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Everything posted by monstah

  1. 6/10 recognize this Herzfeldt-style avatar from other posts
  2. Seconded. And nicer flares, corona effect, an actual shadow covering the ship and planet below...
  3. Two arms above, two legs below, a head and dangling bits, baby! TUBM posts more on "social" subforums such as this than "game" subforums such as General KSP Conversation, Tutorials, etc.
  4. Yeah, I have noticed that already. Clickbait, flamebait.
  5. To mean something you have to state something...
  6. "Ah, the Big Bang. If only I could look half as cool as Neil deGrasse Tyson when putting my sunglasses to look at it..."
  7. Quando você estiver indo interplanetário, um outro mod bom é o Transfer Window Planner; ele te diz quando é a melhor data para sair, quanto tempo leva o percurso, e o mais importante, quando de dV você precisa para o percurso, incluindo circularização no alvo (ou não, se você estiver planejando usar para-quedas ou fazer apenas um fly-by) Também serve para calcular uma missão saindo da Mun para Minmus, mas essa precisa de tão pouco que dá pra fazer na tora mesmo.
  8. Oh, yes, please! So much could be done on that building we don't ever go into.
  9. Agreed, Life Support. Also, the Kerbal Construction Time mod: it makes building ships take time. Need a rescue now? Not happening unless you planned for the possibility beforehand.
  10. I know what you mean, but you do know that was sarcasm, right?
  11. Você tem certeza que a nave sumiu? Pode ser que ela só não esteja aparecendo no mapa, por causa dos botões de filtro acima (só mostrar bandeiras, sondas, naves, bases, etc)
  12. I kind of feel like this, but having worked on a movie and having cut a lot of loved material to fit the time myself, I can relate to what was done. In fact, given that things HAD to be cut, I say they did it spot on. EXCEPT for the part where he does't fry his radio while fixing the rover in the movie. The pirate monologue makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE then. I loved the movie, in any way.
  13. Wow, that's not happened to me nearly enough times for me to have an opinion on it! Anyway, usual druggery at work. Not much to do, only small unimportant tasks. Been reading on stellar structure and evolution. These class notes seem good so far, but I printed the first class and the font is so damn huge it's surprisingly more pleasant to read on screen than on paper. - - - Updated - - - O_O holy.
  14. Nah, it doesn't. I play career since it existed, but in my 0.18 antics rescues were TEH GAME.
  15. Oh, by the way, I use those in KSP, too. Great for cheaply deorbiting circularization stages!
  16. Oh no, the metal pellets are the catalyst that breaks hydrazine into H2 and N2. Hydrazine is the liquid he drops over it.
  17. Yeah, I missed all the dirt-making sessions. Instead, he merely fertilizes the hole he plats the taters into. A good concession to make for the screen, tho. In fact, I find the movie full of concession concessions with regards to translating the book to the screen, but the flip side is that things seem so much easier on the film version.
  18. 2/10... did you change your avatar?
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