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  1. A friend and I have been working on the implementation of Dr. Robert Zubrin's Mars Direct 2.0 mission (described in his book “The Case for Mars”) for quite some time. For this we use KSP with the most realistic mods possible (RO, RP-1 etc.), some of which I try to make even more realistic, although this is not normally necessary as they are already excellent! But for the mission, for example, the new Raptor v3 engine is necessary, things like that. At the end there is the execution of the mission. We are also planning and working on a small publication to show things. Hopefully Dr. Zubrin's Mars Society, for example, will be interested. I would also like to reflect that here in the forum, I think that's important. We live in turbulent times! And we may not even have realized what is currently happening at SpaceX and what significance it could have for the whole of humanity. I will report here from time to time. Models will be published by me on KerbalX, videos etc. I will host and share here. Per Aspera Ad Astra. Tom. Brief description of the main mission components The aim is to establish a Mars colony. First of all, an Earth Return Vehicle (ERV1) is sent to Mars, where it lands at the planned site of the colony. ERV1 now begins to convert the CO2 from the Martian atmosphere into methane and oxygen with the help of the hydrogen it has brought with it. The ERV uses this to replenish its fuel reserves. After 2 years, the habitat ship HAB1 flies to Mars with 4 astronauts on board, accompanied by another ERV, the ERV2. During the flight, the TMI (Trans Mars Injection) stage is detached and connected to the habitation unit of the HAB by a long steel cable. The habitation unit and the TMI stage then orbit around each other and generate an artificial gravity that corresponds to that of Mars. Course corrections must still be possible with the RCS. HAB1 and ERV2 land at the colony landing site on Mars after a 9-month flight. The astronauts can leave Mars at any time with ERV1. Otherwise, the 4 astronauts stay for 2 years, then board the ERV1 and fly back to Earth in it, leaving the HAB1 behind. Artificial gravity is generated on the return flight in the same way as on the outward flight to Mars. Once on Earth, the steel cable is cut, the habitation unit enters the Earth's atmosphere with its heat shield and then lands on parachutes in an Earth ocean. At the same time as the first crew begins its return flight with ERV1, the third ERV (ERV3) and the second HAB (HAB2), again with four astronauts on board, fly from Earth to the Mars colony. Once there, HAB2 is docked to HAB1. The 4 astronauts stay for another 2 years and now have twice as much living space as the first pioneers. After 2 years, they also fly back with an ERV (the ERV2), while at the same time ERV4 and HAB3 fly to the colony. And so on. This is how a colony gradually develops. If the colony is to grow faster, any number of ERVs and HABs can of course be sent out at the same time. An immediate evacuation to orbit must be possible at any time with a sufficiently high number of refueled ERVs. Additionally the ERVs are additional escape rooms in case something goes wrong elsewhere. Link to Paper (WORK IN PROGRESS!!!) : https://mega.nz/file/t4Q3WR7a#OnHoC4n5B4WuD6cisvsK5sHebnOP9BCBkIRMEYq5Tlc Link to CKAN mod list : https://mega.nz/file/N5QDAKiZ#pgWkEDf-7hsid8DCuXUaCR_H3aoNPRbpf4PL3Os3vhc Link to Re-Mods : https://mega.nz/file/wwRAQTAY#zsd2DQkkCmhmcpQOGEIu6tjLIYXGu_1CdnCPbu8zLEw KerbalX : Launch System/ERV/HAB: https://kerbalx.com/TomKerbal/EXP-STARSHIP-ZIIX Endless "Application Errors" , I gave up using KerbalX any more, sorry it is hopeless. You can have a look at this link, wish you luck. Crafts on my MEGA accounts : ERV v20B1 : https://mega.nz/file/QoBHSZTS#YkW0n8et4w_WQgGMROMEHGZMKUGeFMQrAxiilqgDN2g HAB v18d1 : https://mega.nz/file/w4ZTwSxS#8d3YwaeH84gTAyt-PylhS1-iT5lYKdTR22NcG-_yGx8 Starship Carrier only : https://mega.nz/file/8kwXhL5J#4cXgsRmOsSJsxcfHEB1GBkUPEWCaGYpbvW08BqvZP-8 List of videos (chronological order) : 2nd Rover tests of HAB : https://dai.ly/k7aZVkfB6MUmTzC4jFQ ERV ONE Start Cape Canaveral: https://dai.ly/k2djaIebhj5krzC7KV0 Description of Launch system : https://dai.ly/k5yDWxlFPzunneCaGbs Start of the Carrier Rocket: https://dai.ly/k3r5IQAuqPF3ptCaMDq Re-entry of the LEO injection stage : https://dai.ly/k1LyoiK79UWKRSCba3K ERV Landing : https://dai.ly/k5O1Ovcazj671RCjtAs HAB Landing : https://dai.ly/k2E4pXdaNtMvqsCkQ9K ERV working on colony side: https://dai.ly/k39O8QhGM7lRsbClB5c Corrections: the hydrogen boiling rate is 23g/h, 7.8kg/d, 201.5kg/a, 324 mL/h, 7.8L/d, 2841L/a ; boiling point of hydrogen is 20K, -253°C HAB on Colony Side : https://dai.ly/k2hWAzaO1gfnrTCsPoy (Part 1) HAB on Colony Side, drilling water: https://dai.ly/k4xIgflVCcm4MaCC3Vs (Part 2)
  2. R E A L I S M O V E R H A U L Intention: Realism Overhaul is a mod that makes Kerbal Space Program behave more like real life. If you're interested in seeing what it's like to fly rockets in the real world, this is the mod for you! Realism Overhaul does this by combining and configuring other mods, and mod and stock parts to perform as their real-life equivalents. You can expect things to be a little harder, and rockets to be a bit bigger, but the scenes far more epic, and the accomplishment that much greater. Some of the most signfiicant changes include: Engines have real sizes and performance values, and use real fuels. Most of them have limited ignitions and suffer from ullage. Pods are as large as their real-life counterparts and weigh what they should. Propellant tanks have correct dry mass ratios. Solar panels don't produce massive amounts of energy, but they are lighter. Similarly reaction wheels aren't magically powerful anymore (though they still don't require momentum dumping). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contributors to Realism Overhaul: A1Ch1, Raidernick, james3838, camlost, JandCandO, Sarbian, marcelocoelhorodrigues, NathanKell, hattivat, batuhan, Ravenchant, bax-, advice-dawgg, jean400, RedAV8R, jedi95, MedievalNerd, regex, Felger, Temeter, Replica17, veskenapper, ferram4, leudaimon, BevolJ, RezzyD, Agathorn, TheKosmonaut, TheVoid2, Theysen, Phredward, ChrisPBacon, Kibbick, Niemand303, AlimOncul, AjentK, pjf, rocketscience, John-Long-Silver, doktorjet, Ippo343, Dragon01, Probus, BryceSchroeder, Bsd0, asmi, Starman4308, stratochief66, StupidChris, OvidHamburg, awang, winged, rsparkyc, PhineasFreak, Zarbizaure, JoseEduardo, ctiberious, SirKeplan, Schnobs, pap1723, ec429, assassinacc, AntiClockwisePropeller, AlphaMike741, olympic1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RealismOverhaul Wiki P Installation In the current state of the mod's development and future, accurate and proofed-to-be-working installation instructions can be found here: Installation Guide You can ignore the RP-1 part later on that page, if you do not intend to play a career mode. Support No support is granted without providing logs and easy to follow reproduction steps. Also make sure to drop by the official discord server where active users can provide help! https://discord.gg/ZGbR6nv Legacy / Manual Installation (expand) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D O W N L O A D (1.10) Source Changelog _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Career Mode - Realistic Progression One: If you are interested to take Realism Overhaul to a whole different level of playing KSP, you might be interested in the accompanying suite of mods. It integrates a completely new career system tailored for an early realistic space race and spreading into the modern ages - all at your own imagination and approach. The working installation instructions can be found on the GitHub wiki page. This mod was created by NathanKell and RedAV8R, Contributions by many others. If you were missed in the contributors list at the top of the post, PM Theysen and he'll add you).
  3. Check out this video if you want to experience a very realistic looking version of KSP!! I made my really best to find the most realistic looking mods to make a video using them.
  4. The next generation of space exploration. Our First Step II is designed by the international space community on Earth. Kerbals come together and make diagrams, planning what the station might look like in the future. The station is designed to be a safe haven for LEO crews and even a gateway to other near-Earth locations. Launch of Orbital Core 1 [OC1] Vehicle: Falcon Heavy Date: August 16, 2005 T+00:00:01 - Liftoff! T+00:03:23 - MECO & stage sep. followed by fairing sep. T+00:07:20 - SECO, preliminary insertion complete. T+00:10:19 - Payload separation. The next mission wouldn't be until 2011 — the space agency was more interested in other things but we're back to launching modules!
  5. CH-4: Changing History Iter Deinceps, In Perpetuum Moving forward, Perpetually ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Welcome to Changing History (CH-4) we are a lategame addon to Realistic Progression One(RP-1) aiming to reimagine and redesign what is possible following your first moon landing! As an expansion to RP-1, and thus realism overhaul, realism and achievable technology is at our foundation. We aren't aiming to design warp drives or fusion energy, we simply want to enable the exploration humanity could be doing today, given enough interest... Who are we? We are a group of RP-1 and RP-0 players and developers, aimed towards making the next challenging chapter of your career mode save in RSS. What are we doing? Where did we come from? We started off as an extension to RO Engines, but have slowly become more skilled at modding, allowing us to branch out further. Currently our main goal is to develop timelines, allowing the player to chose a path they want their agency (and possibly others) to follow. The currently planned timelines are Lunar, Venusian, Martian, Terran, and the Exploration of the Outer Worlds... Note these may be subject to change. As an expansion, you can expect the following from us: New contracts, likely approaching or exceeding 100 within this first "update". None of these will conflict with RP-1's, instead they will override and build off of them. New parts, allowing for realistic, small to medium scale habitation of other celestial bodies, orbits, and much more. New mechanics, encouraging things such as reuse, exploration, and international cooperation. We still have a lot planned, including a wiki, a youtube channel, and further documentation. These things, like the mod itself, should be expected to come in time... Ultimately, we would like to open up development to the community following the first major release, CH4 v1.1, but we are expecting to release pre-releases on our github. Download, Installation & Liscensing You can download the latest release from our Github CKAN Support coming soon™ Installation (for now, atleast) comes with no special instructions. Simply drag and drop the CH4 folder into your KSP Gamedata directory; As long as you have RO, RP-1 and RSS installed that's it! You should now have access to a couple dozen new engines, and some new airlaunch tech! Currently using the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, we are politely asking that you don't redistribute or modify our work, this will allow us to more easily develop towards our goal. I have become death, destroyer of framerates RD-270 As a closing note, most of us are pursuing education currently. We will try to release in as timely a manner as possible, but do give us time. A rushed mod is a broken mod.
  6. I've decided to dive straight into an RSS/RO/RP-1 run, for the first time. I have used some of the individual components before (RealFuels, Procedural Parts, Kerbal Construction Time), but not in a big package like this. I spent ~4 hours last night, and November 1954, I have completed the Downrange 3000km contract, and unlocked the level 2 60t launch pad. I shouldn't need to do a Corporal stacked on a V2 any more My thoughts on RO so far: Everything being procedural is very, very unfamiliar for me. It feels like I've spent double the time building a procedural rocket, versus quickly throwing BDB parts together. Everything feels fiddly, for some reason. KCT simulations are neat. How can I get it for my non-RP-1 installs? I am very slow (at least according to https://rp1careerlog.azurewebsites.net/), 11/1954 is pretty late. Apparently first orbit IRL is in 1957, so I am behind a bit. Kerbalism science is neat, auto-collect and auto transmit. I wish the BDB tanks and probe cores, at least, were available to make building rockets a little quicker. Lego building blocks and all that, versus the 3D-printing of Procedural Parts. I'll be uploading my career logs in a Gist: https://gist.github.com/bigyihsuan/1e59e64e7cb36f8759cf0b188b9f90a7 And to the RP1 Career Tracker: https://rp1careerlog.azurewebsites.net/?careerId=644846f1763150b279354eec https://imgur.com/a/Hb2UeHA
  7. UPDATE ON MOD'S STATUS 20/07/24 I do not really have any incentive to develop this mod anymore as I would like to focus on other projects. For anyone looking for a mod that adds similar content, I highly recommend RSS-Origin by Charon_S. It adds a lot of the same content but at a significantly higher level of detail and fidelity and is also highly compatible with other content. Thank you so much for the support I've had for this mod over the years!!! Hi there, and welcome to the Real Enhancements development thread. This mod aims to continue and expand pozine and imkSushi's Real Solar System Expanded mod. I plan to incorperate and restore the majority of objects in the mod My aim is to create a modular experience, so people can download packages based on their interests and their ability. I know this seems ambitious (especially RealStars, that one is going to take a while) RESPOSITORY LINK (outdated): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oCeqlZ4fBs6TNvnN0R57TMqhKbSBVzzO?usp=sharing Github: https://github.com/AR3S-Vega/RealExpansion/releases It is recommended to install RealPatch to fix inclinations, other wise the inclinations of newer objects will be broken Discord Server (because Kopernicus won't give me a channel): https://discord.gg/pWfYbfm Requires: Kopernicus ModuleManager ModularFlightIntegrator RealSolarSystem Skybox requires TextureReplacer Catalog: As i said i wanted the mod to be modular, and you will be able to download each package individually. So if you are less experienced with RSS/RO you can download the NEO package, and if you want a challenge you could download Stars or ExtremeTransNeptunian objects Things i want to add (yeah i stole this image from imkSushi's thread) Current Status: Abandoned Credits: Me ("Our Benefactors") for doing something @Xurkitree for help with Kopernicus and RealAftermath @Noah the Smol and @GurrenLagannCWP (if I have the right accounts :P, most of the discussions have been done on discord) for working on RealHypotheticals pozine for making RSS Expanded in the first place imkSushi for restoring RSS Expanded NathanKell for Real Solar System AndrewDraws for RealExoplanets Gregrox for letting me use his sunflare TSMP for Kopernicus Squad for KSP imkSushi's old thread: pozine's old thread: This mod is licensed by the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  8. I have TUFX, PlanetShine, Scatterer, EVE, RSSVE and GGE installed as visual mods. First of all, I had this problem with clouds not working so I first reinstalled Scatterer and EVE, after that it did not get fixed, but the shadows on all the gas giants were fine. Then I reinstalled RSSVE and the clouds were back and working, but now for some reason the shadows on all the gas giants are very sharp and doesn't look right. Please help! Images:
  9. BenjisHardwiredLogic Version: 2.1.0 Dependencies: ModuleManager.4.2.3.dll Download: Github - Spacedock - Sourcecode Installation: Simply drag the folder BenjisHardwiredLogic into your GameData folder. Description: Benjis Hardwired Logic… ...is a set of tools to predefine staging actions in your rocket. Launch Clamps can release after a given time (whenever you think the engine is spooled up). Fairings can automatically be jettisoned at a given altitude. RCS and Decoupler can be activated at a set time after launch or prior to reaching Apside. Engines can ignite at a set time after launch or prior to reaching Apside. An engine can also be cut when a set Apside is reached. An Apoogee Kick Motor can either Burn-Out, Circularize or Cut-Off at a set Apside. On-Screen appearing messages for all events can be turned on / off (in VAB and Flight). Check out the awesome flowchart in the pdf provided.
  10. I've installed Realism Overhaul for a couple of days.I found that the torque of 'small inline reaction wheel(0.625m)' is awfully small,which is only 0.0001. In comparison,the torque of 'advanced inline stabilizer(1.25m)' is 1,and the torque of 'advanced reaction wheel module,large(2.5m)' is 10 Checking others' post,I found that the torque of the 0.625m reaction wheel in RO should be 0.1. Is that a bug,or a intended torque setting?
  11. Hi I installed realism overhaul and rss and vab in not opening does anyone know why? I dont know if im including enough information so ask
  12. I have started playing ro/rp1 recent but cannot get consistent accent profile and performance ( especially inclination ). Mostly due to not launching from equatorial plane and tilt of the earth. I have tried launching from French Guiana but for some reason it even more inconsistent than from cape Canaveral What is the inclination for a easy TLI ?
  13. Hey all. I haven't been around the forum for awhile, but per request I've started documenting my new RSS/RO/RP-1 career. The episodes should cover 1-2 years of launches, and be around 7 minutes long each. (now around half a year, 15 minutes long) Like the series? Support computer upgrades for future episodes! Latest episode: 25. First three:
  14. Previously, I would have discussed this on Reddit in r/SpaceXLounge, but with the new moderation there they won’t let you discuss anything controversial or speculative. Starship and modeler pics seem to be the name of the game now. For several years I’ve been thinking of mission architectures that could get us back to the Moon by the 50th anniversary of the Apollo manned lunar missions. We missed the Apollo 11 50th anniversary, but we MIGHT have been able to make the Apollo 17 50th anniversary of Dec. 2022. This is where it gets controversial. The SpaceX architecture of making 8 to 16 refueling flights for Moon or Mars flights is a bad architecture. There is a reason why the Apollo missions used a launcher with 3 stages and then 2 more stages for the lander for their round-trip missions. For missions with that high a delta-v requirement multiple stages are critical. SpaceX by using multiple refueling flights is acknowledging that, just in a very inefficient manner. The point of the matter is SpaceX could have done a manned Moon or Mars flights with a single launch IF they had given their launcher a 3rd stage. The 3rd stage could have been comparable size to the Starhopper. Yes, I know the actual Starhopper was not space-worthy but the point of the matter is by continuing it’s development along side the Starship they would have had a space-worthy vehicle capable of lunar landing and return by now. SuperHeavy+Starship+Starhopper single launch missions to the Moon or Mars. It would have been so beautiful … See here: http://exoscientist.blogspot.com/2019/07/starhopperstarship-as-heavy-lift.html Anyone up to the challenge of a sim? Robert Clark
  15. EDIT: I find a way to remove it from non RO section. There is 1 side question below. So I'm trying to add engine and reuse the model from RO Engine but I faced some problems. If there is a guide please link it. So it still show in non RO section it. Here is the engine part cfg file. And here is the engine file . 1 side question How to calculate the fuel needed for a given mixture ratio of the engine ?
  16. I’m starting a new career save with Realism Overhaul and Remote Tech, and I’m looking for a good part pack to add. Anyone have some suggestions? I’m particularly interested in new engines to play with. Thanks in advance!
  17. I made RO configs for Tundra Exploration's Starship. I tried to make it work with out a reaction wheel but that was pretty much impossible. It is possible to make it work without a reaction wheel but the fuel balance has to be PERFECT https://github.com/Suyash-Jevaria/KSP-RO-Starship-Configs
  18. I recently installed Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, and other mods to the game because I wanted to try out some new and unique experiences. However, the game has been acting up ever since I downloaded these mods. When I start the game, it begins like normal, but when I load up my save file, I cannot click/enter on any of the buildings within the Space Center. To make matters worse, I am also unable to quit back to the main menu, forcing me to close the program via Task Manager. I have placed a link to access the log file of my game, and I would greatly appreciate it if there was a viable solution to these problems. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zhgb5l9ci3276ay/AABaJAqLXDQIRg_JMijqgsDPa?dl=0
  19. What If #1 Well I thought of this, and decided to try this out in KSP 1.11, to see if this worked, I basically launched to LEO a Buran shuttle but instead of using the four Zenit rockets I used four Falcon 9 boosters on it, so to improve it's reusability, I launched a Almaz station in the Buran shuttle, and had it successfully deployed it a 300 km orbit and the Buran (sort of) made it back to earth, I know this will sound like it kills the point, but the boosters were expended, because I was not sure if I would actually make it or not, (I just needed a short burn from the Buran's OMS engines); so hypothetically I think it should work next time with a recovery. Does anyone have any other ideas to try out in Realism Overhaul, I might try a US shuttle launch next with two falcons strapped on the ET instead of the SRMs The main mods I used were Realism Overhaul with dependencies, RSS, RSSVE, RN Soviet Stations, and Buran-Energia, with Raiz Space's Configs, KK's launchers SpaceX pack Screenshots:
  20. Recently, I have not seen a hint of any Realism Overhaul rockets. Searched around the forums, found nothing but planes. So you know what? Screw this, let's make a repository right now! Post your rockets and spaceplanes (notice the relationship to space here. No atmospheric craft, we have FAR threads for that) here, see how far you've gotten in RO. Posting career-mode "stories" is also allowed. I'll post my craft here as soon as I'll get access to KSP.
  21. Hello I played KSP 1.9.1 with Real Scale Boosters today. I wanted to launch a satellite in an 53 degree inclination orbit. The targeted Altitude was 300 Kilometers. I tried to launch 5 times without sucess. I flew on a Atlas V, after Meco and stage sep and SES 1 I fired the engine with full power. My apogee was 300 Km but everytime I reached the apogee to fast (after 1,5 minutes after stage sep) after passing apogee my altitude increased very fast and at 100 Km my vehicle exploded. Whats the problem? I‘ve also tried mechjeb at the last try. Thanks Fly save
  22. Anyone had any luch integrating these two mods? RO is amazing, but there are some key realism features I miss without Kerbalism, like radiation belts, solar flares, crew comfort/sanity, and limited part lifespans with breakdowns/repairs. On first glance, it looks like I can install Kerbalism over an RO install, and I don't get any errors on startup. I'm mainly looking to see if anyone's made an RO profile for Kerbalism, as the default one is only for the Kerbol system, and I had to make up my own rough estimates for my RSS/Stockalike install. Also, I'd love to know if there are any conflicts between the two mod, before I've spent hours on a career. Thanks all!
  23. After I create a new save file, I get stuck on the loading screen so I can't see the KSC. How would i fix this?
  24. Race into Space 2020 is a new series of Race into Space (original thread here). Using the Race into Space mod by @soundnfury, Race into Space is an Asynchronous multiplayer mod for Realism Overhaul/Realistic Progression 1. Each player chooses their launch site, and must compete to set milestones as quickly possible, and then sync their games through the Race into Space mod. Submissions are closed, but further details on RiS and RO/RP-1 can be found in the RO Discord server here.
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