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Everything posted by federicoaa

  1. I meant it to say "relevant post to ksp development / teases"
  2. Hi Max, that is exactly was I(we) feel is needed. So far this is what happens: you say something on tweeter, some user sees it and makes a post in the general forum, then some users complain you are not addressing to this forum. A solution would be to have the CM or you to copy every message into the forum, or maybe have a tweeter plugin in the forum or something like that, so we can get access to all the relevant information from this site.
  3. This is how I imagine it will be implemented: A dV readout in the VAB, maybe available after some upgrade, and a dV readout on-flight, only if there's an engineer with some experience aboard. This way engineers play some important role other than repairing broken wheels
  4. I wonder why maxmaps likes to talk about ksp everywhere but this fourm
  5. That's recklessly stupid, give me 2!
  6. No, but something to differentiate the antennas would be good, like antenna range
  7. And another post about this. This is an easter egg from a mod...
  8. Hope Ferram gets hired to implement the aerodynamic rework, he deserves it
  9. I'd like to see what Scott Manley can do with tier 1 buildings only
  10. In my 0.90 career I did a mun flyby without nodes or patched conics. which is actually pretty simple. But then I had to make a correction maneuver inside mun SOI to get back to kerbin, that took me a couple of tries since I had 1.2 units of electricity left and not much delta V left also. I felt pretty proud of myself after a successful return home. With maneuvers and patched conics it would have been quite easy, but now it was a real challenge, and I like that
  11. I use it for contract satellites in kerbin orbits as first stage because is cheap
  12. Actually they do. I noticed there is a series of dots moving in the specified orbit that indicates the direction you should go.
  13. Usually, I try to make something good looking, then realize it's out of my skills, cry a little, and launch some functional monstrosity, then laugh at the explosions
  14. I am setting an autonomous colony in Laythe, so my kerbals would be fine I think
  15. Nobody mentioned the trading cards, that's an advantage (?)
  16. Why not, playing in steam is the same, just with the steam overlay. Once you install the game on steam, just move the gamedata and saves folders from your previous install and you are done.
  17. KSP is a game that never becomes repetitive or boring. I bought the game a year ago and I still play it, I can't say the same for other games.
  18. Testing to launch some heavy and big payloads, and well, the new explosion effects are quite nice XD
  19. I have seen the gravity assist maneuvers rosetta used many times and I'm still impressed, and thanks KSP for teaching me to appreciate the effort people have put into that
  20. I used once a mun gravity assist to capture an asteroid, it was beautiful.
  21. randall is making a live comic in xkcd about this http://xkcd.com/1446/
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