottom, I could start swimming upward (slowly), but once he reached the surface it knocked him straight down again.
  8. That was the same with the KAX pack. Hooray for easy fixes.
  9. Anyone experience strange floating behavior if returning to a parked aircraft at the space center? I need to do more testing, but it seems like craft with this gear start to lift and roll into the ground upon "flying" them from the space center screen.
  10. Nice! Thanks for this Nereid. You're quickly becoming one of the "install everything they make" modders for me... Care to spell out the Acronym?
  11. Are these meant to be installed together (optionally)? If not, the dev version shouldn't be on CKAN, right? Otherwise this mod list is going to get unwieldy.
  12. heh -- *very* loosely. Are those gear from the Adjustable Landing Gear?
  13. What a sweet little craft! Is it based on a real-world aircraft? Gonna try to replicate that.
  14. And, back to the topic of this mod; I love it! No more is a water landing an instant death sentence. Some craft land somewhat intact, some break apart, leaving the cockpit & fuselage bobbing around --but most entirely survivable. Thank you again for this one, ferram4!
  15. Thanks for stating this. Something was bugging me about CKAN, and I couldn't quite place it. CKAN itself is still very much in the early stages, and doesn't yet address anything beyond simple one-mod-one-folder types of installs. It's encouraging to see the buy-in from so many mod makers (especially when alterations like yours were needed) but it's still limited in that CKAN can't manage manual installs of mods or texture packs. A better model would either ditch the repository, or allow out-of-channel installs as well for mods that aren't or never will be hosted in the usual places.
  16. Does the license permit someone to make a quick variant/fix in the mean-time? We couldn't certainly contribute to the beer fund to encourage attention by Bodrick.
  17. Didn't they already do some clean-up on the display of numbers? Obviously not entirely... ;D
  18. Cool. So this basically deals with a game engine process when allocating air resource to the engines -- because it works down a list of parts, rather than the physical position/order on the craft? Genius! This will help with getting SSTOs to orbit, for sure.
  19. Hooray for this. I'm glad the water is now being looked at. Especially by Ferram! --Though I'm wondering if a name/acronym like THERE could work...? (Tweaked Hydro Effects Redone, Extended) Now we'll start seeing floating bases!
  20. I'm hoping the "new in repository" filter in the GUI will one day actually keep track of what's new since the last refresh. It's currently just showing everything. I know it's a system that's still in the fairly early stages, but I'm delighted with how the community has taken to CKAN, and hope it becomes a perfect heart of the KSP mod ecosystem for some time to come.
  21. NO! You Relax! Seriously though -- I'm looking forward to what nli2work comes up with for this pack or other KSP stuff. This has been my favorite parts pack by far.
  22. Kerbquake is "continued" here -- seems to be working in .90 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98583-0-25-KerbQuake-continued-v1-2-1-Reactive-Camera-Shakes-while-IVA-2014-10-29
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