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Everything posted by monstah

  1. If, indeed, no parachutes are on the ship, aim for the ocean, and BAIL when you get subsonic. Kerbals are a lot more damage resistant than some parts, specially the helmet! To fall head-first, left-click and drag while your Kerbal is EVA with jetpacks enabled, and that will let you re-orient it. Val once survived such a fall. It was ABSOLUTELY THRILLING. I keep forgetting parachutes.
  2. DESBANIDO por não conhecer coisas que ninguém deveria conhecer...
  3. Really? For me it was the opposite: the trailers made him a Darth Vader fanboy wannabe, and in the movie he is an acutual human being, with an actual motivation, and even more, a conflict! Opinions are just that, and I don't think you're wrong to be disappointed. But, personally, I think the original 3 movies are, yes, very entertaining, but really not a big deal, and comparing the new movie with some idealized memory of them is what gets people disappointed (I saw the same reaction on some friends, with TRON Legacy. I mean, come on, the original was just a movie about Neon Warriors) Back on topic, I don't believe the original movies would have ever become legend back then, if it weren't for the special effects, which is not to say they're bad movies. Plot-wise, character-wise, drama-wise, in my opinion Force Awakens is the second best of the whole saga, second only to Empire Strikes Back. It wasnt??? Which other plot point made that clear, cause I just found out! Is it any larger in the other movies? I always had the impression someone was using the word "galaxy" wrong. The whole saga hapens "In a cluster far, far away, in maybe our own galaxy".
  4. Yes it might, but then there's mods like Trajectories for that!
  5. No, but it will be when you strart right-dragging random images on the internet (been there).
  6. Oh, yes! And specially a landed one, where "prograde" is up and "radial" is east, for example (with 0-latitude "radial" on the poles)
  7. That's... very reasonable of you! I dropped the 2nd season of True Detective on the first episode, and would have dropped Squadcast at the first sight of Max playing, if it weren't for the transcripts. If you do decide to drop it, however, I don't expect I'll watch it, instead relying solely on devnotes and simply waiting till stuff comes out...
  8. I agree, speaking for others on the internet (or anywhere, really) isn't really good practice. So, I am quite sick of using rocket parts that were "found lying by the side of the road". On topic, I would very much like to, at least, pick where I place my buildings, if only for the aesthetic.
  9. I find Trajectories has a very good unobtrusive interface, exactly what I'd expect of such a tool.
  10. Just be sure to wait until whatever has liquified due to exteme G and vibration within the rocket to re-solidify, otherwise it might hit a strut in the wrong way and have your whole ship precessing out of control. And, no, that doesn't happen in KSP. Just a nerd vent
  11. C'mon, dude, your sarcasm has been wittier in the past
  12. After Nelson glued his hair down, Ha-ha!
  13. Wow, end of an era! Farewell dude
  14. Starting vacation. 30 days, plus weekend plus Dia de los Muertos. Boss paid me whisky on account of having finished important stuff company had left hanging for about a year. Friggin win. I love Halloween. - - - Updated - - - Oh, hey there, me above. It's me, again. Hi! ^^
  15. Why are you all changing your pics?? You're one of the docs saying "howdy". You'll always be. - - - Updated - - - And just what the hell IS that, anyway?
  16. Heh. My vacation just starter and this describes my job so much I just had to laugh Anyway, thanks for the effort
  17. I do the 2-polar highly elliptical setup and haven't had any trouble with the moons. An alternative to it is using Minmus to park your relays: it's inclined orbit means it won't cross in front of Kerbin frequently; its low grav makes the orbit long period, and you can get the sat to hang around Ap for quite some time while the other one gets away from Pe.
  18. Who doesnt??? TUBM is in need of a vacation
  19. 3/10 I -have- seen you before, but can't remember when or where. Maybe here?
  20. Hey there! This is a very useful and easy to use mod, and I have a request for it: that there was a way for me to predict the atmospheric trajectory of, say, stage 0, so I can plan my landings before I ditch the lower stages. Feasible?
  21. No meu caso, é exatamente o contrário: o jogo fica muito mais estável. Suponho que porque, pelo menos no meu caso, sempre que travava era por falta de memória. Veredito pessoal: fica mais lerdo (o FPS cai), mas o uso de memória diminuindo significa que o jogo trava bem menos. Como me irritava muito o jogo travando sempre, jogo com OpenGL e fico me coçando quanto àperformance ligeiramente pior. - - - Updated - - - Nunca vire o foguete muito rápido; se o nariz dele estiver apontando muito "de lado" em relação àdireção em que ele está indo, o vento faz ele capotar. Começe a virar logo que o foguete tiver algum embalo (por volta de 100m/s; mais rápido e vc não consegue virar pelo motivo acima; mais devagar e o foguete não consegue subir), e vire pouco, uns 5 a 10º, nunca saindo da bolinha amarela no navball. Depois, é só manter "pra frente". A "agressividade" da curva, ou seja, quanto vc vira inicialmente, depende do foguete; foguetes pesadões têm que virar menos, foguetes mais ágeis viram mais. A minha decolagem é quase "hand-off": Começa decolando reto, sobe vertical até uns 70 - 100 m/s Vira entre 5 a 10 graus em direção ao horizonte (10 graus é quando o pontinho laranja central da navball está encostando no círculo amarelo do vetor prógrado) Daí é só manter reto; depois de conseguir os probes mais evoluídos, eu clico "Hold prograde" e só espero a apoapse desejada ??? Lucro
  22. Not without Google-fu. TUBM doesn't use SRBs
  23. Hey, my having graduated hasn't helped me a lot in that department, either!
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