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Kurgut's IVAs This is a "collection" of IVAs I made for KSP, for video projects mostly. I'm making a public repo for all of those, because I've been asked quite often if I'd release them, and so to make everyone enjoy them. - Important Note : Most of those IVAs have been made quite a while ago, so expect bugs, non-working features, etc. As they were made for singular projects, they will likely not receive any further updates, or fixes. As of this, I also wont provide any support for this, or, please if you really need it, triple check your KSP installation, mod dependencies, and provide logs. Consider this as a "dump" release ^^ You can pick dependencies depending of what IVA you want (detailled below) Enjoy ! : ) - Installation : Merge the zip's GameData folder with your KSP/GameData folder. - Global dependencies : - RPM - ASET Props & Avionics - MoarDv Avionic Systems - Reviva - NearFutureProps (optional, adds only decorative elements here and there) - Source and download : Github : kurgut/Kurgut_IVAs - Content : - WBI Flying Saucer Excalibur cockpit IVA : - dependencies : - Flying Saucers - Starship KOS interface (only for the 3 "captain station" monitors) : more pics : - WBI Buffalo 2 Guppy Subarmine module IVA : - dependencies : - Bufallo 2 - Vulkan's M2X_Angler_IVA (please, don't ask him support too) : m2x-iva / m2x_iva — Bitbucket -> Only the mod itself is needed, not its own dependencies. more pics : - "Historical" B29 cockpit IVA (Airplane Plus, Size 2 Viewer's Cockpit II) : - dependencies : - Airplane Plus - Warbird Cockpits - Vulkan's M2X_Angler_IVA (in this one IIRC, only decorative elements): m2x-iva / m2x_iva — Bitbucket -> Only the mod itself is needed, not its own dependencies. more pics : - Making History KV2 Pod IVA : - dependencies : - Making History DLC - PCRIVAPLUS : kurgut/PCRIVAPLUS: Changes Probe Control Room IVA to a retro-styled Nasa variant -> Only the mod itself is needed, not its own dependencies. - ECS IVA (optional, only decorative elements) : kurgut/ECS_IVA: Adds an interactive ASET IVA to the stock external command seat more pics : - Some Recommended extra mods to enhance IVA gameplay : FreeIVA Mechjeb Scansat Astrogrator KOSPropMonitor DPAI Chatterer - License : Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) - Credits : Contains assets and cfgs derived or inspired by ASET, MAS, Warbird Cockpits, Vulkan. Cheers ! : )
A.S.E.T. Industries presents a work in progress [Pre-Release] the ALCOR capsule, "Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous". (v. 0.9.7) (clickable) It is loosely inspired by the Apollo landing module, and uses a lightweight frame-based design with very thin walls. It is meant to be used for both single-stage and two-stage vacuum landers that fit in 2.5m+ fairings as part of an 1.25m stack. Made from the finest cardboard composite materials, no effort has been spared in making an attractive, sensible and very flimsy container for your victims pilots, packed tightly between computing and scientific hardware. TOTAL MASS - 1880 kg! Warranty void if subjected to atmospheric reentry, hit particularly hard or sneezed at. A.L.C.O.R. Advanced IVA (clickable) Extra Part: External Camera (Radial-mounted, vertical) You can mark up action button switches with text by entering it into the vessel description in the VAB: On a separate line type "AG<number>=<text>" where "number" is the number of action group from 0 (i.e. 10) to 9. The text is limited to 14 characters. (More won't fit on the label.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCHIVE VIDEOS HERE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: You NEED to delete the old version before installing this one, or you get a mess you aren likely to sort out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mods dependency ALCOR 0.9.7 required: none recommended: Module Manager 2.7.5+ supported: KIS KeepFit CLS ALCOR Advanced IVA 0.9.7 required: ALCOR v 0.9.7 Module Manager 2.8.0+ RPM v 0.29.2+ ASET_Props v 1.5+ recommended: MechJeb v 2.6.1+ ScanSat v 18.2+ VesselViewer Continued Docking Port Alignment Indicator v 6.7+ Astrogator v 0.7.8+ supported: TAC - Life Support USI Life Support Kerbalism ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloads: ALCOR 0.9.7 (Spacedock) ALCOR Advanced IVA 0.9.7 (Spacedock) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: - Install into “/Gamedata/ASET/" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made with Mihara's research and support. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks to the group of testers for their help with this release @nukeboyt @imerg @StevieC @Plecy75 @ISE @holodmer @chimpbone @Dragon01 @lazar2222 @simtom @Zapo147 @lennie @PhantomC3PO @Chaumas @Mecripp @panarchist @Ghosty141 @Lo Var Lachland @sebseb7 @harrisjosh2711 @Falco01 @>The Amazing Spy< Special thanks to @MOARdV, @Mihara, @DennyTX , @nukeboyt , @Dragon01 and @linuxgurugamer for their help and support with the mods development. And all the forum users who support and motivate me to keep working on my mods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like what I do? Want to directly support development? Consider donating via Patreon or Paypal! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ALCOR" and "ALCOR Advanced IVA" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: 26/11/2017 - v 0.9.7 ALCOR: *optimization and various improvements ALCOR Advanced IVA: *All switches changed to new modular ones. *Revised instrument layout. *Greatly extended MechJeb support. *Added CommNet, Astrogator, Kerbalism, USI-LS and Chatterer support. *Added the ability to adjust seat height for female Kerbals. 08/02/2017 - v 0.9.6 ALCOR: *overlay mesh is added *interior model is improved, now it completely matches the exterior model *the “ModuleAnimateGeneric” module is used instead of the “ModuleKrAnimation” *support for the KAS, KIS, KeeplFit and others is made with the separate MM-patches *minor optimization of the textures ALCOR Advanced IVA: *the new power supply panel *solar panels and fuel cells control *throttle limit *G-force monitor *exterior cameras image gain feature *breaks control and stress indicators for the landing gear *emergency radio beacon 22/07/2015 - v 0.9.4 [B] 0.9.4 update[/B] DDS textures [B]IVA Patch:[/B] [LIST] [*]Navigation lights was reworked. Now strobing light works as it was intended. [*]Little changes in the IVA. [/LIST] [B] ASET_Props:[/B] [LIST] [*]All props working algorithms was reworked to match the last RPM 0.21. [*]Now all instruments stops working if the g-force is higher than 8 g (with dramatical flickering animation:D) [/LIST] [B]New props:[/B] [LIST] [*] [*]Temperature indicators [*]Throttle control buttons [*]Buttons for the new MechJeb Smart A.S.S. functions [*]“Engine Flame Out†indicator [*]Special separate display for the TAC Life support [*]Fixed the bug with the sound disappearing after switching props lightning. [*]Fixed the configs that used old resource names. [*]Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) now can be turned off, I added buttons to control it. [*]Altitude Voice Annunciator System (AVAS) now can be turned off, I added buttons to control it. [*]Low Altitude Warning is now can be setted for the different altitudes (100, 200, 300) or even be turned off. [/LIST] [B]MFD[/B] [LIST] [*]New “Landing†page, look to the User Manual for the additional information [*]New page “Graphs†[*]PFD was optimised for the RPM 0.21 [/LIST] - Removed separate MM-patch to support plug-in "Reflection". 05/05/2015 - v [B] update[/B] [B]External:[/B] - Nodes fixed - Attribute maxTemp changed - Changed the textures of the external model - Reduced Reaction Wheel Torque - Dry weight of the pod has been increased to 1800 kg - Added separate MM-patch to support plug-in "Reflection". Now you can make ALCOR even more beautiful by adding reflections on the windows and other elements. [B]New in ALCOR IVA:[/B] - Added SAS control modes - Changed layout of the middle (pilot's) panel - Completely redesigned layout of the the panel of flight engineer - Refined cabin interior, added a few new props - Materials has been optimised - All devices and tools now require electricity to operate. Without electricity cabin becomes entirely "Cold and Dark"! - Changed work logic of many indicators - Added indicator "MASTER ALARM " - Instead of a single indicator "RCS" now has two indicators: "RCS ARMED" and "RCS ACTIVE" - Added gauges for all stock kinds of resources: LF, Oxodizer, Solid, Monopropellant, Xenon Gas [B] MFD:[/B] - New main font for all MFD - Finalized the design of MFD pages - Added support for DPAI plug 30/06/2014 - v 0.9 [B]0.9 update[/B] [B]External:[/B] Collider has been corrected so it no longer falls through planetary surfaces. [B]New in ALCOR IVA:[/B] - All props updated to work with RPM 0.17. - All external lighting (NavLights, Docking port spotlight, Airlock lights) will now consume Electric Charge. - Emergency power generator added. It consumes 0.1 units of Monopropellant to produce 1.5 units of ElectricCharge. - Small improvements to the interior and certain props. - New notifications for GPWS added, but the problem with volume levels remains. [B] MFD:[/B] - FLIGHT/LNDG page can now select between onboard ALCOR cameras and exterior camera number 1 (ExtCam1) - 'Standby' page now displays the current version of RPM. [B] Third party mod support:[/B] Active Texture Management, Connected Living Spaces and Timmers’ KeepFit are now natively supported. 19/04/2014 - v 0.8 [B]0.8 update[/B] Capsule exterior: [LIST] [*]Diffuse and NormalMap textures has been improved. [*]New Nav lights setup [/LIST] IVA: [LIST] [*]MFD interface has been improved. [*]Many MechJeb functions are now callable directly by clicking buttons. [*]Vessel View 0.4 plugin is supported. [*]Stage lock switch now actually manipulates the global UI stage lock. [*]Engines of the current stage can be turned off with a button. [*]Reserved resources (i.e. the ones with flow toggles in the rightclick UI) can now be unblocked. [*]'Clear Nod'e and 'Clear Target' buttons. [*]Internal cameras are now switchable between horizontal and vertical orientation. [*]For use of the capsule in a rover, there is now a ‘brake’ switch. [*]Voice notifications of current radar altitude for 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2500 meters. [*]Capsule interior has been redesigned and is now (partially) textured. [*]Numerous new props. [*]New internal lights setup. [/LIST] 11/02/2014 - v 0.7.5 [B]0.7.5 update[/B] Capsule exterior: [LIST] [*]A completely new collider that precisely follows the visible shape of the capsule. [*]ReactionWheels power reduced to 7 [*]Exterior model now has more detail. [*]Builtin exterior lights: Docking Spotlight Airlock Floodlight Strobe signal lights (currently won’t actually strobe, but hopefully will with the next RPM version) [*]A new texture for the exterior model. [/LIST] Interior: [LIST] [*] [*]MFD models and page configurations have been updated. [*]More autopilot functionality (requires MechJeb to work) [*]Improvements to the central panel. [*]New gauge -- Propellant monitor, which shows the current propellant resources for the current stage and in general, the propellant expended per second, and dV (only reliable if MechJeb is installed) [*]A new Terrain profile monitor page (on the right monitor with the keyboard) displays changes in terrain relief underneath the lander. [*]Internal lighting improved. [*]Interior model improved. [/LIST] 10/01/2014 - v0.7 A huge update! The most important change is that from now on there is only one pilot seat. The pilot sits in the middle of the cockpit, to improve the view of the flight instruments. The positioning of the instruments has been completely redone. The other two kerbals are now just passengers. The windows on the internal and the external model now match exactly. Lots of new indicators and new display data were added: [LIST] [*]Satellite map. [*]Orbital map [*]Targeting, reference part selection (the one that you select when you “control from hereâ€Â) and undocking menu. [*]Certain autopilot (MechJeb) functions are supported if MechJeb is installed. [*]MFD monitors are improved and now have even more buttons. [*]Reference information about planetary bodies -- the same kind you would get in the map screen when you press the ‘info’ button -- is available on one of the pages. [*]Visual and sound alarms indicating various dangers (danger of tipping over due to lateral velocity being too high, ground slope too high, collision with ground too fast) as well as expected touchdown speed. [*]ALCOR now has builtin external cameras providing full 360-degree visibility -- two new cameras on the sides were added. [*]Most cameras can now pan and zoom. [*]You can mark up action button switches with text by entering it into the vessel description in the VAB: On a separate line type ‘AG<number>=<text>’ where ‘number’ is the number of action group from 0 (i.e. 10) to 9. The text is limited to 14 characters. (More won’t fit on the label.) [*]Current stage only resources are displayed. Warning, KSP likes to lie about those. [*]Full information about the temperature and internal atmosphere of the pod is now displayed. [*]Like the 0.23 stock capsules, the pod now has 20 units of internal monopropellant storage, which increases start mass to 1680kg. [*]Doubleclicking on the airlock will make the currently controlled kerbal EVA right from IVA. [*]The pod has a mission flag prominently displayed both inside and outside. [/LIST] 25/12/2013 - v0.6-0.23FIX ( Maintenance release ) The outdated version of RasterPropMonitor plugin has been removed from this package while the previously published patches to enable SCANsat support in the monitors have been included. 24/11/2013 - v0.6 - Added more equipment in IVA (indicators, MFD/PFD, Alarm-lights) - Added sounds ( ambients, alarm, click) - Re-arange internal layout - Added new Part - 'External Camera (RV)' - Added 2 Displays for viewing custom external views 12/11/2013 - v0.5 - Crew capacity increased to three -- total dry mass increased to 1.6 tons - Added five monitors of two different sizes , a set of buttons and switches to control basic functions like RCS, SAS and custom action groups and cockpit lighting are now included - 'RasterPropMonitor plugin' is required and included in the package 25/10/2013 - v0.4 - Added part to the research tree (see - Node fixed __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___
0.3PRE released 12/13/2018! A year ago, when @Sam Hall updated his fantastic Kerbonov mod for 1.2.x, I knew I had to make a 1940s-style RPM IVA. I always loved the KN-2, and I based my cockpit layout heavily on pictures of DC-3 and C-47 cockpits, both from the 1940s and some modernized ones. I decided to kitbash autopilot props, as the DC-3 did historically have a gyroscopic autopilot. Thus began my IVA craze. More Pictures: Airplane Plus MK1 Supersonic cockpit (X-1): Airplane Plus Mk1 Viewer's Cockpit (Bell 204 / Huey): SXT Clyde (insp by Twin Otter / Aero Commander 500): SXT Bonny (insp by Piper Cub) Kerbonov KN-2 Vintage Cockpit (insp by DC-3, An-2): Mk1 Inline Warbird Cockpit (insp by P-51): All the autopilot props are modified versions of ASET props, and require the Pilot Assistant mod to work. The "Vintage" version of the KN-2 does not replace the standard KN-2, but adds a new cockpit using the same model earlier in the tech tree. I plan to make an "Updated" version. For the bomber controls, you need Firespitter's props folder found here, as well as the most recent firespitter.dll, and for the fire extinguisher (nonfunctional), you need Airplane Plus. All other instruments are included or require the ASET Props and Avionics Packs. Obviously you will need the Kerbonov itself, and Raster Prop Monitor as well. IMPORTANT NOTE: I play way too much FSX, so these cockpits are meant to be slightly more realistic than most KSP cockpits. The instruments WILL NOT WORK if you do not connect your battery and have electric charge on your vehicle, and various instruments have a chance to give screwy results if you don't turn on the pitot heat. Changelog: SPACEDOCK DOWNLOAD If you prefer SI units for your instruments, rename warbirdSI.txt in GameData/Galen/WarbirdCockpits to WarbirdSI.cfg THIS is a patch to apply the Mk1Pod Retro IVA I made to the Mk1Pod_v2 introduced with KSP 1.6. Requirements: modulemanager by Sarbian Raster Prop Monitor by Mihara and MOARdV ASET Props and Avionics by alexustas Recommended: Kerbonov by Sam Hall. Required for Vintage KN-2. Firespitter (dll and Props folder) by Snjo and RoverDude. Required for Vintage controls in KN-2 cockpit. Airplane Plus by blackheart612 Near Future Props by Nertea. Adds additional decorative props to Mk2 Inline cockpit and crew cabins. Tiktaalik Dreaming Props by TiktaalikDreaming. Adds additional decorative props to Mk2 Inline cockpit and crew cabins. KAX by keptin and SpannerMonkey SXT Continued by Lack and linuxgurugamer. Speed Unit Changer by Ittito. The readouts on the gauges are in Imperial units (feet and mph rather than meters and m/s), and Speed Unit Changer can make the UI readouts in the same units as well. Contains assets from, and derived from, @alexustas's excellent ASET Avionics and ASET Props assets (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), as well as a couple from @Mallikas's Aviation Cockpits mods (CC BY 4.0). License for my modified assets and configuration files is
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This is a continuation of @RangeMachine's awesome set of IVAs. I've paid special attention to the mk1pod IVA - the others are less fleshed out but still might provide a nice alternative if you want to try something new. Parts supported: Stock Mk1 Pod Stock Mk1 Cockpit Stock Mk1 Inline Cockpit Stock Mk2 Inline Cockpit (FreeIva recommended) Stock Mk1 Lander Can Stock Mk2 Lander Can (FreeIva recommended) Making History KV1 Pod ProbeControlRoom BDB Apollo LM & CM SOCK Shuttle Cockpit (FreeIva required) Download & Source Code: CKAN is recommended. License: CC-BY-SA Dependencies: RasterPropMonitor ASET Props Consolidated ASET Avionics Consolidated ModuleManager FreeIva (Required for SOCK, also for swivel seat in Mk2Inline cockpit) If you have DE_IVAExtension installed or any other mod that adds IVAs for stock pods, I highly recommend installing Reviva to allow you to switch between IVAs for the same parts. For other recommended mods for IVA playing, see the RasterPropMonitor thread. Mk1Pod: Mk1Cockpit: Mk1InlineCockpit: Mk1LanderCan: KV1 Reentry Module (thanks @SingABrightSong) BDB Apollo CM: BDB Apollo LM: Mk2LanderCan: Mk2Inline: SOCK orbiter: Original Thread:
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ASET IVA for the External Command Seat This is mod idea I had dreamed for so long about, an actual interactive IVA for the stock External Command Seat ! Currently, the only way to see in 1st person view in the ext command seat is with Through the Eyes of a Kerbal mod, but you can't add any props to it (you can but it's janky and will not work well), so I did a little hackery here and there, converted the part to an actual pod-like behavior, and started laying out the props ! For now, this is a low tech orbiter/lander version, but I'd like to make several flavors of this : orbiter/lander high tech (with MFDs and modern style props), plane low and high tech, and a rover high tech. Todo : - Currently there is one drawback with the way this is done : To make this IVA possible, I added a part similar to the ext cmd seat, but without the KerbalSeat module, and replaced it with module command, to make it behave like a normal pod, the Kerbal is then not visible on the external model anymore, but I could go around this by adding a B9partswitch model of a kerbal, for the player to turn on/off at his convenience, I'll see. Alternatively and for now, you can enable the IVA overlay, which is already cool in it self and arguably better, since it will display the props too. - Polish the external appearance (back side) in external view with IVA overlay ON. - Make other versions of this IVA ( and add Reviva support for it) : high tech orbiter/lander ; low/high tech plane (so with instruments and layout specific to planes) ; high tech rover ; MAS high tech ? - look at VR compatibility Dependencies : - Module Manager - ASET consolidated Props and avionics - RasterPropMonitor Optional but recommended mods : - NearFutureIVAProps : Only adds the small post it decorative elements. Links to WIP releases : - Releases · kurgut/ECS_IVA ( License, credits and thank you : - License : (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) - Contains Assets derived from ASET props and avionics mods (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). - Once again, warm thanks to @JonnyOThan for his help with blender/unity. IVA creation is an obscure matter for the uninitiated for sure ^^ Pictures (click to enlarge) : - Center panel : - Left panel : - Right panel : - External view with IVA overlay ON (design/layout unfinished) : Mun Sunrise Cheers and happy IVA-ing !
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- Command seat
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I installed ASET Consolidated Avionics and Props via CKAN. Then I installed the Stock IVA replacements provided by the authors of the mod. Yet the stock IVAs are still showing for the respective parts. I'm not sure of what is preventing the mod from working. The only related mod that is working is the KSA IVA Upgrade, which uses assets from ASET Consolidated. If anyone can help me with a fix it would be much appreciated.
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- aset
- aset props
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'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET ASET company is proud to present the new product — Advanced IVA for 'Mk1 Lander Can' Advanced IVA for 'Mk1 Lander Can' is a full set of instruments for your spacecraft control and aviating inspired by the Golden Era of cosmonautics (1960-1970-ies). Feel yourself a brave pioneer of space. No modern MFD, no advanced electronics! Only analog gauges, made in the style of NASA Moon program. view imgur album Get a new unforgettable experience of flying with such instruments as FDAI, DSKY, X-Pointer and others. brand new interior for the stock LanderCabinSmall brand new set of instruments in NASA-retro style: Flight Director/Attitude Indicator (FDAI) with the dedicated control panel (FDAI GMCP) and switch set. Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device. Altitude/Range Rate Tapemeter (ARRT) with the two dedicated toggle-switches for turning the devices on and off and for the mode selection (height/vertical speed or distance to target/closing speed), also with the error indicator. Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device. Thrust-to-Weight Indicator (TW) with the mode switch (current TWR / the maximum possible TWR) X-pointer with the mode and display range selectors, also with the error indicator. Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device. ASET_DSKY – LCD-display with the keyboard for the important flight information (orbit, orbit of target vessel), a rendezvous with the target, maneuver, timing, Delta V information). Use the MOARdv’s great manual for this device. monochrome CRT-display for the targets’ menu and external cameras’ output full set of the analog indicators (gauges): Speed indicator (ASET_AnalogSpeedIndicator) with mode selector (auto, orbital, surface, relative) Effective acceleration indicator (ASET_AnalogSpeedIndicator) G-force indicator (NASA_G_Units_Indicator) Slope indicator (NASA_Slope_Angl_Indicator) Thrust limit indicator (NASA_Slope_Angl_Indicator) Phase/Ejection/Moon ejection Angle indicator (ASET_PhaseAngleIndicator) with mode selector Impact speed indicator (ImpactSpeedIndicator) with two scales for the current and the minimum possible touchdown speed full set of the vertical single and Edgewise meters (resources, temperature and engine indicators) numerical LCD-display for the current altitude and и surface height numerical LCD-display for the amount of resources on board and mode selector for it gauge for the battery charge gauge for the power supply panel and the power source selector (generator, fuel cell, solar panels and alternator) full set of the mechanical ( aka "barber pole") and warning light indicators ("low charge", "low fuel" etc) full set of the push-buttons (RetroButton) for all basic functions (custom groups, SAS modes etc) New toggle switches in the 'NASA' style ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mods dependency required: Module Manager 2.8+ RasterPropMonitor v0.30.2 ASET_Props v 1.5+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloads: 'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET v 1.1 (Spacedock) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: - Install into “/Gamedata/ASET/" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks to the group of testers for their help with this release @nukeboyt @imerg @StevieC @Plecy75 @ISE @holodmer @chimpbone @Dragon01 @lazar2222 @simtom @Zapo147 @lennie @PhantomC3PO @Chaumas @Mecripp @panarchist @Ghosty141 @Lo Var Lachland @sebseb7 @harrisjosh2711 @Falco01 @>The Amazing Spy< Special thanks to @MOARdV, @Mihara, @DennyTX , @nukeboyt , @Dragon01 and @linuxgurugamer for their help and support with the mods development. And all the forum users who support and motivate me to keep working on my mods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like what I do? Want to directly support development? Consider donating via Patreon or Paypal! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Mk1 Lander Can' IVA Replacement by ASET" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: 26/11/2017 - v1.1 *All switches changed to new modular ones. *Changed instrument layout.
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I think it would be pretty cool if there was a plugin to integrate BDArmory modules such as the targeting cam and radars to be displayed in RPM powered MFDs, like using the targeting cam through an MFD and displaying radar information and locking targets on it. Weapons display would also be cool. EDIT: Instead of a plugin that alters the functionality of the current MFDs added by the aforementioned mods, a separate MFD prop that could do all described above would work, too. This is what I'm looking for. I do not know how to do this myself as I only make models.
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- integration
- bdarmory
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Got the idea of RPM and Aset combined with BD Armory to have the targeting system in the IVA moniters so you can control weapons and target vessels from inside the iva and maybe add in GPWS. Here is examples: Im not good at cooding and have never tried but was hoping for if anyone is working/have made it then please let me know
SIL Patches (SILP) Adds Stack Inline Lights (SIL) to additional parts all with full color and brightness setup and in any sizes! By zer0Kerbal and inspired by @alexustas brought to you by KerbSimpleCo (KSC) Adds Stack Inline Lights (SIL) to the additinal parts SimpleCargo by Axial Aerospace Most stock (round) docking ports PicoPorts Shield Pico Ports KerbodynePlus Making History Cabin notes by zer0Kerbal Please, leave your comments and suggestions. It is very important to me. You can tweak values by editing the part.cfg or using a ModuleManager patch. See more Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf Website/App Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Stock Inline Lights (SIL) Either 3 Module Manager /L Module Manager Supports Most stock (round) docking ports Shielded PicoPort (SPP) Simple Cargo Solutions (CARGO) PicoPort KerbodynePlus [Making History][KSP:website] Expansion Bright Utilitarian Luminescent Beacon (BULB) Suggests Adjustable Mod Panel (KAMP) Biomatic (BIO) Docking Port Descriptions (DPD) Drop Tank Wrapper (DROP) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Inflatable PicoPort (IPP) Kaboom! (BOOM) Keridian Dynamics (KDVA) MoarKerbals (MOAR) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) OScience Laboratories (OSL) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) Precise Maneuver (PM) Pteron (MSRV) SimpleConstruction! (SCON) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) SimpleNotes! (NOTE) Solar Science (SOL) Stork Delivery System (SDS) Transparent Pods (PODS) TweakScale (twk) Tags config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
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- zer0kerbal
- stock inline lights
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Stack Inline Lights (SIL) by A.S.E.T. A.S.E.T. Stack Inline Lights (SIL) {RGB} with full color and brightness setup and in any sizes! for Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @alexustas brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Preamble by @alexustas: Thanks to XanderTek, and Kreuzung for their help! included 2 samples of welding with Stock battery banks, FOR "StackInlineLightsRGB-v0.6" ONLY Lights, welded with stock Docking Ports, by XanderTek Please, leave your comments and suggestions. It is very important to me. You can tweak values by editing the part.cfg or using a ModuleManager patch. This module can be added to other crewed parts directly or using a ModuleManager patch. See more Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Recommends Stock Inline Lights Patches (SILP) adds Stack Inline Lights to docking ports and other things Suggests Adjustable Mod Panel (KAMP) Biomatic (BIO) Docking Port Descriptions (DPD) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) Fuel Tanks Plus (FTP) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Kaboom! (BOOM) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) OScience Laboratories (OSL) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) Precise Maneuver (PM) Pteron (MSRV) Shielded PicoPort (SPP) SimpleConstruction! (SCON) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) SimpleNotes! (NOTE) Solar Science (SOL) Transparent Pods (PODS) @NecroBones suite of mods that play nicely together Lithobrake Exploration Technologies (LET) lander parts, large chutes/legs/ladders/etc SpaceY Lifters (SYL) stock-balanced large rocket parts, 5m parts, large SRBs SpaceY Expanded (SYE) Modular Rocket Systems (MRS) stock-alike parts pack, NASA-like alternatives, and filling the gaps Supports Bulb Evolved (bulb) TweakScale (twk) Community Category Kit (cck) Either 3 Module Manager /L Module Manager Tags parts red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule
Extendet IVA's for Making History Pods v1.0, created by HonkHogan August 12 2019 Extendet ASET IVA's for Making History DLC Pods Include IVA for: M.E.M, MK2Pod, KV1, KV2, KV3.(With Blackjack and Buttons) Inspared(also recommended) by DE_IVAExtension Atention! - this mod NOT include "free" pods/parts from Making History DLC. To use this mod you need to buy/have Making History DLC. Download - github. Dependencies ASET Props Pack v1.5.0 RasterPropMonitor v0.30.6 ModuleManager v4.0.2 ToolbarController v1.8.2 ClickThroughBlocker v0.1.7.2 License This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit This is my first mod EVER. I will by happy for any feedback.
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Raster Prop Monitor is great but the camera position is too high to look down at some screens in IVA. When you zoom in on a display to read it more clearly or adjust the display settings it cuts off most of the bottom of lower screens if not the entire screen itself. I'm trying to change the cameras vertical view angle range to be able to look down more but can't find anything in the parts files for those cockpits that relates to max view angle. I know I did it in the past for older versions of KSP but its either been so long I've forgotten or how those settings are handled has been removed, moved or changed in the part cfg. Does anyone know of how to do this? And if so could you tell me what to add/change and where. I have a feeling it's just a case of adding a vertical view angle variable somewhere. Thanks in advance.
A.S.E.T. company is pleased to present its new development, Exploration Rover System (ERS) ERS is a set of different parts to build a rover which includes: Command module with airlock which can store up to 4 kerbanauts Crew module , can store 4 kerbanauts Crew and Cargo module (NEW) Airlock and Cargo module (NEW) Cargo module (NEW) Universal Storage Mount preview: Service module with battery or Fuel Cell and fuel Wheels with tweakable mount (depending on which side it will be placed). They can be easily folded for transportation. Powerful folding LED spotlight Extendable Docking Port You can add/remove nodes with RCM (right-click-menu) in VAB. ERS v0.3 preview Universal Storage Mount Adapter preview When wheels are folded, rover fits perfectly into 3.75 fairing. What's next: Finish texture work Additional modules: - Science module - Tanks for different resources - KAS container - ...something else (your ideas?) IVA Customisation: - Various logos in addition to the main flag - Navigation lights - Different numbers on command module - Various mounts - Career and science integration Integration with Life Support mods and several others Convert all textures to DDS format Known issues: JSI RasterPropMonitor error in editor after adding a command module - nothing to worry about, just ignore it. All digital indicators stops working after switching from IVA and back with VesselView opened on one of the screens. After switching from rover and back wheels may look like they’re folded. Looks like a Firespitter bug. Copying parts with 'ALT' button can break their customization (additional nodes and so on). I recommend to take a new part from the palette and customize it again like i did in "ERS preview" video. It's game restriction I have not yet understood the principle of work of stock thermo-mechanics and aerodynamics, so - the rover behavior in the atmosphere can be unpredictable Incorrect work of JSITransparentPod version 0.19.2 with rover's internal Download E.R.S. v0.3.0 Dropbox Installation: Put 'ERS' and 'Konquest' folders into 'GameData/ASET' Dependencies: JSI PartUtilities For Advanced IVA: - ASET_Props Pack need to be installed into Gamedata/ASET/ - RasterPropMonitor plugin 0.30.6 or higher is required! (Without it, the pod won't function at all).. Recommended mods: - To display maps, SCANsat plugin is required. - For more nice instruments and resource storage Universal Storage - To see ship layout on the screens, VesselView (RPM version) is required. - for IVA docking glory Docking Port Alignment Indicator is required. -Module Manager : As always, you`ll need to delete front wheels from the "brakes" group to prevent rollover while braking down. Changelog: 09/05/2015 - v 0.2.3 [B] 0.2.3 update[/B] [B]External:[/B] - Nodes fixed - MaxTemp attributes has been changed for all items - Locations of the components of the rover in the tech tree has been changed - Textures reworked - CrewModule now has a cargo compartment at the bottom for placing small items, such as extra batteries, a small fuel tanks or fuel cells - Mod's structure restructured - Rover's ÑÂabin is now opaque by default - MM-patches has been added to enable transparent or mirror glass on cockpit ( on your choice), as well as for replace the stock interior to advanced one (Requires RPM 0.19.2 or higher and ASET_Props version 1.1 or higher!). Please read the file "readme" in the folder "Options" !!! [B]New in ERS IVA:[/B] - Added simple internal, based on the stock (enabled by default) "Advanced" RPM-based IVA mode is now optional - Interior has been slightly modified - Removed rigid dependence from RPM (FS and JSIPartUtils still needed!) [B] MFD:[/B] - Added a special regime for the MFD for driving ("Drive mode") This mod was developed as an independent addon for KONQUEST. Thanks Riverey for testing and preparation of this post. "ERS" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you want you can support my projects Legal - Donating does not entitle you to any goods or services from me or this mod and all funds go directly to me through paypal to be used at my discretion.
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ASET company is proud to present the new product — Advanced IVA for 'MK1 Cockpit'. Advanced IVA for 'MK1 Cockpit' is a full set of instruments and indicators for your aircraft control and aviating made in the General Aviation style. Convenient, carefully thought out design and realistic look. brand new interior for the new stock mk1Cockpit a number of new instruments are added: engine control panel Temperature Indicators Panel power supply GPS panel The panel of radio navigation and communication the new color theme for all instruments is creates with the new "COLOR_OVERRIDE" function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mods dependency required: Module Manager 2.8+ RasterPropMonitor v0.30.2 ASET_Props v 1.5+ ASET_Avionics v 2.1+ recommended: FAR v Jebbesen® Kerbin Aerocharts (clickable) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloads: Mk1 Cockpit IVA Replacement by ASET v 1.1 (Spacedock) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: - Install into “/Gamedata/ASET/" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks to the group of testers for their help with this release @nukeboyt @imerg @StevieC @Plecy75 @ISE @holodmer @chimpbone @Dragon01 @lazar2222 @simtom @Zapo147 @lennie @PhantomC3PO @Chaumas @Mecripp @panarchist @Ghosty141 @Lo Var Lachland @sebseb7 @harrisjosh2711 @Falco01 @>The Amazing Spy< Special thanks to @MOARdV, @Mihara, @DennyTX , @nukeboyt , @Dragon01 and @linuxgurugamer for their help and support with the mods development. And all the forum users who support and motivate me to keep working on my mods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like what I do? Want to directly support development? Consider donating via Patreon or Paypal! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'ASET Avionics' by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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ASET/RPM for Falcon cockpit, -An add-on for Airplane Plus mod I really enjoyed blackheart612's Falcon Cockpit (F16/mk2 non-commercial), so I decided to pimp it up a bit with a fully (95% anyhow) working IVA. The first attempts were mostly done by brute-hacking cfgs, but that soon proved to be extremely time consuming. So I downloaded Unity and started dillydallying a bit there till I got reasonably satisfied. So there we have it, my first add-on. This is not an attempt to re-create the real F16 layout(s) by no means, but to make an resemblance that works in KSP. -All credits go to the talented @blackheart612 for his IVA and of course @alexustas and @MOARdV for their props and RPM Feedback is always welcome. For core issues with dials etc please visit that mod's forum thread. My skills are mostly limited to basic prop placement. History: v0.8 - Release. (0.8 instead of 1.0 because reasons) Installation: Extract the contents of the zip file to your KSP/Gamedata folder Download: OneDrive Dropbox Youtube snippet: Required mods: RasterPropMonitor Airplane Plus ASET Props Pack ModuleManager ASET Avionics Pack *These mods may or may not have their own dependencies. All is listed on the respective forum thread Released under MIT licence
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RasterPropMonitor IVA Challenge Rules Are Simple 1. You Will Need RasterPropMonitor Mod Here: 2. Mechjeb And kOS Are Not Allowed, Must Control it Manually, Other RasterPropMonitor Add-On's Are Allowed 3. You Can Go Use The Map 4. Any Command Pods Including Part Mod, Just Make Sure It Supports RasterPropMonitor 5.Making History DLC Pods Are Also Allowed, Download This: (Dont worry it works for 1.10) Challenges: 1. IVA To Sub Orbital Orbit And Back - Easy 2. IVA To Low Kerbin Orbit And Back (BONUS: EVA For 1 Minute) - Easy 3. IVA To The Mun, Land And Back To Kerbin - Medium 4. IVA To Duna And Back To Kerbin - Medium *More Challenges Soon, These Are Just The 4 Challenges for now* Done? Tell Us Your Story And What Part Mod You Used! sorry if there are no badges, i dont know how to make one Wanna do Stock IVA Instead? Well you can now, i rebooted this challenge anyways
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- rasterpropmonitor
- iva
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Have you ever wonder to fly a Vostok or a Voskhod? Well now you can. This is a replacement for stock KV pods. I have tried to unite functionality with historical accuracy. Pictures: KV-1 "Onion" Pod: Vostok Inspired REQUERIMENTS: ASET Props - ASET Avionics - MAS Avionics - DOWNLOAD: Version 0.1
Trouble with offset in Unity
fredbreakfast posted a topic in KSP1 Modelling and Texturing Discussion
Forgive me, I'm brand-new to Unity. I'm wanting to create new cockpit internals using RPM and ASET, I'm encountering a problem when I upload the Mk 1-2 cockpit, or at least that what I assume I'm uploading when I choose "PodCockpit." When I do that, I end up with the props and the "Size2PodBorder" locating outside of the interior model. On top of that, the Size2PodBorder seems skewed Here's a screenshot: If you zoom in to the location of the Move Tool, you'd see the base internal props. I haven't done anything else to the basic structure of it, and it runs fine when I boot up KSP. The same thing is happening when I uploaded with RPM and ASET props included. I tried it on others, and it's happening on Cupola but strangely enough not on the Mk 1 Pod cockpit. Any ideas? -
Since the most recent maintainers seem to have decided not to continue this mod, I have gone ahead and updated it. This mod adds a "Mission Control" IVA to unkerballed vessels. -Supports either standard RasterPropMonitor MFDs or the ASET versions. -Configuration option to force control room only for probe vessels (no external view). Requirements: -Module Manager -RasterPropMonitor -[Optional] ASET Props -***NOTE*** If you are using ScanSat, you currently need the dev version of ScanSat to avoid a problem with RPM displays going unresponsive. ***NOTE*** Download/Source: Changelog: -Fix broken sun effects in normal IVAs after going into PCRIVA -Disable vessel labels while in PCRIVA -Disable part highlighters while in PCRIVA -Change enter room hotkey to be like a normal keybinding -Make the room lights brighter -Improve preservation of camera when restarting PCRIVA in a new room -Fix a bunch of exceptions caused by interactions with the DeepFreeze mod -Fix a large number of cases where you can end up stuck inside a probe core looking out at the world rather than in the control room. -Fix problems on decoupling parts from the ship, and persist the camera when this happens. -Fix interaction with stock IVA. Previously, sometimes an invisible control room would exist while you were inside a stock IVA. This would block some button clicks in the IVA. License: CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 This mod is a continuation of the work of: @Tabakhase, @icedown, @Albert VDS, @MeCripp, @Nils277, @JPLRepo, @Dexter9313, @Z-Key Aerospace, @jlcarneiro.
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Well, after playing for stock so long, I decided to add a challenge and go ASET IVA, love the instrumentation and the cameras! Added mechjeb for boring automated stuff, plus I hate when you have inactive stuff in your new IVA panel , but lets face it, NASA flys by computer, do why not at this point? Ok, so then I found CXA Aerospace aprts, love the APAS, etc. But ... I have no shuttle and arm to go really build up a station, I was "Launching" parts by using rnv cheat to place 150m and then docking, but witht eh realism of the parts and ASET IVA, I'd like to go for a real time station assembly as the new way to enjoy myself. Current mods installed in 1.3.1: ASET, CxAerospace, RPM, mechjeb, DPAI, prob control room, SCANsat, and vessel view. Any recommendations? I know for most I'l lbe adding more dependancies, but with to give this a shot. Thanks beforehand. Marc
Hello there, I'm trying to figure out if there is an IVA for the MK2 cockpit that uses both Rastor Prop Monitor and the ASET parts. I'm currently using the RPM only interior, but I would like to update to the next step if it exists. I found a .cfg file that is supposed to implement one like what I'm looking for, but I do not know how to install it, or if it even works with 1.2.2. Link to cfg file: