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  1. Originally a quality of life improvement I modded into a personal copy of BDAc for running various tournaments, but rather than continually modding each successive version of BDAc, it was spun off into its own plugin. Team Icons adds UI icons to BDA vessels - no more purple squares and trying to remember which is which once the furball begins: Usage notes: This Plugin will do nothing by itself - it is an addon to and requires BDA There are two versions of BD TeamIcons, for the two versions of BDAc. Version 1.8.5 requires vanilla BDAc 1.3.x Press F4 to toggle off the default vessel UI overlay. * [Enable Team Icons] toggles icons on or off. * [Enable Team Labels] toggles the 'Team: ' identifier. * [Enable Vessel Labels] toggles vessel names. * [Missile Icons] toggles missile alert icons. * [Debris Icons] toggles debris icons on/off. * [Do not hide with UI] toggles icons being hid along with the rest of the HUD via F2. * [Show Pointers] toggles off-screen icon tails * [Icon Scale] adjusts icons scale Team Icons v1.8.5 supports a max of 16 teams. Clicking on a team label under the settings will allow selection of a custom team color for that team. Version 1.9-RWP requires BDAc-RWP 1.3.4.x Version 1.9 additional features that are exclusive to and require Runway Project: * [Enable Score] toggles competition mode score display * [Vessel Healthbars] toggles HP bars * [Vessel Threat Icons] toggles icons showing who is attacking who Team Icons v1.9 supports unlimited teams Additionally, vessels will be tagged with different icons based on vessel type into 7 different categories: Planes, Rovers, Bases/Landers, Probes, Ships, Submarines, and Stations/Relays Download from SpaceDock | GitHub Changelog This work is licensed under a BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.
  2. This addon is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license 2020 Update Well, it's back now. For now, unless a lot of you would like otherwise, I'll be sticking with KSP 1.8.x as this is the only version Firespitter officaly supports at the moment. I've seen some people haven't gotten it to work for them on 1.9.x versions and it's probably not going to work on 1.10.x versions either. The farthest it can go that I can say it will from experience is up to 1.9.x versions, however if you do decide to use Firespitter and Firespitter Extended in these versions keep in mind issues you find in there are most likely because both are meant for 1.8.x Since I've learned how to properly model stuff, models will definetly be coming out faster. I mostly just have to get the hang of Unity and how KSP does its stuff, and you might even be able to see more parts like engines, cockpits etc. along with better quality skins. DISCLAIMER: I have been given permission by @RoverDude to release this mod. This mod consists of modified parts and shares Firespitter Bi-Plane textures already made by either @RoverDude or @Snjo and are not originally made by me. In no way am I trying to steal the show from their pack. All credits go to them for releasing the original parts. I am in no way a part of the Firespitter development team. Thank you in advance for your acknowledgment! Ever played around with the WWI Firespitter parts and got frustrated with how hard it is to make a replica with them? They look like the perfect parts at a first glance, but there's just not enough variety to make that one Central powers fighter look different from the rest of your craft apart from the paint job or the arrangement of parts, and you don't really want to resort to stock pieces for your WWI save as they look too modern. Well, look no further! This pack was made for you! The only dependencies are Firespitter for the textures and ModuleManager Note that when I say Firespitter, I mean the actual parts pack, not just the plugin! Grab it here! Downloads: Spacedock Download Github Download Change log: Q&A: Q: Why do the parts look like they have no textures on the part list in the SPH/VAB? (They still look normal when you place them on your craft in the hangar though) A: I don't know. This is actually the first time I've made parts using FS texture switch configs, so any help would be appreciated to fix this bug. But don't worry, the parts should work and have colors without any issues! Q: Proof of permission? A: Sadly, I've somehow lost the message I sent to RoverDude. However, if you have any concerns you can ask him. Q: Why do some of your parts piggy-back off of other Firespitter textures? A: I'm trying to keep this addon as close to Firespitter's design as possible. By reusing Firespitter's textures, I can keep stuff from being too out of line with the original Firespitter biplane parts while also saving space and memory by using less textures. Q: What if I find an issue? A: Open an issue in the GitHub, or post it here. I recommend you go to GitHub though, to prevent forum clutter. Any pictures or logfiles will be greatly useful for me to look at! Q: Are you open to suggestions/criticism? A: I am open to any suggestions! Feel free to criticize the mod in any way, but make sure to tell me what's wrong so I can see what to do to make it better! Q: Where could I post suggestions/critique? A: You can post it on the forum or on GitHub Q: Do/Will you support previous versions of KSP? A: Most likely not. Q: Will you do more extensions for Firespitter parts other than the WWI series? A: Probably not, as this mod is meant to be focused on WWI parts regarding Firespitter, and the WWI textures/models are the only ones I specifically asked permission for modification. Q: CKAN support? A: Sure, personally I don't use it so let me know if there are any issues and I'll try to solve them
  3. Infernal Robotics Sequencer development sequel This mod is an Addon of Infernal Robotics Next and will not work without ! And obviously needs Module Manager (not included) Hello everyone ! From today, I'll now assume the maintenance and continuation of the Infernal Robotics Sequencer addon for Infernal Robotics Next, with the courtesy of @Rudolf Meier. Even if I have some exprerience as a software developper, I'm very new to modding and KSP modding so I count on you to report on this topic every mistake that I could have done to ensure the quality and transparency of my work. Let's talk about the mod ! Reminder of what it does : This mod works as state machine that allows you create and play sequences of servo movement commands and special commands, like GoTo, Toggle ActionGroup, Delay and Wait. (Very useful for all your mechas) What will happens : First, I'll stabilize the mod, by maybe reworking some parts of the code and release bugfixes based on issues you could report on this topic or GitHub. Then, I'll work on improvements of existing features or adding new features if possible. (If hou have ideas, share them with this topic, you're welcome) Huge Credits to @ZodiusInfuser, @erendrake, @Ziw and @Rudolf Meier for their previous work. Download: https://github.com/ValrenStarlord/IR-Sequencer/releases/tag/3.0.1 Source: https://github.com/ValrenStarlord/IR-Sequencer License: GNU GPL version 3, 29 July 2007. How To Install As long as the mod will be in rework, I highly recommend to delete the previous IR Sequencer folder each time a new version will be released in case file names change, so that the old files don't stay and create weird things in-game. Otherwise, just copy the content of the MagicSmokeIndutries folder inside the existing MagicSmokeIndustries of your GameData folder. As said above, report any problem you could encounter with the mod in this topic or open an issue on GitHub, I'll work on as soon as possible. Enjoy !
  4. Are versions of Bon Voyage and World Stabilizer updated for KSP 1.6 in the works? The 1.5.whatever versions still work on load, but when I last tried to use BV my rover ended up so banged up it couldn't sit still.
  5. Does the Scatterer addon have an adverse effect on the performance of KSP when it is running on a Mac? Does it slow the game down?
  6. Sooooo I heard about Kopernicus recently (~1 week ago) and attempted to write my own planet code, using The White Guardian's tutorial. It would be nice if somebody posted example code or looked at my code. I am creating a planet called "Hysphenia", a terrestrial planet with no atmosphere orbiting a polar orbit around the sun. (Using a spoiler format here because it's long) I think that's right...
  7. I was looking into Kopernicus planet pack mods compatible with 1.6.1 (because mine was a fail - apparently i was using 1.4 instructions) and all the good ones were outdated (good ones: planet factory, kerbal galaxy, etc). Are there any ones you know of (or have created) that work with 1.6.1? Just wondering.
  8. Are there mods to add more aspects to KSP's management? I feel like the budget system in KSP was just tacked on and never fully explored, and I hope some mods could change that.
  9. Do you like using chatterer, but have grown tired of the sstv sounds whenever you transmit science? If so, this is the addon for you! Introducing Morse Kode, the chatterer addon guaranteed to make your experience a little more interesting! -How does it work? Well, it replaces the sstv sounds you normally get when you transmit science with CW (continuous wave [morse code]) sounds to provide you with a low-tech experience, making your science transmissions sound a lot more simple and a lot less significant! -How do I install? It's easy! go to the chatterer folder in gamedata, then to sounds, finally swapping the sstv folder already there with the one you downloaded, and thats it! For all you easter-egg aficionados: each sound file is a message written in morse code, containing messages both historical AND hysterical! Good luck on decoding the messages! Download Here!
  10. I was playing ksp when I noticed that some of the b9 aerospace parts were grey. solid grey, no textures. I was wondering if you guys had any idea how to fix this?
  11. THIS IS NOT ANOTHER VERSION OF CUSTOM ASTEROIDS. IT IS COPYRIGHTED AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CODE LIKE THAT. Hey all, this is my first mod. It's a planet pack that I have been working on for the past few days. I created it because I noticed the lack in mods that provide smaller celestial bodies in the Kerbol System. It adds a few small rocks similar to Gilly, Bop and Minmus (A few smaller!). It will attempt to provide you the gamer with greater challenge. Sorry of the lack of info, I did this in a rush. REQUIRED MODS: Kopernicus Module Manager SUGGESTED MODS: Outer Planets Mod Trans-Keptunian (Look at the final post, it is a version that works with 1.3.0+) What ever mods help you transverse the Kerbol System Pics: Plans: Another asteroid for Eve Moho asteroid Comets Rogue comets and asteroids for extremely experience players Trojans Trans-Neptunian objects (like TK, but different) Capabilities with OPM + TK and maybe KSS and GPP. This is unlikely, as I plan to make more planet packs. Make some Dres-like bodies, not weirdly shaped. Download © CC-ND-SA-DC
  12. Hello! I am looking for a time-warp mod for KSP version 1.2.2. I can't seem to find any updated ones, but if someone knows of one. I would greatly appreciate a suggestion! Whenever I go long distances (Eeloo, or even Jool) sometimes it takes ages to time-warp to the next maneuver node or encounter. -Make sure your suggestion is updated to version 1.2.2!
  13. I would assume this has been suggested before but it just came to me and its too awesome not to suggest in the off chance no one has thought of it. It would be awesome to have a star wars themed planetary add-on. I've seen some youtube videos of star destroyers and stuff but I would love to see planets based on the star wars universe. Going further it would be cool to have places on said star wars planets, like a base on Yavin IV or a wrecked star destroyer on Jakku or canyons you can fly through on tat. My love of KSP mixed with my love of star wars would be amazing. Even if this never happens, the thought alone makes me happy! Thanks for reading, may the force be with you and safe flying out there kerbonauts.
  14. I have this one problem where all stock RCS tanks are gone. Now I have super thin modded ones. And stock landing legs have 100000000 stress tolerance. I don't know which mod causes this and if its intentional... PLS NO. I am so liquided cuz my entire Mun base is gone because it "contains inexistent or locked parts" I want to have mods that don't exploit the game like the weird durability on landing legs. Here are the mods I use: Airplane plus, Atmosphere autopilot, BDArmory, Cryo engines, DMagic science, Docking port alignment, Feline utility rovers, Flag decals, Fuel tanks plus, Glass things, KAS, KIS, Kerbal planetary base systems, Kerbal atomics, Kerbonov, Structure pack, MK4 spaceplane system, Modular rocket system, Near future construction, Near future electrical, Near future propulsion, Near future solar, Near future spacecraft, OPT, Orion, PlanetShine, SpaceY lifters, SpaceY expanded, SSTU, Station parts expansion, Tweakscale. Anyone know what causes the above?
  15. Hello, Is there a mod for ksp 1.2.2 that adds some kind of proximity sensor? That it beeps or something when another ship or object is nearby? Thank you
  16. Hi, i am interested in making a planet mod, i have watched white owl's video but it did not show you how to import the texture and height map. Also i have no idea were the folder for the stock planets is. So please could you help me?
  17. Hello folks, just a pair of questions . 1) I see that many people link in their signatures the forum threads related with their own addons. Some of these links are in the form forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/thread/6digits but, when I enter my own thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155653-wip122-realisticcomponents-suite-02-02-17/, I get this very long and bad URL; this is pretty annoying, also because it contains the title of my thread, which changes from time to time because I like to put there the date of my last update. How can I obtain the 6-digit code to refer to the thread independently of its title? 2) My RealisticComponents Suite is still WIP. As soon as I move to the release, do I have to keep the WIP thread in Add-on Development and create in parallel a new thread in Add-on Releases, or is it better to delete the one in Add-on Development and keep just the new Add-on Releases thread? Thanks in advance!
  18. Ok, so you have built your 37th space station and keep needing larger stations. You have built monstrous craft to try and find a way to lift most of the station in one go. By the time the craft is done, it contains hundreds of parts. You launch it, and your system starts laughing uncontrollably, and finally manages to say “You want to go where?” That is without any payload yet. If that describes you, then this is for you. You have proved you can do what it takes, you now just want to move on and colonize the universe. This is a single part SSTO cargo hauler. It started out as a Delta Wing, I swear. Don't even ask how it ended up this shape. Any way. It attempts to be all things to all men at all times. It contains most of what you need to get to orbit. I was tired of long thin transport vehicles, so it has a large squarish cargo bay. Still on the flat side, the craft does have to be at least wingish in shape. The top opens up either as 2 gull wings, or as a whole. Some form of mod, like FS hangar Extender, which allows you to build outside the VAB or SPH is highly recommended. It has a large number of attachment nodes on the back to try and satisfy almost any engine configuration you please. Yes I know near the middle, there are 4 pairs of nodes very close together, the reason is so you can either have a circle round the center engine, or the first row in line vertically like the rest. Inside the bay I provided quite a few nodes as well on the front, back, sides and floor. If you have trouble using the nodes inside, I have found, that bringing the camera very close to the node, helps. This can especially be necessary when trying to detach parts once placed. The camera has to be at least inside the bay. Kerbals can enter the bay through the airlock in the bay. There are a set of nodes on the side, but they will most probably not see much use, it is merely as a reference for the one flat area on the center rim, but use it as you please. On the front the nose folds down to reveal more nodes for things like sensors and folded up dish antennas. The center is large enough to fit a standard clamp-o-tron. The front space is cabin and control space, and can hold 20 Kerbals. The sides are for fuel. The built in tanks can be configured with Interstellar Fuel Switch (in fact it is required.) Mono Propellant is always available. Battery’s are built in, as are Solar panels. Reaction Wheel built in, full SAS, and some transmission capability. The plane Body is obviously also a lifting surface. At the moment there are two versions, one that has no control surfaces, the area around the engines provides lots of space to attach such. The second model has the back protrusions removed, and are provided as as control surfaces that can be re-attached. There is only pitch control enabled. Enabling Roll control as well tends to cause problems. Yaw control is envisioned as being attached on the side. (reference .craft file included). Bearing in mind this is a cargo hauler and not a fighter jet, the flywheel does a reasonable job of handling roll control. I decided not to build the RCS into the craft, large payloads, could seriously change the center of mass, and it was better to provide separate RCS blisters. Also I provided rather large Air brakes. I Included wheels, designed for the craft, that can carry the weight. With wheels wells, that smoothly merge with the body, and have a low profile. Two types are provided, the back ones attach to the flat surface at the back. The front ones have their angle and height designed to optimally attachment on the angled surface just a little forward from the flat section which should give you a reasonably level craft. Depending on the weight of you payload, you may have to increase the strength of the brakes in the right click menu, and even maybe play with the friction control. The top and bottom have air scoops that open and close, it is just cosmetic, the air intake is available whether they are open or closed. (have not looked at programing) The Windows have covers to close them for re-entry or retract them, once again just cosmetic. Being one part only, has the draw back that you are very much at the mercy of the system to configure dry and wet Center of Mass and Center of Lift despite config settings. This is where the 3 strange blue blocks come in. They are purely for moving the CoM to a more appropriate point if your payload does not. For that reason I have made the craft lighter than it should be, so don't be shy add some weight if needed. What else? So the craft has pretty decent temperature resistance, because of the nice black coating on the underside and around the leading edge. In fact most of the values in the config files have been boosted quite a bit above the standard. This is a monster after all. That said, this is a Beta. I need feed back, Most chosen values are an attempt at best guess for what would be needed or is appropriate. Please be kind, this is my first attempt at any thing like this. In case it is not monster enough, all the config files have tweak scale statements included, so if you have tweak scale installed, you can scale it up to 400%. It wont fit on the runway, but have at it any way. No ITS yet, I have made the cabin, but that is it. Top View Back View Side View More Images on Imgur Download from Spacedock Download from CurseForge Also available on CKAN now. *********************************** I have recently added support for TAC life support. Unfortunately this ends up filling your resource list with unused clutter if you are not using TAC, so the default config files does not contain the resource statements. To enable it, go to your KSP installation/GamesData/FlyingWing/Parts in there rename the FlyingWingNC.cfg and FlyingWingC.cfg to something like FlyingWingNC.cfg.noTAC and FlyingWingC.cfg.noTAC. Then rename the FlyingWingNC.cfg.TAC and FlyingWingC.cfg.TAC to FlyingWingNC.cfg and FlyingWingC.cfg. Restart the game. **********************************
  19. Hi guys let's do a little fun survey.. Name your best top 10 addons (in order from the best to less good) that you can't play without this year. One more thing, module manager doesn't count coz it's required by most mods to run properly. Ok, here goes my list: 1. KIS (+module manager obviously) 2. Kerbal Engineer Redux (KER) 3. Atomic Age (nuclear engines + some parts) 4. Modular Fuel Tanks 5. Radar Altimeter (dark side landing? No problem) 6. Precise Maneuver (maneuver node fine-tuner) 7. Time Control (coz my RL time is precious) 8. Tweakscale 9. Planet Shine 10. Mechjeb 2
  20. I was wondering if someone could help me with altering a set of planet packs for personal use. I want to use Antares Solar System, Kerbol Star System, and Kerbol Origins, but they conflict with each other. Can someone tell me or link me to a video that shows me how to alter the planet packs to work with each other, move planets around, delete planets, etc. Also, can someone link me to a video/txt. Document that has a notepad file for a planet/body to use as a template for my own planets I want to create, like binary planets that are VERY close together in a horseshoe configuration that share an atmosphere.
  21. So basicly I know how to basicly code in Lua and Java. But thats it. I would love to learn more but it's kinda hard. Well anyways that's why I can't code a mod myself. I had the idea of revolutionizing science. So heres my Idea, step by step, I hope that some mod developer picks up my Idea and creates such mod So there would be different kinds of science. For example Atmospheric(maybe also specificly for different things in the atmosphere like Oxygen and Hydron or other stuff), Ground(Again, maybe different materials and even mod support, so for example Karbonite), Space, Magnetosphere, etc. Then you would need to completely remove the tech tree(you could also just integrate it into the tech tree but that wouldn't work as good maybe) and add a Menu where you have all Parts but split up into categories kinda like the current tech tree: Small SRB's, Small Science(Maybe more creative names), etc. and you need to unlock the group first. Then you can simply unlock these parts in the group. Now, to unlock different parts you need the different types of science. For example if you have a mod where you can freeze kerbals or store hydrogen into tanks which need to be cooled(yes, thats a refference), then you need "Freeze Science" or maybe "Cold Science" and you can only get it from cold places. On the cold poles on kerbin for example you only get smaller amounts not suitable for unlocking big things. But when you go to Eeloo, then you get waaaaaay more cold science because eeloo is freezingly cold. Then if you want to unlock a Hydrogen Tank with a cooling system integrated, you need to have, I don't know, maybe 200 Cold science, 100 Hydrogen Science and Some "Basic Science" which you can find everywhere. This basic science is something you also get. Its for stuff like the hull of the tank. Maybe if thats not fitting my idea, you could also just make a material science or even especially metal science. Now you would also need a ton of new science equipment. Liquid analyser for liquid science, Atmospheric Data for Hydrogen, Oxygen and maybe even Nitrogen, if necessary, A Telescope for Visual Science an so on. So yeah, that was swirling around in my head for ages and now I have finally signed up and posted my idea. I hope you like it. Have a nice day EDIT: I would design this mod kind of like the Interstellar mod with the reactors and warp drives etc. It looks really cool in my opinion.
  22. Hey I have some experience doing things like coding, 3d modeling, etc.. and I have been wondering how can I make a Kerbal Space Program Addon 1. What coding language do I use 2. What do I use to make 3d Models 3. How can I make textures for it 4. How can I put it all together and make it work on Kerbal Space Program
  23. I have noticed in the past, a massive lack of mod lists, and lists that have all the mods being compatible. So, I have decided to go where no kerbal has gone before, to embrace the motto of the Kerpollo program, "Failure is always an option" and have created my own list, these mods are all for 1.1.2, and can be found on spacedock, these mods will all work together on the average computer as well. Here is the official Kerpollo program mod list: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B9 Aerospace - I love this mod for all the parts it adds in, as well as how perfectly it blends with the stock parts. As well as this mod's cockpits have actually functioning buttons for sas, rcs, staging, and abort. I cannot imagine where I would be without this mod! BD Armory - This mod adds in something I have wanted for a long time, weapons! Say good by to the airfield on the Island because with this mod, you can bomb, shoot, shoot, bomb, missile the heck out of everything! DMagicOrbitalScience - Have you ever wanted to put a spy satellite into space and spy on your fellow kerbals? Well no you can, this mod adds in all the things a big brother needs to "protect" his kerbals HLAirships - IT HOVERS!!!!! Finally, A way to hold a Mid- atmospheric refueling station for all your small SSTO's that need a top off. Endurance - Like many of you, I loved the movie interstellar, and have always thought the ships in it were awesome, well this is your lucky day, because now you have the parts to build all the ships! Plus, they are also fun to mess around with. OPT - Do you like cool ships? Do you like SSTOs? Do you like Hyperediting large ships into space to have awesome space stations? Well, this mod helps with 2 of the 3 things! It adds a whole load of new parts, if you use SSTOs even occasionally, this mod is for you! Hyperedit - pfff, who needs engines to go to space, when Hyperedit will do it for you! PlanetaryBaseINC - This adds parts so you can build a nice base, anywhere! T.G.O.L. group - I love, love, love, love, this mod. It adds 3 engines, designed for the back, or bottom of ships, the work so well for V.T.O.L. craft, as well as, they are highly efficient for In space craft! KAS - Kerbal Attachment System - Have you ever wanted to lower or raise things, how about lowering a rover from a ship, that you don't want to land, or tethering you HLA Blimp to the ground, you can do all of this and more with KAS KIS - Kerbal Inventory system - This allows you do more with KAS, as well as eat a taco in an eva around the moon, completely worth it Jeb. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the list so far, I will release new ones as updates come out, as well as this list will get bigger, as I find more of the best mods for Kerbal, so until the next update "Failure is always an option!"
  24. My request is simple, I would like a link for the download of B9 Aerospace for kerbal 1.1.2
  25. This might not be the right place to post this but....Oh well. I was wondering if i could get any advice on a mod i was trying to develop. the mod basically is a beautification mod. You know the steam you see before a rocket launches from fuel boil off, I was trying to replicate that in KSP. I think that it might be a fairly simple project to start of modding. I was looking for advice such as: What software is used, How long it might take, or were to post my mod once done. any help would be much appreciated. Happy game play. Cheers.
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