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  1. I was wondering, how did your first Mun landing (or attempt) go? On my first attempt I missed the capture and orbited another 60 days until I finally entered the Mun's SOI, after a few burns I was heading in for a one way landing, at the time I had no idea how to return so Jebediah was going to be in a one man Mun base for a while, well it turns out you need to slow down in advance to land so time warping until I was just above the ground was a poor decision. They say you could see the explosion from Kerbin.
  2. Day 1: I launched the first 2 Landers, one was a comms station with a lab, the other was a living capsule, they launched 4 men. Us. Day 3: We landed and set up the panels. Day 10: We have sufficient food to survive for a few more weeks. Day 11: We've sent a rover, it landed and we have more food, enough for 108 more orbits, according to base. Day 31: We found an old Mining module and sent it to attach to the rover. Day 67: We got an orbital satellite and more food. Day 100: Mining is working, we have more water and fuel now. Day 365.9: We can see the fireworks, they're beautiful from here. To celebrate, we've put green, pink and red ribbons on and around the base. Day 381: It's time. 109 more landers have been sent. We're Kolonizing Mun.
  3. Decided to tackle the new demo version with a Mun landing and return trip. I'd done it before, but since I finished building my desktop I figured I should record it and toss it up on Youtube. My two gripes with the current demo version is the lack of Ablative heat shield and the loss of the LV-909 Terrier engine. So in some ways, the demo version is harder than the current full release. So I guess that made it a nice challenge, since Mun landing and return trips in the full version are pretty much cake for me now. Shoutout to Anton Petrov of 'What Da Math' for inspiring me to get off my butt and attempt this. (a thousand pardons for the background child and coughing, I didn't edit the vid at all) 1.0 Demo round-trip Mun landing
  4. First, forgive me for not searching forums for an already created thread. I looked at FAQ, but it seemed to be more about the forums themselves. Anyway, I built a lander that's pretty similar to the "stock heavy lander". Then I built a 2 stage launch rocket to get the lander to orbit and then to the Mun. The problem is, once I get their and start actually approaching it, I have so much speed (m/s) that I have to burn pretty much all of my fuel to slow craft down enough so I don't explode on impact. Any general idea what I am missing here? Like, am I supposed to burn retrograde at a certain altitude or something? Obviously, parachutes won't work, maybe some sort of air break? I feel like I am missing some obvious step.
  5. Good news and bad news. The good news is I've gotten in a lot of practice of the finer points of Kerbal. The bad news is it's been all in a massive attempt to rescue Crew A from the surface of the Mun. As I mentioned in my report about Luna 10's mishaps, my next plan was to attempt to land two ships, Lunar 11 and lunar 12, on the Mun at the same time. Unfortunately, upon landing, Lunar 11 came down at a bad angle and lost it's engine. I could have simply reverted, but no, I had to do the macho thing and try to rescue the Jeb, Bob and Bill. First I attempted to land an Emergency Crew Return Vehicle ("ECRV", an automatic version of my direct Assent lunar ship). I was able to drop the ECRV, with some considerable effort, about 12KM away from where Lunar 11 landed. I then spent about three days designing and testing some sort of rover develry system that would be able to get the boys from their stuck command module to the rescue ship. Each and every attempt ended in disaster. Then I decided to just have them walk. When I realized how slow they moved, I had to make plan C. after trial and error, I finally had something that world work. The "ECRV Super Heavy", the same craft with a few tweaks, launched from the bigger and stronger Moho Six booster. All said and done, with a massive amount of mid landing course corrections, my final landing... 1.6 KM from Lunar 11! Walking distance! almost as good as Pete Conrad. Now I just need to get the crew to the other ship and off we go.
  6. I have recently started with Kerbal Space Program (roughly a month ago), and I decided to start with career mode. The start of my career, having no experience with KSP, was tough. Many failed launches, a poor Kerbonaut lost(R.I.P. Jeb), and many a fail orbit. Just yesterday I recieved a little bit of science I could scrape off of one last Mun orbit, to get the upgrades I felt necessary for a Mun Landing. The ship went through 2 variations, that ended in utter failure, until I came to this design. It was perfect, and glorious to behold, a modern marvel for Kerbin. http://imgur.com/Jlxz8Jh The launch went smoothly, I got into orbit with fuel to spare. I was able to get a trajectory on the Mun, and I propelled myself onward. Once arriving to the Mun I realized that my solar panels had been away from the sun during the warp, I was using a OCT to pilot as I had a scientist onboard, and my SAS was out of power. Crap. I had to turn the ship using my precious RCS reserves to face the sun, catch just as much sunlight as I could, and engage my SAS. It was a success and I was placed in my orbit around the Mun. As I planned my descent I started to realize that my ship was pulling in one direction. I couldn't figure out why. The descent to the Mun was tricky. Constantly fighting against my tilting ship and limited SAS use. http://imgur.com/iA0lvMB I finally got it landed to realise that one of the fuel lines feeding into my central tank was not working. The outside tank was full of precious fuel that I needed for my return trip. I quickly scoured the web looking for answers when I found that I could upgrade my facilities to allow fuel transfer. I was saved! I transferred the fuel into the central tank, planted my flag, and grabbed a soil sample (came with the facility upgrade too =D). I then decoupled my landing gear and shot myself towards Kerbin, running out of fuel in literally the last second of my burn =S But after a long stressful flight I made it back to Kerbin, I didn't burn up on reentry, and splashed down safely. http://imgur.com/Bn5qLgi http://imgur.com/EaD20dy This nice mission snagged me a cool 300 Science, the most science I have ever seen =D, and cost me close to 40k. All in all it was an awesome adventure full of hard work and stress, and amazing payoff. I did not do it because it was easy, but because it was hard. P.S. oh and I am new here so this was my hello message, I frickin' love this game, and hope to share my love of this game with this community. Godspeed.
  7. Hey, I was playing yesterday and I accepted some contracts and when I got up today, they weren't in my list. Nor where they in the unaccepted list. What happened here? BTW the mods I have installed are: Contracts Pack (all of them), Firespitter, Historic Missions, Planet Base Inc, Kerbaltek, Active Texture Manager, and Final Frontier, so if you know of a bug please tell me.
  8. Hello everyone, I am new and although I have been playing ksp for a while I got 6 kerbals stuck on the mun in two spots with only their capsule. Can I get them back to kerbin or at least my space station with an apoapsis of 130,000 and periapsis of 100,000 wihout cheats? Thank you in advance -Ribby Kerman
  9. MatttheCzar


    Prologue The rovers had driven for 80 km, when out on the horizon, the glint of metal appeared, glistening, bright enough to outshine even the bright münar soil. Valentina turned to Seanfel, who was busy warming up chili in the rover's microwave. "We finally made it!" To that, the entire cabin perked up. Copilot Wehrton started to get a little giddy at the thought, while engineer Megta broke into questions immediately. "Is the descent module intact? Is it true that the flag was knocked over in ascent? Why, I can't wait to see the effects of the münar heat cycle after so many years! Does it st—" "Slow down!" Val had to giggle at her passionate wave of questions. "We'll know soon enough." As she focused back on her driving, a smile overtook her face too, as it often does. The descent module had been there for more than what some kerbals would call "many years." A kid could have been born on its landing date, and would be married and with children by now, much like the pilots were at the time. Seanfel peered up from the chili with a look of awe on his face. Even though there was barely an atmosphere on the Mün to weather the craft, the lander showed its age. Decades of micrometeor impacts had faded its shiny orange paint, and the lander feet were buried in regolith. As the rover got closer, the radio onboard flickered to life. It was Jebediah Kerman, Kerpollo 11 pilot and now aging space booster entrepreneur. "How is it, crew? Is it as good as the pictures?" Wherton peered past Val, looked for a few seconds, and said, "Better, much better! Now can we finally get out of this tiny car and get a look at it on foot?" Jeb's laugh came out as static. "Ha-hah, just my style! Bring out the camera too, this is a milestone!" EVA suits on, the crew depressurized the rover and stepped out. The regolith under Valentina's feet was unlike the virgin soil she was used to. It felt packed; she looked down and saw a bootprint, under her own boot. She looked back up, and there it was. Kerpollo 11. Jebediah interrupted that thought. "Look at the TV, Bill! Home again!"
  10. Made a stock version of the SLS and then modified it to carry a command module and lander for a Mun mission. Enjoy!
  11. Hello, KSP forum members! I have the demo (want to buy the full game soon) and I want to land on the mun, and I've gotten pretty close, but never quite landed there. The demo rockets I found online all have parts that I don't have on the demo. Does anyone have a demo mun rocket they can show? I would appreciate it.
  12. My encounters with not just the Mun but Minmus appear out of their orbits in seemingly random position between Kerbin and the Mun or Kerbin and Minmus. It's not the hugest issue but it's an annoying bug for sure. Here's an image... Mun Encounter Image The mods I have installed include: Kerbal Engineer Redux DMagicOrbitalScience Distant Object ScanSAT Hyperedit Community Resource Pack (Not sure where I got this from) NearFutureConstruction/Electrical/Propulsion/Solar/Spacecraft/Props InterstellarFuelSwitch (Not sure where I got this from) PreciseNode Waypoint Manager FinalFrontier Trajectories Mechjeb2 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Chatterer I have v. if that's important.
  13. Hi all, just registered here! Would like some suggestions on how to design a small Mun lander and return craft. Is this good or bad design? Any suggestions? 32 tonnes. 52 parts. - It reaches 20 km circular Mun orbit and then lands, does the science possible, plants flag etc. Then reaches 20 km circular orbit again. Returns to Kerbin with about 300-400 dV left.
  14. Hi! I wanted to show you what I did today. I made an SSTO capable of reaching orbit with a lot of Delta-V. Making use of that, I plotted a Mun mission. Here are some pictures: Ascending into space: Almost there! : Yeah! : Look at those numbers!! : Preparing a free return manouver. This wasn't difficult at all since the mun's orbit has no inclination: Sweet! : See you in about 3 days! : Look at those views! (taken a little further away than the original closest approach because of time warp issues) : Second Atmosphere Entering (No photos of the first one because I was nervous as hell. I lost the front intake andtwo batteries on the first pass): Recharging the only battery left: Succesful landing!!: Mission stats: That's it!! please let me know what you think. if you so desire, I will upload the craft files. There is a crew and a cargo variant. The craft uses B9 Aerospace and Adjustable Landing Gears. EDIT: And I made it to minmus!!
  15. As light as you can make it to Mun, plant a flag and get back home safely. Stock and Mechjab only. I did it with 124.4 tons
  16. Hi! I'm pretty new to KSP and just made my first Mun landing. I'm afraid, however, that I may have made a bit of a mistake here. I'm playing career mode and have been really starved for science points. My lander module was equipped with a lot of instruments and I took readings when I landed. I have a good deal of science stored however transmitting it only offers me 25-30% of its potential value. The lander itself is not designed for reentry to Kerbin. I sent it to the moon and am taking it back on a payload, which is just a large engine with a lot of fuel tanks with which I dock. This is not designed for reentry either. However the payload does have additional docking ports, and I planned to launch an escape pod module to dock with the payload and bring my crew back home. From what I've read, however, I won't be able to transmit all this scientific data to the escape pod. So I have ~200 science worth of points sitting on the lander module and no way to get anything from it without transmitting and surrendering 150 of those points. Is there a way for me to retrieve these science points? I looked into the mobile processing lab but I'm not 100% sure if it will do what I'd like here. I can however launch one and dock with the lander/payload module if that would help.
  17. We have many challenges about reusable, single-staged, and/or airbreathing vehicles. This one is about the viability of reusable multistage transport on a non-atmospheric body, the Mun. Create a lander consisting of two parts A and B. Part A must hold one or more kerbals, all in pressurized modules. Part B must contain some fuel and at least one engine. Neither A nor B may disassemble themselves any further. There are two ways to perform the mission, "ascent first" and "descent first". Ascent first: Launch from the Mun. While suborbital, detach part B and have it land back at the launch site. Reach a 10-km circular orbit with A. Demonstrate reusability by landing A at B's location and docking the parts back together. Descent first: Deorbit your lander from 10 km over the Mun. Detach B and have it reach a stable orbit. Land with A. Demonstrate reusability by taking A to a rendezvous with B and docking the parts back together. Screenshots of the following are required: initial orbit, if Descent first craft's initial mass situation just before splitting the craft part A after circularizing or landing part B after landing or circularizing craft's final state after docking final orbit, if Descent first Your score is the whole lander's full mass (tons) divided by the number of kerbals transported. Lower is better. No refuelling, teleporting or cheat menus during the mission. Information mods are allowed, active autopilots are not. Only stock parts or their equivalent rescales. My attempt: Leaderboard 1. SchweinAero: 1 kerbal, 1.76t, score 1.76
  18. I just got the full version of KSP for Christmas, so I'm pretty new at this, but I have started the Muna Project. The basic idea is to send probes and manned spacecraft to the Mun, which is the easiest body to get to in KSP. Below are the craft that have been launched. Munar Station 1: Success. Is a 5-kerbal single rocket in munar orbit. Command module is a Cupola with one HSC attached as well as a battery pack and 2 giant solar panels. Launched with a modified Kerbal X rocket. Muna 1: Success. Is a probe on the Mun. Has an OKBT with solar panels and a Com 88-88. Launched with a modified Kerbal X rocket. Munar Rover 1: Failure. Was a rover designed to land on the Mun. Had 2 driving wheels, two steerable wheels, Rovemate, solar panels, Comsat. Destroyed during landing, was too fast and destroyed upon touchdown. Launched with a modified Kerbal X rocket. Munar Base 1: Failure. Was a 5-kerbal crew designed to land. Had one Cupola, one HSC, 2 solar panels. Didn't have enough fuel to land or orbit, would have been long gone if not for the Revert button. I think we all know what it was launched with.
  19. So, here are some images of my mission with KSB. It was very fun! Hope you enjoy it too! Mods used: Distant Object Enhancement TextureReplacer (Markus1002's Galaxy Skybox and some own suits) Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics (Model Rework & Expansion) EvironmentalVisualEnchancements OPT Space Plane Parts Kerbal Planetary Base Systems PlanetShine Hyperedit (To get KSB to space)
  20. Reworked Kerbin System Greetings kerbonauts! This is first beta version of the "Reworked Kerbin System" - small modification that changes space center location, Mun and Minmus orbits. Mod require Kopernicus [included in zip file]. Changelog: 0.0.1 Space center has been moved Added 28 degree Mun inclination Added 14 degree Minmus inclination. Upper limit of the Kerbin atmosphere has been moved to 100 km. Download: KerbalStuff License: MIT
  21. Hello, Any tips on getting to the mun and back with the demo? I do plan on getting the full game after Christmas, I just want to bide my time slinging kerbals to the mun and back.
  22. This is the beginning of a soon to start series of rockets, the Sirius program. Presenting the first of the Sirius Program, the Sirius I: Capable of unmanned flight and delivery, it can be modified for a variety of 1m missions. It has so far been tested to reach the Mun. Minmus? Probably likely. Planets? Feel free to modify it for that. Ascent is quite speedy and stable. No wobbling here. More than enough RCS fuel. Boosters have a 99.9% no chance of collision with the main rocket body, even in a gravity turn. Here's a fine example. After separating, this stage is for orbit circulation and orbital operations. Probe perfectly capable of landing on the Mun. For fuel saving measures, you may decouple from the Orbital Ops. Stage after the MechJeb landing autopilot says: "On Course (Safe to Warp)". Some staging may be inconvenient. Required: MechJeb, KW Rocketry and the KW PLF. (Not included)
  23. Hello, first topic here. Anyway I have been trying to make a to-the-Mun-and-back kind of spaceplane. I use 2m rocket parts as the shuttle is meant to have a crewtank onboard. This is to facillitate passenger transfers to the Mun and back. It's supposed to be reusable, thus it can only have one stage. Refuelling is not a problem. That can be taken care of. Basicly, I need to know how to make a spaceplane that follows the specified conditions below: - 1 Stage - Nothing that has to be decoupled (No SRBs etc) - Has enough fuel at start to get into orbit - Has at least 1 Crew Tank - Must have landing/takeoff capabilities - Must be able to go to the Mun and back. That's all. For the record I use the Down Under Aerospace and Party Supplies Pack, Crewtank, Deep Space Parts Pack, NovaPunch Remix pack, Shuttle Booster System and MMI's Payload Pack as my core mods. Thanks for anyone who can help. I can upload pictures of my current design if needed. EDIT: I mean refueling as in on the ground refueling. Refueling can be done in orbit as well once I get my satellite up there, so don't count on that one. When I manage to establish a Mun Base that will also have a refueling station.
  24. Hello KSP community It is me, Karl, I am here to collect all my stuff on a single page for easy access of my work. + ERRYTING IZ STOCK (Instructions are inside the folder) My spaceplanes My first and best SpacePlane, The Megawing! Facts: Can go to the south pole. (My flight was not optimized) Holds one Kerbal pilot Lifts off at 70 m/s Low atmospheric flight speed 150 m/s ca 10 km speed ca 500 m/s Great gliding Download: http://www./?3o7mf92gtp3qc8t Second up, my other spaceplane, designed for the highest royalties (and gas bills) The World-Conquerors personal jet. Facts: Lifts off at 70 m/s Low atmosphere flight speed ca 130m/s Pretty decent control NOTE: I can't withstand flying this machine. Download: http://www./?n2ahiifyogv4vh8 My pocket plane that was designed by me and my friends (Woah, you've got friends!?) Video speaks for itself. Download: http://www./?syhosk3d838drr9 My rockets This ship was made by Vanamonde, who is awesome, and the rover is designed by me. It can get to the mun but i dont bother going there because of my lack of patience. But when I was there it could go beyond 50 m/s ground speed! Instructions: (Also by Vanamonde) The bottom stage gets you most of the way to orbit, then the next stage completes orbit and gets you to Mun orbit. It's got more fuel than it needs, in case you want to land at higher lattitudes. When you've got the orbital plane you want, eject it and descend on the third engine stage. Just before touching down, use the engine to bring your vertical speed to zero, then descend on the final stage, which is on top of the rover, and acts like an RCS parachute to bring you down on your tail. Have fun! Download: http://www./?8fkuc60dbo6orb4 The ORBITR1 is a Kerbin orbiter that will get you there easily. And now you're thinking. I don't want to download this is (pardon my language) crap! No it is not, cause' it's single stage. Wooo! Note that your brave kerbal will face a horrific death because of the lack of parachutes. Download: http://www./?9oxv9qckggfvki5 Nothing special, just a munar lander. Video says it all. (NOTE: The spingy thingy that happened when I decoupled happends with every ship if you aren't careful.) Download: http://www./?6fley656y13ws9q This is my by bar smallest ship that I have built, it is capable of getting into a stable 100 km orbit and is capable of getting to the mun, but the space Kraken attacked my Astronaut, and it first ripped off the landing legs, then the main fuel supply so I had to cancel the mission and get back to Kerbin O_o. + My Photobucket account wont work. Download at your own risk, muahahahha! Download: http://www./?6dm1ek6j9nm4u8q Random stuff This is my VTOL: Craft file below ll ll ll v This is all of my ships worth posting because they are at least somehow special. And please leave a quick review of my vessels.
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