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  1. SOLVED! So rational resources resorted a lot of my parts into its own tab. I posted this reddit post about the issue, but I figured I might as well try my luck here too. In my Steam-controlled KSP install, I have way too many mods. But today, while building a craft in the VAB, I realized the stock fuel cells where just... gone. All of them, the whole subcategory was gone from "Electricals". Searching for them yields no real results, or not the ones I am looking for anyway. But if I load a craft with fuel cells attached in the VAB, they load as normal on the craft, and I can grab them and attach them as I want. I tried verifying files on Steam, but it didn't work. The parts do not appear when starting a new save on that install either. Here is a KSP.log if someone wants it. That link also contains some logs from MiniAVC and ZeroMiniAVC. I suspect that mod has something to do with it, but just because it says it prunes stuff when loading. Oh, a fresh modlist is there too, of course.
  2. SOLVED BY UPDATING DRIVERS 560 TO 565 hi ya'll, i was starting up ksp when it crashed 5-10~ minutes into startup, with a "Caught fatal signal - signo:6 code:-6 errno:0 addr:0x3e80000214d" in the player.log i have no idea on how to reproduce it, as it just suddenly occurred one day SYSTEM INFO: Linux Kernel 6.8, Linux Mint 21.3, RTX-3070ti, Intel I7-8700k running Nvidia 560 drivers, 63.7ish GB of RAM LOGS: https://file.io/R23bnW1X6MNkhttps://file.io/R23bnW1X6MNkhttps://file.io/R23bnW1X6MNkhttps://file.io/R23bnW1X6MNk
  3. Trying to install KSRSS, and it is stuck on infinite loop. I added each dependency mod manually, and all loaded well until I reached Kopernicus, which causes it to get stuck. I have installed all of Kopernicus's dependencies, and made sure that Kopernicus itself is the last version that was made with KSP version 1.10.1 in mind. My KSP.log is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MsEci2FFmxvLmpri8fgQCRcR8L9J8Ptm/view?usp=sharing [Edit: I made the mistake of placing KSRSS folders into the KSRSS-reborn folder they came in. Moved them all directly into GameData, and it worked.]
  4. Modlist player.log (I accidentally booted up the game again after recording the bug hence the -prev prefix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvi_B6UTAZI Reproduction steps: 1) Build the craft (part order doesn't seem to matter) with a SG-RV3 Heatshield, SG-RV1 Return capsule pod, SG-RV2 Parachute and SG-RV4 retro pack 2) Launch the craft (staging in the video is optional) 3) Revert to launch or do something to (presumably) reload the game A smoke plume appears right before the loading screen ends, Heatshield now will lose physics and is said to be on a collision course with Kerbin despite being on the launchpad, and according to Kerbal engineer has a NaN apoapsis and infinity periapsis. The revert to launch issue appears to happen with other probe parts (e.g the Transit 4A with the corresponding Injun 1 and Solrad3/Grab 2 satellites in which they seem to mysteriously decouple and disappear while reloading a quicksave in orbit, however I haven't tested this bug with other parts too much) This bug does not occur on a clean install with purely BDB and its dependencies. EDIT: Uninstalling the mod "Routine Mission Manager" seems to have solved the issue, strangely enough
  5. If you found this error in the in-game console, which opens by pressing (ALT+F12); low fps when orbiting or in Luna multiplayer. You need to go to your server folder and find the universe folder and then the ships folder. Then check the txt files and find ships that are not in your universe and delete those txt files. If the error persists, delete all the txt files. Disclaimer: if you delete these files, all your ships will be destroyed, but I guess it's better than experiencing those damn lags. you can send me donations by paypal: paypal.me/demikeua
  6. EDIT: Fixed it by installing the latest linux kernel (6.5) and Nvidia drivers (545) As the title says, scatterer on linux mint causes incredible lag when focus in on laythe/focus on the jool system in general, any help would be great :3 KSP Version: Mods installed: Log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/de7rb83robqnr5yos0vxv/Player.log?rlkey=0v8x27168ed4r265vy9xg0rgs&dl=0 OS: Linux Mint 21.3 w/ KDE Plasma 5.24.7 Hardware: 12 × Intel® Core™ i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2 Memory: 62.7 GiB of RAM Reproduction: go to the map and zoom in on the jool system
  7. When two or more pieces are superposed, the kraken transform the craft into a mash, idk which is causing this here is an example ---> https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1kxhXLyyvse82G03-bCS065arduPbxq9O (and game data folder)
  8. I am currently working on a school project, and we had to make a transport that solves an issue. Me and my group decided a marine plane, that can land on water on bad wheather. I did find out how to make the wings not rip off, neiter the engines, but now it can't take off. The plane is very small (MK2 for those who ask), with folding wings, capable of archiving supersonic speeds (not optimized for it since it's a public transport), yet it only gets about 24m/s, not enough for takeoff. Is there a way to change the water drag coeficient so that it maches realistic drag and not some sort of pitch ocean?
  9. Eager to try out the new patch I hopped into a new campaign and it was fine until I went into top orthographic view of the craft I was building. That then pulled up the settings menu however I was only able to navigate the bottom corner of the screen. Figuring this was a bug I restarted the game and tried loading back in to which it crashed. verified game files which steam said 2 were unverified and downloaded them same issue. deleted and uninstalled the game twice though the issue still persists, also restarted computer. Something interesting I did notice was that changing to boarderless allowed it not to crash loading a campaign, but it would then be stuck on setup "OAB Part Seed Counter" I do have the latest drivers for my GPU. https://imgur.com/itqfcBZVideo of phenomenon DMP player log
  10. Tried to make a short mission, one stage to get out of atmo and a second one for the rest of the mission. Easy. But as soon as my vessel approached orbital velocity, it started rotating in a random direction for no good reason. Here is a video where you can clearly see that the vessel starts rotating from a standstill without any SAS input/torque applied.
  11. This issue is mostly solved. But if anybody else has this issue, here was my problem: I didn’t install the textures config for AVP. If you don’t understand this explanation, here is the GitHub question I asked.
  12. I started fooling around with creating a plugin to play warning buzzers. In the method where I load up the FXGroup with the audio clip, etc. I check to make sure the audio clip exists with if (!GameDatabase.Instance.ExistsAudioClip(filename)) { PrintToLog("[PK_Ah_Ooooga] ERROR - file " + filename + ".* not found!", 3); return false; } and sure enough in the console/log when the vessel loads into the flight scene, it complains about it not finding the clip: [ERR 08:16:07.213] [PK_Ah_Ooooga] ERROR - file "Pebkac/Sounds/warning".* not found! things I looked at trying to figure out why: does file named warning exist in GameData \Pebkac\Sounds folder - yes does the audio exist in the database - yes, or, I assume it does, since there is a Pebkac/Sounds/warning entry in the database/audio section of the Alt+F12 window I'm not sure what else to look at. The file is a .wav, and has that extension, which I'm also assuming is OK. Any advice is much appreciated. ~K
  13. I have a ship whose Kerbal has magically disappeared. I've been looking through the save file after he disappeared with the one before, and I cannot see any discrepancy in any of the key-value pairs that could be related to kerbals. Any help appreciated.
  14. I'm making this thread to help others, the problem is solved Problem: I encountered an issue with the mouse wheel zoom in and zoom out not working specifically in flight and in the map view. The problem drove me nuts for three days. Solution: The solution was to delete the settings.cfg file (booting up the game creates a new one) or to simply reset settings in the game. I believe this worked as steam does not touch settings when verifying files and does not reset settings once you re-install the game. What didn't work: Clearing input locks in alt+f12 Verifying game files Removing all of the mods Re-installing via steam Tried checking the settings.cfg for a fix from https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/197063-scroll-to-zoom-not-working/ but didn't help as well Removing processes in task manager related to input (stuff like input mapper and razer software) Tried three mouses, two wireless and one wired Tried different game saves
  15. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O_2JFtFWPRvfF8sSRkFJuTbg8c-f4vz9 folder for photo of the error and KSP.log
  16. I just wanna say that im pretty new both to KSP and modding So, I have seen people say chatterer is a really good mod and it works on the newest version of KSP. I tried to install it from ckan, from spacedock and from github and none of these worked. But for other people i see it works even on the newest version. Am i doing something wrong?
  17. Heavily modded install, right click menu not showing up during flight, however it does work before flight. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uhunT9OhAKF1Im8S3RQtjoXOpyGUkYEA/view?usp=sharing Log file above. Also has duplicates of the WBI and MJ buttons on the bottom toolbar, for some reason. If anyone can discern what may be causing all of this, that'd be great, thanks
  18. I recently started a modded playthrough and i was doing the first few contracts but i noticed my parachutes are hot pink, it didnt happen with any vanilla playthrough however. They work just fine so it seems to be a graphics issue. EDIT: Fixed, removing "Shaddy" solved it
  19. This is solved solution (at least for me) in case anyone comes across this. Running KSP 1.12.3 with a few mods (heavy visual stuff) but noticed that starting Career I'd much less frames than expected. In this case 55-60fps (I have a pretty power machine) in the Space Center and with a simple rocket on the launch pad. I just so happened to try sandbox, same mods, same simple rocket, and it ran at 80-90fps with the same rocket. 50% faster. Tried this without any mods: Career 50-60fps, Sandbox >180fps. Did some google searching and somebody had noticed cheat upgrading facilities in career would fix the problem. It does indeed. So I did some experimentation: you only need to upgrade the Astronaut Complex to the first upgrade. Frame rate back to normal! This is true for the Space Center and view on launch pad, but YMMV.
  20. I am running KSP 1.9.1 with both expansions and with the most common mods. Having just started a new career game, I am currently just getting the early-game contracts which ask me to achieve any orbit around Kerbin (no specific orbital inclinations). As can be seen in this screenshot from the tracking station, the probe is orbiting Kerbin. Yet all the contracts asking for it do not recognize the vessel having achieved orbit. Can anyone help me with this? Update: I managed to fix the problem by restarting the game, going to the tracking station, taking control of the vessel from there and after about 10 seconds all the contracts suddenly recognized I was in orbit / completed.
  21. I was just loading ksp and while loading the loading bar stopped. I checked the debug toolbar i think its called and it says "Exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" after loading some textures. Last time i was on ksp the game got stuck after pressing launch in the VAB but i dont know if thats related. Any help?
  22. Hey guys I'm new in the forum and seeking for help. The engines are working fine, but maneuver nodes and dV readout are broken. Can anybody explain to me why this is happening and if this can be fixed? I can't really use this craft, except by manually calculating start mass and end mass before every burn. Restarting the game didn't fix it. Neither did redocking the craft. I imagine this is a pretty casual bug even though I couldn't find any posts about it. I have a few visual mods but stock parts and physics. I'd really love to know if there is a fix to this problem. Thanks for the help https://imgur.com/hmQKEGO
  23. Ok odd issue but whenever my kerbals go on EVA the jetpack disappears from their inventory. I've tried putting a spare jetpack into the ship inventory and equipping it outside but then when the kerbals gets back in it disappears again. Slideshow of events https://imgur.com/a/hTztYTz Player.log file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T-VUMAHQQVFuuw4hFofNd6K5iA5c0Q2h/view?usp=sharing
  24. Today, when I opened ksp, I noticed that the Swivel and Reliant engine models have been changed, but their restocked effects have also disappeared. Later I found them in other categories (like stock parts). I also noticed that the bobcat engine had restocked effects. Last time there was nothing like this and I did not delete, update or add any mods. Here is image with engines and my GameData folder. Can I fix this somehow?
  25. I installed 1.12 this morning, before that everything was working well. It seems like people have had this problem in every version, but never solved it: quicksaves and every button in the escape menu stop working, kerbals bug if they plant a flag (the naming window, if opened, is invisible), cant recover vessels,... The "crash" happens a bit after I load the last save. If I reload, everything works fine for several seconds and then it breaks, for seemingly no reason. However sometimes it fixes itself, later it bugs again, ... But now all my saves are definitely broken, it doesnt fix itself anymore. When i look at the console, this is what is displayed upon trying to quicksave: Exception : ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index Thanks ! edit1: Also, is there a command to quicksave ? I made a lot of progress and dont want to lose it. edit 2: After experimenting: It seems that decoupling a side booster causes the problem. I have 3 very simple symmetric boosters. After decoupling the first booster, I can quicksave ONCE and then the bug appears. I load the quicksave done after the first decoupling, and again, I can quicksave ONCE and then the bug appears. I do the same for boosters 2 and 3 and then load the save in which I have separated all boosters. Then the bug appears, I cant quicksave at all. If I decouple all boosters at the same time, the bug also appears. If I do not decouple, it works fine. IF I DECOUPLE IN THE AIR (well in vacuum but not touching the ground) NO BUG. I WAS DECOUPLING WHILE LANDED ON MINMUS.
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