Pilot skill could affect PID tuning for SAS? We all know it's crappy sometimes, and there are some methods for figuring out the best parameters based on mass, inertia moment, etc., and also methods for continually improving you parameters as the system handles better/worse. Pilot level could be the meta-parameter that directs how well the parameters converge. Or, alternatively, level zero pilots have P controllers, level one have PD, level two have PID, three onwards feature algorithms for improving the parameters. - - - Updated - - - Also, it seems to me, based on its behaviour, that the SAS controller runs on pitch+yaw+roll instead of quaternions. RT2's computer does quats, and rotations are WAY smoother as a result (although it's been some months since I've used that mod, and my memory could be playing tricks). That paradigm switch could also happen based on pilot level.