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  1. I am quite an armature when it comes to "inter planetary missions". When i tried to get to duna, I managed to get in alignment with its orbit (with the sun). All i have is a couple small xenon tanks and one big one (all full). Is there a way i can manage to get into orbit with duna?
  2. So, I downloaded a mod (I assume though that this doesn't change anything about the rescaling process) and was trying to rescale something. I wanted it to be bigger to be able to hold all the cargo I needed it to. I went into the config file for the part and saw the handy parameter; RescaleFactor. I quickly set it to 2 and went to load up my game again. Once in it though, I found all my nodes had disappeared!! I figured out that it was because the nodes didn't scale with the rescale factor. I then tried to open the part model and edit the node positions, and quickly found out I couldn't do it/understand a single thing about part modeling. Then I remembered that the internet existed. I googled my problem and found this thread: I think that the answer I am looking for is somewhere in this thread, but I am just to stupid to understand it. If anybody could tell me what values I have to change and by what amount to put the nodes back where they belong it would be much appreciated. (Using Tundra Exploration and trying to scale the Starship Cargo Bay to 1.5 so I can fit more inside it.) P.S. I am also rescaling the whole craft so that it fits and matches up with the Cargo Bay part.
  3. Hello there! Recently, I have been having major problems with Kronal Vessel Viewer. When I say major, I mean that the little button for KVV doesn't even show up. The mod doesn't work at all. I have downloaded the dependencies, but they haven't worked either. I have done what I do with every mod which is putting the extracted .rar or .zip into the GameData folder. I suspect two problems that I can't fix myself; 1. the Toolbar Controller and ClickThroughBlocker dependencies are for different versions, as one of them doesn't support 1.9 and only 1.8 2. the latest continued Kronal Vessel Viewer I could find is for 1.9.1 and I am running 1.12.2 Any help is greatly appreciated! Fingers crossed, SecondHandRocketScience, Founder and Chairman of Acorn Aeronautics
  4. Hello, i recently have encountered a problem, ksp gets stuck on loading the massive booster part from the squad engines folder, so i decided to delete it to see what would happen and it got stuck on another part in the same category, this issue wasnt caused by anything as at the time this happened, i installed no mods or updates can anyone help ? its been a LOOOONG time since i have played ksp (because of this issue) (i suspect restock or stock waterfall might have something to do with this)
  5. Greetings! My name is Andrii and I'm Italian. I discovered this fantastic game years ago and I'm happy to be here on this forum. To start I have a couple of questions: Where can I post an announcement here in the forum to introduce the new Italian community created by the players and make it known to my compatriots? When I get over 5 published posts I can finally put my profile picture up, right? :D
  6. So, my experiment station is on the far side of the Mün. A solution is usually "Hey, let's connect using a relay. Easy peasy, right?"' Nope. These guys have pretty good relays, GREAT connection all around-- just not to each other. Yes, I've looked at other threads, like https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/135510669598463932/, , and other things. There a setting or something? Maybe my mods are a bit of an issue? Info (though none of my mods really do relay stuff, I... I think): Version Network view: Actual Relays: Any help very much apprec'd :)
  7. Not sure if this is the right thread, but when KSP accounts switched over to private division ones, I tried to log in with the same passcode for my kerbal account and the same email. The account did not let me log in and there isn't much on the issue. The verification email doesn't work as well, so I am very confused. Any help would be appreciated. It might be because the password requires a special character and stuff, my old password didn't have it. I don't know anything but that MAY play a role
  8. Sooo uhhh, first time on here but, Im reinstalling some mods for airplane stuff and reinstalling BD Armory but Some parts wont work. Mod List: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  9. So I have landed on the mun and I want to place a experiment control station next to my landing site but I don’t know how. I put it in my inventory and don’t know how to place it edit: Im using my engineer kerbal but it says “unsuited kerbal: 1
  10. I am trying to do a Laythe mission using only about 1000 MPS of Delta-v and gravity assists to get to laythe from LKO, but I just can seem to get a good gravity assist with Tylo. I think that I am missing something, but I don't know what it is. Does anyone have any tips?
  11. Hi, as the title says I suck at making Maneuver nodes to other Planets My Encounters keep ending up like this and I have to do weird burns that lower my Periapsis below 70 km on Kerbin My ship has TWR of 0.2 and it uses KSPIE parts
  12. so I have been playing this game for about 3 months now and I can confidently say that it is my favorite game, but recently I found a bug where when I press the shift key for any time at all from a tiny tap to holding it for 3 seconds that the throttle keeps on going up even after I let go of the shift key one at full throttle the ctrl key doesn't bring the throttle down and the only way to stop burning is to hit x. this happens for all of the in game engines and restarting computer/game did nothing to help I have no DLCs installed, and I couldn't find any info on the internet about this issue. it started happening right after sticky keys did its popup thing but I disabled all sticky key functions and the problem continued. if you could sugest some trouble shooting options that would be great. thanks
  13. I'm trying my hand at making a planet for KSP and have been getting lots of problems. first, here is an image of what I'm talking about when I say the planet surface is loading badly: image, image, image Secondly, when viewing the planet in Scaled Space, the sunlight is lighting the incorrect side of the planet (as you can see in this image) Thirdly, it appears the textures for my planet are not loading in Scaled Space (and look even worse in flight), even though I have them linked in the config. I'll be honest, all my maps are the same texture because I'm super bad at texturing and wanted something quick to just make sure the planet was working (they're all grayscale heightmaps, but I figured that wouldn't be an issue. I'd just have a black-and-white planet). Fourthly, my heightmap isn't effecting my planet's height mesh very much. Is there a way to increase the effect of my heightmap. I'll also include an image of my heightmap (which is also the same as my normal and texture maps) https://imgur.com/b2Zspyp and a copy of my config here in a spoiler bar. I have the Biome classes defined but currently do not have a biome map. My PQS mods are simply copy and pasted from this tutorial My guess is that the issue is in my PQS mods, but I really have no idea what I'm doing with those I'll also add, I am using Wilbur to get the height map, GIMP to edit it, and Visual Studio to config
  14. I'm trying to file download my mods because my ckan is being weird and id rather just launch normally without ckan anyway and I have kopernicus and outer planets but I'm not sure how to distribute the files and stuff if I could get a tutorial on yt or like a text for tutorial because I'm so confused I load all the separation of file that make scenes and the planets flat out don't show up idk how to really ask for support either so if you need something id be happy to help you help me just want egg moon back.
  15. Hello Mod Community! I'm currently developing a mod which requires the selection of an or several image(s) by the player. Preferably I would like to do using the Windows File Explorer. I've tried two methods, using UnityEngine and another one using System.Windows.Forms. None of them worked and I've heard that apparently people have had issues with the file explorer when modding before... UnityEditor method EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select reference image!", "", "png"); Which gave me this error: I heard the apparently KSP doesn't use UnityEditor so I added the UnityEditor.dll file into the plugins folder which changed the error from the beforementioned one to this one: Anyone have any experience with UnityEditor and KSP modding, please let me know! System Windows Forms method string refImgPath = ""; OpenFileDialog fileDialog_ = new OpenFileDialog(); fileDialog_.InitialDirectory = @"c:\"; fileDialog_.Filter = "png"; fileDialog_.RestoreDirectory = false; if (fileDialog_.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { refImgPath = fileDialog_.FileName; } Debug.Log(refImgPath); Which gave me this error: I didn't know where to continue from here, anyone know what's wrong? Basically I need help with getting an file (image) explorer window working to get the path to any given image. Thank you in advance for any help!
  16. Everytime i try to launch RSS in 1.10.1 i get stuck on the file KerbalismConfig/Parts/ChemicalPlant/kerbalism-chemicalplant.cfg there are no problems with module manager, its just this file it gets stuck on forever.
  17. I tried installing Restock 1.3.3 and it basically didn't work and some parts were missing. Did I do something wrong in the installation? The mod isn't compatible anyway? Is there a Mod Conflict?
  18. Hello! How do I generate custom atmosphere colors with Scatterer? None of the variables in the atmo.cfg seem to adjust color, and I can't figure out how to generate new scattering tables using the config tool. I read through the documentation and searched the forum, but I couldn't find an answer. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. Recently started trying to make a plane mainly for science and contracts. Built one and it keeps veering left and right but its pretty random. When it does go straight it launches just fine I just can't figure out why its not stable. I've tried using a vertical tail fin and not using one but I can't figure anything out. Wheels are in between big wing and tail wings. 2 FL-T400 fuel tanks with the basic jet engine/air intake. Picture below. couldn't figure out how to insert image from url but heres a gyazo picture. https://gyazo.com/e62b39fb998ad23e134f69d787faf912 Edit: Goes left/right on the runway. Once it takes off its all smooth.
  20. Hello There! You may know me as Phoenix RL#1055 on discord on multiple servers, including the CKAN Discord, Matt Lowney's Discord, Piolet's Discord, The Official Galaxies unknown server and the official KSP reddit server. Recently a hacker by the name of 'deX' hacked into my account, and spam posted CSGO trade requests on every server and DM. Heck, I dont even LIKE CSGO. If anyone reading this is the owner or moderator of these server's pls unban me and help me get this 'DeX' mf banned from steam. Thank You, Phoenix RL
  21. So, a while ago, I made a nice logo for one of my imaginary aerospace companies, Schmeissen Industries, which I put on a custom mousepad. A few weeks later, I decided to jump back into KSP, and, what the heck, might as well use a custom logo, too. So, I followed the tutorial on the KSP wiki, made my flag fit into the parameters, then inserted it into the appropriate file location. I launched the game, and, lo and behold, when I went to start my new career save for 1.12, the flag was there! I was rather pleased with how it had turned out. One problem, though - when I went into the VAB to make my first craft, the big flag on the wall was blank. As was my command capsule's flag. I noticed that the flag selector was also a blank white, so I clicked on it. Turns out, the game automatically de-selected my chosen flag. I was a bit miffed, but when I clicked on the custom flag, it appeared, just fine, on the big wall flag and the capsule. Then, I launched the craft. Flag showed up on the capsule there, too. I launched fine, got one or two contracts done, then proceeded on. BUT, when I entered the VAB, the same thing had happened again. Both flags were blank. I had to re-select my custom flag every time I exited and re-entered the VAB. Why is this happening?
  22. So, I've actually had this game for 7 years, and still don't know how to update reliably without creating 2 different installs then having to move the saves folders and whatnot over into the new KSP version. A few times, I downloaded not another copy of KSP, but something else that updated my existing install to the new version. Where can I get that something else? Thanks
  23. Hey! So, I got my station core into orbit, and then my Comms / Science module up there - only problem is, I have to stick them together. In space. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2507377161 There's an image of my problem. I've circularized my orbits, and the closest I get to the station is there. I quick-saved here so I can try any maneuver I want. The separation is 12.4km, relative speed 32.7m/s. I feel really stuck...
  24. So i build my minmus base which can produce rocket parts and i thought that to build rockets i just need rocket parts but when i open up UI it shows that it needs material kits and specialized parts. Do i have to remove some mod for it to be just rocket parts? In other tutorials on youtube there are just rocket parts. I also haven't found any material kits or specialized parts in VAB. Image: https://ctrlv.cz/VhHH Image from tutorial youtube video: https://ctrlv.cz/e4tV
  25. So I've come across a problem that I suspected, but haven't encountered until now. I opened some Tantares files in Blender for some reference for a mod I'm working on and, when examining the mesh, I discovered that it somehow looked smooth without modifiers. The only difference I see in it vs. my own is that mine uses Subdivision Surface and Tantares has no modifiers. This makes sense as these modifiers probably dont work in KSP, right? Here's the comparison, sorry I don't know how to include images in the body of the post. https://imgur.com/a/GYBlXhK So here's my main question: how do I model like this? I don't understand how they get it to look so smooth and yet it doesn't use any special shading or subdivision surface. Also, as a bonus question, how would I add these cutouts without using the Boolean modifier? https://imgur.com/a/2lR1QZz
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