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  1. You need Kopernicus (for 1.12 or later) for this mod to work. -Not sure why, but many images on this page aren't loading anymore. I'll try to resolve this when time permits. Recent Changelog - 5 September 2022 Hi everyone, I know development on this mod has been (extremely) slow due to much of my time being spent on college, but I recently got accepted for a full-time job, which will demand most of my time. As such, I'll be suspending any attempts at regular development for the foreseeable future. I will continue to attempt to solve game-breaking issues that anyone is having, but any new features/terrain improvements will likely never come, unless I can find any motivation to work on this thing again. I'll be honest, whenever I try to work on this mod (and mainly its terrain maps), it becomes very easy to lose motivation to continue. I started this project almost 5 years ago, and it was definitely fun and exciting to work on for a little while, crafting my own star system. I'm sorry if this is disappointing news, but I never wanted this to happen either. Thanks for reading, and I hope to maybe return to this in some capacity someday... Known issues -Solace terrain appears dark on some graphics settings. To Do -Fix gas giant atmosphere pressure curves and appearances -Fix seriously bad-looking terrain on some bodies -Make proper scatterer configs -Add hidden planets Download GitHub release page To install, extract the downloaded file and drag the WPlanetPack folder into your GameData folder. Screenshots and Bodies Myna, the new Mun. Very green. Klip, much larger and heavier than Minmus. Filled with hills and some sharp ridges. Grasse, a heavy rock close to Eve's old orbit. It doesn't look pleasant from space, but it makes for a great drive. Bedu, a gas dwarf close to Moho's orbit. It harbors two small moons, neither of which have atmospheres. Kase, one of them, can be seen here. Cinder, a moon made of popcorn. Confirmation needed. Argent, a planet so close to the sun that its surface has been blasted away. Touch up in progress. Aeris and its moon Sedra. I plan on reworking Aeris's terrain soon, but I think I'll keep the color scheme. Byte, a barren desert world with lots of craters. Bit, Moon of Byte. 1/8 the size, too. Vita and one of its moons, Ola (serious work needed on terrain at the moment) Joule, the new Jool (needs polar distortions still). Ohm, a large moon with a thin atmosphere. It has high peaks for its size, and a lot of islands. Amp, a very large rocky moon without an atmosphere. Rework is mostly complete, just messing with colors and a few areas of terrain. Spark, a spherical asteroid only a few km across. I'd remake it, but the surface is too fun. Volt, a large desert moon. The atmosphere isn't as thick as it looks, I'll fix it eventually. Ira, a small, dense ice moon. It has a thin-ish atmosphere, but planes shouldn't be too hard to land here if they're light enough. No oxygen. Elias, the current replacement for Eeloo. It will be moved out much farther than its current position. Any thoughts/criticism? Please share it with me, I need every bit I can get. Please don't redistribute this mod as your own. If you want to make any modifications to it and rerelease it, contact me first.
  2. Hi, Im trying to install V1.0 Real Solar System with Kopernicus and ModuleManager. Below is the screenshot of my GameData but when I start KSP and I go to the solar system I can see the names and textures are the original Thank you
  3. This mod replaces the stock Kerbol with a dying system that takes place in the early universe which revolves around Might along with its far companion Forever, along with all of its special quirks, including mostly Duna sized terrestrial planets, smol gas planets and more. This is also a my first mod from a VERY long time so expect the quality to not be the best thing in the universe tho i've tried to be my best. Erste Sterne is NOT career/science ready and you should not start a science/career save using this mod Currently it has 1 star 7 (or 8 since binary) planets 2 (or 3 since binary) moons 3 dwarf planets Download: Images: System Layout Changelog: Compatibility Credits: Licensing: Erste Sterne is licenced with Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International but the sunflare from @Meid is licenced with Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
  4. THIS MOD ADDS A RESIDENT ANALOGUE FOR 2MASS J0523-1403, 2 PLANETS, AND 1 DWARF PLANET ORBITING IT. 2KAS-J0523: This is the tiniest star ever discovered, it's even smaller than Jool! It has no Gas giants, but it does have 1 rocky planet around it! OSIRIS: Osiris was the first Hot Jool discovered around a red dwarf star, Osiris is quite small, a little more than 1/6 the radius of Jool. VERIDIAN: This planet is the only planet. it's Kerbin sized with Kerbin-like gravity, but with no atmosphere or liquid water because of a violent flare star being it's host star. CORVICE: Corvice is Veridian's lagrangian partner, and as such, it technically orbits Veridian. Corvice is about the size of the Mun. DOWNLOAD: http://spacedock.info/mod/774/2KAS-J0523 Planetary system PICS: http://imgur.com/gallery/nzlCu/
  5. - A place for others still playing Galileo's SSRSS to share ideas about how to keep this great mod working - NOTE: This is not a relaunch or a revival. Nor is it a petition to the author or attempt to get support from him. He locked his SSRSS thread and AFAIK there are no plans to change that. We are here to help each other. For those interested in trying this out, the SSRSS mod is still up on GitHub. - Remember, this is unsupported, so be prepared to work things out for yourself - Install Instructions: (additional detail on the Github site) Download Kopernicus: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases Download and install RSS: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases (ONLY install the RealSolarSystem folder. The bundled Kopernicus and ModularFlightIntegrator is outdated) Download and install RSS TEXTURES: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/releases Install Sigma Dimensions: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/releases Install the SSRSS folder into your GameData folder: https://github.com/Galileo88/SSRSSContinued CKAN Install: I've had success setting CKAN to accept KSP 1.3 files and installing SSRSS that way. Feel free to try it FAQ Does this work with newer versions of KSP? Several of us have had success using the current version of Kopernicus. That said your mileage may vary, especially with regards to other mods. How do I get help / support? This is very "Do it Yourself". Before asking questions please read carefully through the install instructions and try to solve it. If you figure something out feel free to share Can this mod get re-released? There are no plans now and AFAIK the author doesn't intend to either. If you have modding skills and want to adopt it I would ask Galileo directly. Can anyone (fix this) / (change that) / (Make it work with X)? Only if we can do it ourselves. We can't expect support from the author and we aren't going to ask. Original locked thread here: Still a lot of good info on there if you want to read through it:
  6. Mod We have put our best effort to make the solar system good. This mod is a Collab with @Cyrus Playz to make a revamp of the stock planets AND add new planets and star systems First Released on KSP's 10th anniversary. Key : Green = Done, Yellow = WIP, Red = Planned Plans : Ike Tylo Dres Pol Laythe Sun Eeloo New moons: Karon (Eeloo) Astrium (Dres) The gilly replacer : Ienus Stars Systems: FINAL plan of Dubol: Compatible mods: Astronomers Visual Pack (or any other VE pack) Low-Light levels High-Light levels Zeo's Planet pack Strange new worlds other star system mods Incompatible mods: OPM GU any other system replacer Dependencies: Download: Screenshots Eye Candy Courtesy of @ballisticfox0 Kerbol's new sun flare! courtesy of @Caps Lock New Jool Rings : All the screenshots are with Spectra and Scatterer you could use AVP or any visual enhancement mod on top of our mod. (Eeloo's texture is optional you can change it through configs)* This mod is licensed under : CC-BY-NC-ND
  7. It never loads into the game and I'm not sure why, log file says that I didn't specify a "Object reference" or some type of stuff .cfg file And the log file I initially thought that it was an error due of a spelling mistake but I didn't find any can someone please help me out? Edit: So, I've made another file and this time it worked out, it was about the extension thing and I didn't have to specify it, but another problem came in log file I think it's telling me that I need an atmosphere even tho I don't want it, I dont really know Also the new .cfg for my new planet So yeah uh, anyone that can help me in both issues?
  8. Ecumenopolis is the concept of a planetwide city. Ecumenopolis Ecumenopolis is a planet pack containing a planet-wide city Ecumenopolis and its frozen moon Ithil, focusing on quality rather than quantity Ecumenopolis and Ithil have a rich surface with a significant variety of buildings and rocks. My inspirations for the planet orbit were coruscant from star wars and trantor from fundation. When landed on Ecumenopolis, a city ressembling blade runner appear to the eyes of the kerbal. Tips : There are refinery stations located near the city light on Ithil, they are tough to find but it's worth the exploration ! (if you manage to find one post the screenchot on the topic) Go at 10° South 139° East (-10,139) on Ithil to find the mass driver. A picture is worth a thousand words Craving for more screenshots ? Download Ecumenopolis Installation instruction Download and extract these mods : Kopernicus EVE CTTP RECOMMENDED MODS : Scatterer ( for a yellowish atmosphere) Once you've download these amazing mods : Ecumenopolis is still in 1.8.3, download the 1.8 version of each mods. Extract the GameData folder found in the downloadable .zip directly into your Kerbal Space Program install directory. example : if you're using steam the directory should be at : Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData Just drag and drop your extracted files into this location. The CTTP directories should be located at: \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\CTTP Don't forget to enable the terrain Scatters in the setting of the game and put them at 100 %. Special Thanks to : @Thomas P. For maintaining kopernicus. @Waz For maintaining Environmental Visual Enhancements. @Galileo For helping me and inspiring me. Licencing Ecumenopolis is under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
  9. Hello I would like to present my WIP planet named Omiea. No pictures yet(it only shows up as a featureless ball in game) this is mostly just a test mod although I will see how it goes and if I'm happy with it, I might continue to develop it. Roadmap- Making the planet science defs scatterer configs EVE ???
  10. I was thinking about creating a planet pack for KSP Kopernicus from the KSP 2 planet pack discussion. It got me curious about how to draw biome maps because I see every planet packs to have biome maps per each planet.
  11. Pandemon, a gas giant in @StarCrusher96's Galaxies Unbound. Screenshot by @ballisticfox0 A handful of separate ideas with roughly the same intention. Since JNSQ, other planet mods have picked up and featured a grain effect in their ringed planets' rings. But quite a few months have passed now and nothing has turned up that tries to bring substance to Kopernicus rings. There is one solution that can be done and that's simply to create an asteroid field that clips the ring, but it's far from impressive, and has no option for balancing abundance (when you want asteroids) and performance (when you don't want them-- when you're in every situation other than actively cruising through rings). So here are my ideas (well, not entirely mine, or grown with input from others) for ring matter solutions, or for features that can be rolled together for one complex, feature rich solution: Localized Dense Debris The main feature, with similarities to the stock asteroid spawner and the ground scatter loader. Here, when you approach a detailed ring, rocks of various sizes (and adjustable colors and resource configurations, see: Custom Asteroids mod) spawn. These rocks are basically parts and they have their own size class system, and size curves just like stock. However, they have their own physics range. They will load in (without physics) at 15km or further, but only have physics at the basic 150m roughly. They can and will be spawned with great density by default, and so, will have many orbits for KSP to track and will take a bite out of performance. However, they only persist until they leave their physics range or will persist permanently if you interact with them, just like when you go to the Tracking Station and start tracking an unknown object, making it a known asteroid. Once you're far enough from the field, they all despawn, except the ones you chose to keep, and KSP no longer carries their weight. Ideally, this spawner should be able to accept single parts and even craft files (mostly for the purpose of spawning multi-part asteroids that can break up if you happen to ram into them, but also for the secondary purpose of sneaking in alien artefacts or a new breed of magic boulder-- the parts for these would need to be hidden from the VAB and R&D). Science-able ones would have their own unique experiment module in them and you could use these like usual-- a new opportunity for science gameplay. Space Dust (yes, this is a play on Nertea's mod) Kopernicus rings are basically 2D. Rings can be wide and tall/thick, not just wide and flat, which makes for the opportunity to add some meat to black hole accretion disks, proto-system dust disks, and settled planetary rings that are mostly pebbles and droplets (like, say, the rings of Jupiter and Uranus?). In comes basically the EVE volumetric clouds effect, just for that feeling of stealth (or being blinded) while cruising through a dusty ring. The haze effect could partially be helped by a translucent square that's near to, and covers the camera to potentially reduce the need for particles when inside an especially volumetric ring. This would pair absolutely well with Nertea's mod and add wow factor to harvesting belts and rings. Luminance/Emissive should also be available, which would add to the immersion of passing through a fiery disc around a black hole or proto-star. Impact Hazards This leads back to my complex idea for environmental hazards, titled Structural Integrity. If nothing else, there ought to at least be the danger of crashing into pebbles at great speed and breaking stuff off, forcing the player to armor their ship or plan in advance to go around the rings or through their larger gaps and never through the opque regions.
  12. Random Main Menu Bodies What Is RMMB? RMMB is a literally useless mod but makes the game 0.01% better. What Does RMMB Do? RMMB makes the main menu of KSP a little bit better. By default, Kerbin is in the background of the main menu but now, all planets have a chance to be seen in the main menu. Screenshots (Using Astronomers Visual Pack): Known Bugs: Small Moons/Planets not being able to be seen until the 'Start Game' screen. Getting the same planet over and over again (Very Rare but possible) Download: Kopernicus: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-38 RMMB: https://github.com/CrankyJedii/RMMB/releases/tag/1.0 (License: MIT)
  13. This mod is no longer under active development. Do not download this mod. If you wish to download the component bodies, visit the original mod: The new bodies previously part of this mod (Doppler, Palloocus, etc.) are now part of their own planet pack.
  14. Download at Spacedock Download at GitHub Discuss at Discord Requires Kopernicus, and Kopernicus Expansions Continued RegionalPQSMods (In version 0.6.0 and 0.7.0, Kopernicus Expansions comes with the mod, you don't need to download it. Make sure you delete the old version of the mod before installing the new version when updating.) The Kerbal Astronomical Union's SLIPPIST instrument (Shadow of Light Imaging of Planets and Planetesimals In the Sky Telescope, not to be confused with the Kerbal brand of Root Beer after which the telescope was named), has just made an incredible discovery this week. The SLIPPIST-1 Star System, around which we previously knew of three Kerbin-sized planets, has been confirmed to be the parent to an additional four planets, for a total of seven. At least three of these worlds are known to be in the habitable zone, the region of space around which water can remain liquid. SEVEN WORLDS AROUND SLIPPIST-1 Rendered in a stockalike art style, SLIPPIST-1 is a Kerbalized rendition of the TRAPPIST-1 star system. Planets have been scaled down to 1/10 scale to fit in the Kerbal universe. By default it replaces the stock system, but there is a setting.cfg that can be used to make the Slippist star system into an alien star system a distance away from the stock system. Seven Worlds of SLIPPIST-1 is an up-to-date depiction of a scientifically accurate TRAPPIST-1. Care has been taken to accurately portray each of the planets without getting in the way of gameplay. Full album and explanation of the system here. More Pictures of the Planets: These pictures showcase Scatterer, which is NOT supported right now. PLANNED FEATURES: Asteroids and comets. (Potential early-game landing destinations.) Science Definitions Keep up to date with newer observations Better Scatterer and EnvironmentalVisualEffects compatibility. INTERSTELLAR CONSORTIUM: As of v0.7.0, Seven Worlds of SLIPPIST-1 now supports Interstellar Consortium. There's a settings file in GameData/SLIPPIST-1/SlippistSettings.cfg. Open it with notepad, and you'll find a single setting option: "System Placement = Home." The two options are "Home" and "Exoplanet." If you wish to play from the planet Kerbin and have SLIPPIST-1 be an extrasolar destination like some other star system mods, such as OtherWorlds for example, you must change it to "System Placement = Exoplanet" and the system will be spawned 428 au away from the stock Sun as defined by the Interstellar Consortium guidelines However, for a more cohesive experience when using multiple planet packs, I recommend installing the IC plugin, so that you can play on SLIPPIST-1 and have the stock system or even play starting from one of the other homeworlds supported by Interstellar Consortium. LICENSE: For the beta period at least, Seven Worlds of SLIPPIST-1 is All Rights Reserved. Kopernicus Expansion Continued is under GNU General Public License.
  15. Stock Scatter Collider Enabler Patch The recent celestial body revamps implemented by SQUAD into KSP are of a high enough quality that many players are no longer using 3rd party mods that revamp the surface terrain. Due to this change in 3rd party mod uptake, it has become apparent that there was no solution to enable the stock ground scatter collider meshes through the use of Kopernicus available to the community. This mod aims to provide this solution by providing a small patch to enable these ground scatter collider meshes for the stock ground scatter instances on the stock bodies for Kerbal Space Program. Download Click here to navigate to the GitHub release page: https://github.com/Poodmund/Stock-Scatter-Collider-Enabler-Patch/releases or install through CKAN! How to Install Extract the GameData folder found in the downloadable .zip directly into your Kerbal Space Program install directory. If located correctly, the SSCEP directory should be found at: \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SSCEP Dependencies The following KSP mod must be installed prior to using the Stock Scatter Collider Enabler Patch mod (ensure that you install the correct version of the dependency for your version of KSP): Kopernicus (depending on KSP version) - https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases Module Manager - https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-* Conflicts Do not use this mod if you are using a different mod that has its own implementations of ground scatter such as Stock Visual Terrain or Spectra. To reiterate, this mod only enables colliders for the stock scatter implementations. Disclaimer This patch may enable the ground scatter collider meshes on bodies for versions of KSP prior to 1.8.0, however, the further back you go the more likely that the ground scatter has been changed since, config wise, by SQUAD in the multitude of updates. I have limited its usage back to 1.3.1 so feel free to use but your milage may vary. I suggest that if you use anything like KSP 1.7.3 and prior that you just use a mod like Stock Visual Terrain instead. Also, this purpose of this mod means you will now collide with terrain scatter... I take no responsibility for your missions being ruined due to the usage of this mod. Changelog v1.0.1 Version bump up to KSP 1.11.99 compatibility v1.0.0 Initial release License The mod is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3, 29 June 2007 Thanks Big thanks to @Thomas P. who talked this whole issue through with me over a few hours... I think this is probably the best way to implement this, right? He did the leg work, I'm just the messenger.
  16. This project's goal: Create a monument to the KSP Community, A star cluster made entirely by members of the community. Rules Every User May submit a maximum of 2 Planets and 4 Moons per month Stars are Pre-Placed, But you may request a star type to be added, stars will be added as systems fill up Be Kind, Everyone is at a different experience level, so please do not act in a way that is only meant to hurt the feelings of others, or pointless complaining/insulting of another's work Help Others, If someone is asking for help, help them if you can, if you cannot, refer them to someone who can For a submission you must include within the Zip File : Your Planet Configs, Your Planet's Heightmap, And Your Planet's ColorMap, Normals can also be provided, but if not, will be produced as implementation occurs, You need to make the planet. Make it interesting, the more varied the submissions, the better, if you have some amazing idea, do it, we will get a spot to place it. Every Person who submits a planet/moon will get credit for their work, All Usernames will be placed within the mod DO NOT take configs, parts of configs, or maps from other mods, if we find out it is stolen, you will be removed from the contributors list and the planets in question will be removed Systems - Systems will be set up as planets are suggested, and will be filled out below as it goes on, upon completion of a system, it will be released, Systems will have 3-5 planets and 6-10 moons Lelon - An F7V Star About halfway through it's life Maldos A-B - A Close binary between a G3V Star and a M0V Star, Planets orbit both stars at once Blubol - A singular K4V Star, Habitable zone is closer to the star as a result. >Retol - 1000 km gas dwarf orbiting Blubon at around Duna's orbit - ffx >Oloa - 250 km Duna like moon but its colored minty blue from rusted copper - ffx >Gul - 19 km marron astroid - ffx Planets will be placed within these systems, As Systems fill up, more will be added to make more space, the more systems, the better. If this goes well, and we make it to 10+ systems, we will continue both development of this, and a follow up with the improved skills of everyone involved.
  17. This system is a work in progress. When I first began this star system, it began with an idea to make it Mayan. And as you can tell from the date of the original OP and to now, that's what the system's names for the star and planets consisted of. But along the way to now, I felt that it would be better to repackage it and give everything names that sound a bit more Kerbal. This project began as an attempt to teach myself how to create a planet pack. But I also wanted to do something neat with it to make it different. One of the television shows of the late 1970s and early 1980s that led to my fascination with astronomy was the show Cosmos with Dr. Carl Sagan. One particular episode was about the life cycles of stars - and how as a star dies, one of two things could happen - the star could go supernova OR the star could expand, shed its photosphere, then collapse back on its core and form a white dwarf. This project picks up the stellar saga after the ejection of the photosphere. Hioffpo was believed once to be a yellow star, much like Kerbol. As it aged, it became a red super giant, consuming the inner four rocky worlds. Its photosphere collapsed and parts of it was ejected into space in an orbit around the newly emerging blue-white dwarf (an intermediate stage before becoming a white dwarf). Some of the ejected solar matter coalesced into a tidally locked small rocky world (the above image). Remaining matter didn't form a planet but is rumored to have formed a series of rings intermingled with a few moderately sized asteroids. Current mod development progress and release notes 0.1 27/08/2017 Initial release. Nohochacyum only 0.1.1 03/09/2017 Added various light curves. 0.1.2 01/06/2022 Revived and initial re-release of the mod with assistance of @AtomicTech. Star and planet names changed to be more "Kerbal" sounding. New planets added. To Install: Copy the entire folder (adsii1970/Hioffpo) into your GameData folder. Do not remove any folder contents or rename the folders. Working download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9bz92533tm0xt06/AADd29GxVQckJae8G5bbQtCOa?dl=0 Required mods: Kopernicus Recommended mods: Outer Planets Mod Distant Object Enhancement Compatible with other planetary packs I use: ExtraSolar (Valentine System) by @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures Known issues with this mod pack (by version of KSP): Note: This planet pack is a work in progress. Use with caution. Plans for this mod pack: Thanks to co-contributors to this mod: @AtomicTech Special thanks to the following forum members for their advice and encouragement: @SamBelanger - providing tutorial videos that helped me get this mod started. @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures - allowing me to dissect his ExtraSolar mod and understanding what works under the hood, so to speak. @JadeOfMaar - Providing ongoing answers to my never-ending questions about modding in KSP. @JustJim - being a good friend, allowing me to bounce frustrations, ideas, and everything else towards him. @OhioBob - being paitent with me and actually redoing my messed up calculations dealing with my light curve issues.
  18. This planet pack is an attempt to create a Planet 9 analog for Kerbal Space Program. FAQ: What does this mod contain? This mod contains one Gas Giant, 3 moons, and one moonlet. How Do I install it? 1. Make sure you've downloaded all this mod's dependencies, (Below) and put them into GameData. 2. Download the .zip file from SpaceDock 3. Drop the folder Planetxpack, NOT HytharaPlanetPack v0.0 into GameData. The correct installation should be: Kerbal Space Program/GameData/PlanetXpack 4. ?????? 5. PROFIT! What does this mod Currently have? The 5 worlds, custom textures for each of them, and biomes for almost all of them. What do you plan on adding next? Science Definitions, better atmosphere's for Hythara, better textures, and more! What Version does this support? 1.8.1. Dependencies: Kopernicus, MIT by Thomas P. ModuleFlightIntegrator, MIT by Sarbian. ModuleManager, CC-SA by ialdaboth, currently maintained by sarbian and Blowfish. Promo Pictures! Hythara, the central gas giant of the system. It has faint rings and is around a third of the size of Jool Riaz, the closest moon to Hythara, the black sooty ring is from ring debri settling onto it's equator. Niran, a once habitable world similar to Laythe now completely frozen over. Gaul, the largest moon in the system, around a quarter of Hythara's size. It has one moonlet, Nemesis. Nemesis, the brownish-reddish moon orbiting Gaul, it's just larger than Gilly. The view from Riaz's Soot biome, Lowell is visible in the background. Niran's islands from the surface. Nemesis from the surface, Lowell is visible in the background. You can view the whole gallery here: https://imgur.com/a/xUzNtoV KNOWN ISSUES Thanks to Kottabos Games for the showcase of my Mod! DOWNLOAD (SpaceDock) License:
  19. Ambient Stars "Scope Creep at its finest" Ambient stars is a galaxy mod that intend to add new stars along with its planets It was heavly inspired by @StarCrusher96 Galaxies Unbound RoadMap https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h9dNlIn_g5f-M2v4vz2AFXk3NTuwzKD-m0UMhQ9SwzM/edit Screenshots FAQ If you have more questions, pls go to the discord server bellow https://discord.gg/GsSPxSJmGU
  20. okay so, I have no idea why my planet wont load into the game, here's the cfg and logs
  21. Kerbinary is a mod I developed to rearrange the solar system in new and interesting ways. It has the main feature of having not 1, not 2, not 3, but . . . Hold on. Only 3 binary systems? For a mod called KerBINARY! Anyway, you might be able to expect some planetary revamps in the far future, but don't count on it. Download https://github.com/TRAPPIST-1E/KerBinary/releases PICS FOR CLICKS ON TO THE LAYOUT (spoilers ahead) Compatability Dependencies Kopernicus. This is a planet mod. What, do you think i'm gonna write my own plugin? LICENSE: MIT
  22. About Planet 9 (P9) is a KSP planet pack that adds the theorized 9th planet of the solar system plus it’s moon system into Kerbal Space Program. However, unlike other planet packs, this pack is entirely proceduraly generated. This also doesn’t mean that the pack’s textures are pre-generated. Infact, the pack download comes with no textures in it at all. Instead, it ships with a custom application that you need to use before being able to play the pack, that proceduraly-generates a new set of textures and models, just for you. Everyone who downloads and plays this pack, will play using a completely unique system of moons around Planet 9. You can even customize your moon system inside the application, and create the perfect system for yourself. This is accomplished through my "ProceduralPlanet" procedural celestial body generation software library. Though it is intended for general use in game development, I am using it here to produce this proceduraly generated planet pack for Kerbal Space Program. Currently, this project is still only a proof-of-concept and will receive further development. Therefore, any bug reports and suggestions are greatly appreciated. However, please note that only the textures and models of the major moons are proceduraly generated. Their physical characteristics and orbits are fixed, though they were determined initially by an algorithm as well. Screenshots Note: because this planet pack is proceduraly generated, the screenshots shown here only represent random examples of the generator's capabilities. Though the pack download does come with some default assets for Planet 9 due to technical reasons, none of the shown moons will appear in your game exactly as seen. As explained previously, your system will be completely randomly generated. Installation Planet 9 is a little bit more difficult install then your regular planet pack, due to the requirement of needing to run the procedural generator first. The download link below will contain a .zip file which, as you're probably used to, needs to extracted into your KSP install's GameData folder. This pack does require the "VertexHeightMap" Kopernicus Expansion from VabienArt’s fork of the Kopernicus Expansions, which can be found here: https://github.com/VabienArt/KopernicusExpansion-Continueder/releases However, a compatible build of this expansion should always be included with the download for this pack. Additionally, while this isn't a strict requirement, it is recommended to have OPM installed, simply so that Planet 9 actually is the 9th planet from Kerbol. You may also want to install an Orion Drive Mod. Just trust me on this. You will need it. Before being able to run your game, you need to run the procedural generation application to create the textures and models unique to your system. However, instructions on using the generator application would blow up this forum post. Instead, I have added usage instructions to the GitHub repository for this project, which can be accessed at this link: https://github.com/89Mods/Planet9/blob/main/README.md Please read the contents of this page very carefully! The generator application in a sensitive piece of software, and will not work at all if you do not follow the instructions to the letter! Visual mods This planet pack comes with scatterer configs for the two celestial bodies in it that have atmospheres. Otherwise, no other visual enhancement mods are utilized in this pack. Support If you have successfully ran the generator application, but cannot start your game, you must provide the Kopernicus log files, or I will be unable to help. If you are trying to run the generator application but get an error, you must show me the exact error message. If the generator application instead freezes with no error, ensure that you have correctly followed the usage instructions for the application. If you did and are still experience this problem, you can send me a message, and I will do my best to help. Licensing This planet pack and the generator application are published under the GNU General Public License v3. Download The current version of the planet pack is 1.2.0 for KSP version 1.12.x, and can be downloaded from the project’s GitHub page here: https://github.com/89Mods/Planet9/releases/tag/1.2.0 Please make sure to carefully follow the installation instructions above, as this is not a simple planet pack. Changelog Credits
  23. Help me stay motivated in my endeavors to create more interesting and diverse mods for KSP. Every little support helps! [ What is this version of Kerbol Plus? Kerbol Plus is a planetary expansion for KSP, aiming to add new and exciting worlds for players to explore. Kerbol Plus adds in 6 new planets and 6 moons for players to discover. Created by KillAshley (New Horizons, Uncharted Lands) and Thomas P (Kopernicus), this pack hopes to add in various bodies in a more stock-like feel. This pack includes completely re-envisioned planets carefully created. This pack also offers FULL CAREER INEGRATION! Including biomes, correct science multiplers & more! Contributors KillAshley Configs & Textures Thomas P Configs, Textures & Custom PQSMods Amarius1 Original concept and heightmaps for; Havet, Pregas & Vatil Yaeah Heightmap for Shay (which is unaccredited in Amarius1's KerbolPlus) Olympic1 Fixing my spelling mistakes and things i forgot about. Screenshots Downloads: Github Dependency: Kopernicus Install Instructions: Simply Download the .zip file and merge the GameData folder into your KSP game directory. The base Windows 64-bit version of the game a lot of bugs, I have been informed Kopernicus packs all work on it and I also use it in my personal game, however any bugs resulting from x64 are unknown presently and as always will be un-supported. Included Mod Support: Distant Object Enhancement PlanetShine Incompatible Mods: KerbolPlus: Not compatible with Amarius1's version of Kerbol Plus StarSystems: Not compatible with Kopernicus PlanetFactory CE: Not compatible with Kopernicus KopernicusTech: Not compatible with Kopernicus Known Bugs: Please note although i have been testing as i go, i haven't had time to sit down and do a full play through, so I'm sure there are bugs I'm unaware of! None at the moment Changelog: v1.1 -File structure change for On-Demand loading -Cfg tweaks too -Converted Corote's color & normal maps to .dds format (didnt notice they were still .png) Credits: Sarbian for maintaining ModuleManager Kcreator for making the origional KittopiaTech Gravitasi for updating the Kopernicus/Kittopia plugins BryceSchroeder, Teknoman117, Thomas.P and NathanKell for making & maintaining the Kopernicus plugin this mod relies on. Sigma88 for his feedback and support GregroxMun for his feedback and support Olympic1 for helping when i make stupid mistakes License: This version of KerbolPlus by KillAshley & Thomas P is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The FlattenMountain & Vulcano(temprarily removed) plugin's are distibuted with All Rights Reserved by Thomas P. & KillAshley
  24. So @Misguided Kerbal made the original Valor mod but it has died and he put the mod up for revival, after a while i decided to take it and revived it SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/2866/Valor Planet Pack Revived?ga=<Game+3102+'Kerbal+Space+Program'> No pic, no click, here you go Screenshot with scatterer System plan/system arrangement To do list Dependencies Kopernicus and its stuff Anyway lets go to the Q&A Q: Is Valor compatible with OPM? A: Yes! Q: Is Valor compatible with MPE? A: Yes! Minor Planet Expansion is compatible and recommended! Q: Is Valor compatible with (Insert Planet Pack Here that's not listed above) A: I don't know. Test it out yourself! Q: How can I help? A: Anything is appreciated! Q: Can we stop with the questions now? A: Um.... sure, I guess. Valor Revived is licensed with GPLv3 Change logs Special Thanks to: @Misguided Kerbal for creating the mod in the first place, @The Minmus Derp for fixing the OPM patch, @Kerbal Productions, making the scatter images
  25. Small mod to fix some stock biome errors in Eve and Tylo. Requires Kopernicus On Eve, Craters and Akatsuki Lake now actually exist! V1.1 no longer edits Tylo, as the issue was fixed in vanilla. If you play with an older version of KSP where Tylo is missing Grissom Crater use V1.0 Download SCANsat map examples: License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 If you know of any other stock biome oddities, do let me know!
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