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Everything posted by sashan

  1. Missiles are great, but can you actually overhaul their particles to be more on the level with Baha's ones? Btw, it really seems that cruise missile zeroing out roll is defined somewhere in model setup, not part module.
  2. Not older, the one made for external stores. F-22 and F-35 use C/D model - the only difference is smaller fins so that it actually fits.
  3. It just looks differently under dx9. Now that I looks at it again it just sdeems that Scatterer effect is often one pixel off in random direction, which gives sort of blurry looking effect.
  4. You can see thet in that same screen, look at buildings and other background. As for a problem - those lanch clamps from ven's revamp are supposed to have a thick bundle of cables inside, which isn't visible. Can't find any pattern in those draw orders
  5. I really wish someone made proper RPM configs, preferrably with ASET props, for all those awesome new IVAs. Also, Shuttle cockpit needs a major overhaul, its dashboard is too small and is placed too low, which makes in unusable.
  6. X75V. I have 1600x800 screen, not fullHD, which one do you have? It impacts perfomance quite a lot. I also use OpenGL, so no AA for me.
  7. To my knowledge, these CPUs only hit the turbo frequency when only one or two cores are loaded. I think the more cores are loaded the lower the turbo frequency. Anyway, maybe later, I'm sure the internet is filled with info about rendering techniques and the like. No, they can run turbo always, but not always at full power. For example my one runs at up to 2.6 without turbo, up to 3GHz with two cores loaded and up to 3.3 with one core loaded. Well, ok, enough offtopic. Craft interaction sounds just great. What real impact on gameplay does fourier grid size have? I guess repeating wave pattern? So far I've spotted none with default settings.
  8. Oh, yes, it's 2.6GHz normally. It runs at 3 while I play tho, checked it. Scatterer perfomance hit is also minimal with my nvidia 740m. Let's just say that I can play games from 2014 like Dragon Age Inquisition on med-max settings. The rest of KSP is really unoptimized tho. As for refraction - I've noticed that many games have refractions if you apply normal map to a transparent (or half transparent) surface, with zero perfomance impact. Crysis, for example. Maybe you can try searching for some onfo about that?
  9. i5 - 3230m. Best laptop I managed to find for below 550 bucks. Great, I've thought you may have some plans for that but had to ask. Also, how hard would it be to implement water refraction? I know I ask much, but half a year ago we couldn't even dream of what we have now and here. Thanks man, my eyes no longer bleed when I look at the horizon.
  10. Thanks, I've never would have guessed that. Also, don't know if it's intended, but Gatling guns don't spin while firing, Instead they gradually spin up when the burst ends and spin down immidiately after that. Can you check it? Looks really nasty. Happened to me on all versions and all installs since the spring.
  11. Will a quad-threaded two-core 3GHz one be enough? As for foam - it is not what I meant. I meant render the foam only up to a certain distance from camera, in a circle placed right under a camera. Outside it, render ocean with slightly compensated (lighter) color, possibly - with lower detail. It's the way it is done in majority of games. Btw, a suggestion - render very dense and differently-colored version of a Scatterer fog beneath ocean surface. Again, that's how most of games do it. Doubt I need to explain advantages of that.
  12. Yes, I also experienced that bug, that's why I am in this thread.
  13. IMO the easiest potion would be to stop rendering it after certain distance. Ocean color may need to be adjusted tho to be slightly whiter.
  14. Yup, but should it be stereo or mono, which rate? Also, what about spin up/down sounds? That's how they are usualy called at least, first one is played in the start of the burst, last one - after the burst or during the last shot.
  15. Which format should I use for audio? I want to make a new sound for Oerlikon Millenium, and make it fire rapidly.
  16. I've thought it should be gold foil, or aluminized Mylar - covered, not orange foam - insulated?
  17. Just posted a screenshot of a base that uses NearFuture reactor. Used fuel cells before, but reactor is sweeter, fire-up-and-forget. It doesn't work in 1.0.5 yet tho
  18. Sure you're using right versions of everything? Mun Base Alpha is awesome. Time for a crew rotation.
  19. Suggestion: small light and control panel on all airlocks. Something like this on Nertea's airlock:
  20. Okay, I'm getting the mod. I need 1.0.4 version tho. Another question - how heavy is the part once ballute is jettisoned? There's no way I could attach something near top of the vehicle and jettison it later, and payload of that monster is tiny.
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