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  1. This then we talk about reuse who makes sense. Far more for boostback, you want to drop second stage fast so you don't have to spend loads of fuel boosting back to pad. For Saturn 5 it made sense to make the first stage tanks larger even if TWR at launch was low as kerosene and aluminum was cheaper. Later you got cheaper solid fuel engines. In part funded by having to replace the solid fueled nuclear missiles rockets. Now falcon 9 stretches the road transportable rocket to the edge I say.
  2. It's a much better take than the Netflix documentary. I like how they review past aviation incidents when talking about possibilities. Although they do talk about a couple conspiracy theories, it only last for a minute or so, and it isn't presented as a "subtle truth" in the same way the Netflix one did. Compared to this, the Netflix one really looks like it was created to peddle conspiracies.
  3. Well, what the heck... all this talk about the 2017 eclipse made me go and book a trip for my family and I to go see totality again. Fingers crossed that the weather cooperates.
  4. What happen if the anti proton hit an heavier atom, It was some talk of using antimatter to generate fission who generated more energy. Then mostly in charged particles, Storage is solved for tiny amounts, not amounts who take out more than the launchpad. Even at an worst case scenario rockets explodes over many seconds. Antimatter does not it detonates.
  5. Honestly it depends on the Source. I know in every source I have and have written it is nm or nM not nmi But I also know "public friendly" sources that do nMile or N-Mile, IE places where they talk about Statute miles as miles instead of Statute Miles and please never abbreviate Statute miles as smile
  6. Not necessarily! The wiki software (MediaWiki) have all the tools the community needs to afford this thing. KSP has a community waiting to massively restart to write the history of the game. It's already happening. For example: Kerbin (like duna Duna, the Kerbol System and other) already has a single main page about the concept of the planet with different sections about the KSP1 and KSP2 differences. The community did a wonderful job with KSP1: let's them to continue. The risk is of dispersing the know-how. KSP1 nad KSP2 specific pages can of course exist for example for Easter eggs or parts lists, the community will (they are still doing) find the right way! EDIT: i mean: we could already have this talk in the talk pages of the wiki!
  7. I just see general issues over and over They are treating the Beta/Early Access as the real game, so behind the curtain, is for an "element of surprise".. There is simply zero ways for us users to help find bugs in updates that are not out yet. With only two CM's one on leave and the other is poor dakota, there is simply not enough CM's to keep the community satisfied. For example, we hear about the holy grail of the slack channels, and yet dakota cannot show nor talk about anything that is really in there.. I mean is it really hard to do that, give us no information unless it's really needed and show us untextured models, or UI WIP, or something of the sorts? I really don't know who is the big wig on that but it's getting kinda silly hearing about crafts they have built, cool stuff the team has been working on and everything in between that they have had to make multiple Slack(tm) channels just to keep it in check. saying that some of the team even adds music and other things to it and what not and then just not show any of it?? Just to get like a 1st anniversary of the game a single photo/leak of colonies, and to see, read or hear that the team wishes that we could see it spin around or if it was in motion cause it looks so cool, like the first year? What does that mean, the textures only got worked on and its movement is not functional yet? I'm questioning if it is hard to post a photo and then during the same time, create a video of the vehicle in motion in case the parts show physical movement, and if you want to get extra spicy put a kerbal near the part/craft. Example: Teaser 1 Teaser 2 Teaser 3, 4 Also making a funny joke that some of the videos recorded are like 1080p30fps/60fps and like 2500kbps. I just made 3 or 4 leaks out of a single craft and guess what, that will be 4 weeks' worth of leaks instead of a single photo and groaning of "where leak", you know how long it took for even editing placing craft down and video editing well if i wasn't doing other things all this would have taken an 30 minutes at most, and 30% of it was trying to make a poor first leak photo instead of the crisp 4k. but man.
  8. We had a lot riding on the For Science! update that we released two weeks ago — it’s been a long first year of Early Access, filled with the arduous and mostly unglamorous pursuit of bugs, stability improvements, and performance gains. This update, the first of our major Roadmap Updates, had to achieve some big new goals for KSP2: it had to round out the core game loop with re-entry heating and buoyancy; it had to introduce a whole new progression system via the R&D Center and Mission Control; it had to introduce Science collection, Science parts, and dozens of new points of interest; and of course it needed to continue to deliver quality of life improvements (banishing wobbly rockets) and performance improvements. Also: there are boat docks now! In a nutshell, the addition of Exploration Mode transformed KSP2 from a sandbox experience into a proper long-form game. Working on something with so many moving parts, there’s always a little trepidation when we release a new build to the public - especially when there are so many new systems in play. We do our best to test every possible scenario, but there’s always a chance that something terrifying will rear its head once we’ve got thousands of people playing the game. It was with this fear lurking in the backs of our heads that we sat together in our own mission control room and waited for confirmation that For Science! had been released into the world. We nervously watched the first review videos appear on YouTube, and were relieved to discover that veteran players like Carnasa and Matt Lowne were excited about what they found in the new update. We cycled between the livestreams of Everyday Astronaut, EJ_SA, and Giantwaffle, discovering to our delight that all three were not only having fun, but were having trouble putting the game down! By the time we did our own livestream that evening, it was clear that we’d succeeded in creating a more stable and realistic universe, and that we’d given players some compelling goals to pursue within that universe. Our stream ran over an hour longer than planned because we, too, had a bit of trouble putting it down. That’s a story we’re hearing a lot - you sit down to play this game for an hour, and before you know it the sun’s coming up. Over the last couple of weeks, a clear picture has emerged - there are still some bugs, as well as some big opportunities to improve the player experience - but for the most part, those rough edges have not gotten in the way of some very ambitious exploratory missions. I’ll talk more about those bugs in a bit, but first I’d like to highlight some of this update’s biggest wins: The music. Yes, you all love Howard Mostrom. We’re going to need a bigger inbox for all his fan mail. The tutorials and first-time user experience have paved the way for a new group of first-time Kerbal players, and we’re not only seeing lots of you get to space, we’re also seeing a lot more players doing interplanetary missions. In many ways, the original justification for KSP2’s existence was to find a way to welcome more new players to Kerbal, and we’re very excited to see that this work has begun to bear fruit. We knew that bringing rocket science to the masses wasn’t going to be easy, and there’s still a lot more work to do in this area... but we’re making progress! Folks are enjoying the missions! We’re excited to continue adding new missions to the game via upcoming updates, and we’d love to hear your suggestions for compelling new exploration goals. In general, we’re beginning to see the flourishing of player creativity that we knew would take place once the most critical performance and usability issues had been ironed out. It’s been a pleasure to visit r/kerbalspaceprogram and our #bestof Discord channel and just bask in the awesomeness. People are making magnificent things, and it feels so nice to see all that imagination unleashed. Look at this stuff! Courtesy of Aravir Courtesy of Flypig07UA Courtesy of Dr. Seno Courtesy of BioticKeen Of course, one key benefit to our game being in Early Access is that we get detailed bug reports and feedback from a wide variety of players, and boy, did we get a big helping after releasing this update. Check out the spike we saw on our K.E.R.B. bug submissions at the end of December: There are some annoying bugs and usability issues in the mix - some are new, some have been around for a while but have risen in prominence now that other more consequential problems have been addressed. Areas of frustration include font scale and legibility, the maneuver node interface, thermal system tuning (including the propensity of some parts to explode even when they’re shielded and the insufficiency of fairings to protect their contents), as well as a few weird one-off stability issues (most of which can be corrected by reloading or restarting). We are triaging and trying to reproduce issues related to things like parachutes failing to deploy, trajectories vanishing from the map view, and Delta-V accuracy (which given the dependency of maneuver plans on accurate Delta-V projection, can result in being blocked from planning a maneuver). We’ve also noted some user experience gaps, most notably the game’s failure to properly communicate to new players that "Revert to VAB" is different from "Return to VAB" - an oversight that has led some newcomers to lose their progress after completing a mission. I’ll also take this moment to offer a new protip that I learned today after complaining to Chris Adderley about my spaceplane wings being destroyed on re-entry: while the heavier wings are more heat-resistant, the volume of every wing (and especially the wing’s thickness) affects its thermal mass. A thicker wing will be more resistant to destruction via heat! I’ll be trying out the "fat wings" approach tonight after work. Procedural wings sure are cool. Anyway, back to bugs. If you’re one of the people who have come up against a truly blocking or fun-destroying issue, please do take the time to share that information with us via the bug report subforum. We’re seeing much less of this after the For Science! update, but it’s still something we want to investigate aggressively when it’s encountered. We’re already hard at work on the v0.2.1.0 incremental update to address as many of these issues as we can, and we’ll update you here as soon as we know the exact timing and contents of that update. In the meantime, thank you for continuing to share your bug reports and feedback - your detailed reporting continues to play a huge role in helping us to improve the game. Another exciting new development: modders have started to produce some extremely cool augmentations for KSP2, including Orbital Survey, an alarm clock mod, and there’s even some planet modding underway! Our team is especially happy to see that the extensible tech tree file format created with future moddability in mind has paved the way for things like the new Tech Tree Manager mod. The Orbital Survey mod The 2.5x Kerbolar System mod The next major Roadmap Update, which will bring colonies to the game, is now also in progress. In the meantime, the current plan is to sneak a few additional missions into the next incremental update, just to keep things fresh. Now that there are interesting things to do in the game, we’re very excited about all the ways that we can continue adding new layers to that experience in the coming year while knocking out the bugs that remain. 2024 is going to be a very exciting year for KSP2, both for the players and for us developers! Nate
  9. There is a LOT of great stuff going on in Fanworks and Mission Reports now, with some new stories and some continuing ones. Some are all text, some are text and screenshots, and there are at least two graphic novels. I've had some good conversations with other writers in PMs and thought it would be nice to have a thread where we can talk about things like characterization, canon/fanon, plotting, tone, things to avoid, etc, etc. If I may be so bold, I propose a few ground rules to start: All of the Forum and Community rules apply. They apply VERY much. Don't criticize another writer's work unless asked to--and then, only criticize those aspects about which the writer asked for help. When criticizing, above all be constructive. "You did this wrong, this is how you should do it." is not helpful. "When you did this, I had this reaction, which I'm not sure you intended. If you intended the reader to have this OTHER reaction, you might try doing it in this way." -- that might be. But... If you asked for criticism--take it. Try not to argue with the critiquer. Is he wrong for feeling what he felt when he read your work? Maybe, but he did feel it, and writing is about the reader's perception more than the author's intent. Find the kernel of truth in the critique and do your best to learn from it. If you get angry about a criticism--stop posting, make peace by PM, move on. Let's not post drafts of works-in-progress for commentary on this thread. I was thinking this one could be more about general topics and idea sharing. Interest? Ideas? Other directions for the thread? Thanks all.
  10. I'd definitely prefer more spread resources also. Actually, one of the things I find most interesting in real life are stellar distributions. I'd love to see heavy metals be the most common in the inner system, slowly replaced by silicates through the middle and then water ice further out. I definitely agree the basic resources will be available everywhere. Based on how they talk about setting up a base, I think every body will have some kind of base building material. Stuff like water, fissiles, carbons, I for sure agree will be available almost everywhere in varying richness. I would like to see some stuff locked behind a large developed colony too. But, I also expect those resources I mentioned weren't brought up in game for nothing. I also think as far as game design, they're trying to encourage visiting every possible place. I still expect some of the advanced materials for building the far future engines to be rare. Maybe available on only one or two planets in the Kerbal system.
  11. you have to use a quote from a show / real life. for commenting on peoples quotes i will allow the hidden content thingy. ill start us off “ This is Peridot, transmitting on all frequencies from abandoned Crystal System colony planet Earth, to Yellow Diamond. My mission has been compromised. My escort and informant are gone, and I am now stranded. PLEASE SEND HELP! ” —"Cry for Help"
  12. I want to stress that this isnt a name and shame thing. This is a cautionary tale about a game company and its less than ethical or consistent behaviors. As some of you know I have been playing a game called Path of Titans, a dinosaur sim/survival game. I was able to log in and play my dinosaurs as recently as 060003042024. I went to log into Path of Titans not 1 hour ago to play and grow my spinosaurus and perhaps finish the growth on my Tyrannosaurus Rex. I want to stress that at this moment as I am about to log in, I have 0 indication of anything wrong. No Email from Alderon Games or anything. I launch my game on my PS5 and hit X. I am suddenly confronted with a log in error: Publisher Ban. It would seem that based on my research (I am not the first this has happened to, where a ban suddenly appears with 0 warning or explanation) I have been banned from Path of Titans. I can however still log into my Alderon account on their website. I have of course submitted a request for an explanation and to formally lodge an appeal should that be needed. I also want to stress that the player base is exceptionally toxic as a whole. They trash talk fellow players calling them garbage, bad and other far far worse things. They abuse players, mock them and do other heinous actions simply because there are 0 rules (I do not mean that as hyperbole either, their official servers have 0 rules, yet when you report players they ((the gms refer to the Terms of Service)) state there are no rules on the official servers) and can essentially get away with murder. I myself have found that there are rules if you know where to look, specifically into their ToS which are a legal contract that is enforceable by law, but, who reads the ToS or EULA? Well, one of their rules specifically bullet point 7 of section 1 subsection b: "attempt to, or harass, abuse, or harm, or advocate or incite harassment, abuse, or harm of another person, group, including Alderon Games’s employees or Alderon Games’s customer service representatives" which is the rule I would cite when reporting players. And thats the thing of it, thats all I have done in that game, aside from be mildly toxic at the start and last night (24 hours ago) supplied a complaint in the global chat about how anemic and weak the TRex is in game compared to its real world counterpart. I myself as far as I am aware have not violated any rules, yet here I stand am banned. All I have done in recent times is report players for harassment (2-3 reports at most on this subject), reported 1 player for a possible actual crime when they potentially violated a real US law, for their privacy I will not cite which law or what was said, but, suffice it to say, i may now that this has happened follow up with actual federal law enforcement, and then my most recent report was against a player who made claims that their actions did real world harm to another player. Again, I have received 0 email as to what I did or why I was seemingly banned. SO, why do I write this? I want to caution any who read this to avoid Alderon Games. They are not ethical or consistent in rules implementation or enforcement. To the mods, I am totally unsure if this violates any rules to make this cautionary tale, if I did/am violating something uh... I guess snip and edit as needed or perhaps replace with a cute picture of a cat? But, I really do not want our community to trip into the trap I fell into as I feel gaming should be fun and reasonably risk free. 010903052024
  13. Hello again Jantee! Apologies, but I am a bit unsure if this post was meant for another topic? It seems a bit off topic in relation to this - note that I am all for small talk.. Just confused me a bit x) Any way I did not know the Spirit of the Eagle ship. It looks quite awesome, reminds me of some of the Ron Cobb's early designs for Nostromo in Aliens. Looks like an cool build and yeah it looks like it will do best as a low gravity no atmosphere ship. Problem with VTOL is the weight of the extra engines imo. But yeah... that vehicle does not look like it would be able to make it off planet earth x) Though getting it to a AP of 136k - you should be able to get to LKO? Where you could refuel it. I wonder if an alien style dropship would have the Δv enough to get to orbit.. in my experience the rapier engines cant carry a lot. But I guess it could be worth exploring. I wish I could answer your question. I am flattered you think I have the answer. As of now I've only had tro probes leave Kerbin SOI - and they were both Duna Missions with the propper antennas to reach Kerbin. One of them was a failed attempt to get a CommNet constellation setup around Duna. I did not have enough Δv to hit my orbit to circularize my smaller satelites.. and crashed the vehicle into Duna insted. I have decided to put my Duna mission on hold until OJT has given me an Okay to do a mission report with my Duna Mastery Challenge progress. So unfortunatly I cannot give you a certain answer.. I can only say that it is my understanding that Bigger antennas relay to smaller antennas. And that planets dont obscure signals. So i would say that a big craft with signal stength to reach Kerbin can send a pro down the Mo-Hole
  14. Came here to say this (linky no worky ) in reference to: Largely I'd agree, but there ARE people entrenched within the bureaucracies who are, maybe even their superiors are, but everyone's had a bit too much "we've-been-here-before" over the decades about what's surely coming just over the next hill that never actually arrives (NASP anyone?). So they're afraid to seriously talk about it, as if even that much attention might make it all vanish like a dim star just in your periphery when you try to really see it, as so many have before. When Starship really and truly is here, the floodgates will open. IIRC an old UA-1205 Titan booster is around 250 tonnes. Expendable Starship can send 300 tonnes to just about anywhere. That's a whole lotta reliable, storable when-I-say-WHOAH-I-MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAN-WHOAH!!! once it gets there. With mass left. Just sayin...
  15. Someone did here's the https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.technologyreview.com/2021/12/07/1041420/spacex-starship-rocket-solar-system-exploration/amp/Article, ( and there was a open letter by some people at NASA talking about using starship and that NASA need to start to dream big). Just to give an example: a deep space fully refueled V3 starship can give a 9KM/s DV to a 150 tons payload. And if that payload is a 15 tons probe, and 135 tons fuel with an engine with storable propellant that has 300 seconds of ISP, this gives the 15 tons probe 7 km/s, enough for a direct transfer and propulsive brake to Neptune. With a probe 20 times heavier than voyager. But transfer time with a Hohmann is 30 years to get there. If we could speed up and down 0.5km/s (1km/s total) the travel time get cut to 12 years, and we would probably still talk about a 10 ton probe. And numbers get even more stupid if we start to refuel starship to a tanker that is fully fueled on a highly hell optical orbit, like getting a 500 ton probe to Jupiter orbit, or 200 tons to orbit one of it's moon, all done with only propulsive method.
  16. I wanted to put this out into the community about the next major roadmap updates to see if anyone agrees. Obviously the team has a plan for what features should come when but they have also said they will be flexible based on what the community wants. Perhaps this can be a thread to show what the community wants first. I am extremely excited for the colonies update and can't wait to see KSP2 finally achieve features that will separate itself from it's predecessor. It is my understanding from interviews and KSP2 development posts that the colonies update really only brings building colonies into the game. The only real purpose they will bring to the game is looking cool and launching vessels from whatever planet/moon you want in the Kerbolar system. That is all fun and good, honestly I would probably have hours of fun with that anyways if development stays on track with the current roadmap; However, this would also mean that the colonies wouldn't get any "True" functionality until after the interstellar update. Once the colonies update comes we will likely see a large gap between that and the interstellar update sense there is such a large amount of new mechanics and development that will need to go into new solar systems and how to get there. There was a 10 month wait for the first big update of KSP2 "For Science!", I understand that was to fix a lot of bugs on launch so I don't expect Colonies to take as long but I wouldn't expect it in the next 3-4 months. If we estimated an average of 6 months between each update that would mean we could get colonies around June or July, then interstellar around December or January of 2025, and then go back to resource gathering by Jun or July of 2025. Having a whole year between being able to build colonies and being able to utilize colonies in the way that I believe the devs want them to be used seems out of place to me. While I and many others are extremely excited for interstellar, I think we would also appreciate the colonies and their functionality being completely fledged out before going into the next "BIG NEW THING" for KSP2. To me it does not make sense to add construction of colonies, have a gap and add interstellar, then go back and add functionality to colonies. Another point to make, sadly, is bug fixes. The colonies update will likely have some things to it that the community will have notes on what could be done better, of course these things can be addressed in smaller updates in between colonies and interstellar, but I think it would also be good to have the next big roadmap goal also be connected to colonies, making the focus of the development team "locked in" on getting these parts of the game perfect before moving on. If resource gathering is next on the list from colonies it would also allow them to add big "second thought"/"lesser priority" things to colonies seamlessly in addition to the exploration roadmap goal (similar to how For Science! added reentry heating). Lastly I would like to talk about integration of the resource gathering and transportation system from interplanetary to interstellar. Resource distribution on this large of a scale seems to me like a hard case to crack, I think there will be some errors in the first version that the becomes publicly available. I would personally rather have those struggles on interplanetary missions rather than interstellar ones in the first implementation of resource gathering. If we switched interstellar and exploration on the roadmap hopefully it would mean that the resource distribution systems can be perfected and easily ported to interstellar. I would rather have headache and be able to look at it as just a problem with the one feature of resource distribution rather than feel like its frustration with interstellar and resource distribution. Overall I love that the development team has been more open with communication and taking advice from their audience (Thank you for fixing wobbly rockets ). I do wonder what the rest of the community thinks about this, and if the developers would consider changing such a big decision. Anyways much love to the devs and the community, I'm sure that we will be happy with whatever way development goes but I think it is something to consider. P.S. this could also mean that you could push the second new star system addition to come in the multiplayer update which could be fun to have the first looks of new territory to be with friends. Just a thought!
  17. again, for the sake of clarity: what do you mean by "damaged" and "busted"? because i thought by "damaged" you meant "yellow", but if you instead mean "needs maintenance", then it will break. this engine is red, it is broken, it does not function, it cannot be fixed by an engineer. hence I am decoupling it and will place a new one on the docking port, i prepared those engines to be interchangeable. the drill on the left is equally broken. the convert-o-tron is yellow, also the engine on the lower right. they are broken, they do not function, but they can be fixed by an engineer. now, if you have a yellow part, it will stay yellow. it will not become red. but you talk like you do not mean yellow and red, you talk like you mean a part without color, i.e. a part that is not broken and that functions. and in that case, those parts will eventually become yellow or red.
  18. I think you are missing the biggest complain from so many people.. There is a finite set of mission parameters that have a linear but non logical progression. These yield disproportionately more currency than actually performing science. People want more gameplay and the expectation of gameplay is different. So many of the people talking about how great the current state of game is are clearly more in tune with the sandbox approach. Nothing wrong with that. We are not saying that the current content is not good. It's just a far cry short of what the Career player expected from KSP2. That's fine being EA and all.. but they have repeatedly skirted the topic of how they will make it more like career. The dev talk about adding more static missions so you can have even more of the same old missions to do over and over. There was a dynamic aspect to KSP1 and the vast majority of people saying that mode sucked or was severely lacking... didn't even spend the bulk of their time playing that mode bc they enjoyed sandbox more. That's so awesome. I'm happy KSP2 is currently kn a state that is meeting your expectations. Meanwhile for science has been achieved. They are moving on to colonies. Then the next part of the road map. To sell the game they advertised the part I love the most as the 2nd road map stop... and blew the stop sign all together. I now feel like my concerns aren't even relevant bc. 1. Discord and Forum will ban you for voicing options of this nature more than a handful of times, even if about separate topics. 2. The devs have said the nailed for science and the sandbox community agrees. By by procedurally generated missions and quirky dialogues boxes. 2 of the 4 things that kept me vested in the franchise.
  19. Problem with lots of weird alien communication methods is that most outside of visual one who sign language is the low bandwidth, not an huge issue for animals who just say a few things to say but not something you can build an society out of. Sign language has the downside of being line of sight and you have to watch the speaker not that you are doing. But it would work and work better if better field of view or more eyes. And you would need hands or something similar to make tools so if you can not speak you use some sort of sign language, you probably has loads of sounds too but they would be more like our body language but more to call attention or shout warnings, I want to talk to you / ask a question or watch out. But decoding an alien language without direct interaction would be much much harder than decoding hieroglyphs without the rosetta stone who I assume we done by now but an alien language is an much harder nut to crack. Also decoding signals might be an problem today everything is encrypted often multiple times like an https is probably again is encrypted
  20. Issue with this is that they have to have radio or they could not hear the satellites. Radio is just 125 year old, much less in practice as in able to communicate with an satellite even if pretty powerful. Assuming we do this in 200 years. The alien will be less than 300 year behind us or ahead, so ahead is much much more likely and we are likely to could talk directly to them, but sending an probe with data would make sense. If not they could not get anything from the satellite and you have to land, if they are doing agriculture you should probably be able to spot that from orbit. Send down an lander. If they don't have fields with crops they would be hard to spot. Named this image first contact, an cat like alien trying to eat an small rover. We did not know of them before she spotted the rover and went to investigate.
  21. Y3 D325-Y4 D169 - Jool Explorer So, hot on the heels of the departure of Draco, we have another historical event taking place: The arrival of Jool Explorer at the Jool System! If you recall, Jool Explorer was launched all the way back in the middle of Year 1, almost two and a half years ago! Heck, that was all the way back when Jerry here was an intern! Ha ha! What's that, Jerry? You're still an intern? Oh. Well. Talk to KR about that. In any case, as Jool Explorer is approaching its goal, this is a good time to review its mission objectives: Minimum Objectives (If we don't accomplish at least this much, we'll wind up sitting in front of a Kongressional hearing.) One flyby of Jool One flyby of Laythe Primary Objectives (These are the objectives that the probe has been designed to achieve.) Two flybys of Jool Two flybys of each of Jool's large moons: Laythe, Vall, and Tylo Deploy one atmospheric probe on Jool and one on Laythe Secondary Objectives (Once the Primary Objectives have been completed, if the probe has any capability left, we will attempt to accomplish these additional objectives.) Flybys of Jool's minor moons: Bop and Pol Additional flybys of Jool and its large moons. So, this morning, Jool Explorer crossed over into Jool's SOI. Our first task is to adjust its trajectory coming in to the Jool system. The folks over in Orbital Dynamics have worked up a plan for us that will let us use a gravity assist at Laythe to capture Jool Explorer into the system rather than burning fuel, which will help extend the life of our propellant load. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of gravity assists...well, go ask the guys in Orbital Dynamics. There's a reason I'm in management. This maneuver will also check off our first minimum objective with a flyby of Laythe. So Jool Explorer burns at the very edge of the Jool system to set up its capture maneuver. However, as we all know, the Jool system is huge. It's going to be almost sixty days before the Laythe flyby. So, back to work, everyone. We'll get back to this in a couple months. ---------- Well, here we are back with Jool Explorer on Day 384. The Science team has been hard at work over the last several weeks getting preliminary readings from the experiments on board Jool Explorer, and they've already been releasing some stunning photography. Today is the day we discover if our burn two months ago was good. Jool Explorer is rapidly approaching Laythe. And, so far, it appears that we are right down the middle of the slot. Science has all of their instruments and cameras ready to go for our first flyby. We'll be passing about 140 kilometers away from the surface. And we have our first successful flyby! Flight just got back and let me know that their numbers indicate that Jool Explorer has successfully captured into an elliptical orbit around Jool. Excellent work! So now Orbital Dynamics is getting to work on plotting the next burn, which should be at JEs first apoapsis in a couple of days. ---------- Day 387 now, and Jool Explorer is getting set to burn at its Jool apoapsis. This burn will set us up for releasing our first atmospheric probe into the atmosphere of Jool. The burn was successful, so Jool Explorer is now on a sub-orbital trajectory for Jool. We'll get back to it in a couple of days for the probe separation and burn. ---------- And now we're back on Day 389. Jool Explorer is about an hour away from entry to Jool's atmosphere, which we obviously would like to avoid. So, first up, we trigger the separation of the Jool Atmospheric Probe. Then Jool Explorer immediately turns and burns to increase its periapsis above Jool's atmosphere. This would not be the time for an engine failure. <nervous laugh> But, thank goodness, that burn was successful. Now we can turn our attention back to the atmospheric probe. This is an important milestone of the mission, so obviously we hope that the periapsis was set to the correct height to ensure proper entry. <glances nervously over at the Orbital Dynamics folks sweating in the corner> The probe enters the atmosphere and is almost immediately enveloped in plasma, entering radio blackout. It's a long five minutes. But eventually, radio contact is restored. The probe survived atmospheric entry! It immediately begins radioing back data from its instruments. When it reaches about 200 kilometers below entry, its parachute deploys. It continues to sink deeper into the Joolian atmosphere, sending back pressure, temperature, and spectrographic data as it goes. However, although the probe is tough, it is not indestructible, and the Joolian atmosphere is unforgiving. Finally, after sinking an amazing 500 kilometers into Jool's clouds, the probe stops transmitting. That was an incredible outcome, and I'm sure the Science team will be parsing through that data stream for a long time. Meanwhile, Jool Explorer's instruments have not been idle, and they have recorded their data from their first flyby of Jool, meeting our second minimum mission objective. So, we have met the minimum mission requirements! Now JE is headed back up to its apoapsis above Jool, and OD will be plotting our next move. ---------- Back at periapsis on Day 393, and Jool Explorer is burning prograde this time to set up another flyby of Laythe. This is a pretty major burn, but it will set us up for the release of the Laythe Atmospheric Probe, which is a major milestone of the mission. So the fuel expenditure is justified. See you back in five days for the flyby. ---------- Back now on Day 398. Jool Explorer is approaching Laythe once again, this time on a suborbital trajectory. An hour away from entry, the atmospheric probe is released. Jool Explorer immediately burns to raise its Laythe periapsis...and its Jool periapsis? Or so the OD guys tell me. I don't get it either. I just keep pressing the "I Believe" button. In any case, Jool Explorer is safe now and recording data from its second Laythe flyby. Meanwhile the atmospheric probe is burning its way through Laythe's atmosphere and we're all holding our breath. The probe hurtles tantalizingly over a couple of major land masses... ...deploys its parachute... ...and settles into the ocean. That's fine. The probe floats. We'll probably get better data from Laythe's liquid water than we would from dry land anyway. In any case, another successful probe deployment, and a second Laythe flyby checked off of our primary mission objectives. Jool Explorer passes out of Laythe's SOI and then sweeps down to its Jool periapsis. The probe's orbit is very low now. The good news is that this gets us a very close flyby of Jool, which marks our second flyby of Jool itself and makes the Science team very happy. However, the low orbit will make it very difficult to perform flybys of the other Joolian moons. We could just burn to raise our orbit, but the Orbital Dynamics wiz kids have a better plan. They want to use another Laythe flyby to raise the probe's orbit with a gravity assist. So, here we are now, just a couple of hours out of Laythe's SOI, and we're burning at Jool periapsis to set up another Laythe flyby. I guess we'll see how that turns out in a couple of days. ---------- Well, Day 400 now, and Jool Explorer is swinging by Laythe again. After the flyby, Flight confirms that the gravity assist has raised Jool Explorer's orbit by a considerable amount. And Science has collected their data from Jool Explorer's third Laythe flyby. So now JE is back on its way to Jool apoapsis and we're setting our sights on the rest of the moons. ---------- Four days later now, Day 404, and we're back at Jool apoapsis. Orbital Dynamics has another burn scheduled that should set Jool Explorer up for its first Tylo flyby. Exciting! ---------- In other news: As Jool Explorer is coasting down Jool's gravity well, Draco reaches its mid-course correction burn on Day 406. The crew of Draco have been following the progress of Jool Explorer with great interest. (Because, let's face it, they don't have much else to do.) As they look out their windows and see Jool as a sparkling green gem in the sky, the Kerbol System doesn't seem so large after all.... ---------- Three days later, Jool Explorer is approaching Tylo for the first time. The probe swings by in a close pass and collects its data. It then exits Tylo's SOI and carries on. The next day, 410, Jool Explorer is back at Jool apoapsis. Orbital Dynamics assures me that a small burn here will set it up for another flyby of Tylo in a week or so. ---------- Day 419. We're back for our second Tylo flyby. This, unfortunately, is a more distant flyby. Science is disappointed. But OD assures me that there is a method to their madness. After Jool Explorer has exited Tylo's SOI, the probe burns again. And this burn sets it up for its first flyby of Vall next week. As an aside: Once this burn was completed, Flight sent me a notice letting me know that Jool Explorer has reached 50% of its initial fuel load. Good to know. ---------- It's Day 425 now, and we're excited that we're passing through our first Vall flyby! Science has all of their data, so Jool Explorer is just going to keep coasting for now. ---------- It's Year 4 Day 4 now. Happy New Year, everybody, hope you all had a good holiday. Jool Explorer is approaching Jool periapsis, and OD has a burn planned that will bring it back for its second flyby of Vall. That went well, Flight tells me everything is in order. It's a long haul back to Vall, but we'll see you back in a couple of weeks. ---------- Okay, Day 24, and Jool Explorer is flying by Vall for the second time. So, for everyone who hasn't been keeping score, this means that Jool Explorer has successfully deployed both atmospheric probes, and completed two flybys of Jool and all three of its major moons. This means that Jool Explorer has successfully completed its primary mission objectives! Since we still have almost 50% of our fuel load remaining, we've given the go ahead to start into the secondary mission objectives. Orbital Dynamics should be getting us some flight path options for those any day now. Right? <Orbital Dynamics guys look startled for a second, then run back to their offices.> ---------- Day 27. Jool Explorer is back at Jool apoapsis today. And Orbital Dynamics has given us a flight path that is...ambitious. The plan is this: Jool Explorer is going to make a minor burn at apoapsis today that will put it on a course to flyby Vall. It will get a gravity assist from Vall that will put it on a course to flyby Tylo. It will get yet another gravity assist from Tylo that will put it on a course to flyby Bop. I am pounding that "I Believe" button today. So Jool Explorer makes its burn. ---------- Day 28, we have our third flyby of Vall... ---------- Three days later, we have our third close flyby of Jool... ---------- Four days after that, on Day 35, we fly by Tylo for a third time... And after we exit Tylo SOI...well, I'll be damned. We will need a course correction burn, but not a major one. I guess that worked. Good job, folks. ---------- Now on Day 40 we have our course correction burn for Bop. We're right on target. Things move even slower here in the outer reaches of the Jool system. See you all back in two weeks. ---------- It's Day 54 and... Heerree'ss Bop! Science is very excited, although all it appears to be is a captured asteroid. Jool manages to look small from out here. So our next target in the extended mission is Pol. Unfortunately, there are no large moons out here to provide gravity assists. So we will just have to burn for it. Orbital Dynamics is working on a plan for that. ---------- So, did I mention that things move slowly out here? It is now Day 131, two and a half months since we left Bop, and we have finally reached the burn for Pol. Now we have to wait more than two weeks for the flyby. All for just another captured asteroid. <yawn> And Flight has just informed me that this burn brings Jool Explorer below 25% of its initial fuel load. ---------- So, it's Day 148 and we're getting the first pictures and data back from the Pol flyby... ...aanndd...that is not just another captured asteroid. I will be very curious to see what Science has to say about that one. ---------- So, after the Pol flyby we have some hard decisions to make concerning Jool Explorer. The probe has accomplished all of its primary mission objectives, and all of its secondary objectives. It has roughly 22% of its initial fuel load remaining. It is in the outer limits of the Jool system, with no gravity assist targets available, so any destination we pick for it will require a large expenditure of fuel. And there is a possibility that if the probe is allowed to orbit uncontrolled in the Jool system it may crash into Laythe, possibly contaminating its surface with the radioactive contents of the probe's radiothermal generators. So KSP management have decided that the probe should use its remaining fuel to achieve a controlled disposal in the atmosphere of Jool. Day 155, a week after the Pol flyby, Jool Explorer performs its final burn. ---------- Two weeks later, Day 169. Jool Explorer is a couple of hours out from entry now. Still sending back data. The probe is hurtling towards Jool's atmosphere at over 9,000 meters per second. This is the closest it has ever come to Jool, still getting good data on the planet. And as the probe enters the outer limits of the atmosphere...end of transmission. What a mission! Atmospheric probes deployed on Jool and Laythe! Four flybys of Jool, three flybys of Laythe, Tylo, and Vall, and flybys of Bop and Pol! A staggering amount of data! We'll be turning our attention to Draco and Duna here in just another week, but after this it will be hard not to be imagining what a kerballed Jool mission would look like. Eh?
  22. yea but we want a bona-fide space-big-rig. we can talk about space trains later.
  23. That was from the DeepMind paper of the same name at the top of the image, Levels of AGI (Nov 2023). https://arxiv.org/html/2311.02462v2 Here's the table caption: Table 1: A leveled, matrixed approach toward classifying systems on the path to AGI based on depth (performance) and breadth (generality) of capabilities. Example systems in each cell are approximations based on current descriptions in the literature or experiences interacting with deployed systems. Unambiguous classification of AI systems will require a standardized benchmark of tasks, as we discuss in the Testing for AGI section. Note that general systems that broadly perform at a level N may be able to perform a narrow subset of tasks at higher levels. The "Competent AGI" level, which has not been achieved by any public systems at the time of writing, best corresponds to many prior conceptions of AGI, and may precipitate rapid social change once achieved. They also have a set of levels for autonomy vs required human interaction. Regarding Siri... I have a feeling that nearly all of us on this forum at all live in a bubble. Think about the people you most commonly interact within the real world. What percentile of cognitive ability do you think they are? I'd wager people interested in a game about spaceflight and orbital mechanics are probably smarter than average. I hear about people selected at random from the population from my wife (well, not quite random, they have to be in a situation where they need a surgeon—very few trauma, or anything where it would select for being a dope, though). She sees several thousand people a year (~20/day?). I'll say something at dinner about something X, that I think people should do ideally, and she'll give me that "Do you live under a rock?" look (often verbalized in exactly those words, lol), then tell me people are too dumb to pick X. As lousy as Siri is, I'd not be surprised at this point if it was better than 50% of people—look at the % of kids within different grade levels who perform at grade level. (National Center for Educational Statistics) Level 2 is apparently an "8th grade" reading level, so 52.6% are not terribly literate. Honestly "reading levels" is pretty odd, I always considered reading a binary skill, you can't read, then you can—they are functionally sorting by cognitive ability I think, not "reading level," as the levels talk about reading and understand more and more complex ideas. Reading itself doesn't change in difficulty, words are words, and if you don't recognize one, you look it up (at any "reading level"). So yeah, it would not surprise me if Siri is better than ≥50% in whatever narrow task they were looking at (grammar?).
  24. All this talk about fakes and fake fakes makes me just think we are living in a Philip K. Dick novel.
  25. KT is awesome. She came and gave a talk at the U years ago and I got to spend some time with her. She went back to JSC from the talk to be capcom, so a buddy and I sent her thank you flowers, delivered to MCC. The florist near JSC actually made a thing with flowers sorta like a liftoff with a plastic shuttle coming out of it. We saw it delivered on NASA Select (old NASA TV), which back in the day you had to have sat tv to see—the old ~2m dishes from the 80s.
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