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Everything posted by monstah

  1. As for Remote Tech, it does add to the challenge, I've played with it for a long time, but got tired. It adds challenge, but no new gameplay; USI at least incentivates you to seek a good mining operation and land some greenhouses, for instance. RT probes don't get much different than Orbital Contract probes, after some time. And if you want something realist-ish that adds a challenge, specially combined with Life Support, then try out Kerbal Construction Time (KCT). It is highly configurable, intended to make construction, research and upgrades take time. You can warp to conclusion, so USI-LS is what gives it that time-as-resource feel. KCT also adds the option to simulate your flights, for less than the ship would cost, and even start the simulation in orbit of bodies you've been to. Among the available default configurations, I use "Up Free", which relies on the stock building levels to set its building/research rates, instead of having to upgrade them yourself via a parallel upgrade mechanic that the mod features. You might want to tweak the numbers to make it faster, but I find it is a good game in that config.
  2. I've used TAC life support for some time, but later changed to USI which I still use. In my opinion, having a single "Supplies" resource presents mostly the same challenges as having to balance between "Oxygen", "Water" and "Food", which a lot less hassle and micromanagement. There are greenhouses, too. I'm usually wary of adding more parts to my save, so I made a MM patch to add supplies to command pods and crewed parts, so you can delete the Supply parts if you want a leaner experience; I left the greenhouses, tho. They're pretty! (you could do a similar MM patch to turn, say, labs or hitchhikers into greenhouses, too)
  3. Banido por achar que eu sou a favor da moral e dos bons costumes. Feliz 420zimo post!
  4. Just like the ending of ALF.
  5. Banido por QUASE me fazer de rubinho de novo. Preciso parar de abrir abas pra responder depois. (acho que o banido de política foi um post deletado respondendo ao seu?)
  6. No, honestly, this particular thread seemed just fine by me, at least the more recent pages. I was even gonna say "just check this page an you'll see there's nothing insulting, really". But then there were a couple posts just after yours with the tone you mention, so maybe I'm wrong. Now, in all seriousness, who actually likes this mechanic? We've heard one such response in this thread already, and their reasons. Anyone else?
  7. I never did Jool 5 either, should really try that. Anyway, not only using life support, but also Kerbal Construction Time has changed a lot my game. I skip time a lot more, have to be more patient, and need to build backups and rescue missions and store them beforehand if I'll need quick response. Not for everyone, but worth a try! Personally, I like the "Up Free" config, which doesn't require you to use the mod's level-up system, relying on the stock building levels instead. Less hassle to learn and play.
  8. Oh, since this isn't "Forum Negative Although Constructive Feedback", I really really like that I'm notified when someone quotes me.
  9. I think he means the Auto Stage button, right there in the bottom of the stage list, on the VAB/SPH. Never noticed it? Good, because it will only do you harm! @toril, don't worry. It's not that you don't have the skill, it's rather that that button only screws up. Always do your staging yourself, it's just a matter of dragging stuff to order it! (I don't mean to insult SQUAD's work at implementing auto-stage, I just think it's wrong for them to even attempt it - even a simple design can have multiple 'interpretations' of 'proper' stage ordering, and what is natural for some players is an abomination to others; plus most designs are far from simple) I actually think this is the most amiable thread I've seen in some time in relation to this complaint (and others).
  10. Bom é o BRPrime que tá fazendo policiamento aéreo de Brasília...
  11. Copy the link from "Posted 16 minutes ago"! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/127496-official-forum-feedback-thread/&do=findComment&comment=2340839 Uh... did I leave the window open too long, or did I just not notice a reply on a different page?
  12. Hey, I'm impressed! Usually these threads to "fix the game" are pretentious; this one builds on something simple, feasible and with (I think) actual positive impact on the game! I endorse this. Just a note, I am voting "Yes", but I think the answer is not exactly right, since this is not the problem with career (although it is the most noticeable). I think it does fix most of the issues with career, tho.
  13. Eu parei de usar mais por que queria o meu jogo mais "limpo" (tava passando de 70 mods na época) do que por achar que tirava a graça do jogo. Decolagem automática? Não tão automática assim! Com a aerodinâmica nova (ou FAR, que eu sempre usei), você tem que saber configurar (e experimentar pra descobrir como!), se não seu foguete dá cambalhotas e explode. Pouso automático? Automático, mas não tão confiável assim! Só use se você tiver certeza que pode reverter uma situação crítica pilotando na mão de última hora. Docagem automática? Só se você quiser jogar todo o seu monopropelente fora! Criar manobra de circularização/revezamento com só clique? Alinhar duas naves automaticamente com a facilidade do autopiloto stock? Alinhar "pra cima", ou prógrado/retrógrado com relação a órbita, superfície ou alvo? SÓ OURO.
  14. Hey, thanks for that! I've tried messing around with the fairing themselves, since I'm using FAR any 'fairing module' should't matter, but had no success.
  15. Eh, where exactly are we? Bring it to -71, if I'm right..
  16. That's exactly why I think The Martian is third: who'd nitpick anything else for scientific acurateness? Ant-man: "Whole premise is stupid". There, need anything else?
  17. I believed that, not because I heard a rumor, but because me and my wife were pausing the trailers to analyze frames; the scene where Rey is over Finn's body thinking he died near the end is on the trailers, but framed in a way (I have to watch the trailer again to be sure it wasn't some intentional CG or something!) that Finn looked EXACTLY like Chewie: there was some fur flying in the wind, no clothing visible, and that characteristic bandolier. I was slightly shocked at Han's death (not a MAJOR twist, but not Shyamalan-grade predictable either, specially the execution), but very relieved to see Chewie survive in the end
  18. Been thinking.. Lemmy wasn't much of a 'rest' or 'peace' kind of guy, was he? I suggest the thread topic be changed from 'R.I.P Lemmy Kilmister' to 'Killed by Death: Lemmy Kilmister', or something like that. Just saw a guy on a Motörhead t-shirt on my way to work from lunch. Exchanged horns from distance. Nice feeling of community.
  19. Mostly this, except I still play it from time to time. I have two space civs, but just play one of them, when I feel the urge for those "just one more" games (you know, the same niche that casual mobile games take), but it's really nothing more than that to me. And the fact your entire civilization has a SINGLE ship is the cherry that ruins the cake.
  20. As some said, the point of a quickload is to not have any hassle except pressing a button. It just shouldn't overwrite your only autosave instantly, that's all.
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