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  1. No matter what I try, my spacecraft just won't lift off. When I press space, I get what sounds like a decoupler sound effect in slow motion and then my rocket slowly falls. I think it might have something to do with the lag, since I had 3 FPS the whole time?
  2. I have been having this problem with BD_Armory, where it will get stuck loading at the BDArmory. /GameData/BDArmormy/Parts/20mmVulcanTurret/bahaGatlingGun
  3. This happened almost just after I fixed a previous problem I had (Click here) with KSP. I opened KSP, opened the correct savegame (Is that what they are called?), bla bla bla... I went into the SPH, and loaded my KTM 1120-4.1, to modify it and make it the KTM 1060-3.1. It worked fine. Then, after making the necessary modifications, I tried to launch it, and it just went out to the KSC! To where I can click on all the different facilities, and not to the runway where I wanted to go. I tried again, but this time, I did it from the runway directly. The same thing happened. I went back into the SPH, opened the saved KTM 1060 up, and when I opened up the "Add crew to vessel" thing, there were no parts with crew capacity, even though I knew there were 3 external command seats. I was going to just place new seats, but in the parts toolbox, the parts that couldn't be the first part on a vessel were grayed out, like nothing was open!!!!!!!!! I tried to save, and it asked me if I wanted to overwrite, since there was already a craft with the name "KTM 1060-3.1". It does that every time I save it. I don't know why, but it doesn't bother me. Anyway, I clicked overwrite, and nothing happened. It acknowledged that I clicked it, but it didn't do anything. I also couldn't leave, open a different craft, build a new craft, move or add parts to the craft, or even switch between the VAB/SPH! I don't know what happened, but it is weird. I have S.A.V.E.D. KSP recently, but I don't know if it something was corrupted at the time I saved too? (Does S.A.V.E. just save your craft, or does it save everything? Meaning, if there is a problem with the game, will S.A.V.E. save that problem, or does it just save your craft files and stuff?) Is this post clear, annoying, confusing, or otherwise not pleasant to read?
  4. I purchased the Making history DLC and used the code to add it to my Steam account. After putting the game down for a while, I re=downloaded it and suddenly my entire DLC was completely gone from my steam account. Is there any way i can get this fixed, or get a new code for my DLC? I might be able to dig up the proof of purchase, and if i do, will either Steam, Squad or Blitworks be able to help?
  5. Hey everyone, So I'm relatively new to the KSP world on PC. I played hundreds of hours on my xbox one x. I'm now on my Acer Nitro 5 gaming laptop with a 1050 NVidia setup and I'm having some issues with the game that I can't find concise answers too. First off without any planetary graphics mods, I have an ocean that does not render. Its there when I land, but all I see is the textured blue ocean floor. I ended up removing EVE and Realistic Atmosphere as well as my AVP mod and Sunflares becuase on top of my ocean issue, regardless of a beautiful rendering of planet kerbin on the pregame menu, once I started playing the atmosphere went black and the planet from map mode turned into this grayed out dark orange and black rendering that got so annoying. I haven't noticed the gameplay affected much but I cannot seem to figure out how to make this planet have its reliable and consistent graphics that everyone else seems to have. Anyone experience this? I'm running out of ideas without individually inspecting the game with every mod one by one...
  6. So like everyone else on the forum I shot out of my seat with excitement when I saw KSP 2 was announced. The trailer looks very nice, and what I've seen from gameplay so far it looks very promising aswell. However after the initial extacy of excitment had passed I did have a couple of concerns for the new game that I wanted to vent here to see what everyone thinks and maybe if some people have the same. 1. The release timeline. In the IGN interview with Nate it was stated that the release for KSP 2 would be sometime in spring 2020. Now that is less than a year away, and although I would be very excited to have it playable that early, I'm also a bit concerned. It seems to me that if KSP 2 were to live up to the status of the first game, whilst also expanding on its scope, 8 to 10 months of devlopment time would be to little to achieve that. Now I realise that the developers aren't starting at the same point as Squad did in 2012, but I still think this game needs at least a solid year and a half of development time from where its at right now to be a worthy successor. I'm afraid it might dumb down or even cut some of the more advanced features that are in KSP right now, in order to get things like interstellar travel in there on time for release. Personally I would be happy with a game that is the same size as the original KSP but with enhanced visuals and all the same features on release. And then have it slowly grow overtime like the original game. 2. Multiplayer I don't want to come across as someone who doubs the ability of the developers at Star Theory. From what I've gathered they are a group of very capable game designers. However I don't feel like they have a grasp on what makes KSP fun when they mentioned multiplayer. I am personally not sure wether KSP is the kind of game that even needs multiplayer. Not every type of game is improved by having multiplayer in it, and it feels more like a forced feature to boost hype and potential sales of KSP 2. KSP being the game that focusses more on the methodical, trial and error type of gameplay. That's usually a bit slower and not as well suited to multiple people playing as at once. I fear that it might not work out at all. I just don't feel like KSP needs multiplayer. Have a social element to it by all means, but multipalyer itself, I'm not feeling that. This concern is reinforced by the fact that it seems like the developers at Star Theory themselves don't seem to have and idea of how they want multiplayer to take shape in KSP 2 either. It is simply mentioned as a feature but there's not info on how its going to work or what we can expect. It comes back to the short release schedule aswell. If they are planning to finish this game in 10 months and they have no idea or prototype in place for multiplayer what is this going to mean for the rest of the development? It would be a shame to both have a half finished uninspired multiplayer component and a less than exciting singleplayer component. I'd rather have a solid game that I can play on my own. Those are my 2 major concerns I have for KSP 2 right now. I might update my post with more later, but for now those are the only ones that I can think of. Again I don't want to come across as negative or pessimistic. I think its fantastic that the KSP franchise has a future, especially since for me the first game had become a bit stale. And I am very excited for this. But I also want to see it succeed as well as the first game, and therefore I wanted to vent these concerns here. I'd love to know what you think, if you share some of these concerns or if you have your own. Let me know. Hopefully the dev's will read them.
  7. Hi, I'm trying to play online with this mod. The mod works correctly but when we are inside the atmosphere we cannot see each other (it is not because of the safety bubble). Anyone knows how to solve this? (I host the server). From already thank you very much. Sorry if the text is misspelled, I speak Spanish and wrote it by the google translator
  8. Couple of problems found with the control schemes (Edit: just noticed #1 has been added and confirmed on the BugTracker). Can't buy researched parts in R&D building. For harder difficulties, you must pay an entry cost for each part after researching them so they become available. Now for a reason I'm yet to understand, the cursor is available everywhere but on H&D... Since the cursor is not available, after switching to the parts specific window - as in, after you first select a part through the part list window, a new window will pop-up with this part description - you simply can't switch the point of interest to this very window, therefore not being allowed to purchase the part. This would be quickly fixed if you could click on the purchase button, but no cursor available in R&D for no reason at all. Another problem one could quickly notice here is that on the bottom of that same window is the text "Hold <B>: More Info". If you do hold B (circle on PS4), instead of getting more info, you'll go back to the previous screen, since B (circle) is the same button to return in a window, lovely. (Minor, problem but a problem nonetheless, and may show that this happens on different windows as well): in the Tracking Station you can press LB/RB (L1/R1) to scroll between different celestial bodies, but in the controls App it tells you that when you have the cursor active, you can hold LB (L1) for precision mode. The problem is that even in cursor mode, holding LB will scroll to the previous celestial body. There seems to be an unnoticed problem going on with keys being used for multiple functions at the same time. With the Radial preset, for controlling your throttle you must hold LB (L1) and move the D-Pad Up/Down (instead of simply moving the D-Pad Up/Down and leaving LB + D-Pad for Maximum/Minimum instant throttle like it is with cursor settings). Not only the controls scheme is so limited to the point that for you to simply change this you must switch to another preset, which will change a lot more things than only this, you also have the LB (L1) conflicting between two functions again: LB (L1) + Axis movement is used to trim your craft, therefore you just cannot control your throttle and changing you craft attitude without trimming it and making it go all over the place. Like with problem #2, controls conflicting once again: at the VAB or SPH you can click X (Square) on a part to change some of it settings (like on a parachute to change it's deployment altitude). So, although you can use the cursor to change it's settings, you can also change to that window and use the Axis to scroll through the settings. For that, you switch back to non-cursor mode and press LB (L1) + Y (Triangle) (the same way you switch back and forth to the dialogue window during the tutorial). But with cursor mode on, if you press LB + Y you will also toggle between Snap Mode on/off. This is another minor bug, but can get a bit annoying when you have a window open but want to toggle between Snap Modes and it keeps switching windows. Ps.: Using this LB + Y combination in the R&D does not change the focus to the desired window, since by pressing LB (or RB) you will change tabs, scrolling between Technology and Science Archives.
  9. How do I navigate when on the ground, like when I'm driving a rover? Does it help to put the nav ball on surface? How do I know which way I'm going? I tried putting a node on a previous landing site and then setting that as a target, but when I use the autopilot to set it to target, it tends to pull the rover off it's wheels. It seemed happiest when I was driving away from the target even though I'd selected target. Mind you it wasn't 180 degree to the target that I was traveling. It was some other odd angle. I probably should mention I'm at the bottom of Minimus as best I can tell. The south pole. Not the center, but near it. I left my pilot in the rover after breaking off all the solar and running out of electricity and that thing kept picking up speed. It was going about 24 M/sec just before it had some kind of catastrophic problem. This is just on wheel idling power. How do they explain this in a simulator. You've got some kind magic force that propels you across an entire planet with no fuel being used. I dont think it was going downhill. I don't believe that any vehicle would handle as bad as a KSP vehicle on one of these planets. The main question - I landed near a previous landing site. I thought I'd visit the pilot and maybe switch with her and see her rover. I couldn't figure out how to get there. It was only about 5 km. I thought of some complicated, inaccurate ways involving the sun or my current trajectory, but it seems like there should be some simpler way of finding old space wrecks. The rovers behave oddly on the moons. What is the best way to tame this beast? Did I mention that the other day I landed a 100 meter tall rocket on Minimus and it slowly fell over but stayed intact? I then detached the rover and moved it out of the way and eventually got back in the huge rocket and took off from a horizontal position on the surface and made it back to Kerbin. I was close enough to walk to the space center in daylight. The big rocket scraped along and I ran out of gas and had to start up the next stage which gave me a little bit of angle to the ground. Of course on Minimus with a little speed you're going to be airborne for a long time so I got a little more perpendicular and gave it more thrust and pretty soon I was on my way home. I'm going to build a ball shaped cage rover with me and all the vitals on the inside. I'll put wheels all over the outside so that when it hits it'll be partly absorbed by the shocks and I won't have to concern myself with pitch and yaw anymore. If I put more wheels on a rover does it have more horsepower and go faster? Does it have better traction. So far I've been using 4 wheels.
  10. Hello to all again. I'm new to the KSP forums and after searching google I'm turning here for support. I want to build a customized artillery shell but the small warhead isn't working. Sometimes it'll explode like its supposed to, but mostly it just impacts and disintegrates. Can anyone help?
  11. Hello everyone, this is one of my first post so I'm sorry if I make an error. I make designs on the page kerbalx.com, I've been doing it for a while. Recently, I discovered the Infernal Robotics mod and it was just what I needed for my latest design, foldable wings. In that mod, there are hinges that are the part I need for this, and this is where my problem starts. When I make a hinge, I mount the wing on it, and I set it up, it works perfectly, the wing moves to its configured position without problems. But when I put 2 hinges, the madness begins. In the editor work perfectly, both wings open outwardly unfolding correctly, but once inside the game the hinges go crazy, the 2 are just leaving the axes causing graphic and structural problems in the ship, do not move as in the editor and they end up breaking. I need help with this, to know if someone has happened to him, or if it is a problem with the configuration of the mod. I have to say, I have sought help and the only advice I found was 'disable Auto-Struts' (Advanced Tweakables) but I already did it and the problem is still there. Does anyone know why this happens? Before anything thanks to everyone!
  13. So, my Problem is that Ksp will start and will begin to load the files needed for the game After 3/4 or so, the game will close and i get a notification i think that has something to Do with the mods because i tried to download the manually After ckan could Not finden the right gamefolder. So I got all mods out of the gamedata Folder and now i get a Black Screen whenever i launch the game dont know what happend and needed help
  14. http://Imgur.com/kl4Xdpb Everything works fine until I try to make my gravity turn and it tilts north and goes out of control. Ive tried throttling down as I ascend but it still happens.
  15. I'm new to Kerbal Space Program (I've been playing for about a month) and I am already addicted to it. I've been to the Mun, Minmus, and Gilly which were all really fun, but I was kinda thinking it would be fun if there was a mod that simulated things going wrong, like an electrical malfunction or a RCS nozzle refusing to fire. If there is a mod like this what is it? If not, then I think this would be a cool idea for modders (I have no idea how to mod lol). Thanks
  16. Hi! This is my first topic, so Welcome! I was playing KSP with the Outer Planets mod the other day and the framerate got form 35 to 10 in two seconds! I tried even REINSTALLING the game and it did not work. Do any of you people know how to get better performance? Good Luck and Take Care: Rex
  17. Hi all, Loving, LOVING this game, which I purchased for Steam/Linux just a few days ago. Very happy that this is something of a work in progress, but I confess that it seems the Linux platform might be getting a little less love? Hey - there's a growing number of us out there ;0) Anyhow, that being the case or not, I've run into a *real* issue now (beyond the earlier reported graphics issue of flickering/corrupt pixels while inside the hangars, and the general great difficulty in click-selecting objects). I'm on my third restart in career mode. I've just taken on a contract to Test Heat Shield (0.625m) and the game won't recognise when I achieve the necessary requirements. In this challenge, I have to make between 1550.0m/s to 2,000m/s. Twice now I've managed to re-enter from a high orbit, and all checks except speed are green. As the craft speeds up on re-entry, I'm traveling at over 1600m/s and STILL the green tick won't appear. So I'm stuck on two contracts, unable to clear this one. I could re-start again :0/ but would like to know if there's a way I could help by maybe submitting stats or data, just in case these are things that can be ironed out? As I say, happy to accept it's under active development, but this game ain't free... ;0)
  18. ola gente tem agulma coisa é essa? infelismente porque o mod new horizons não esta funcionando. gente alguem me ajuda?
  19. ola pessoal eu ja tentei porque não esta traduzido na versão 1.1.3 em portugues porque não esta tratuzido. pode me ajudar
  20. Seems like DPAI aint showing its regular GUI elements. Near-stock, newest version of everything, newest module manager. All stock parts.
  21. 1. the physics bug that due to bending moments, causes all aircraft to slowly roll left or right in flight no matter how much yaw and roll stability is built in. 2. the lack of suitabile autopilot which would make 1) more bearable. So , you have to manually correct every heading deviation all the way to orbit. 3. poor support for joysticks that makes hanflying handflying* needlessly difficult. 4. excess drag from fuel ducts and struts. Exacerbated by the fact that wing parts don't cross feed fuel 5. .... and the way rocket engines don't have a "drain evenly from every tank" mode the way that jet engines do. So your CG gets messed up by rocket motors draining from the front tanks first.
  22. First i would like to tell the problem to everybody, I have this probe core in space, and it has so much actions like active engine etc. But i can't press on the bloody thing because of the window with actions. ITS TO BLOODY SMALL Does somebody know a mod/fix for this issue? main mod: realism overhaul
  23. Hi, I'm making a mod for KSP, and am having mesh collision problems. I use Unity. To make the mesh, I use capsule collider, because I have too many vertices for mesh collider. Because I use capsule collider, my mesh rounds off at the bottom and top, so when I try to attach stuff to the sides at the bottom or top, they end up inside the tank. Can anyone help?
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