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A.S.E.T. Industries presents a work in progress [Pre-Release] the ALCOR capsule, "Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous". (v. 0.9.7) (clickable) It is loosely inspired by the Apollo landing module, and uses a lightweight frame-based design with very thin walls. It is meant to be used for both single-stage and two-stage vacuum landers that fit in 2.5m+ fairings as part of an 1.25m stack. Made from the finest cardboard composite materials, no effort has been spared in making an attractive, sensible and very flimsy container for your victims pilots, packed tightly between computing and scientific hardware. TOTAL MASS - 1880 kg! Warranty void if subjected to atmospheric reentry, hit particularly hard or sneezed at. A.L.C.O.R. Advanced IVA (clickable) Extra Part: External Camera (Radial-mounted, vertical) You can mark up action button switches with text by entering it into the vessel description in the VAB: On a separate line type "AG<number>=<text>" where "number" is the number of action group from 0 (i.e. 10) to 9. The text is limited to 14 characters. (More won't fit on the label.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCHIVE VIDEOS HERE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: You NEED to delete the old version before installing this one, or you get a mess you aren likely to sort out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mods dependency ALCOR 0.9.7 required: none recommended: Module Manager 2.7.5+ supported: KIS KeepFit CLS ALCOR Advanced IVA 0.9.7 required: ALCOR v 0.9.7 Module Manager 2.8.0+ RPM v 0.29.2+ ASET_Props v 1.5+ recommended: MechJeb v 2.6.1+ ScanSat v 18.2+ VesselViewer Continued Docking Port Alignment Indicator v 6.7+ Astrogator v 0.7.8+ supported: TAC - Life Support USI Life Support Kerbalism ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloads: ALCOR 0.9.7 (Spacedock) ALCOR Advanced IVA 0.9.7 (Spacedock) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: - Install into “/Gamedata/ASET/" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made with Mihara's research and support. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks to the group of testers for their help with this release @nukeboyt @imerg @StevieC @Plecy75 @ISE @holodmer @chimpbone @Dragon01 @lazar2222 @simtom @Zapo147 @lennie @PhantomC3PO @Chaumas @Mecripp @panarchist @Ghosty141 @Lo Var Lachland @sebseb7 @harrisjosh2711 @Falco01 @>The Amazing Spy< Special thanks to @MOARdV, @Mihara, @DennyTX , @nukeboyt , @Dragon01 and @linuxgurugamer for their help and support with the mods development. And all the forum users who support and motivate me to keep working on my mods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like what I do? Want to directly support development? Consider donating via Patreon or Paypal! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ALCOR" and "ALCOR Advanced IVA" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: 26/11/2017 - v 0.9.7 ALCOR: *optimization and various improvements ALCOR Advanced IVA: *All switches changed to new modular ones. *Revised instrument layout. *Greatly extended MechJeb support. *Added CommNet, Astrogator, Kerbalism, USI-LS and Chatterer support. *Added the ability to adjust seat height for female Kerbals. 08/02/2017 - v 0.9.6 ALCOR: *overlay mesh is added *interior model is improved, now it completely matches the exterior model *the “ModuleAnimateGeneric” module is used instead of the “ModuleKrAnimation” *support for the KAS, KIS, KeeplFit and others is made with the separate MM-patches *minor optimization of the textures ALCOR Advanced IVA: *the new power supply panel *solar panels and fuel cells control *throttle limit *G-force monitor *exterior cameras image gain feature *breaks control and stress indicators for the landing gear *emergency radio beacon 22/07/2015 - v 0.9.4 [B] 0.9.4 update[/B] DDS textures [B]IVA Patch:[/B] [LIST] [*]Navigation lights was reworked. Now strobing light works as it was intended. [*]Little changes in the IVA. [/LIST] [B] ASET_Props:[/B] [LIST] [*]All props working algorithms was reworked to match the last RPM 0.21. [*]Now all instruments stops working if the g-force is higher than 8 g (with dramatical flickering animation:D) [/LIST] [B]New props:[/B] [LIST] [*] [*]Temperature indicators [*]Throttle control buttons [*]Buttons for the new MechJeb Smart A.S.S. functions [*]“Engine Flame Out†indicator [*]Special separate display for the TAC Life support [*]Fixed the bug with the sound disappearing after switching props lightning. [*]Fixed the configs that used old resource names. [*]Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) now can be turned off, I added buttons to control it. [*]Altitude Voice Annunciator System (AVAS) now can be turned off, I added buttons to control it. [*]Low Altitude Warning is now can be setted for the different altitudes (100, 200, 300) or even be turned off. [/LIST] [B]MFD[/B] [LIST] [*]New “Landing†page, look to the User Manual for the additional information [*]New page “Graphs†[*]PFD was optimised for the RPM 0.21 [/LIST] - Removed separate MM-patch to support plug-in "Reflection". 05/05/2015 - v [B] update[/B] [B]External:[/B] - Nodes fixed - Attribute maxTemp changed - Changed the textures of the external model - Reduced Reaction Wheel Torque - Dry weight of the pod has been increased to 1800 kg - Added separate MM-patch to support plug-in "Reflection". Now you can make ALCOR even more beautiful by adding reflections on the windows and other elements. [B]New in ALCOR IVA:[/B] - Added SAS control modes - Changed layout of the middle (pilot's) panel - Completely redesigned layout of the the panel of flight engineer - Refined cabin interior, added a few new props - Materials has been optimised - All devices and tools now require electricity to operate. Without electricity cabin becomes entirely "Cold and Dark"! - Changed work logic of many indicators - Added indicator "MASTER ALARM " - Instead of a single indicator "RCS" now has two indicators: "RCS ARMED" and "RCS ACTIVE" - Added gauges for all stock kinds of resources: LF, Oxodizer, Solid, Monopropellant, Xenon Gas [B] MFD:[/B] - New main font for all MFD - Finalized the design of MFD pages - Added support for DPAI plug 30/06/2014 - v 0.9 [B]0.9 update[/B] [B]External:[/B] Collider has been corrected so it no longer falls through planetary surfaces. [B]New in ALCOR IVA:[/B] - All props updated to work with RPM 0.17. - All external lighting (NavLights, Docking port spotlight, Airlock lights) will now consume Electric Charge. - Emergency power generator added. It consumes 0.1 units of Monopropellant to produce 1.5 units of ElectricCharge. - Small improvements to the interior and certain props. - New notifications for GPWS added, but the problem with volume levels remains. [B] MFD:[/B] - FLIGHT/LNDG page can now select between onboard ALCOR cameras and exterior camera number 1 (ExtCam1) - 'Standby' page now displays the current version of RPM. [B] Third party mod support:[/B] Active Texture Management, Connected Living Spaces and Timmers’ KeepFit are now natively supported. 19/04/2014 - v 0.8 [B]0.8 update[/B] Capsule exterior: [LIST] [*]Diffuse and NormalMap textures has been improved. [*]New Nav lights setup [/LIST] IVA: [LIST] [*]MFD interface has been improved. [*]Many MechJeb functions are now callable directly by clicking buttons. [*]Vessel View 0.4 plugin is supported. [*]Stage lock switch now actually manipulates the global UI stage lock. [*]Engines of the current stage can be turned off with a button. [*]Reserved resources (i.e. the ones with flow toggles in the rightclick UI) can now be unblocked. [*]'Clear Nod'e and 'Clear Target' buttons. [*]Internal cameras are now switchable between horizontal and vertical orientation. [*]For use of the capsule in a rover, there is now a ‘brake’ switch. [*]Voice notifications of current radar altitude for 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2500 meters. [*]Capsule interior has been redesigned and is now (partially) textured. [*]Numerous new props. [*]New internal lights setup. [/LIST] 11/02/2014 - v 0.7.5 [B]0.7.5 update[/B] Capsule exterior: [LIST] [*]A completely new collider that precisely follows the visible shape of the capsule. [*]ReactionWheels power reduced to 7 [*]Exterior model now has more detail. [*]Builtin exterior lights: Docking Spotlight Airlock Floodlight Strobe signal lights (currently won’t actually strobe, but hopefully will with the next RPM version) [*]A new texture for the exterior model. [/LIST] Interior: [LIST] [*] [*]MFD models and page configurations have been updated. [*]More autopilot functionality (requires MechJeb to work) [*]Improvements to the central panel. [*]New gauge -- Propellant monitor, which shows the current propellant resources for the current stage and in general, the propellant expended per second, and dV (only reliable if MechJeb is installed) [*]A new Terrain profile monitor page (on the right monitor with the keyboard) displays changes in terrain relief underneath the lander. [*]Internal lighting improved. [*]Interior model improved. [/LIST] 10/01/2014 - v0.7 A huge update! The most important change is that from now on there is only one pilot seat. The pilot sits in the middle of the cockpit, to improve the view of the flight instruments. The positioning of the instruments has been completely redone. The other two kerbals are now just passengers. The windows on the internal and the external model now match exactly. Lots of new indicators and new display data were added: [LIST] [*]Satellite map. [*]Orbital map [*]Targeting, reference part selection (the one that you select when you “control from hereâ€Â) and undocking menu. [*]Certain autopilot (MechJeb) functions are supported if MechJeb is installed. [*]MFD monitors are improved and now have even more buttons. [*]Reference information about planetary bodies -- the same kind you would get in the map screen when you press the ‘info’ button -- is available on one of the pages. [*]Visual and sound alarms indicating various dangers (danger of tipping over due to lateral velocity being too high, ground slope too high, collision with ground too fast) as well as expected touchdown speed. [*]ALCOR now has builtin external cameras providing full 360-degree visibility -- two new cameras on the sides were added. [*]Most cameras can now pan and zoom. [*]You can mark up action button switches with text by entering it into the vessel description in the VAB: On a separate line type ‘AG<number>=<text>’ where ‘number’ is the number of action group from 0 (i.e. 10) to 9. The text is limited to 14 characters. (More won’t fit on the label.) [*]Current stage only resources are displayed. Warning, KSP likes to lie about those. [*]Full information about the temperature and internal atmosphere of the pod is now displayed. [*]Like the 0.23 stock capsules, the pod now has 20 units of internal monopropellant storage, which increases start mass to 1680kg. [*]Doubleclicking on the airlock will make the currently controlled kerbal EVA right from IVA. [*]The pod has a mission flag prominently displayed both inside and outside. [/LIST] 25/12/2013 - v0.6-0.23FIX ( Maintenance release ) The outdated version of RasterPropMonitor plugin has been removed from this package while the previously published patches to enable SCANsat support in the monitors have been included. 24/11/2013 - v0.6 - Added more equipment in IVA (indicators, MFD/PFD, Alarm-lights) - Added sounds ( ambients, alarm, click) - Re-arange internal layout - Added new Part - 'External Camera (RV)' - Added 2 Displays for viewing custom external views 12/11/2013 - v0.5 - Crew capacity increased to three -- total dry mass increased to 1.6 tons - Added five monitors of two different sizes , a set of buttons and switches to control basic functions like RCS, SAS and custom action groups and cockpit lighting are now included - 'RasterPropMonitor plugin' is required and included in the package 25/10/2013 - v0.4 - Added part to the research tree (see - Node fixed __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___
Image by Omega482 & Saybur Stuff Version 1.3.7 - Released 2020-12-27 Compatible with KSP 1.11.x - 1.12.x (v1.3.5 is compatible with older versions of KSP) [ ] NOTICE TO CORVUS USERS This is the community continuation of @Orionkermin's fantastic 2-Kerbal Corvus Command Pod for a Size-1 (1.25m) launch stack (with adapter for the optional Size-1.5 (1.875m) launch stack). Translations: Corvus CF is actively looking for more translations! If you can help, that would be great There is some good information to help in this thread. If you're looking to translate, please post in this thread so that nobody else picks up the same language! Done: [Deutsch] [Español] Remaining: [Русский] [中文] [日本語] [Português] [Italiano] [Français] GitHub: Please see the feature/localisation Branch for current localisation work. Effort: ~23 lines / 400 words ABOUT Corvus is a small parts pack based around a 1.25m two-seat capsule. It has been made to be a "Kerbalized" interpretation of Gemini and features a unique IVA. Included in the pack is an appropriately themed parachute/ docking port combo, a service module which features a monoprop generator, a heatshield, a slimline decoupler, and a small in-line monopropellant engine. It also contains an adapter featuring storage space and integrated decoupler to the non-standard but popular 1.875m size. PICTURES AND VIDEOS Imgur album link: Fantastic review by @Kottabos on YouTube here. DOWNLOADS via CKAN - automatic updates and dependencies (recommended) GitHub - always the latest release. Also access to the source code, pre-releases, the bug-tracker, and the Wiki. Spacedock Curseforge Installation Instructions Download the archive and extract the contents of the "GameData" folder into your KSP's "GameData" directory. The Corvus Mod contains the following 2 folders for "GameData": Corvus - the mod itself HGR - a sub-set of the Home-Grown Rockets mod (also by OrionKermin) required for the IVA. Mod Recommendations Home Grown Rockets adds a complementary set of 1.875m parts, originally by @Orionkermin and currently maintained by @Kerbas_ad_astra. Animated Decouplers to have the Corvus Adapter shield its contents when using the Stock Aero. SUPPORT No logs, no support. Unless it's a feature-request, of course.. If you find a problem, try to reproduce it first with NO OTHER MODS installed. If the problem goes away, please try to identify which mod is causing the problem. If possible, please raise the issue on GitHub. CHANGELOG The full changelog is here. v1.3.7 Marked compatible with KSP1.12. Tweaked capsule slightly increased price decreased crash tolerance increased science storage range CONTRIBUTORS @Orionkermin - original author @Deimos Rast - many tweaks and fixes @fitiales - spanish translation LICENSE Corvus by @Orionkermin with Community Fixes by many is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license.
I am giving this ownership of this mod to @zer0Kerbal. Common Core Pods The Common Core Pod Program it's a effort to develop a modular capsule suitable to a wide range missions, using well known as established materials and building techniques with Composites and 3d Printing. Not to be confused with the incomprehensible Common Core Astronaut Training Program. BIG Thank You to KottabosGames for the review. Download: Core Pods ?ga=+3102+'kerbal+space+program'> Changelog: LICENSE: GPL-2.0
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'MK1-2 Pod' IVA Replacement by ASET Whole brand new interior for the Mk1-2 Pod l be glad to hear your ideas about ergonomical enhancement. ARCHIVE VIDEOS HERE You can mark up action button switches with text by entering it into the vessel description in the VAB: On a separate line type "AG<number>=<text>" where "number" is the number of action group from 0 (i.e. 10) to 9. The text is limited to 14 characters. (More won't fit on the label.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: You NEED to delete the old version before installing this one, or you get a mess you aren likely to sort out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mods dependency required: Module Manager 2.8.0+ RasterPropMonitor v0.30.2 ASET_Props v 1.5+ recommended: MechJeb v 2.6.1+ ScanSat v 18.2+ VesselViewer Continued Docking Port Alignment Indicator v 6.7+ Astrogator v 0.7.8+ supported: TAC - Life Support USI Life Support Kerbalism ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloads: 'MK1-2' IVA Replacement by ASET v 0.3 (Spacedock) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: - Install into “/Gamedata/ASET/" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks to the group of testers for their help with this release @nukeboyt @imerg @StevieC @Plecy75 @ISE @holodmer @chimpbone @Dragon01 @lazar2222 @simtom @Zapo147 @lennie @PhantomC3PO @Chaumas @Mecripp @panarchist @Ghosty141 @Lo Var Lachland @sebseb7 @harrisjosh2711 @Falco01 @>The Amazing Spy< Special thanks to @MOARdV, @Mihara, @DennyTX , @nukeboyt , @Dragon01 and @linuxgurugamer for their help and support with the mods development. And all the forum users who support and motivate me to keep working on my mods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like what I do? Want to directly support development? Consider donating via Patreon or Paypal! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "MK1-2 IVA Replacement by ASET" and "ALCOR Advanced IVA" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: 26/11/2017 'MK1-2' IVA Replacement by ASET - v 0.3.0 *All switches changed to new modular ones. *Revised instrument layout. *Greatly extended MechJeb support. *Added CommNet, Astrogator, Kerbalism, USI-LS and Chatterer support. *Added the ability to switch to window view by double-clicking on the window. *Small UV and texture changes. 08/02/2017 'MK1-2' IVA Replacement by ASET - v 0.2.0 *overlay mesh is added *interior model is improved, some textures are added *the new power supply panel *solar panels and fuel cells control *throttle-limit *G-force monitor *emergency radio beacon *the new color theme is added for МК1-2 (different from ALCOR) with the new "COLOR_OVERRIDE" feature
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New Shepard (NSHPD) New Shepard (NSHPD) is a Suborbital rocket made by Blue Origin for Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Matheo G adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo See more YouTube review by Kottabos Gaming Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Kaboom (BOOM) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) TweakScale (TWK) Other mods by Matheo G Insight TESS Ariane 6 (S3L) Supports Either 3 Module Manager /L Module Manager Real Fuels (RF) Tags parts, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @Matheo G for creating this glorious parts addon! see for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
Nuke's Tiny Pods (NtP) Tiny part addon that adds Nuke's Tiny Pods (okay, just one for now but it has an IVA!) for Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Nuke adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes: See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages YouTube review by Kottabos Gaming Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Nuke's Unlimited (NU) agency, flags, and common files Suggests Also by Nuke Nuke's Tiny Experimental (NX) Nuke's Tiny Girders (NtG) Nuke's Tiny Pods (NtP) Nuke's Tiny Parts Pack(NtPP) Supports Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) TweakScale Tags parts, config, resources red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @Nuke for creating this glorious parts addon! see for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS: How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal and it is true. Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
Introducing the Wyvern Crew Capsule. Industry newcomer Arc Aerospace unveiled their new crew capsule today. With modern computer-aided design practices and its state-of-the-art computer system, it's capable of fully autonomous flight without any astronauts onboard. Furthermore, thanks to its lightweight composite design, it's able to hold five astronauts while weighing less than the competition's Mk1-3 while still compatible with existing 2.5m launch vehicle infrastructure. At the same time, Arc Aerospace announced a new form of capsule recovery: propulsive landing. When fitted with four Wyvern Engine Pods (sold separately), the Wyvern crew capsule is able to land propulsively. (Parachutes not necessary, but strongly recommended.) These engine pods also provide launch abort capability from the launchpad all the way into orbit. Each engine pod contains a full tank of monopropellant, so no external monopropellant is needed for vertical landing. (Make sure you set your fuel tank priorities correctly so that they're not drained while in orbit, leaving you to find no monopropellant in your tanks after reentry!) With all of the extra mass afforded by the ultra-lightweight design of the crew capsule, Arc Aerospace says that the Wyvern has leading-in-class electric storage, data transmission capabilities, and even limited-duration crewed deep-space operations. Kerlington Paper Planes and Model Rockets, Inc. contended that the Wyvern, as a clean-sheet design, was not fit to carry crew without an extensive safety record. Arc Aerospace responded with evidence of over a dozen uncrewed launches that demonstrated the reliability and safety of the Wyvern crew capsule, including a long-duration uncrewed deep-space mission. In unrelated news, Kerlington has slashed the price of their competing Mk1-3 crew capsule. Complete Imgur album Updated Imgur album Requirements (Not Included) B9 PartSwitch RasterPropMonitor (Adopted) is required only for the IVA. Suggested Mods (Not Required) Connected Living Spaces (Adopted) Indicator Lights Community Tech Tree RealPlume (NOTE: patch is WIP & has not been tested yet) Ven's Stock Revamp is strongly recommended but not required. These parts were designed to fit in with Ven's style. Works with Ferram Aerospace Research Continued Credits @zlsa for giving me their blessing to pick this mod up, and "continue" it. @Ven for Ven's Stock Revamp, for the models and textures for the top and bottom of the capsule (and an incredible art style to boot); @MOARdV, @Mihara & @JonnyOThan for RasterPropMonitor (Adopted) for the IVA props @EmbersArc & @damonvv for Kerbal Reusability Expansion (which inspired the idea of a modern crew capsule mod for KSP) @Tonka Crash for major suggestions (long/short & Mono/LFO engine versions), balancing, and especially reminding me of some long forgotten, unfinished work I had done on the mod. This "continuation" wouldnt have happened without them. And a HUGE shoutout to @JadeOfMaar for basically writing the B9 patch for me. Installation Just download the mod file (.zip) and unzip it into your GameData folder. Note that the mod's files are within the ArcAerospace folder. (However you manage it, just make sure the /ArcAerospace folder is directly a subfolder (like where the /Squad folder is), just inside your /GameData folder. Make sure you have B9 PartSwitch and RasterPropMonitor (Adopted) (for KSP 1.8.+) installed, available seperately. Tested in both KSP 1.9.1 and 1.8.1 (*Should* be backward compatable all the way back to 1.4.0, with appropriate KSP versions of B9 PS & RasterPropMonitor (KSP 1.7.3 and prior) Downloads SpaceDock Github Known Issues -Capsule nose does not fit 1.25m parts well, leaving overhang and gap -Capsule mesh/collider bleeds thru the engine pods if placement is not fine-tuned manually in editor - Currently the IVA lighting is subpar. I hope to add some actual light fixture meshes, with emissives and switchable lighting - Mono Engine Pod is shown in Editor Part Info, yet LFO is selected by default. - RCS atmo curve is optimized for vaccuum, needs to set for sea level - RealPlume support patch is untested. - Current engage/disengage plumes are, at the very least, over-sized - Mass/Cost differences between the scaled engine pod variants, may cause issues with TweakScale License CC-BY 4.0 International Don't forget to credit Ven if you reuse the textures or models! The top and bottom of the Wyvern capsule are taken directly from Ven's Mk1-2 remodel. Original Release Thread: [1.3] Wyvern, an advanced 5-kerbal crew capsule (Original version downloadable here: ) How you can help Right now, Tonka Crash & I are looking for feedback on the overall balance of these parts. I play 100% sandbox, so I dont know much about balancing for stock, stock tech tree, contracts or upgrades. Have a favorite mod you would like to see supported? Go ahead and request it, with as much info as you can, and I will consider looking into it. (No promises, unfortunately, but I will try)
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V0.8.0 (Southern Cross Plays Softly in the Distance) Welcome to the Prakasa Aeroworks development thread, which is now actually for development. Release thread over here. Stick around to post suggestions/see work in progress images. Image Album: (Can't get it to embed for some reason) License: This work is Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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I have been building moon rockets in ksp its kind of a problem that it kind of looks bad cuz there are only on size 3 pod... we should have less straight but curved sided pods and and more size 3 lander cans because our current one is not matching any of my builds
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There's this mod of some kind that I've only seen a couple times now, it's of an Apollo command module except colored white and is red along most of the backside. I just thought it looked stylish and was wondering what the mod was. Here's an image from another thread:
So, question 1/2 . Any good mods out there for 3.75m pods? I know about Near Future Spacecraft, Taurus MPCV and HOYO CSM and that's about it. Preferably I'm looking for something Orion or Starliner-syle. -Also, stockalike, please. And question 2/2 . How could I change all the tanks in Interstellar Fuel Switch to use stock and CRP resources instead of the KSPIE resources?
Kerbalized SpaceX for KSP1.3.X Want to build the SpaceX BFR crew/cargo, Falcon 9, falcon heavy, etc.... This mod is for you! This mod is designed to help you save on part count big time. Be it docking ports to cargo bay's- every part is integrated with something (or multiple somethings) to help you lower your parts count. HOW TO RE-ENTER WITH THE "BFR" -Kill 98% of velocity on a 55 ton vehicle with aerodynamics only-. (I took a steep angle of attack, and experienced very high G's, with good piloting skills and a lower angle of attack you can limit the amount to under 5g's. This happens during the flip maneuver(You will see). Includes: Pods- Dragon, Dragon V2, ITS Titan, Space Bug, BFR crew & cargo variation. Rockets- Falcon 9 Ft, Falcon 9, BFR Engines- *31 raptor cluster, *3 raptor cluster, *4 raptor vacuum cluster, *9 merlin engine cluster, merlin vacuum, merlin atmospheric. Misc: Dragon 1 trunk, Dragon V2 trunk, Dragon nose cone, Dragon panel Covers, Heat shield, Falcon Legs, Aero Fins. Downloads: Spacedock: SpaceX Curse: Real plume config: (Currently not working because new engines) Dependencies: Retractable lifting surfaces for aero fins (included in download) Requires "near future solar" for the solar panels on the trunk to work. RPM and Asset Props are required for any functionality in the V2's IVA. Recommendations: Kerbal joint re-enforcement will make ur life much easier playing with the BFR. Appreciation Section: Thanks to @Mecripp for converting all the textures to .dds and for his help in various other areas. Thanks to @mrtagnan For taking the time to provide some beautiful new engine plumes using the Real Plume mod Thanks to all my followers for helping me keep the ambition to continue the development of this mod! I likely would have stopped with the V2 if it wasn't for you guys. Disclaimer: All rights reserved. 1.3 Compatible
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Download on SpaceDock, Github or Curseforge. Available on CKAN. Mk2Y - Two Kerbal Command Pod formerly Yarbrough08's Mk. 1-1 A2 Two Kerbal Command Pod A mod that adds three parts - two versions of a two-kerbal pod, and a matching RCS enabled heat shield *** Author Mk2Y [M2Y] adopts Yarbrough08's Mk. 1-1 A2 Two Kerbal Command Pod for curation by zer0Kerbal*** Originally created by Yarbrough08 Description This is a 2.5m to 1.25m, 2-kerbal, command module. Yarbrough08 used the dimensions of kerbals to determine this size. The 3-kerbal Mk 1-2 pod crams too many kerbals in, and doesn't leave room for them to move around or even exit. It will be compensated for in a mass reduction, as not as much(insert your ideals of life support or equipment) is needed to contain 2 vs 3 kerbals. This comes with a dedicated IVA. Mk2Y-036 is the version which has integrated heat shield Mk2Y-040 is the version which does NOT have integrated heat shield Mk2Y-040-HS is RCS inabled heat shield for the M2Y-040 2 Kerbal Command Pod [Yarbrough08] became interested in modeling a 2 person CP that was not historic in nature. I am looking for feedback at the moment, as well as interest in the project. So, with that being said... RCS ports are working, as well as a very basic IVA implementation. Windows are zoomable, airlock/ladder functions, and compatibility with DRE and RF (RCS Ports). Has (at the moment) an almost non-existent Texture footprint in RAM because of placeholder textures. Includes a shroud to smooth transition to decouplers, which are still needed. IVA layout changed (Stock Props Complete). I used at least one of each of the stock props. Added lights to the IVA Interior model touch up and UV'd. Ready for when I produce textures. Airlock wall, hatch, and cover added Of course this is a WIP and nowhere near finished. Although it looks pretty good, I have not finished creating proper textures for it. Mk. 1-1 A2 Two Kerbal Command Pod This is a 2.5m, 2 Kerbal, command pod. It includes the IVA, as well as, attachable heatshield with RCS ports. The heatshield is equipped with a shroud to smooth the transition to whatever 2.5m part you choose to place under it. Although the current version is a WIP, most of the pod is complete (todo: some visual and minor .cfg tweaking). The RCS ports do work, as does the heatshield (stock ablative protection). On the IVA side I have working stock props, IVA lights, front and side windows that are 'clickable', and a front window docking guide ('iron sights'). NOTE: TEXTURES ARE SEPERATE NOW! YOU WILL NEED TO DOWNLOAD A TEXTURE PACK! PICK ONLY ONE! I created high, medium, and low textures (both diffuse and normal map) for the pod exterior shell. I also am giving an ultra low choice that will make the pod appear as it was before - no detail. AGAIN, THE TEXTURES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE POD DOWNLOAD. I have uploaded and linked several texture packs for the pod. These packs contain the textures for the exterior (previously white) "shell," as well as the interior and exterior windows. The packs are divided up based off of the exterior shell texture size, and include: (Note: Main Textures are the exterior shell's diffuse and normal map. -Size listed is for each texture) Main textures = 4096x4096 Window textures = 512x512 Main textures = 2048x2048 Window textures = 512x512 Main textures = 1024x1024 Window textures = 512x512 Main textures = 4x4 Window textures = 4x4 Cabin Sticky Notes: NOTE: Might be issues with hatch and currently the pod doesn't have lights. There are no plans to improve them unless someone submits new ones via PR on github. Installation Directions Use CKAN (best way) — or — Before installation please delete Yarbrough/Mk2Y/ folder in KSP/Gamedata/. Then copy .zip content into your GameData folder. Changelog Summary See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes Requires Kerbal Space Program Supports Kerbal Change Log Module Manager Replaces Duopods Original Author: Yarbrough08 Mod Website: Forum Thread License is: Legal Mumbo Jumbo Source: GitHub License: CC 4.0 BY-NC-SA Mk2Y is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, which in layman's terms means: You are permitted to use, copy and redistribute my work as-is. You may remix your own derivatives (new models, alternative textures, etc.) and release them under your own name. You may not use the material for any commercial purposes. You must use the same license as the original work. You must credit the following people when publishing your derivative: riocrokite (Stork Delivery System). All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under their own licenses v0.0.5.0 original: 17 Jul 2018 zed'K | updated: 2020 03 02 zed'K Source: GitHub License: CC BY-SA-NC 4.0
I've been away from KSP for about 4 years, but picked it up again recently. So I know I need to get up the learning curve for heat shields, radios, fairings, and a few other things. The unexpected problem is that my Mk1 command pod always explodes on splashdown. I see that it has a 14m/s maximum impact speed (which seems awfully low), but I'm finding it impossible to slow it down enough to land. Even with 4 parachutes on it, it's still coming down at 19m/s. Is there a mod making this thing too heavy? Too fragile? See screenshot for mass & speed numbers.
R&S Capsuledyne is proud to present their first project: A 3.75-m stockalike command module system: the Taurus High Capacity Vehicle The Parts: Features -Seats up to 7 kerbals (3 pilots and 4 passengers). -Ideal for station transport, deep space exploration, command module operations, and more! -Featuring incredibly safe totally awesome-looking retractable built in launch escape system! -Fully modeled interior with support for both Stock and RasterPropMonitor -Includes separate stock thermodynamics compatible heatshield part Features -Operates like stock science bay, but requires more Kerbals, power, and transmits data more efficiently -Two unpressurized cargo bays for storing science instruments, RCS, solar panels, KAS parts, Kerbals, and more Features -Carries up to 8 unwilling participants into space -Allows you to ruin your reputation in one fell swoop Installation Instructions -Merge the GameData folder from the download with the GameData folder in your KSP install -To remove the LES, copy the file inside the "alternateConfig" folder to Gamedata/R&SCapsuledyne/Parts/TaurusHCV and replace the file with the same name Download Links Please delete any previous installation before installing version 1.5+! Special thanks to @Deimos Rast for the 1.2 compatibility patch! Download the fixed, rebalanced, and better than ever Taurus HCV here! LEGACY DOWNLOAD LINKS Media Parts Inspirational images Launch escape system demo video Credits Version 1.5.3 Created by R&S Capsuledyne: jnrobinson and bsquiklehausen -Animation Modules plugin created by BahamutoD -Also thanks to those of you who helped me blunder my way through unity over on the part modeling forum. Related projects Orion-like service module pack by blackheart612: Aerojet Kerbodyne RSS configs/rescaling done by RedAV8R: RedAV8R Realism Packs for RSS Taurus HCV uses the animations modules plugin by BahamutoD: Animation Modules BahamutoD also has some awesome large rocket parts: Constellation Essentials TopHatDragon has created a TACLS ModuleManager script to add life support resources to the various crewed parts: @PART[TaurusHCV]:HAS[!MODULE[LifeSupportModule]] { RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 4.97 maxAmount = 4.97 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 9.45 maxAmount = 9.45 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 1598 maxAmount = 1598 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 1374.38 } RESOURCE { name = Waste amount = 0 maxAmount = 3.57 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater amount = 0 maxAmount = 10.43 } } @PART[TaurusScienceBay]:HAS[!MODULE[LifeSupportModule]] { RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 2.13 maxAmount = 2.13 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 4.05 maxAmount = 4.05 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 684.6 maxAmount = 684.6 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 589.02 } RESOURCE { name = Waste amount = 0 maxAmount = 1.53 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater amount = 0 maxAmount = 4.47 } } Changelog DeimosRast Compatibility Patch -Brought mod back from the dead -More detailed changelog exists on page 29 of thread, but trust me, it's all good stuff v 1.5.3 (7/1/15) -Changed researchTime and researchMultiplier in the Science Bay to integer values v 1.5.2 (6/28/15) -Adjusted thrust and ISP values of engines to match changes in 1.0.3 -Adjusted science production values to be more similar to stock -Adjusted heatshield config to match changes in 1.0.3 v 1.5.1 (5/25/15) -Fixed thrust and Isp values of both engines -Capsule and heatshield aerodynamics adjusted so they no longer tumble on reentry -Science bay should now properly shield parts inside cargo bays -Updated included bdanimationmodules.dll -Taurus escape engines can no longer be turned off (sorry, had to do this to fix a bug with the effects not showing properly) -Thrust of Taurus engines can now be adjusted through tweakables v 1.5.01 (4/28/15) Hotfix: -Removed Baha's landing gear which I accidentally packaged earlier -Added thermalMassModifier = 0.001 to Heatshield v 1.5.0 (4/27/15) -Added new part: a 3.75 m nuclear engine with four gimballing bells and fairing -Added new part: a 3.75 m ore tank for stock ISRU system -Added internal view for Science Lab -Updated parts config files to include information for stock aerodynamics and heating -Rebalances for the Quadroodle and fuel tank to fit stock closer -Updated science bay to include new lab mechanics and new aero support -Updated heat shield for stock ablator and aero - now matches stock 3.75m shield -Removed TACLS from Taurus Config to allow for other LS mods to be used -Fixed Quadroodle collision mesh bugs -Added launch surface FX to Quadroodle v 1.4.0 (12/15/14) -Added new part: a 3.75 m reaction wheel unit with a 2.5 m battery inside -Modified some textures to get ever closer to that stock look -Modified LES to allow for shutting down of escape engines if accidentally fired -Fixed a typo on the heatshield texture. TIL 'Capsuledyne" has two 'e's -Cleaned up Unity materials used, may cause performance gains, may not, who knows -Introduced KNOWN BUG: the engine sinks through the launchpad, even though it has a proper (functional) collider (let us know if you can help!) -Just don't use the Quadroodle as a launch engine - it's not good at that anyway v 1.3.0 (10/7/14) -Added new part: a 3.75 m orbital engine with fairing -Added new part: a 3.75 m 8-Kerbal hitchhiker with interior -Added new part: a 3.75 m extra thin fuel tank perfect for large service modules -Modified all textures for every part -Modified ALL textures for every part (too much work for a single changelog line!) -Moved parts around the tech tree to spread everything out for career mode, parts now distributed across several nodes in the last tier -Changed part costs and entry costs for several parts. Should be reasonable in-line now -Actually balanced LES thrust much more -Converted SolidFuel LES boosters to MonoPropellant so you don't have to lug SolidFuel through the solar system. We can pretend the LES is now an abort program that can't be stopped, it that makes you happy. -Removed alternateConfig as ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads should now be compatible -Changed name of Science Processing Bay to allow FAR/NEAR compatibility -Updated Science Bay to use new stock animation module, removed Firespitter.dll from download as it is no longer needed -Removed many bump maps as new alpha-channel speculars made them too much overhead for a small gain -Removed specific specular maps, replaced by alpha-channel speculars -Converted textures to .mbms. We're sorry, but it reduces aliasing from far away. v 1.2.1 (7/22/14) -Updated firespitter.dll to 0.24 compatible version -Added R&S Capsuledyne as an in game Agency v 1.2 (7/17/14) -Added new part: a 3.75 m combination science lab and storage bay (with doors!) -Added new part: a 3.75 m slim stack separator (dual-sided decoupler) -Modified textures on heatshield fairing -Balanced cost values for new parts -NOTE: Science bay requires firespitter.dll to use doors in VAB v 1.1.1 (7/8/14) -HOTFIX: Fixed compatibility issues with RPM .17 -Continuing to modify engine thrust transform placement in an attempt to fix phantom torque issues v 1.1 (6/9/14) -Added heatshield, fully DRE and FAR compatible, with fairing -LES thrust is now centered, will no longer create sideways torque -Removed useless/ugly structural members from interior -Added specular effects to windows in exterior view -Slightly modified interior textures -Slightly modified exterior textures -Laid foundation for light-up windows (coming soon) -Updated to latest version of the AnimationModules plugin v 1.0.1 (4/20/14) -Hotfix: moved the ModuleManager config file out of the folder to prevent issues where ModuleManager would try to load the RPM internal but fail if RPM wasn't installed. You now have to manually add the patch file if you want the RPM props v 1.0 (4/20/14) -Added interiors -Added flag decal -Added RPM support for interiors v 0.6 (4/15/14) -Updated external textures to be more stock-y -Fixed LES pieces disappearing when zoomed in too far -Boosted capacity to 7 in preparation for upcoming IVAs -Increased dry mass to 7.5 units (tons? metric tons? slug?) -Increased thrust of LES motors to compensate for increased weight -Move capsule into the proper spot in the career tree -Took steps to alleviate FAR-based asymmetric drag issue, which occurs because FAR includes the collision mesh for the ladder and the hatch in its aerodynamic calculations; Ferram has informed me this will likely be fixed in an upcoming version of FAR -Attempted to fix Kerbals flying of ladders/doing a 360-no-scope when exiting the hatch -Changed license to be more lenient v 0.5.2 (4/7/14) -Included modified part file without engine config for those who were having compatibility issues (possibly with extraplanetary launchpads) v0.5.1 (4/4/14) -Actually included the 1k textures. Whoops v0.5 (4/4/14) -Initial release. Official R&S Support will return... someday. Please do not distribute without asking permission first. Also, if you charge someone for this download, you're a butt. License: Distributed under BY-SA 3.0
- 786 replies
- 13
"DuckdischNick" isn't verry funny and also doesn't relate to Sputnik vocally. It's one of those words that really stand out because they don't fit and sound forced. I would like to suggest to rename it to "Spucknet". It's vocally related to Sputnik and means "don't spit". It also has "net" in it wich in this case could also be short for "Netz" and relates to telecommunications wich also relates to satelites.
- 10 replies
- 7
- duckdischnick
- stayputnik
(and 3 more)
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I have a problem with my targeting pod where its always purple, i dont know what i am doing wrong. It is very similar to this post here but i have the latest ksp 1.3.1 with the latest release of bdarmory november 4th 2017. Sry for bothering.Tks
Alright, I know I'm not the only one making landers like this: I love building landers using the 1.25m crew tank horizontally. However, it's really hard! It's difficult to attach propulsion systems without blocking the doors, and even moreso for the windows. There are no hatches either. Reentry is a huge pain. Am I the only one who wishes there was a better part for this? Some kind of horizontal lander part with more attachment nodes and a better hatch system? Maybe one that holds 3 kerbals? Does anyone already make one? If so, who? If not, would someone? Please?
Hello, I'm searching for a mod that adds square command pods that could host two kerbonauts, of any size. do you have any idea? Thanks!
Hi, I wonder if it's possible to transfer 'science' from one pod to another on the same craft? Why I'd find this useful is that if I have a small landing module that I undock from the main craft for landing, taking surface samples & EVA data, then I dock again with the main ship, I'd like to take the results back to Kerbal. But at the same time I'd like to ditch the landing module. So that I can transfer the 'science', I'd need to 'move it' from the landing module's pod to the pod of the main ship / homecoming ship. Other resources, like fuel, can be transferred. Can 'science' also be transferred similarly? Is this possible? Akos