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Is there a mod that adds bigger ion engines and is compatible with 1.12x? Thanks for your replies!
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A great thing would be to put electric motors in from the beginning of Early Access, we could plan A LOT of missions if they have it, just like with Breaking Ground in KSP1. Another nice thing would be a electric jet engine. Basically, Air from an intake goes past by a powerful magnetron, which heats the air a lot, which generates thrust. It's nothing like an ion engine, in which a noble gas is bombarded with electrons and is directed by electromagnets. This allows it to function in places where "air" isn't really air, like in Eve, or even Jool. Maybe there could be a version like a RAPIER engine, where some gas is injected into the engine so it can run in space (don't know if this really works IRL and it's not tested, so I dont know if it is realistic).
Download from GitHub NOTE: Default light settings in KSP only allow for 8 lights due to the added resource loads lights can cause. To increase the number of lights available, go to Settings/Graphics/Pixel Light Count and adjust it according to your system's abilities. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Compatible with @Li0n's Crew Light License is: a modified Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License and view-able in the GitHub plugin directory. Source Idiot Lights! Read about them in this post Slime Lights Non-Idiot Lights And this is a stock aircraft on the runway with several of the lights attached to give a size comparison. So this all came about because I wanted some lights for a truck. After spending days trying to tie into ModuleLight I finally threw my hands up in disgust and wrote my own partmodule. Features: Works with multiple light sources on a single part using animations. GameObjects (lenses) so designated in the config can have their material color changed to match the light color. This happens real-time in the hangar. As you change the light color, the lens color changes. The color changer takes either _Color or _Emissive colors. GameObject (lenses) off colors - The plan is eventually to animate the lens colors to match the light color animation so that they fade in and out. I'm not there yet. Until such time, the lenses turn off and on during blink and remain on otherwise. The off color can be added in the .cfg file. Blinking lights - Most of these lights can be set to blink. On and Off times have a range of 0.1 sec to 10 sec. These are set via sliders in the hangar. Each light's blink time and blink state is set independently and is persistent Preset colors - Some of the lights on other mods I've seen have this cool blue shade rather than the stock yellow. With this plugin, you get 15 (at the moment) preset colors and the ability to add your own by adding to a dat file in the plugin directory. Preset format is: Color name,RGB.Red,RBG.Blue,RGB.Green I.E. Candle,255,147,41 Current color presets include: Candle 40W Tungsten 100W Tungsten Halogen Carbon Arc Warm Fluorescent Standard Fluorescent Cool White Fluorescent Full Spectrum Fluorescent Grow Light Fluorescent Black Light Fluorescent Mercury Vapor Sodium Vapor Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium Want more colors? Here's a website I found that has lots of them with their r,g,b values. Just add your favorites to the presets.dat in the Plugin folder. Future plans (hopes) Animating lens colors via code to match light colors (done) GUI menu to make that searchlight rotate and tilt. (done) Create a disco party truck (done) ProTip: To quickly locate these parts, search for Kerbal Electric in the hangar parts list.
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Deep Sky presents Thor Tech! A suite of electrical propulsion systems and complementary parts, both old-school and sci-fi, for your early-game and late-game airplane/spaceplane needs. A great addition to your part inventory if you love to mix spaceplanes and planet packs. Forget LiquidFuel and solar panels (while flying). Thor Tech brings: Propfan and turbofan engines that work in all atmosphere. Inline windmill turbines (early-game) that enable planes to charge as long as they are moving fast enough. Nuclear reactors and a radiator fit for long-term use on aircrafts. Inline battery stacks to help save a little on part count. Air verniers, very powerful Intakes that can feed the thirstiest of jet engines and even harvest atmospheric resources "SupraLOX" hybrid plasma LFO engine. Mk2 and 1.25m available Two all-new cockpits (very unfinished, I didn't make them but I plan to finish them, with help from @DeltaDizzy). Pressure tanks that hold various gaseous propellants Shieldnir: electromagnetic forcefield nosecones. They protect most parts and do not need to be at the front of the plane to be effective. (Deep Sky Core required for some of these parts) Thor Tech also brings end-game WarpJet™ engines as seen in OPT Legacy, but with more neutral performance slopes and Boost/Burst Mode! All engines are very effective at sea level on Eve (and Tellumo of GPP, in screenshots below). Thor Tech is licensed CC-BY-SA and builds upon: Which was licensed MIT. Thanks to @Galileo for the whole idea for this mod and @Stone Blue for picking the mod name out of a host of names I suggested. DOWNLOAD v0.9.6.x :: GitHub :: SpaceDock GET DEEP SKY CORE :: GitHub :: SpaceDock Requires: B9 Part Switch for pressure tanks resource switching Community Resource Pack for non-stock propellants Kerbal Actuators by Angel-125 for fan blades to animate (Not included or is disabled; It's a bit bugged right now) Known issues: Intakes don't work on planets that don't have Oxygen? Delete all of Community Resource Pack's localization files except English to fix this. Cockpits don't have transparent glass.
Ahoy Rocketeers, Seadogs and pilots, I'd like to see how you tackle my little challenge The Challenge: Build the fastest paddle wheel boat, powered by electricity, then get in to the shore, and show us how fast will it go. The Rules: No mods or expansions for the spinny part(bearing), has to be electric Rating: Speed category: by sustainable Vmax only 1. Pds314 @ 18,4m/s Efficiency category: Vmax/power drain while at equator (power drain=power needed to move the boat at Vmax, measure without generating power at the same time, ) 1.Pds314 @ 8.97 In this challenge you will have to develop a stock bearing system, way of driving it by electric means. Even getting that to spin is a win in my book, so let's go! So far my best design reached Vmax of 9,6m/s, while draining 9,68/s, which is about 1000% better than my first aproach(actual math 2m/s with 20/s) One to get you started:
It turns out that, while absolutely nothing happens most of the time, RTGs have a tendency to occasionally run away with heat generation when you store them too densely and isolated with no cooling. This pseudo-reactor is simply a cargo bay with 48 RTGs stacked in them. This is in a Dres orbit so there's no atmosphere to cause the heat; It was from the RTGs themselves. Kerbal Engineer gives some information under "THERMAL". Simply opening the bay luckily solved the problem. It's kinda weird and probably caused by some bug but definitely interesting. Love to hear your thoughts.
Welcome to my stock electric plane repository! It serves as a home for my own electric craft which work perfectly 75% of the time, and also somewhere to share your own electric planes and other creations. Have fun! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is the highly creatively named "SAS flyer 1". It features decent reliability, a high-power engine, and a low takeoff speed. It has a maximal speed of 75 m/s ASL, and a maximal safe speed of around 90 m/s. Not particularly exciting, but highly versatile. And this is the "SAS flyer 2". It features a canard design and is powered by a relatively less powerful motor. However, it is easier to fly, as long as it is managed properly. Fly with SAS on (for only the plane itself). Infinite range guaranteed. Your money back if it runs out of power in mid air! And now for the extremely creatively named MK3 propeller plane. With a large passenger capacity and extended cruise capability, the MK3 is well-regarded due to its silence. This silence also allows it to conduct top secret raids on [REDACTED] during the [REDACTED] war. And this here is the MK5, aka the "Reliant". "Where's the MK4?" I hear you ask. Well, that's... another story. Anyways, the MK5 is better in almost every way relative to the MK1, and is much, much, less likely to crash for no reason. And as a general rule of thumb, turning SAS on kills the engine, but turning time warp on kills the engine for good. Post your craft here!
Before Reading I'd recommend that you'd watch Bradley Whistance's video on his stock prop speed test. The method he outlines is not relevant to the actual math work, and simply affects the values I will be plugging in. I will only discuss the resulting data in this thread to keep things simple, if you have specific questions about the math, let me know. With that out of the way, let me preface this discussion. The dominant method of powering stock props is by using RTGs, which makes sense. They continuously generate power, allowing stock props to run forever, this is great for Duna, Eve, and Laythe exploration. However, I commonly see this used on props built for fighter craft, transport aircraft, and others. While there are some cases where endless flight is desirable on Kerbin, such applications certainly do not qualify. Most people don't fly a single stock prop fighter for hours on end (without crashing). This leads to the question, are RTGs the most efficient way of powering these props? Short answer, no, but I'll explain in more detail. I am taking efficiency to mean weight in this conversation, although other uses of the term, such as part count, may also be referenced. First we must establish all of the possible methods of powering a stock prop: RTGs (duh), batteries, and fuel cells. RTGs we already discussed. Batteries would simply run the engine using their stored electric charge, and the flight would end once they run out. Fuel cells would burn LFO (Liquid Fuel + Oxidizer), continuously generating the engines power needs whilst draining LFO from on board tanks. Of course, I wouldn't even consider the fuel cells to be an option unless I had a good reason. Doing some simple math, we can find that all batteries hold 20,000 units of electric charge per tonne. How much electric charge, then, is LFO equivalent to per tonne? It depends on which of the fuel cells you are using, but for the small fuel cells this comes out to 79,934 units of electric charge per tonne of LFO, and for the large fuel cells it is 81000 units per tonne. Looking at the raw data, fuel cells are the obvious winner. However, the additional weight associated with fuel cells throws a wrench into the works, and in either case this tells us nothing about how RTGs stack up. So I will analyze these three choices in an applied setting, where I will test their mettle in a hypothetical prop that utilizes 10 of the 1.25 meter reaction wheels with 2 dumpling fuel tanks used as bearings. I did these calculations presuming that this engine would also utilize the trick described and demonstrated by Bradley Whistance's video. Using this method the reaction wheels consume roughly 2.73 times their normal power (according to my own testing), I'm using ball park numbers so any small discrepancy is irrelevant. RTGS: The 10 reaction wheels consume 13.65 units of electric charge per second, as such the engine would normally require 19 RTGs to run continuously, which themselves would weigh 1.52 tonnes. BATTERIES: To run this engine for 1 hour you would need 49,140 units of electric charge. This would require 2.457 tonnes of batteries, so those certainly aren't the best solution, although using the largest battery bank available, this would only require 13 batteries. Since the weight of the batteries required scales directly with time of flight, they are likely the most efficient in very short flights. FUEL CELLS: The smaller fuel cells generate 79,934 units of electric charge per tonne of LFO, meaning only .615 tonnes of LFO is required to run the engine for 1 hour. This amount of LFO is almost perfectly held by the 2 dumplings in the bearing, plus two oscar tanks which altogether hold .62 tonnes of LFO. In total the tanks would weigh .698 tonnes (including dead weight), and this engine would require 10 of the small fuel cells to run continuously. This adds another .5 tonnes to the total weight, bringing it up to 1.198 tonnes. As well as 14 parts, but really that's 12 since the dumplings have to be there regardless. In every possible way, the fuel cells are more efficient, while the use of dumpling bearings may seem to bias the fuel cells, in reality this does not affect the weight, and only affects part count. Using a different bearing type would only add 1 additional part, making it on par with batteries and superior to RTGs. None the less, it is far superior to both in terms of weight. This leads me to conclude that Fuel cells are the superior method for powering stockprops intended for short to medium flight times. It should also be added that it is of course possible to mix these methods together. In this one instance, it is actually beneficial. While 10 fuel cells are required to meet the continuous power generation needs, this is only by a small amount, the raw value is 9.1 fuel cells. This adds the equivalent of 540 additional electric charge generation required over the hour of flight. Since fuel cells come with 50 units of electric charge storage each, this means that 9 of them would have 450 units total, leaving us 90 units short. These 90 units can be accounted for with a single of the smallest battery pack (which has 100 units). Weighing in at a mere .005 tonnes, this change leaves us with the original part count of 12 and a reduced mass of 1.153 tonnes. So yes, it is possible that adding batteries will lead to a net increase in efficiency, however, the instance described above is the only type of scenario where this is actually the case. So limited is this possibility that even if the real value turned out to be just 9.3 instead of 9.1, then using batteries would result in a net increase in weight. Again, these results may be different for engines of differing sizes. however I can only see fuel cells being knocked from their throne with very different total flight times. For instance, short flight times where batteries' ability to instantly deliver power gives them a major advantage, and long flight times where RTGs' endless power generation eventually overcomes their initial mass costs. This may be obvious already, but just to clarify, the fact that the math above uses reaction wheels affected by Bradley Whistance's technique IN NO WAY affects the actual math or conclusions. The math above is roughly equivalent to if you had simply used 27 reaction wheels functioning under normal conditions. The objective of this thread was to demonstrate that fuel cell powered props are a lighter and more part efficient approach to powering certain stockprops. While it took a decent amount of complex work to arrive at this conclusion, in actual application fuel cell powered props are no more difficult to build or use then RTG props. There's also the small fact that a fuel cell powered prop will not only start out lighter than a RTG powered prop, but it will also get even lighter as LFO is drained throughout the flight, further increasing performance. I appreciate any questions or feedback you may have. If I made any mistakes, please let me know, and I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic. @klond I think this may interest you.
Dunasoar is a twin engine airplane designed for Duna exploration. It can transport 5 kerbals, or it can be easily modified to run science gathering missions. Max speed is about 175 m/s. Plane uses modified version of my fairing prop engines powered by fuel cells, but if you don't like using the fuel cells you can replace them with RTG's. These engines are little bit bulkier than my usual fairing prop engines. But the best part about them is that I've finally managed to create a reliable mechanism, which uses the claw inside the engine nacelle, to re-dock the propeller to the plane. That way the plane can be used multiple times, and you don't have to worry about the engines falling apart if you leave physics range. Finally you can make a plane which you can use to explore all biomes on Duna or Eve. As usual when flying a plane on Duna trickiest parts are takeoff and landing so choose your landing area carefully. Here is a link to the craft file and instructions on how to fly plane.
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I'm mostly asking for help in this thread. I'm currently trying to develop vehicles I can deploy permanently in the field to support a career mode colonization effort. This means I need to set up mining facilities, SSTOs, and small towns on every planet. Perhaps the most difficult planet to set up such a colony with reusable technologies on is Eve. Thanks to its dense atmosphere, simply using aircraft to fly at faster than driving speeds between bases is a compelling option. However, jet engines obviously don't work inside Eve's atmosphere. So, I have to resort to stock electric propellers (unless I want gas guzzling rocket planes that are mostly fuel, and need to land and refuel multiple times in one trip). My difficulty is prototyping a stock electric propeller with the specifications I want. I wanted to make one out of .625 meter parts, to push the size and mass limits of stock propellers (and then scale up from there for larger planes). This means using .625 reaction wheels, and possibly using .625 meter decouplers in some manner as the bearings. Next, the prop needs to be able to redock to the mothership, since propellers tend to break easily whenever the game loads or unloads a vehicle with a propeller. And finally, the propeller needs to be a sub-assembly with a docking port, so that I can change out a broken engine in the field if I need to. No sense in condemning an aircraft I went through the trouble of getting to Eve if all that broke is the propeller. Anyway, I haven't had too much luck, a whole lot of friction between parts, and the prop breaking free of the different kinds of bearings I've designed. So I thought I'd turn to the KSP community for tips or tricks on designing props that aren't just for show, but are actually useful and utilitarian. The ability to redock is probably the part I care most about. I also have the making history pack, so I have those parts to draw from for making props as well. The structural tubes might be useful for 1.25 meter props and up.
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I'm back. 0-60mph in <2s 0-100mph in <3s 0-250mph in <10s Top speed of 285mph, 127m/s. Just like Elon, I need to prove this, so I made a little video. - Oh, and that's the base model.
So here's the thing. I decided to go ahead and mod my install, after seeing some of the wonderful things that exist via Scott Manley. So I went around and picked a few mods that looked interesting to me and installed them. None of them said that they would have any problems with existing games, so I loaded into my career save that I've been playing on, and everything was going great. No problems, just smooth sailing-- or whatever the space equivalent of "sailing" is. But after a while I noticed that my probes, bases, and ships were running low on power. I though, 'that's odd', and looked into why. Turns out, none of the solar panels in my game work anymore. I'm pretty sure that they still worked after installing the mods, so it must have somehow happened after that. For reference, here's a list (raw copy/paste from AVC) of the mods that I currently have installed: KSP: 1.3 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit Community Category Kit - 2.0.1 Community Resource Pack - 0.7.1 DynamicBatteryStorage - 1.1 Extraplanetary Launchpads - 5.8.2 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.3 <b><color=#CA7B3C>Kopernicus</color></b> - KSP-AVC Plugin - NearFutureElectrical - 0.9.5 NearFutureProps - 0.1 NearFuturePropulsion - 0.9.4 NearFutureSolar - 0.8.6 NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.7.3 Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.5.1 TweakScale - 2.3.6 So one of the symptoms of this problem is the solar panel parts not having any part info. In the R&D center: Same panel, in VAB: One from Near Future Solar, VAB: Stock retractable panel, VAB: And for reference, one of the stock batteries, WITH part info: To top it all off, I can't actually right click the panels like I should be able to while during a mission. This is a bit harder to show in a picture, so the closest I can really get is just highlighting the panel: Sorry that last one's a bit dark, I should honestly have waited for Minmus to rotate, but I was rushed with the screenshots. If anyone has any idea as to what might be wrong here, that'd be great. I looked around on the internet and I couldn't find anyone with a similar problem. And if nobody knows what the heck is going on, I guess I'll just backup my saves and do a fresh install and see if that fixes it. And yeah, that's about it.
I have a working stock propeller (following Squiddy's tutorial). It works properly and will fly, but when I switch from the propeller to the plane, the propeller's trim (alt+e) lock gets reset and it slows down. I have to keep switching back from the plane to the propeller to spin it up again. Does anyone know how to keep the propeller spinning when I switch vessels (keep trim lock on)? Sorry for the possibly confusing description of the problem, please ask if I need to clarify something.
Since I saw videos on YouTube of how many people made propeller based aircrafts in the last month, I wanted to try my luck and make a stock supersonic propeller plane. Obviously I failed, and since I've failed and given up on propeller aircrafts, I wanted to share with you my design. It's my most stable prop engine I've ever built. My highest level top speed I achieved was 170 m/s . I don't understand how I didn't achieved more... but I'll explain to you why I don't understand. Here are the 3 models for my aircraft: Aircraft V1.1 Top speed: 110 m/s Torque: 7 Medium SAS modules per engine => Total of 14 This is the most stable prop based aircraft I ever made. It's a joy to fly. Aircraft V2 Top speed: 150 m/s Torque: 13 Medium SAS modules per engine => Total of 26 I'm dissapointed that I didn't get an at least 70% improvement of speed over the first version. I have almost double the torque and the stability of the aircraft is almost the same! I don't understand why I couldn't get to at least 190 m/s. This was a total let down for me. Aircraft V3 Top speed 170 m/s at 7000 m altitude Torque: 19 Medium SAS modules per engine => Total of 38 This is where I stopped. Obviously I had no chance of increasing the speed anymore. Stability was an issue here, but I managed to make it fairly stable with that many modules per engine. The engines won't woble to death so that's good enough for me. Now why is that with so much torque I get little speed increase? This is what I don't understand. I have tried numerous ways to improve the speed but I've failed. I tried different elevons but that didn't improve the speed. But anyways, you can download the craft files and maybe make a miracle and achieve Mach 1 if you find the solution. If not then at least you have now one of the most stable prop engine designs at your disposal. I can't wait and see what you guys will make out of this engine design and what aircrafts you'll design. P.S. I used Advanced Tweakables to make those engines as they are now. No cheats involved. If the engines won't spin when you decouple just Re-edit the fairings and it should solve the problem. Hold shift if you want to offset something on the aircraft. If you can't offset to infinity go to settings.cfg and do this: VAB_FINE_OFFSET_THRESHOLD = 20 . EDIT: I've finally made an almost supersonic aicraft. It has the same engines as the V3 but this plane is faster. Here it is: The aircraft
I heard of this one cool concept to protect spacecraft from aerodynamic shock heating with an electromagnetic shield. I would love to see a mod of this, how it would work is a part would project a bubble around the ship, and use electric charge to power it, the diameter of the bubble could also be variable, the larger it is the more power it consumes, when there is no more power left the shield goes away and parts are no longer protected. This could be done through the use of separate parts or as an option that can be changed both in editor and in flight. The bubble should have a near infinite thermal tolerance but i think it would be more realistic if the power usage was proportional to both the size of the bubble and the heat acting on it. Also the bubble should have drag that depends on the diameter. here is an example of how it would look.
Please post your craft using dawn ion drives. Why did you choose dawn over something like nerv? Is this a craft built "for fun" or is it a career game workhorse? I'd love to hear all about your design decisions and engineering choices. (if this repeats a thread, please post link? Happy to just continue conversation there.)
Jastreb (hawk) is a stock airplane powered by electric propellers. It is specifically designed to test just how fast you can fly with the stock propellers. In order to reduce the drag I've used small wings and minimum number of parts required to build the plane. Also with the exception of the rotor blades all of the engine parts are inside the fairing and therefore shielded from the drag. All of this really helps to increase the max speed of the airplane. Previous version of this plane had max speed of 240 m/s at low altitude. After a few tweaks and adding few more reaction wheels to each engine (35 small reaction wheels per engine) I've managed to push the max speed to 255 m/s or 918 km/h. Because of the small wing area airplane won't behave so well above 5k, however it can climb to 10k but you won't be able to maintain level flight at that altitude. I've even managed to barely break the speed of sound by doing a steep dive from 10k. Jeb barely survived the crash landing in the water because I didn't get out of a dive in time, only the cockpit survived. Link to the craft file and the instructions how to fly the plane:
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Stock plane with propeller powered by electricity. Max speed over 40-50 m/s. Mass: 9.99 t. Take-off: 1) Press stage 2) Activate SAS 3)Switch to propeller with ‘[’ or ‘]’ key 4)Hold Alt + E until roll indicator not reach right edge. 5)Switch back to aircraft with ‘[’ or ‘]’ key Don`t forget to rise landing gears. After 4 step plane will take-off automatically. You can also fly manually (without SAS or any stabilization) for it press 1 to disable reaction wheels and press T to disable SAS (if enabled). Screenshots: Download: KerbalX
From the Offices of Owl Aircraft Race Team We present... ODR-05 (Mk.2) The ODR-05 rally vehicle is to participate in the first ever Dakar Rally; A long distance survival event meant to test strength, speed, courage, and design. The car, with incredible grip and speed, was created with two goals in mind: Go fast, and Be safe. The car has a top speed of 40 m/s, including the DRS system and maximum power. The safety of the car was tested time and time again, with not even the most dangerous rolls and crashes able to upset the drivers. With a new deal coming from DK Salvage company, the ODR class has been outfitted with structural tubing to assist in the strength of the vehicles. Below are the pictures taken of the car during testing. Here is the car post-safety test. The car will be driven by Valentina Kerman, and her co-diver and navigator is Bill. We wish the team the best of luck in the Dakar Rally, and the KSC2-Desert Temple Rally.
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Has this been mentioned? everything else seems to be based on SI, why not the electric units?
Would it be possible to make a electricity powered spacecraft/probe that consumes no fuel at all? Obviously launching it wouldn't count, but could electricity only thrust be produced in space in ksp? Thanks!
Been begging for this for the last 2 years lol. Just crossing my fingers that the dev's (what's left of them) take some time and put one into the game. It would be LIT.
Some one gave me an idea the other night in Roverdude's stream SAS powered stock part Lightning. Built with a bit of EE Redux magic, however. Engine pulled out on the bottom there so you can see it, the SAS bits are fairly clipped in there but at least instead of using RTGs, they're powered by fuel cells so they're slightly less cheaty? Lightning.craft?dl=0 How to fly, for those interested! Best to turn on SAS and the brakes first, then hit '2' to turn on all the fuel cells. Press '1' after to decouple the engines from the main craft. (They're attached by docking port jrs.) After that, switch to each engine separately and slowly trim them up to full, pausing in-between trimming to let SAS briefly stop the engine so lift doesn't start to drag the craft. Once you have both engines trimmed all the way up, quickly cycle through both engines and turn off SAS and the engines will begin to spin up to full power. Finally, swap back to the plane and turn off the brakes and have fun buzzing the KSC!
Good news everyone! The remnants of a vintage Jeb-Flyer flying machine was discovered last month! A curious engineer found the dusty pieces while rummaging though an old dilapidated hangar on the outskirts of town. Farnsworth Rocket Surgery has painstakingly recreated the antique contraption and added a few nifty safety features (just a seat belt). How to operate: 1. Eva out of the capsule and board the command chair. 2. Stage to separate the propeller from the flying machine. 3. Change focus to the propeller ( [ or ] ) and trim the roll all the way to the left (alt + q). 4. Make sure you yell Contact when the prop starts spinning! 5. Change focus back to the craft and stage again to release launch clamps. 6. Make sure SAS is on. 7. The flying machine will eventually lift off, eventually. Top speed in level flight is somewhere around 51 m/s. It can be flown without SAS if you trim the elevators a bit. It flies wonderfully! It may be the most enjoyable craft I have ever made. Special thanks to @The Optimist for the bearing design that I "borrowed". Download here!
By now, our propeller division engineers were getting pretty confident in their propeller plane making endeavours. However, one day, an outdated C-42 was given to them in exchange for a different prototype plane (Which will be revealed eventually). Strapping two stripped-down engine blocks to its wings in place of the rusted jet turbines and adding in a remote control core, it was revived. Capable of carrying up to 1/5 of its own weight for up to ∞ seconds at a maximal speed of 62 m/s, making it completely free to fly. Also, since its predecessor could also be modified to drop bombs, it can too! Contra-rotating props make for almost no torque, and it is capable of STOL. However, keep in mind it is still a cargo plane, and all stunts attempted have a large chance of failure. A large amount of supplies/crew can be fitted into the cargo bay, through the fancy ramps. Which, by the way, should NOT be open during flight. Specifications: Weight: 35.4 Metric Tons Length, width, height: 41.4 x 12.61 x 34.09 Takeoff speed: 35 m/s Maximum cruising velocity: 63 m/s at low altitude Ceiling altitude: 7000 meters