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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. I like to park then at LKO and build stations around it... Fuel I cab grab at KSC... :3
  2. just need to add multiplayer... and we will be able to role play space pirates or go full star trek...
  3. You can aways remove this mod sections (TRScecenario and KerbalAlarmClockScenario) from the save file... I posted it on the stock section because It involves a stock feature (docking) using stock parts... as the inly mods I use only adds info and changes some visuals... never touching the gameplay... I'm only trying to help... a Dev asked for a save file... I gave him a save file... and I'm sure he knows what to do with it...
  4. Back there when the wing-strike bug was still a thing, one of my shuttles decided to go full Columbia...
  5. Texture Replace settings for kerbal skins... have nothihng to do with this bug in special... I have to test it more, but I suppose this bug only happens if both docked crafts are "sub-assemblies" w/o the original root part. because it have never happened for me on crafts with their original root parts in it...
  6. to land a rover or probe, a heat-shield can do the trick, but not alone, it's good to also protect the rest with a fairing too... for manned missions, as the craft to return are generally big because it needs like 6000Δv to reach Eve's low orbit, the inflatable shield is the best option... and believe, return from Eve is one of the hardest but more rewarding things you can do in KSP... :3
  7. Don't ask what's the best part... or Squad will nerf it...
  8. That docking bug Claw... when docked crafts becomes unable to undock... Is there a way to add a module to fix this?
  9. se roda FSX tem q rodar FlightGear... o problema deve ser o driver... o driver do windows não vem com OpenGL, tem q instalar o driver do fabricante...
  10. want a save file? I was assembling a station, and the small tug got stuck with one of the modules... https://www.dropbox.com/s/utk5yjrj5urk1dx/quicksave.sfs?dl=0
  11. Orbiter é q nem o Flight-Gear... vc escolhe o tipo de integrador pra simular aerodinamica... inclusive tem um plugin pra ambos q é similar ao do X-Plane...
  12. sabe pq não uso RSS/RO, FAR, etc? Pq pra isso tem o Orbiter 2016... Não da pra ser mais realista que aquilo lá...
  13. Yes, STS-Ventura. Was the first one with the "heat-tiles". This one was supposed to be an upgraded version, but it's operation in orbit, flight characteristics and appearance are very different, so I released it separately...
  14. I must stop to build shuttles... *starts to build a new shuttle* ಠ_ಠ This shuttle is for sure the closest one to the RL shuttle I have made with stock parts... Download: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/STS---Bravura
  15. Fiz mais um shuttle... não consigo parar de fazer shuttles... devo ta com shuttleflasia... ಠ_ಠ https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/STS---Bravura
  16. gostei q vc fez a passagem in-line do tamano certo pros capacetes... tem muita parte stock q eu vejo e fico imaginando se os capacetes são de silicone ou vinil pra poder passar...
  17. Se decide po... ou joga Ark ou Joga KSP...
  18. banido por contrair toxoplasmose poneyca e passar a defender poneys...
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