So far I'm liking the new forum, however the Activity session is severely lacking in relation to what it previously was:
No quick way to see activities on people/topics you follow. You have to create a feed for it yourself (or edit a default one and leave the title obsolete), and it doesn't show in the main menu (before, there were both links to "all unread content" and "following" right in the main menu on each page)
No way to mark a feed as read; you either click through all content, or mark the whole forum as read
No link to the latest post, or preferrably, to the earliest unread post. You have to open the topic and click "last page" from there As previous post explained, there is a link, but it's fairly hidden. Could make it more obvious, or the title link default to last page, too?
Bloat of 'default' activity streams which can't be deleted: Threads I Follow and People I Follow, for instance. I can edit these to suit my needs, but can't rename them. Update: I cannot actually edit them, any changes are lost when you click "Update Results"
That's from the top of my mind, there could be more but these are my bigest peeves.
like I said, tho, overall I'm satisfied with the new forum. If these are fixable I'll be very happy.