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  1. That's what it meant when it started being used, ages ago. GIF is pronounced like "gin," too.
  2. This probably doesn't belong here, but I don't know where else it would go and I want to share it. So I had this weird dream last night. I don't remember how it started, all I know is that I was travelling through countries. One day, however, this gigantic spaceship that looks like BFR (but is way bigger on the inside and has slightly larger delta wings) appears (but without the booster, and it has VTOL and is launched at a 45 degree angle) and the public is invited onboard (for free!) for the first point to point test flights. So naturally, I go, I think I went from France to Peru. The aisles were in groups of 2-3-2 with lots of windows and a surprising amount of room per seat. Also SpaceX invented artificial gravity and it's only disabled in the very front of the ship. And the crew compartment was surprisingly long. And the engines were RS-25's. And the landing was horizontal-ish in a cradle. And you're free to walk around once you're in space. This system (more than one BFR) was available for free for one day, and there was only one failure, a forward cabin depressurization that did not result in any fatalities. And then the spaceships disappear. I went to the headquarters of some big business, navigated a complex array of elevators and floors (actually it was just 1 elevator but it was really weird) and got to the desk of this old bald guy. I asked him when this would be back online (with payment though) and he said "these things never work, I'd give it 8 years" and I was like "Bro, it did work, didn't you see it? I was in space 3 times!" and he was like "optimism is evil, get out of my office." Also it's a bit weird when people you know IRL show up in your dreams despite you not thinking about them that much, I sat next to a loose friend I met recently on one of my point to point hops. Yeah it's not SpaceX related that much, but the point is that I had a dream about BFR.
  3. For the first time a SpaceX project on Lego Ideas is about to finally hit 10,000 supporters. At which time it will go in front of a Lego review board to be green-lighted. Elon Musk will also have to give it his blessing. It only has a few hundred supporters to go. Check out the updates tab to see the upgrades (including the FH Block 5). The creator is a STEM teacher who built the set to inspire his students. Let's support him and get him the rest of the way!
  4. Hey, I've been really interested in SpaceX and its live streams. I was fascinated by their speedometer and altimeter in the top right, and I really want a mod that can do this, and I'm sure others have been wanting something like it as well. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about this thing If you take the time to make it, thank you so much!
  5. TESS for KSP i have recreate the TESS satellite for ksp you can download it here : Download (SpaceDock) - https://spacedock.info/mod/1836/TESS Satellite License - WTFPL if you have any problem tell me, i will do my best for resolve it ! (sorry for English mistake i am french ^^)
  6. Tundra's Space Center After a long wait, I can finally share you my version of some historic real life launchpads! To set it up, put the TundraSpaceCenter folder into your GameData, open the KK menu (ctrl + k) and place it anywhere you want! After that convert it into a launchpad and you are good to go! This mod only works with KSP 1.8.x and above!! Statics: LC-39A/B - LC-41 - LC-40 - LC-19 - LC-46 - Barge - Engine Test Pads LC-5 - LC-6 - LC-14 - LC-17 - LC-34 In-game pics: Current parts TLC-5 TLC-6 TLC-5-6 launch control building TLC-14 TLC-17 TLC-19 TLC-34 TLC-39A/B TLC-41 TLC-40 TLC-46 Engine Test pads (Horizontal and Vertical) Barge Planned features Roadmap Known issues Nothing that I know of. Review + tutorial on how to place and use them. Required Mods Kerbal Konstruct (1.8.x and above) Recommended Mods KSC Extended Tundra Exploration Omega's SpaceX landing pad Bluedog Design Bureau Modular Launch Pads A very special thanks to @Beale, @Eskandare and @Omega482 for the help and advise they gave me to make something awesome. But a very very special thanks to @Ger_space for spending the time with me getting the final touches working. Changelog: Any of the configs are distributed under CC-NC-SA-4.0 License. All Textures/models are distributed under All Rights Reserved License. CKAN is NOT supported. Follow me on Reddit! /u/damonvv
  7. I decided to post my work on BFR, it is not finalized and does not have a connection to RO, since I do not sit in the KSP at all, but maybe he'll need somebody. The package includes: 1. Simplified engines Raptor 2. Two versions of the BFS ship, cargo and manned 3. BFR rocket 4. fins and RCS for BFR 5. Solar panels for BFS 6. Docking port for BFS The manned version of BFS has 4 compartments for the exit the Kerbonauts, two in the payload compartment, one for the EVA (main), another with a built-in ladder, it also has built-in landing legs, a docking port for connecting two BFS ships, and animation glow of windows. The cargo version also has a built-in docking port. All the textures in the .png format, so that every newcomer to Photoshop can change them at will. V1.2 1. Added evelons for BFR 2. Added RO Patch Ship file in VAB works only with RSS/RO. DOWNLOAD: https://spacedock.info/mod/1813/BFR
  8. Starman's Tesla Roadster On February 6th, 2018 this very Tesla Roadster along with an assortment of other things began their billion year journey around the Sun. Fortunately, the Kerbals discovered this amazing piece of history and brought it back to their homeworld of Kerbin. Now you can control the launch, and send Starman to whichever planet or moon you desire. Features: Detailed model of Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster and Starman based off of the real car. Craft file for the stand with the car pre-mounted. (Fixed as of 2.1.1) Don't Panic sign. This mod was designed purely for entertainment and has no real functionality yet. Changes in latest update v2.1.1: The craft a file has been updated and added back to the mod. Changes in latest update v2.1: Removed rearview mirror and windshield wiper. They are not on the real car. Fixed the side reflector colors. They now appear orange and red like they are supposed to. Slightly adjusted the tires. About 2% larger and fit nicer in the wheel well. Completely new Starman model and other visual improvements are on the way in a future update. Download from SpaceDock Download from CurseForge Requires: SpaceX Launch Vehicles by @Kartoffelkuchen HullcamVDS by @Albert VDS; @linuxgurugamer
  9. Hi all, first post here! So, I'm in career mode, with the majority of the tech tree unlocked (rapiers etc, but no MK3 spaceplane parts yet...) I have a rather large assembly plan for a rather large multi purpose space station. SoI need a cost effective (hopefully reusable for realism) LKO capable vehicle with the largest cargo capacity possible. Any ideas? Options thus far and their problems: 1. SSTO - probably with rapiers, but these are hard to design, and cargo capacity seems limited unless I go massive, and I mean massive 2. Recoverable booster (spacex style) - design wise this should be easier, with optimal cargo capacity, however landing the damn thing is a fair task... I have a mechjeb available (landing guidance) which could work, but surely I would need a mod to fly multiple ships at the same time. I'm willing to try my hand at KOS if it would work? Which of my two options is the best way forward, and how best to implement this in ship and mission design and execution? Or is there an option I haven't though of?
  10. Kape Kerman, Kerbin the scene was set for history or an almighty explosion the Jebediah 9 waited on the pad for what was to be a test of a little system Elon Kerman liked to call "Hitting a postage stamp with a rock on a lake" also known as, Landing on a boat! the KerbX Jebediah 9 was 10 minutes from either making history or Failure, KSA and the KSAF range were there to suport this unusual event with safety checks and technological help as this was to be what may be the first orbital class rocket to be landed back on Kerbin nevermind a ship in the waters of the Kerblinca Ocean. Elon was nervous no doubt everyone was. Launch (next spoiler contains a spoiler which doesnt contain a spoiler because it contains the landing?) Next Launch: Chez Sat I - Jebediah 9 Mission Info: Recovery: yes Recovery type: Experemental landing at LZ1 Objectives: place Chez Sat I into a GTO orbit around kerbin, recover the first stage back at LZ1 soon™ (acctualy incidently my script is better at recovering on a drone ship than a Landing Zone which is confusing right?) Hmmm i wonder if i could recover a fairing... update: Chez Sat I deemed to be too risky to do an RTLS recovery, KerbX will be attempting a drone ship recovery once again on Just Read The Instructions in the Kerblinca Ocean regards to the next launch, will be the hardest landing yet, yes i have added Throttle limiter Extended and used it to add some dificulty to landing boosters! Yes throttle limitation (not so enthusiastic with getting it to land however) also will be launching a satilite to monitor the Universe, yes its called the Elon Kerman Space Telescope! Manifest
  11. I'm a fan of KSP, I'm also a fan of SpaceX. I like challenges. So I challenged myself to create a SpaceX BFR mission in Realism Overhaul with publicly available information. 4,400 tons at launch and ends with only 5 tons of fuel. Other spacex related videos are on my channel.
  12. I just finished working on my first Video on YouTube after two months of work and I want to share it here (If this is the wrong (Sub)Forum please correct me... I´m new here)
  13. 2.0 coming soon 1.4 Media 2.0 License
  14. As the title says : POST YOUR FAVOURITE SPACE RELATED IMAGES! Here are some that i like: (idk why it uploaded it with lower depth)
  15. I was very busy for the past few months. Never got my dieselpunk SSTOs into orbit. My news feeds are now filled with SpaceX stuff after the Falcon Heavy launch, and now the successful fairing recovery test. Who knew, a great big rocket fairing could float like a leaf in the wind? Anyway, I asked for a joke commission about SpaceX and Tesla on Mars a few decades from now... and this arrived in my mailbox today:
  16. Hey all. I did it again. Went to look at the "Starman" in his car. Drifting away from the Earth. And my right hand reached for the arrows on my keyboard and tried to rotate the car around so I could see the other side and a better view of the Earth. Too much KSP obviously. Anybody else care to admit to it? ME
  17. Just something I needed:) A drogon V2 analog. Enjoy. Requires Firespitter. https://imgur.com/a/Gaj49 Added some stuff, spacedock seems to having issues at the moment so I'll upload there later on- Added 3.75 m parts Added attach node to inner part of the trunk trunk also hollow now Seems I managed to get it up on spacedock. Download there.
  18. KerbX, A direct product of SSSTS we will create the future of space! a new generation of rockets and an unlimited acsess to space About us: kerbX - users guide and history (more will be released closer too the launch of Falkerb X)
  19. Here's another short video of my Mini Falcon-9 Landing on a barge like the real one. This is only for amusement, the video was reversed to look like a perfect landing. The craft is using one Juno Engine, I was hoping to get a small payload into Orbit but this may not happen on such a small scale. Hope you like it!
  20. I created this challenge yesterday: And I just managed to complete it. I didn't score all the possible points, but I did successfully complete my main goal, which was propulsively landing all three booster cores within the same save. It's very challenging. The trick is to use a highly lofted initial burn, followed by a flat boostback on the first booster, an even-more-lofted boostback on the second booster, and a high-apogee downrange loft on the core. If timed properly, each booster can be landed before the following booster drops out. I suppose it doesn't look very Tesla-esque, but oh well. It can do about 50 mph, so we'll just chalk that up to it being a little on the old side. Corners ridiculously well, though, thanks to the low center of gravity. It survived this jump, surprisingly, though I believe it lost a headlight. Then came time to mate to the rocket! It's a big rocket. I could have made it smaller with Tweakscale, but didn't want to use mods. The Roadster takes its rightful place. The three cores are virtually identical, except for the fairings up top. Not shown: nine Vectors, thrust-limited to 92% (because Falcon Heavy will launch Elon's Tesla at 92% of its max thrust), with 100% gimbal on the core engine and 75% gimbal on the circle of engines. Time to head to the pad! Sitting pretty. Ignition before clamp release. Each of the 12 landing legs are an aligned pair of landing struts covered by elevons (with control authority turned off), keyed to the gear action group. "Check ignition "And may God's love be with you..." Starting a very, very mild turn at 100 m/s. Going to have a very lofted trajectory. At around Mach 1, I used an action group to cut thrust on all but the core's center engine. It's not perfect; the real Falcon Heavy will throttle all nine engines down to the minimum throttle together, but I couldn't be QUITE that perfect. Up, up, and away! I would have liked to use a reskin but oh well. Cutting all engine thrust to around 65% at 500 m/s to help loft the trajectory a bit more. Coming up on staging. The goal will be to separate and flip the first booster for boostback as soon as possible after apoapsis exceeds 70 km; that's when I know I'll be able to switch back and forth without problems. Am I correct that the navball automatically switches from Surface to Orbit as soon as your apogee exceeds 70 km? I suppose I'll have to test that another time. Anyway, it was the indicator I used. MECO and stage sep! Action groups are your friend. Leaving the core engine firing until I clear the two side boosters. I would have liked to have a single RCS thruster set to "fore by throttle" connected to a single monoprop tank, just to aid in separation, but there's no good way to do it. The core engine will fire until I am 2.5 km out of range, which should give me a bit of a loft. Using the engines to help with the flip on the first booster. The trick here is to get as flat a boostback as possible, but still keep my apoapse over 70 km so I'll be able to switch to the other booster in the brief window of time that I'm officially out of the atmosphere. All right, this boostback is almost done. Waiting to be able to switch back to the other booster... This one takes a much more lofted boostback burn, because I need a bit of hang time. I will only have a few seconds after I land the first booster before the second one would unload. Lofted boostback on the second booster, complete. Rapidly switched back to the core; I'd already crossed apoapse so I really have to gun these engines to get back onto a good trajectory. After getting my core to the desired trajectory, it was back to the first booster...with just seconds to spare. Already dropping like a rock. Used action groups to turn off the ring of outside engines but manually reactivated two of them for the three-engine burns to come. The first booster has a very gentle entry and doesn't need an entry burn. Landing burn starts pretty high, though. These engines are still limited to 92% thrust. I would have liked to come down closer to the beach, but I'll take what I can get. Booster is transonic. I'd toyed with using the airbrakes for control, but it never really worked right so I just made them fixed. Made sure to switch to radial-out at the right time; otherwise you end up going haywire at landing. Opening up those elevons and lowering the legs. Legs down; final approach. Throttling for landing. Dropping throttle lower. This will be a perfect hoverslam. And down! Still wobbly, but safe. And again, with seconds to spare, I switch to the next booster core. This time I'm already in re-entry while I'm switching my engines back on. Despite a higher-energy entry (given the more lofted boostback), I didn't need an entry burn on this one either. Starting the landing burn at roughly the same altitude; drag is the great equalizer here. Subsonic. Should have good fuel reserves. Still firing full-throttle. Legs down early this time...not really possible in real life, due to drag on the legs, but the drag from my airbrakes is so much higher than leg drag here that it doesn't matter. Less slam, more hover. I had enough fuel to counter gravity losses; my real concern was getting down fast enough to get back to the core before it hit the atmosphere. Made it! Couldn't resist a glamour shot with this core here and the other one in the distance. I really should have used Tweakscale to bump up the authority on the RCS thrusters, but I wanted to do it pure-stock. Uh oh; the core (and upper stage) have already dropped out of the atmosphere. This is going to be REALLY tight. Glad I didn't blow that fairing earlier. Boosting the upper stage free as soon as possible. I'm going to let the upper stage burn on its own while I switch back to the core. The engine will continue to fire until there is 2.5 km between the two vehicles; then the engine firing sequence is unloaded even though the vehicle persists on its trajectory. With luck, this will be just enough to get out of the atmosphere, but not so much that I waste all my fuel. Back to the core, switching to my three recovery engines. On this one, I'm DEFINITELY going to need an entry burn. (Spoiler: I tried without one, and most of the engines survive but all the airbrakes burn up.) "This is Ground Control to Major Tom "You've really made the grade" Thankfully it doesn't take a very long entry burn, though. Coming down in a mountainous region is going to be REALLY tricky. Deploying legs early to help me slow down, even though again this is NOT SpaceX kosher. Missed most of the landing burn, but here's the very last bit. A good deal of hovering and translation here to find a flat enough landing spot. Yikes! ....but I made it, didn't I. Now to see what happened to the upper stage! Hah! Still in the atmosphere, but with an exoatmospheric apoapsis. I'll go ahead and blow the fairing, though there's not much to see on the dark side. Should be a piece of cake from here on out. Getting ready to circularize. Stable orbit achieved! There she is! Roadster perched atop the upper stage. Now for the exit burn. POW. Five gees is a bit much for the real-life Tesla, but autostrut is our friend here. Pushing out of the system. And there we go! Hohmann transfer above Dunian orbit! Finally, the money shot. "Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom?" "Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles "I'm feeling very still "And I think my spaceship knows which way to go"
  21. With the Falcon Heavy's first test fire just days away, Elon's personal Tesla already mounted to the PAF, and the launch to Mars expected next month, what better time than Christmas break to build a Falcon Heavy in KSP and use it to send a battery-powered sports car to Duna? The Challenge: Build a battery-powered two-seat rover (with a probe core, please; this IS a Tesla we're talking about), mount it on the single-engine upper stage of a three-stick parallel-staged launch vehicle, and send it to a Duna-intersecting orbit! Recover as many components of your launch vehicle as possible. All mods are allowed, but try to keep it as close to stock as you can, and name whatever mods you use. Scoring is based on accumulation of points as follows: Gone For a Spin (10 points): Before the launch, demonstrate your Roadster's moves by driving it around the KSC. Speed Demon (15 points): Test your Roadster at speeds over 100 mph (45 m/s). Falcon Nine (27 points): Use nine engines on each of your booster cores. Autonomic (13 points): Use drone cores; nothing manned. Looking Easy (16 points): Recover at least one parallel booster. Insane Mode (42 points): Recover both parallel boosters with boostback, RTLS (anywhere on KSC continent), and propulsive landing. Downrange (19 points): Recover your center core. Supercruise (18 points): Recover your center core by landing on a boat. Tru Lyfe (33 points): All booster recoveries without chutes. Hail Mary (28 points): Bring back the upper stage. Double Trouble (26 points): Build your own fairings and recover at least one. Purity (30 points): No mods. Destination (22 points): Land your Roadster on Duna and take it for a spin! Leaderboard: @Ultimate Steve: 277 points @LightBender: 196 points @sevenperforce: 190 points
  22. Just a fun little post here thanking the game and community for the added enjoyment of last night’s space x launch. I got a phone call from my fiancé asking if I saw the weird plane in the sky. I turned to look and was struck with awe and fear as I saw a massive light with an even bigger tail. My brain quickly raced through the possibilities of what it could be. Was it a returning space shuttle? No, NASA hasn’t launched a shuttle in years. A meteor? No, we would have heard of it’s approach. Oh god could it be a missile? My fears grew as I saw something detach from the craft. “Oh no, it’s a warhead” I thought. Then after that 10 seconds of confusion and fear, my 500+ hours of KSP experience kicked in. It was a rocket!!! I quickly ran through what I was seeing: The contrail due to it reaching the colder upper atmosphere, the gap in the contrail due to throttle down, the throttle up once it had gained enough altitude to not have atmospheric resistance, the separation of the main stage, the ignition of the secondary engine, and the spinning of the main stage in space and it’s eventual reentry into earths atmosphere. I called my friends and family, most of whom were scared it was a UFO or missile themselves, and explained to them exactly what was going on, all thanks to an indie video game. Since then I have been obsessed with watching footage on social media, the space X stream of the launch (link below) and KSP videos. It was truly an awesome thing to see but even more awesome to scientifically understand what I was seeing. To be able to break down each step in the process but also to understand why it was happening. Thanks to this game a cool experience turned into an amazing one. Thank you Kerbal Space Program for being such a great game that I was able to take experience from a game and turn it into understanding of an actual rocket launch. This is my favorite game I have ever played and now, thanks to Space x, I love it even more. See you in the skies!
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