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  1. I have an older tv that can't adjust aspect ratio so the only way I can't cant tell is issue is by changing the aspect ratio of the HUD in game, there's only UI scale which doesn't help, and there's no visible aspect ratio settings anywhere! Help or please add, I really would like to play this game.
  2. Mabye there could be like an update entirely focused on underwater exploration? mabye make it so normal engines don't work underwater so you have to use propellers, under water caves to discover? and mabye lots more?
  3. Gama pod mk3 update 4--1.3 Fixed iva errors. Improved external part. And some other errors. It's cool to have finally got this up and running.
  4. Solved: So the update was a Steam update, and that somehow corrupted some drivers for the graphics card. I realized that after trying a few other games and seeing them fail to launch too (including non-steam games). The specific problem was "Failure to Initialize Direct3D" which I learned when the Hearthstone error message actually specified the exact issue (steam crashes didn't for some reason). The issue was fixed by running windows troubleshooter to fix the corrupted files and restarting the computer when prompted. Posting this because nothing is worse than coming to a forum to find a solution to a problem and seeing something like "NVM I solved it, thread closed" and there being ZERO explanation as to how to fix the problem. Seriously that is the WORST. STOP DOING THAT. Last night (11/04/16) when launching KSP steam preformed a very short update that I assume was just some minor tweaks and whatnot. After this however, whenever I try to launch the game it immediately crashes. To be clear I had no issues launching the game after the "Loud and Clear" update, only after this small tweak last night (haven't played in a couple weeks so not sure which day it came out). Reverting to previous version only shows the last major update (w/out loud and clear). I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game a few times and that hasn't fixed the issue so I'm kinda at a loss. Here is the error it spits out
  5. I am curious. I have had KSP on steam since version .21 came out. each and every update it updates. until now. I have: Keep KSP Up To Date checked and both my steam launcher and desktop shortcuts launched 1.1.3. what in the actual what is going on.
  6. First: I'm a newbie to the game. Purchased the game from the KSP store about a month or so ago. Almost ready to start the career mode. I seem to be failing at updating to 1.2. I've tried updating with Enhanced Nav Ball and Kerbal Engineer Mods both in and out of the GameData folder with the same results. I use the launcher and hit the update button. Entered my user email and password. Run through the process and ended with this several times. also had this error. hit ok, a command box popped up with a bunch of text scrolling. The game started and it looks like I'm still running 1.1.3 Here is the output_log.txt file. What am I doing wrong. Please help. http://pastebin.com/WuD7j1Bw https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Kb85M30wE3am4zR0pvYTBrS0U/view?usp=sharing
  7. Hi there, i dont know if i'm allowed to link to Reddit over here but i am creating ( with the help of the community ) a big list of updated mods for KSP 1.2. You can find it over at Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/574puy/the_big_list_of_updated_mods_for_ksp_12/ So please feel free to comment and add to it !
  8. I am trying to update my 1.0.4 to 1.1.3, on a Mac, and it is not going well. When I unzip the 1.1.3 archive into my applications folder, it creates a KSP osx_2 folder inserted of updating the KSP osx folder with it's Saves and mods history. If I unzip it into the KSP osx folder, it creates another KSP osx folder nested within it. I'm afraid that if I start individually replacing folders and files, I'll mess it up badly. I guess what I am looking for is a patcher, not a new install, but I didn't see a patcher available, except for Windows. What is the upgrade procedure?
  9. This post is created so me and other people can be up to date with recent updates and news, for the Xbox and ps4 consoles. Main reason I created it is so I can finally know when cheats come out, if they ever will.
  10. well, personally, i think it simply made ksp aLOT more confusing. but hey, that's what powers ksp players to go as far as they can! but seriously, that kerbalnet thingy will take ksp to a new level, it made it more real life more "hard" for ksp players to actually send interplanetary probes.
  11. Currently in the new Devnotes Thursday, there is a debate going on about the addition of life support to stock. There are some very good points, and if you want to check it out, go ahead. But this is about that too. I have one question to ask. Should Life Support be stock?
  12. A super quick overview of 1.2. Here's a list of sources, notes, and the script! And here are all the videos I've seen / linked to from there: GrunfWorks' comparison of CommNet & RemoteTech Matt Lowne's Definitive Preview Hazard-ish's Ultimate Preview Billy Winn Jr's Preview Scott Manley's Preview If you have seen more, let me know so I can watch them as well (and link to them)!
  13. With version 1.2 just around the corner, I've been given early access to show you everything you could want to know about the upcoming content! Enjoy and let the hype continue!
  14. KSP Version: Version 1.1.3 , patched via patcher today at 22:39 CET, OS: Windows 7 64-bit What Happens: Cannot purchase nor place researched parts Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock Steps to Replicate: 1) Start a new game 2) purchase the parts at the R&D Centre 3) go to construct first rocket 4) newly purchased parts still need to be purchased at R&D centre 5) Also cannot place a normal rocket engine underneath the first tank properly, doesn't snap into place, only upside down... Result: Literally cannot play the game this way, can't build anything
  15. Well this is interesting. After blowing most of my budget a few days ago to recreate the moon landing (yup forgot I was in carrer mode lol) I went back to the daily grind of exploding kerbals where no kerbals had sploded before! (or not that much anyway, and PROVING that if we can send Kerbals to the Mun then Apollo could still be faked or something like that lol). I had contracts set aside for a space station in Kerbin orbit that required a tourist which was different. So I built and orbited the station as there were no tourists to fire off. I came back today and all of my contracts had disappeared including the station one but I now had a tourist in the roster. I thought I had screwed up on the expiration but some of the contracts were open ended ie visit Duna Ike etc and other were not even 24 hours since being selected. So I shouldn't have lost any due to exceeding the expiration date. So I selected new contracts and went to the VAB and the contracts were gone. I had selected a LKO rescue and while the contract was gone the kerbal was in orbit. I figured I would do the rescue and see what happened. I got the kerbal but didn't get any credit or notifications ie in quarantine, new member etc etc. I also noticed that the engines were not cutting off. I use mechjeb to control the burns. I plot them and tweak then hit execute. It makes things easy without being overly dependent on mechjeb. So for the engine burns for rendezvous the engines would burn down to 0m/s indicated normally then continue to burn until I manually cut them off. The other strange part was I didn't see any real change in the orbits from the extended burns. Not that I let them go too far. So I am curious if anyone else is seeing this or has. I am running 1.1.3x64 on a win10 machine. There have been no updates for a few weeks and the parts I have been using have been in there for a while. The game has for me been fairly solid and glitch free for quite a while until now. Anyway before I start uninstalling mods etc I was hoping someone might have encountered this one before and has a idea of how to stamp it out. TNX Dave
  16. Pretty much what the title says. It's broadcasting its findings via @MuffinWatcher to #KSPModUpdated. The bot checks for updates every 15 minutes. It uses CKAN internally so it'll only see updates for CKAN-enabled mods.
  17. Hello, My steam client is not updating my game to 1.1.2. My game remains in 1.1.0. I have selected to opt-in the beta. But it just doesn't update it. I played with 1.1.0 a lot. And my mods are having problems because of this.. How can I make Steam to update my game? Please help me! My circle is dead, there's something wrong...
  18. I have done as instructed but with no success any suggestions I only see one cygwin1.dll in my files 0 [main] rsync (7460) C:\Users\Guest\Desktop\KSP_win\bin\rsync.exe: *** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected - 0x2784400/0x2954400. This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL. Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should* reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you are unable to find another cygwin DLL. 0 [main] rsync 3876 fork: child -1 - forked process 7460 died unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11 rsync: fork failed in do_recv: Resource temporarily unavailable (11) rsync error: error in IPC code (code 14) at main.c(897) [Receiver=3.1.2] rsync exited with code 14: Error in IPC code Process_stderr canceled [0] Canceled [0]
  19. so, I haven't played KSP in a while since my brother is very protective of the pc. I just opened up my sandbox save and I LOVE the update. all the new changes they made to make it easier to do stuff. (also the way it looks, like hovering over a shroud of an engine sort of deconstructs it). Anyways, i also love how ships float and don't explode on contact with water. I just spent like 30 minutes driving big planes as boats and had more fun than ive had with any other game in months.....I need a ife
  20. While updating to 1.1.2 through the launcher I noticed an error in red. The rest of the install carried on fine so I didn't look too hard. I got into 1.1.2, put a plane on the Tier 1 airstrip (one up from dirt) and all three wheels of a plane that worked in 1.1 were completely embedded into the ground. Throttling took ages to create speed because it wasn't just visual, the wheels are failing to function at all as wheels, and are basically just a rigid part grinding against the surface. When I hit around 22km/s the steering wheel in the rear exploded. So I went back to see what this updating error was, and if something had broken the install. I'm unhappy to report that the error is the launcher's updater trying to update a file that the updater itself has in use and won't release. (see screenshot above) I'm going to assume that this log file that wants renamed is just a log file, and doesn't affect the rest of the update process. Which means I have a good clean copy of 1.1.2 - the version that patched broken wheels from the 1.1.1 patch for the broken wheels in 1.1 - and this new version has broken wheels on a whole new level. --- Career mode doesn't work so long as you can't use the first wheels the game gives to you. You can't build your first plane. You can't do any of the site survey missions that take players to new biomes where they can legitimately collect more science. (You can, but players mustn't be expected to build crazy rockets, out of early-game parts, to deliver them to locations below 18km -- and I don't believe that's not how you intend it to be played.) Between getting an orbit and starting to run Moon missions all you can do is test parts and move tourists around. Building planes is not an option right now, even though it is exactly the intended path for players to follow and exactly what Mission Control emphasizes at that stage of the game. Dear Squad, THIS is the game of your game. You don't seem to pay much attention to the game of your game. Version after version, since 0.24, and well past 1.0 now, I have watched as this team has favored adding new parts and new game mechanics, tweaking the physics, altering atmospheric drag formulas, and developing virtually every other area of the sandbox in which the game takes place OVER THE GAME THAT TAKES PLACE. Your playtesters clearly do not have a script to follow to test career mode, and they should. This team, and I'm talking about the development team, needs to have more than just a soft-idea of what players will be doing with their newly unlocked parts as they progress through the career mode of the game. Mission control should be a central priority for you, as it is the conduit through which new players see what they should try next, as well as what the game believes them able to do with the tech they have, or will be getting soon. And at least some portion of your playtesters need to have a checklist of basic milestones to fulfill in each and every new iteration of the game that is passed down to them to verify that the path of the game -- most importantly the early game -- still works no matter the version. Because that's the GAME of this game. It's important. It should be the MOST important. I'm taking time to write this because you could not have released this version, or the two that preceded it if you had already taken this idea to heart; if it truly was a priority to you. Releasing, but over and over again, in this state evidences a mind that has been so focused on implementing a more expansive sandbox that it has come to devalue game progression to the point that it's okay for the Career paths to be completely and utterly broken -- if just for *this* release. It is not okay. It hasn't been okay since 1.0. And it should not be okay to you any more, or ever again. --- I will make myself available if you'd like to hire me to direct playtesting. That role is supposed to be filled by an impassioned critic who rubs you the wrong way. Someone who won't quietly let things like this slide. Who will demand your attention and challenge you to make it better every time. Right now, you're in the hug-box.
  21. Hello all; this will be a basic guide as to how I managed to save my ancient Kerbals from doomed old saves, and bring them back to life again in my modern game. If I'm missing something, I hope others will add their knowledge below. I make no guarantee it will work for ALL previous saves; but this is how I managed to retrieve my own older vehicles, and I hope it will aid some of you to do the same as I wasn't able to find much information of how to do so, and had to work it out step by step myself! STEP 1: PREPARATION You will need the "persistent.sfs" file from your old save. Make a copy of this somewhere, so you don't accidentally ruin it. We will be working from the copy only. Also make sure to make up your current save file somewhere safe, so you don't lose it. They can be found at the following location; Install location\Kerbal Space Program\saves\ Copy the lot somewhere too, so you don't lose your current vehicle designs. Now, download this simple editing tool. It can be run from anywhere, so don't worry about where it goes for now. STEP 2: FIRST STEPS IN EDITING You do not need to shut KSP down, but the game can't have the save you're moving too open, so close it and go to the title screen. You can re-open it later to see if your changes stick. Run the editor. Then click "File" and select "Open". Point it at the copy of your OLD "persistent.sfs". This is where we shall be taking the data from. Then click "File" and "Open" again, and select the current saved game's " "persistent.sfs" file. You should then have two tabs open, which looks a bit like this: Notice I'm retrieving a lot of vessels and kerbals from all the way back in version 0.20.2. And it works, I promise! Expand the tab that says "FLIGHTSTATE"; most of what we need to get at is in there. Right click the line that says "UT = xxxx", then hold down SHIFT + Right Click on the very last VESSEL in the list, and select "Copy". You should have selected all your old ships, and a lot of Kerbals. Flags are classed as "VESSEL"s so these should be moved too. Now swab to the new save tab, and delete the "UT" line there. Then right click on the Flightstate line, and "Paste" to add the old values in. If you are moving to an new saved state that has other vehicles active, right click on the "activeVessel = x" in the new save, select "Edit", and change the value from to (New + Old). In my case I had none active in the new, so left "activeVessel" as 8, the old value. If you want to take things slowly, move a single "VESSEL" first that doesn't have a Kerbal in it, and is remotely controlled somehow; once done, in the editor still, make sure the New file tab is highlighted, then click "File" and then "Save". Point the editor back at the new save file and over-write it. You did back it up first though, yes? Now we can start KSP or load it from the title screen and see if our changes have stuck. There are two issues that can cause problems here. The first is that without the Universal Time matching the old save, KSP seemed to get confused as to where ships etc are supposed to be, as planets etc aren't where they should be. This I believe is what the UT line does, so I copied it across. If you have other ships active, and thus are trying to move to a save in a different time frame, this may prove an issue. Please let me know in comments. Secondly ships with multiple crew and multiple sub-components (like space stations or two docked ships) loaded, but weren't able to be Flown from the Space Centre. There are two ways to fix that. The easy way, and the hard; THE EASY WAY: Under the editor, re-copy from the old file only the Kerbals listed, and paste them into the new "ROSTER" line on the new save. This meant they were duplicated in two places in the new save, but it didn't seem to cause any trouble so I just ignored it. You should now be able to fly your old craft with the old crew back aboard. THE HARD WAY: Maybe you don't want to try and retrieve the old crew, because it means you end up with duplicate Jebs all over the place. Or maybe the above hasn't worked for you for some reason? There is a way to re-generate a fresh crew in game though. And that is... simply fly back to it and get close enough that you can swap with the [ and ] keys between your two ships, and the missing crew will be replaced with new ones. My Munbase, abandoned for nearly 3 years, was visible on radar but couldn't be accessed at first, so I sent some brave Kerbals out to see if aliens had eaten them, or they'd eaten all the snacks since I was last able to load them up and had starved to death; once within range, the lights spookily came back on and fresh faces could be seen peering out the windows... Good job Sherbald Kerman was already bald, or all his hair may have fallen out due to shock! To avoid this issue in the future, I plan to have at least one automated control system aboard my space stations. MY SHIPS WONT LOAD! IT SAYS I HAVE MISSING PARTS! One of the problems with saving old ships is that they may have parts aboard that no longer work, or aren't installed any more. They can be retrieved, but it requires much longer fiddling. Bear in mind the following condition must be met; The ship can't use the missing part as a connection between two other parts. If it does (say you have a seat stuck on top of that part) it just won't load if it's removed, as far as I can tell. Correct me in comments below if I'm wrong! On the above space station, I had some old MapSat scanners mounted radially however, and I was able to fix these. How? EDITING IN FLIGHT VEHICLES: Firstly we need to identify which vehicles might have the error; when you attempt to load the game itself, it should tell you which active vehicles have missing parts. And when we try and open them in VAB it should warn us again. Under the "FLIGHTSTATUS" lines in our New Save, find the VESSEL, in this case Munbase, and double click it. You will now get a full list of parts aboard like below; Scroll down until you find the one preventing it from loading, in this case "ISA.GPS" (which is Map Sat, but remember it tells you when it tries to load the name of the broken part) and Delete it. Save here, then resave the entire "Persistent.sfs" file again. EDITING VAB DESIGNS. In the editor, you can open the ".CRAFT" files directly, and remove the broken parts from the list, just like we did above for the station. However because the old file format might carry across, you may still get this error when you attempt to load in KSP: You can "Attempt To Load Anyway"; the vehicle should appear in the background, and even though you get the error here a second time, just click "Cancel". Now you just need to do one small edit, even just take apart and put back together the vehicle, and then re-save over the old version to correctly update it and use it from then on. If it doesn't load a second time, and only one for me did not because I made a slight error editing the CRAFT file by hand earlier, you won't be able to load it in KSP at all, and it won't appear no matter how often you click Attempt To Load. The way around this is to create a blank CRAFT file in KSP, then using the editor, copy all the parts data etc back across from the old file, then re-open in KSP and see if you can save it that way. But hopefully you won't need to try! And that is how I got all my old space stations from v0.20.2 back into the modern game! I hope you've found this guide helpful in saving your own wee green wonders.
  22. I tried to update KSP (not Steam) 1.1 to 1.1.1 using the patcher (both with launcher and directly) but I got an error: rsync: getaddrinfo: bfkpnwq0ntx8pmxmyo1jqvsmw6h 873: Name or service not known rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(125) [Receiver=3.1.2] Any ideas ?
  23. Hi, the last few weeks have been a rough time for all modders. There were, or still are a lot of things to update and fix for the big 1.1 update of KSP (and the subsequent patches). Naturally, also the number of bug reports for the mods increased. This is totally okay, there are always new bugs introduces by such a big update. But lately, an increasing number of reported bugs are only caused by the fact, that there are still mods installed, that do not support 1.1. or are not cleanly installed/updated (as in remove the whole mod folder before installing the new one). These bug reports cause a huge overhead for us and are frustrating because they are completely avoidable. We invest valuable time to find out what is wrong with our mods, only to find out that the mod user didn't even invest any time to make sure the mods are properly installed (at least it feels like this). So before you report a bug, please Make sure that ALL the mods you use are compatible with the version of KSP you use. Remove the old folder(s) of a mod before you install a new version. If you use CKAN, install the mod manually into a clean (CKAN free) version of KSP to verify that the bug is caused by the mod and not CKAN. This will save a lot of time for both ends. We modders do not have to crawl through many log files and the user can use the mods without problems (and do not have to wait for the modder to tell them what is wrong)
  24. Hi everyone. I'm seeing more and more mod version changing from 1.1 to 1.1.2 in their titles. usually this means there's an update with KSP. On Steam I have the opt-in selected in the Betas tab. my version is v1.1.0.1228(64) it looks to me like I have 1.1.0 still. Is the Opt-In in the betas tab not supported anymore? does that mean I need to change the dropdown menu back to normal updates? I'm getting confused basically because there are dev posts saying 1.1 is released . if so then ksp is not in testing?
  25. Hey, I found a mod on the forums called KerbalFeels. It looks really interesting, but unfortunately its not even slightly working in 1.1. I believe the license allows modification and distribution of the code, so anyone could technically try and update it. I also checked on the KSP subreddit for any interest, and there was a lot of positive feedback. If anyone knows of a similar mod, please let me know, and if anyone plans on updating the mod, let me know as well as I am super interested. Thanks!
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