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  1. Hello Fellas, i have this problem with the IVA, when i get the IVA View its just Pink, like the whole Screen (except the HUD), i don't have any IVA Mod so.. Someone can help Please?
  2. I'm working on IVA's in unity but have been unable to find a way to search or sort the Prop spawning list in part tools. There are hundreds of props that are not ordered alphabetically and the control+f search function does not work in this window. Does anyone know how to either sort or search through the prop list in part tools? I've read every IVA tutorial on these forums and spent several hours now searching on several search engines using many different phrases and combinations of quoted and excluded words and cannot find anything related to this window. Below is a picture of the window I am talking about. Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. Going Orbital! IVA mission to orbit and back. A mission where we finally make orbit. The second flight in the series, all in IVA view. The rocket is also fully automated, running a custom KoS script that controls the entire flight. https://youtu.be/xOQvS9NcKKI
  4. Fully automated mission using KoS
  5. How Chuck Yeager broke the Sound Barrier - The Complete Mission - KSP RSS/RO - XS-1 flight, October 14th 1947- Hi, I finally finished this project that kept me occupied for some days (weeks? ), a full reproduction of the historic flight of the Bell XS-1, breaking the sound barrier, in RSS/RO : ) 76 years ago, October 14th 1947, Chuck Yeager embarked on his Bell XS-1 "Glamorous Glennis", carried by a B-29 at Muroc airforce base. While having two broken ribs, he, the USAF and NACA marked history with this milestone, crucial in developing technologies and knowledge both for planes and manned space exploration. Embark on the "Glamorous Glennis" with Chuck Yeager, for this historical ride above mach 1, breaking the sound barrier for the first time ! The whole mission was flown from the cockpit, but the video has some external views as well, some archives images and original crew conversations, but from X-1A flight (starting at 5:40, the rest is AI custom generated voices I created to add immersion and make the thing feel more alive). This was definitely a challenging and fun mission to do, as well as learning a lot about the outstanding research and systems from that time ! Yeah I'm just in love with the old days analog era, true pioneers ! Any feedback appreciated (best watched with headphones) Below the video, you'll find a mission report on how it was flown, recorded, many cool and interesting historical details with pictures, ressources, links, and mods used ! : ) Thanks for watching ! First some quick additional details about the video : - As mentioned above, I used the audio archive from the X-1A flight (credit to Retro Space HD), and made the audio match the corresponding parts. After digging and digging, I coudln't find any audio from the 6062 flight, if anyone knows about it, I'd be very interested ! - The chase craft is inspired by a P-80, which I believe was the plane used for this (please confirm if you know : ) ). Turns out it in the end, it looks more like a f3D, but it's ok The cockpit interior of the chase plane isn't historically accurate of course (that's a lazy bit from me). - 5:15 : This is a mistake from me, I'm almost positive the purge fuel exhaust was placed near the engine section, facing rear, not on the belly like here. - 6:14 : From what I red, when released, the mothership/X-1 assembly were slightly pitched down, to avoid stalling on the Bell upon drop. But as I had to record each scene multiple times, to get different angles, I resolved flying it horizontally instead, at the 20 000' drop altitude. This because I needed consistency between the different takes, to have the same background/altitude/angle, and make my life a tad more easy - 7:57 : As mentioned in the video, I'm using VOR (radio) navigation to return to Edwards. I don't know if Chuck did so too, does anybody know about this ? I'd guess he was flying VFR, but he also couldn't see much in this thing (actually much less than here, since this cockpit ingame can have its seat go up/down). Visibility was so poor, how could he fly and even land in that thing ^^ The how(s) (click pictures to enlarge) - After setting up a KSP install where I could get acceptable frames with all those pretty mods (that was almost some sisyphus/impossible task for my config^^), I first built the craft files, then I needed to create a custom IVA for the B-29 cockpit (from Airplane Plus mod), in unity : before after below, I'll maybe release this as a mod at some point, or addional config for Warbirds cockpits mod, by @theonegalen . : ) I worked with reference images, so it's mostly accurate to the real B-29 cockpit. I also tweaked both the X-1 IVA and P-80 chase IVA interiors. (both are from the great Warbird cockpits mod - The P-80 uses the Mk1 inline cockpit WB ASET IVA) - Then I created a custom runway, that I made match the Edwards base one, using Kerbal Konstructs. First I flew the mission in one go, only from the cockpit, with B-29 mothership / Bell XS-1 assembly. After that I recorded all the external shots. - Finally, I needed to have views from the chase plane : that was the tricky (to say the least) bit I used two methods : firt I created another runway next to the main one, spawned the two crafts on each runway, and with the help of Physics Range Extender mod, I made them both take off at the same. Once in the air, I used Atmosphere Autipilot amazing cruise flight controller, to automatically control the B-29, while I was manually flying around with the chase plane. Another solution I used, was simply, in the most kerbal fashion, to strap the P-80 on top of the B-29 assembly, making it a double mothership haha. And yes it could even fly ^^ - The last interesting and funny bob I'd like to mention is the "elevator" that Chuck used to get inside his X-1 cockpit midflight : for that I added a little elevator actuated by robotic parts. I would have the kerbal exit the B-29 cabin by the back. And EVA to the elevator to get in the cabin. Well, I forgot Kerbals on EVA can't walk on parts while under acceleration. This led to Chuck being slapped against a B-29 structural panel, "constrained" and unable to move with a wind of 200 MPH against his back. So change of plans, I redid the thing to be even a contrapti-er (?¿) contraption : I constructed another version of the craft, and put an external command seat on top of a spaghetti assembly of robotic parts that would take the kerbal from the start point, to the elevator, and down with it to the X-1 cabin. (Yeah as you noticed, I carefully hid this horrible thing as much as I could in the video^) The History : I'll add here some interesting facts that hooked my attention ("fascinated me" would be more accurate ) - Two nights before the flight, Yeager broke two ribs when he fell from a horse. He was worried that the injury would remove him from the mission, and hid it from his superiors. On the day of the flight, Yeager was in such pain that he could not seal the X-1's hatch by himself. His pilot friend Jack Ridley, the only one he told about this, rigged up a device, using the end of a broom handle as an extra lever, to allow Yeager to seal the hatch. Just imagine a Nasa test pilot doing the same thing today haha - I find amazing that the mission report by Chuck Yeager himself, only consisted of a single printed typed page. I used this as the good reference for the flying ingame : - Details on the XLR-11 rocket motor and its (very cool) cockpit controls : - For Science ! - The essential Mach meter : - The crucial stabilizer : - Finally, a random collection of bits and bobs - Ressources : - Recommended videos about the X-1 : - Mods used in the video : Thanks for watching and reading ! And happy new year !
  6. ASET IVA for the External Command Seat This is mod idea I had dreamed for so long about, an actual interactive IVA for the stock External Command Seat ! Currently, the only way to see in 1st person view in the ext command seat is with Through the Eyes of a Kerbal mod, but you can't add any props to it (you can but it's janky and will not work well), so I did a little hackery here and there, converted the part to an actual pod-like behavior, and started laying out the props ! For now, this is a low tech orbiter/lander version, but I'd like to make several flavors of this : orbiter/lander high tech (with MFDs and modern style props), plane low and high tech, and a rover high tech. Todo : - Currently there is one drawback with the way this is done : To make this IVA possible, I added a part similar to the ext cmd seat, but without the KerbalSeat module, and replaced it with module command, to make it behave like a normal pod, the Kerbal is then not visible on the external model anymore, but I could go around this by adding a B9partswitch model of a kerbal, for the player to turn on/off at his convenience, I'll see. Alternatively and for now, you can enable the IVA overlay, which is already cool in it self and arguably better, since it will display the props too. - Polish the external appearance (back side) in external view with IVA overlay ON. - Make other versions of this IVA ( and add Reviva support for it) : high tech orbiter/lander ; low/high tech plane (so with instruments and layout specific to planes) ; high tech rover ; MAS high tech ? - look at VR compatibility Dependencies : - Module Manager - ASET consolidated Props and avionics - RasterPropMonitor Optional but recommended mods : - NearFutureIVAProps : Only adds the small post it decorative elements. Links to WIP releases : - Releases · kurgut/ECS_IVA (github.com) License, credits and thank you : - License : (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) - Contains Assets derived from ASET props and avionics mods (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). - Once again, warm thanks to @JonnyOThan for his help with blender/unity. IVA creation is an obscure matter for the uninitiated for sure ^^ Pictures (click to enlarge) : - Center panel : - Left panel : - Right panel : - External view with IVA overlay ON (design/layout unfinished) : Mun Sunrise Cheers and happy IVA-ing !
  7. Retro NASA style Probe Control Room IVA Hi, I've been working on a complete remake of the PCR IVA interior, by giving it a retro style flavour, for the early days a Kerbal space exploration, when we didn't access to all those fancy MFD screens and such... - Current todo : - Better KOS/KPM page, this one is just copied for KPM, and isn't done yet - CRTs big selector knobs : make them not slaved between each other if possible - Try to fix ASET solar panel deployed Alarm indicator - Refine Interior decorations - 1.0 release ? - Investigate RPM Ext cam wankyness - Poke at Vulkan's work on "MAS-sifying" PCRIVAPLUS and maybe incorporate his work if he's willing to contribute ! Or try to do the same later (ASET to MAS patchs/etc) - later : make a high tech version of PCR IVA, with fancy screens, MFD, etc. The same taste as KSA IVA upgrades, but more advanced. - For that, figure out why I can't get MAS to work in PCR : MAS not working properly with Probe Control Room · Issue #372 · MOARdV/AvionicsSystems (github.com) Dependencies : - Module Manager - ASET consolidated Props and avionics - RasterPropMonitor - Probe Control Room Optional but recommended mods : - MirageProps (WIP) : by @MirageDev and me (a tiny bit^^) : adds props to allow maneuver creation from IVA with RPM ! - NearFutureIVAProps : Adds a lot of decorative elements : - TDProps : A few more decorative elements : - KOSPropMonitor : Adds KPM pages integration to the CRTs. Other Mods to complement this mod's IVA experience : - Mechjeb - Astrogrator Links to WIP releases : - TEST github release : Releases · kurgut/PCRIVAPLUS (github.com) Known issues - ASET FDAI GUID MOD (navball vector selector) has sometime the animation not showing ingame, but the prop still works. Save/reload can fix. - ASET ARRT (alt/alt rate tape meter) doesn't work consistently. Save/reload can fix. - Random textures glitches, see : https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/issues/112 Fix for now : rename the extension or delete PropBatching.cfg, in Gamedata/JSI/RasterPropMonitor/ Be aware, this could worsen the performances. License and credits and thank you : - License : (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) - Contains Assets derived from ASET props and avionics mods (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), and Warbird Cockpit mod by @theonegalen (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). - A huge and warm thanks to @JonnyOThan for all his precious help in all the IVA modding bits. Pictures (click to enlarge) : - Flight Director desk : - Crash Specialist desk (used for landing) : - CAPCOM desk (used for docking and target related things mainly) : - Other pictures showing new added Near Future props, for decoration (subject to change) : - The mysterious texture glitch I discussed in the todo section (if anyone knows, please tell me : ) ) related issue :https://github.com/JonnyOThan/RasterPropMonitor/issues/112 - Just for reference, this the default look of Probe Control Room, so quite different ^^ If you want to see moving pictures of this mod in action, I'm doing a Career IVA only mode, in a video format which you can find here : - By suggestion, I've made an in-depth overview of this mod and yeah, I covered every single switch, knob or instrument lol Or you can see this as a centralized place for usage of all ASET retro props too ^^ Cheers and happy IVA-ing !
  8. Hi, This video tutorial will cover how to do a manual ascent to rendez-vous, in IVA (from the cockpit) ! : ) This part can be quite tricky, and almost as hard as an IVA landing, when done right ! This part assumes you already know all the bits & bobs covered in the previous tutorials, which you can find below : Feedback and questions always welcome ! Cheers
  9. Through the Eyes of a Kerbal KSP IVA career mode I love flying in IVA in KSP, it gives it a completly different experience, especially with mods like FreeIVA, awesome IVA mods available out there. So I started a new career, where I attempt to fly missions only from the cockpits and the mission control room, for unmmaned spacecraft. This will be mostly done in a video format (the serie style is new to me, so don't hesitate to provide feedback ) So let's bang our Kerbal head against all those knobs and switches shall we ? : P - Link to a WIP version of this retro-NASA-styled Probe Control Room IVA, used in this serie : - Modlist (will evolve eventually) : - Chapters : Godspeed ! Ep. 1 - Humble Hoppings We discovered female Kerbals are called "Kerbalinas" ? did you know ? : D Next we'll surely get a Kerbal to orbit, and hopefully some probes to the Mun, while continuing developping aircraft tech to break the sound barrier !
  10. Hi ! Today, we continue this tutorial serie for a Moon landing, fully manual from the start of the powered descent to touchdown, all from the cockpit (IVA). This is one of the trickiest part of IVA flying, but one of the most rewarding for sure ! Link to the previous/next parts of those retro-IVA tutorials : Cheers
  11. Hi, I've been messing around lately, and I would like to try applying a texture to an already exsiting IVA : Example : taking the Mark 1 stock comand pod, and replacing its "background interior textures" with ones extracted from a 3D model, like this one : What would be the steps for that ? Note that blender and me do have a pretty spicy relationship (I'm quite new to this, and texture work in general). I guess deleting the stock textures and replacing them with ones, but I'd guess I'd need to convert those 3D model to PNGs ? As it's what I'm seing in most internal folders... Anyways... gonna keep diggin' Thanks for your help !
  12. Continuation of the previous episode, which was about rendez-vous, this ones covers old manual docking, instruments only ! Which involves the usage of that bloody X-pointer instrument... Looks overwhelming at first, but in the end allows for very precise and smooth dockings to be made, and is also so damn rewarding and fun ! Link to the previous/following parts of those retro-IVA tutorials : Questions/feedback welcome Cheers
  13. Hi ! This is the continuation of the first part of the tutorial serie (spoiler below) about flying retro styled IVA spacecrafts, this one will focus on the DSKY usage, as well as a rendez-vous guide, instruments only ! Previous/following tutorial parts : Feel free to ask any questions or provide feedback : ) Cheers
  14. Hey all, I'm adopting one of the best interactive IVAs ever made: the ALCOR pod. Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3499/ALCOR Adopted (should be on CKAN soon) License: CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 Dependencies ModuleManager ASET Props RasterPropMonitor Recommendations FreeIva Original thread:
  15. Can't find any guides on this anywhere augh What I want to do is create my own IVA's for existing parts (for example Airplane plus cockpits) but I'm confused on what programs/plugins I need and ofc how to use them step-by-step instructions on this would be neat
  16. I'm adopting another great IVA mod - @dsonbill's kOSPropMonitor. This wonderful mod adds a kOS terminal to RasterPropMonitor screens. There's no functional changes in this version, except that I'm going to fix the zip file issues that have prevented this from being updated on CKAN. Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3473/kOSPropMonitor-Adopted (coming soon to CKAN) License: GPLv3 Source Code: https://github.com/jonnyothan/kospropmonitor Original thread here:
  17. Hi, Here's a extensive tutorial on the usage of the FDAI, found on most of the retro-style modded KSP IVAs. That great instrument flew on Gemini, Apollo, the Space Shutlle, and is still used today ! Following tutorials of this serie : Feel free to ask questions or provide any type of feedback : ) Cheers
  18. For the occasion of Apollo 11 - 54th anniversary, I'm happy to present this video of the whole mission, entirely flown in First-person perspective (IVA), in Real Solar System with Realism Overhaul. Contrary to Apollo, the full mission here was piloted manually, except for the Earth ascent to orbit. Also featuring synchronized Capcom audio all along, as well as rarer archive onboard crew recordings, real images and 16mm films, which gives it sort of a mix between actual gameplay, documentary and cinematic feel. Due to those IVA limitations, I had to place maneuver nodes from the map view, which was the only time it was used. Note that the CM and LM instruments and panel layouts are mostly accurate to the real ones, however the instruments are adapted towards KSP gameplay and capabilities. I also tweaked the IVAs a bit, so that the analog gauges display the actual fuels, instead of LF/Ox, and added a few mandatory instruments to the LM (target phase angle display, speed indicator). This was definitely a challenging and fun mission to do, as well as learning a lot about the outstanding Apollo 11 mission and its crew. Below the video, you will find a section where I describe how each important steps is executed in IVA, with associated images. A huge thanks to forum user @JonnyOThan, who helped me a lot getting into the IVA modification bits. Squad for making KSP 1, KSP modders and especially RSS/RO team, Nasa, Neil, Mike and Buzz. Enjoy, happy journey to the Moon and back ! Also any feedback or questions are appreciated (Best watched with headphones !) Description of the key phases of the mission (click on images to enlarge) Below another look at the LM descent profile, directly took from Nasa Apollo 11 flight plan ! (linked in Ressources section at the bottom of this post) *** correction : the LM, on Lunar ascent, inserted in an elliptical orbit, not circular. I saw that first in the Nasa mission report, but then saw the Nasa doc which doesn't agree with that, so I forgot about it... That would've made the ascent to orbit sooo much simpler, Since doing a circular orbit in one burn was while managing rel Inc with Columbia was kinda spicy ^^ - I'm also sharing below the main ressources I used : - Mods used : Thanks for watching and reading ! Any feedback or questions are appreciated Cheers
  19. Hi, For IVA enjoyers out there, I made this tutorial which covers a full flight only IVA launch, rendez-vous & docking to space station, then landing back at KSC runway, with a SSTO. IVA is in a retro style, so no much fancy displays, only manual piloting ! I hope you find it useful ! Also feedback and questions appreciated Notes : * Always match your inclination first with your target before doing the Hohmann transfer burn, I didn't tought about it since I knew the station was in a equatorial orbit, but still, the small deviation from my initial orbit trajectory was enough to make the rendez-vous phase trickier, as you'll see. * 21:14 : velocity relative to the targeted docking port but only in the X and Y axis. * 22:45 : I didn't mention it, but on this IVA, the screen display actually shows X, Y axis distance and vel in precise numbers, which is very practical, as well as the X, Y, Z rotation angle. it's a numerical aid to the instrument to the right, which is more visual.
  20. its just a little detail to use once first person or IVA is in the game have your camera bob with the head while walking, flying , landing and etc and if people wouldn't like this setting on they could click a little button in the settings to turn it off or have a slider to change how much head bob there is
  21. Hello! @linuxgurugamerhas graciously allowed me to adopt this mod, as it's integral to the RPM/FreeIva/KerbalVR ecosystem and I'm working on big changes to it. PCR was originally created by @Tabakhaseand later @Virindi. Original thread here. (Note: pictured above is the KSA IVA Upgrade variant) ProbeControlRoom adds an IVA for probes, where you can pretend to be Gene Kerman himself. Dependencies ModuleManager RasterPropMonitor or MOARdV's Avionics Systems ToolbarController Changes ProbeControlRoom now spawns civilian Kerbals at each desk Press V to cycle between seats instead of double-clicking You can now use PCR on ships that have crew (they must still have a probe core). Press C to cycle to PCR or use the toolbar button. Prepping for compatibility with FreeIva and KerbalVR Download GitHub SpaceDock CKAN Other Stuff License: CC-BY_NC-SA-3.0 Source code: https://github.com/JonnyOThan/KSP-ProbeControlRoom/ This mod is a continuation of the work of: @Tabakhase, @icedown, @Albert VDS, @MeCripp, @Nils277, @JPLRepo, @Dexter9313, @Z-Key Aerospace, @jlcarneiro, @linuxgurugamer.
  22. Raster Prop Monitor is great but the camera position is too high to look down at some screens in IVA. When you zoom in on a display to read it more clearly or adjust the display settings it cuts off most of the bottom of lower screens if not the entire screen itself. I'm trying to change the cameras vertical view angle range to be able to look down more but can't find anything in the parts files for those cockpits that relates to max view angle. I know I did it in the past for older versions of KSP but its either been so long I've forgotten or how those settings are handled has been removed, moved or changed in the part cfg. Does anyone know of how to do this? And if so could you tell me what to add/change and where. I have a feeling it's just a case of adding a vertical view angle variable somewhere. Thanks in advance.
  23. @pizzaoverhead, @Icecovery and I are proud to announce that after 7 long years in the WIP section, FreeIva is finally ready for a full release! FreeIva allows you to get out of your seat in IVA mode and move around your ship - even between parts. You can buckle up in another seat in a distant part to transfer crew, or use a hatch from the inside to go EVA. All stock and DLC crewed parts, docking ports, and many adapters are supported. Controls Right-click to toggle the mouse between free look and pointer. Keys Action Setting Name Y Get out of seat (unbuckle) while on IVA UnbuckleKey W Move forward ForwardKey S Move backward BackwardKey A Strafe left LeftKey D Strafe right RightKey X Toggle Crouch CrouchKey Space Jump JumpKey Q Roll counterclockwise (when in low gravity) RollCCWKey E Roll clockwise (when in low gravity) RollCWKey Left Shift Move upwards UpKey Ctrl Move downwards DownKey F Open or close a hatch that you're looking at OpenHatchKey C Return to original seat Alt-G Toggle gravity Alt-Left-Click Grab or throw prop Left-Click Use prop Dependencies ModuleManager is required. B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts. Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts. RasterPropMonitor and ASET props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports. CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives. Download CKAN is recommended. https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/releases https://spacedock.info/mod/3151/FreeIva Compatibility The following sets of parts have full support: All stock and DLC crewed parts and many adaptors Planetside Exploration Technologies. Reviva is recommended. Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux. Reviva is recommended. Buffalo 2 Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - Requires HabTech Props Modded mk3 cockpits: KermanTech, Ultimate Shuttle IVA, and Mk3 Shuttle Mid-Deck Extra Docking Ports SDHI Service Module System Kerbalism Mk2 Expansion . Reviva is recommended. Mk3 Expansion. Reviva is recommended. Near Future Spacecraft, including Vexarp IVA layouts. ASET mk1-2 IVA. Use Reviva to use this IVA inside the mk1-3 pod. Artemis Construction Kit Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit Mark IV Spaceplane System. Reviva is recommended for support in adapter parts. B9 Aerospace Universal Storage II ALCOR pod ProbeControlRoom HabTech2 Feline Utility Rover Tantares Starship Expansion Project KNES Mk3 Mini Expansion Starilex's mk1pod Needle IVA SABS IVAs ReStockPlus Bluedog Design Bureau NeistAir AirplanePlus SXT Kerbonov Warbirds Cockpits OPT Near Future Construction Cold War Aerospace Tundra Exploration Prakasa Aeroworks Exploration Rover System Keridian Dynamics The Martian Malemute Rover Coriolis Space Systems Heisenberg Airships DeepFreeze Near Future Launch Vehicles Lonesome Robots Collection Pathfinder RealChute's stack chute Cormorant Aeronology More coming soon! Planned supported mods are listed here: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva/labels/Mod Support. If you'd like to see something that's not on the list, just let us know! Support/Feedback Here on the forum or https://discord.gg/vBDzZAq3AF. You MUST include your ksp.log file with any bug reports. Legal stuff Source Code: https://github.com/pizzaoverhead/FreeIva License: GPL2 for code, All Rights Reserved for other assets
  24. Dragon Rider (DRAGR) An early version of the Dragon capsule By zer0Kerbal, originally by @CardBoardBoxProcessor, then by @MacLuky adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Preamble by @CardBoardBoxProcessor Contains Dragon Capsule with custom IVA that seats seven Trunk (with solar wings) Solar Panel Covers Nose cone Saddle See more YouTube videos by CardBoardBoxProcessor by SaFalken Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Supports Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Lazor Kerbalism TAC MechJeb 2 CTT TweakScale Tags parts, config, iva red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks CardBoardBoxProcessor (cBBp) for creating this glorious parts addon! MacLuky for the picking up where CardBoardBoxProcessor left off see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now. CurseForge. Right now. SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Soon™ this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  25. MKI Pod 'Needle' Configuration A Starliex product Hello fellow kerbounats! After many weeks of work, and even more weeks of procrastination, with more than 80 custom made props, I'm proud to release the 'Needle' configuration for the MK1 pod ! This configuration goes far and beyond to provide the latest gadgets and knobs to every kerbal pilot, with nice additions such as a phase angle indicator, slope angle, altitude callouts and much much more. Here below are some screenshots of the capsule : Download: Now available on CKAN ! Latest Release (Zip file) : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva/-/archive/main/starilex-mk1-iva-main.zip All Releases : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva/-/releases/ Source code : https://gitlab.com/Ailex-/starilex-mk1-iva SpaceDock : https://spacedock.info/mod/3113/Starilex Intra-Vehicular Solutions: MKI Pod 'Needle' Installation: Be sure to have installed all the dependencies. Download the zip file and copy the `GameData` folder inside the KSP folder Dependencies: Raster Prop Monitor MOARdV's Avionic System ModuleManager ASET Props ASET Avionics Reviva (Suggested) Reviva support: Reviva is a mod that allows multiple IVAs for the same pod, giving you the option to switch between them in game. Thanks to @610yesnolovely this IVA is supported as well out of the box! (Thank you!) Versions: 1.0 - Initial release [current] License: CC-BY-NC-SA ███
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