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FuelWings Fuel resources added to stock and B9/B9 Procedural Wings. This addon allows you to add and customize fuel types/quantities in stock wings, and automatically cross-feed between other parts! Also supports B9/B9 Procedural Wings. The intention of this is to improve weight & balance, reduce craft size, and increase aesthetics. More info & Credits in info.txt file. Current Note: ModularFuelTanks is no longer required, is now just a "default" option. Check changelog, swap out as needed. Shoutout to Critter79606! Installation: ialdaboath - ModuleManager NathanKell - Crossfeed Enabler taniwha - ModularFuelTanks azza276 - B9 support Critter79606 - Compatibility w/ other fuel mods Changelog: Download SpaceDock - v4! Github - v4! (Curse currently unavailable) All rights reserved @linuxgurugamer has been given full permission to modify/update/redistribute this mod as of Jan 24 2025, with credit the original author. See "LicenseAmendment.txt" on Github.
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- wings
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WetterWings is a small module manager patch I wrote for myself a while back to add fuel storage to all the stock wings. As a bit of an airplane enthusiast in real life, I found it very odd that only a few of the largest stock wings were capable of holding fuel. Most planes, of all sizes store fuel in the wings, it's just a great place for it! To that end, this adds a very reasonable amount of liquid fuel storage to all the stock wing pieces. Since they are so thin, I've kept the numbers on the low side. I think you'll find the values are quite balanced, as I calculated each wing's total storage capacity as a function of it's lifting surface value. Changelog- Version 1- First release. Dependencies- Module Manager of course! Download- (Also available on CKAN) Instructions- Toss it in your "Gamedata" folder. License under spoiler: As always, feedback/comments/criticism are all welcome!
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I'm a bit of a purist, so I don't use Mods, at all, when playing KSP. Using the rotation adjustment with Snap on means that the minimum change in angle that can be achieved is 5 degrees. For making various spaceplanes, especially SSTO's, it is desirable to be able to pick a smaller angle. To do this I have made an Inclinometer that I use for getting precise angle with snap off. The inclinometer has been set with graduations of 0.5 degrees using small solar cells as "markers. I have saved the Inclinometer as a subassembly so I can bring it out as I need it. In this case I'm using it to se the wings for an SSTO cargo carrier. I want to set the wings at 2 percent. I attach an arm made of wing sections to the wing I'm adjusting and move it back and fourth until the arm matches with both arms on the inclinometer. Then I turn snap off and rotate to the angle I want, in this case 2 degrees. Using this I can confidently set an angle within a tenth of a degree. Then I can delete the arm and inclinometer and set the wing to where I want it! Can this be done with Mods? Absolutely, and no doubt more precisely.
We should be able to control the individual position of the leading/trailing edges of the wing tip/root, instead of the edges extending outwards equally from the centre. This would allow for easier and more precise wing alignment and positioning. When trying to place 2 wings end on end, it is very difficult to get them to line up properly, and it involves going back and forth between the move tool, and adjusting the length of the root/tip until it looks good enough. This is also an issue when trying to judge how long a fuselage is, or when the exact centre of it is. being able to make the leading edge longer without it affecting the trailing edge would improve the quality of life when working with the procedural wings. Being able to edit the values manually would also help improve with designing wings. Similarly having units instead of the arbitrary number would make it clearer as to how big the wing is. Finally, being able to add multiple flaps to the wings is a much needed addition imo, as it can make larger wings look odd when the flaps deploy. The only work around is to place wings on the ends of each other, which as described before, can be annoying to get lined up. A simple slider that could even replace the control surface toggle, to control the number of flaps, from 0-4 or 5 could go a long way to improving aircraft designs.
I feel like the ability to toggle whether or not you have flat or rounded wingtips would be great for recreations of stunt and World War planes. (Like the spitfire, that would be awesome!) You could just add a toggle switch on the parts manager in the VAB for implementation.
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- aerodynamic
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Self explanatory - wings that tilt backwards and forwards to control the Center of Lift and maintain control in high-AoA maneuvers in addition to spaceplane wings. Just to draw one example on how these differ from spaceplane wings for anyone unfamiliar with Starship (or the KSP 1 re-creations by Scott Manley and Matt Lowne which recreate this mechanic), the way a set of spaceplane wings will tilt in order to roll doesn't really work when attempting a bellyflop. One set of wings need to fold inwards in order to increase drag on a particular side whereas standard control surfaces twist in a way that provides little control at high AoA. KSP 1 at least had robotics so you could jerry-rig Starship wings together, but even then and even if KSP 2 had robotics, SAS corrections are restricted to reaction wheels and RCS, the wings only adjusting for manual input. Proper support for these types of aerodynamic surfaces is well needed given that KSP 2 is going to be putting more emphasis on reusability as time goes on, and with that comes people wanting to fly mission profiles similar to Starship.
KSP Version Operating System and version Windows 10 CPU and GPU Intel I7-4790 @3.6GHz, 16GB RAM DDR3, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior If wings, stapilisators or control surfaces are mounted on radial decouplers, they should fly away when the stage is triggered. Observed Behavior If wings, stapilisators or control surfaces are mounted on radial decouplers, the ship will be "destroyed" when decoupled. The message comes up and the vessel can no longer be steered. In orbit it even crashes vertically onto the planet. Steps to Replicate Mount radial decoupler with wing Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Mount a structural part between the uncoupler and the wing. A list of ALL mods. DV Stage Info Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..)
- v0.1.1
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I often create with new topics. Well, what can you do if there are so many ideas?) SSTO and shuttles is one of the most popular topics in the game for many players. And all these crafts are distinguished by the feature that they are all covered with heat-protective tiles in reality. I propose to add in the game to all wings, control surfaces and fuselages (yes, there are many of them, I agree), the ability to add the texture of heat-shielding tiles. To make the shuttles look even more cool! Moreover, we cannot know in advance what kind of fantasy the players will come up with. Will it be a copy of Starship Elon Musk or Dream Chaser? Therefore, the tile textures should be of three types: only the lower part of the wing, only the upper part of the wing and ... completely covering the wing from all sides. The same goes for the fuselages. Tiles only on one half of the fuselage, on the other and full coverage. And yes... maybe the fuel tanks need to add this feature too. Those. any fuel tank can suddenly become the fuselage for the SSTO. What do you think?
System Info KSP Version: KSP2 Build ID 10624168 Operating System and version: Windows 11 / Version 22H2 CPU and GPU models: AMD 5800X / NVIDIA RTX 3700 / 32GB RAM Mods Installed: None Description of the Bug Expected Behavior: Wing shouldn't be upside down when placed on "NCS 200" Observed Behavior: Wing is placed upside down when placed on "NCS 200" attached to the plane with mirror symmetry. This is specific to wing pieces and does not apply to stabilizers or control surfaces. Steps to Replicate: Open new workspace Build a plane in horizontal mode as shown in my recording using "NCS 200" and any wing part Fixes / Workarounds: Using stabilizer or control surface works as expected on "NCS 200" Recording of behavior:
I am trying to mirror surface attaching wings, however, when I mirror them the mirrored wing ends up being upside down or faces backwards. I notice all the stock wings are symmetrical such that there is no top and bottom, maybe for this reason. However, there are parts that mirror how I am hoping for the wings to mirror, the best example being landing gear. It seems that the mirror function in most cases besides this landing gear, just places the original part in a different orientation on the opposite side, but in this case it seems to generate a mirrored version of the original part. Does anyone know how to use the mirror function in this way? thanks in advance
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Hi, i want to make a ksp mod to simulate the proverse yaw effect caused by the bell-shaped lift distribution formulated by Prandlt. As a layman, i have no idea how to program and create a mod to do that, so, maybe i can get some help. The mod would be very simple, it would create trust at instead of drag when aileron is applied, and it could also have UI that allow you to switch on and off this effect and control its intensity. The bell lift distribution create this effect, as you aply aileron to generate more lift on the wingtip you also generates more trust, thus yawing in the same direction of the turn. For understanding more of this you can search for the prandlt-D project that is made by NASA. I want to reproduce this effect on KSP to make better flying wings projects, i hope you can help me with this project! Here is a link for the NASA's Prandlt-d project: If you know how to make this mod but dont have the time or just is not in the mood, could just tell me how i could make it myself?
Hi, i want to make a ksp mod to simulate the proverse yaw effect caused by the bell-shaped lift distribution formulated by Prandlt. As a layman, i have no idea how to program and create a mod to do that, so, maybe i can get some help. The mod would be very simple, it would create trust at instead of drag when aileron is applied, and it could also have UI that allow you to switch on and off this effect and control its intensity. The bell lift distribution create this effect, as you aply aileron to generate more lift on the wingtip you also generates more trust, thus yawing in the same direction of the turn. For understanding more of this you can search for the prandlt-D project that is made by NASA. I want to reproduce this effect on KSP to make better flying wings projects, i hope you can help me with this project! Here is a link for the NASA's Prandlt-d project:
Hi, i want to make a ksp mod to simulate the proverse yaw effect caused by the bell-shaped lift distribution formulated by Prandlt. As a layman, i have no idea how to program and create a mod to do that, so, maybe i can get some help. The mod would be very simple, it would create trust at instead of drag when aileron is applied, and it could also have UI that allow you to switch on and off this effect and control its intensity. The bell lift distribution create this effect, as you aply aileron to generate more lift on the wingtip you also generates more trust, thus yawing in the same direction of the turn. For understanding more of this you can search for the prandlt-D project that is made by NASA. I want to reproduce this effect on KSP to make better flying wings projects, i hope you can help me with this project! Here is a link for the NASA's Prandlt-d project:
I am in the process of making functional recreations of all the Thunderbirds and am currently working on Thunderbird 1. I have made a rough replica of the design that is able to do a vertical takeoff and turn horizontally. I had the idea of using robotics from the breaking ground dlc to make the extendable wings using hinges, however they don't seem to be stable. When going at highspeeds the wings just flail around making them useless, I am wondering if anyone has any idea on how to make extendable wings that work at high speeds
This is a challenge where you build a plane with lots of wings, the more wings the better. What's a wing? a set is 2 wings usually parallel to each other.I count the number of wings as a whole, for example, my plane has 12 sets of wings, NOT 800. 1: It has to be able to be stable in flight. 2: The kraken can't attack the final version (other than crashes and such). 3: NO cheats 4: good luck how the winner is decided: You make rule abiding plane. You post a video of it or a couple pictures, it's name and number of wings. Voting is just *liking* the post you want to vote for (please don't vote more than once). Vote for the one that you *like* the best. For whatever reason that may be. Winner is the one with the most likes. Mine doesn't count:
Ive been trying to make the Arsenal Bird from the Upcoming Ace Combat 7, the thing is using twealscale even with the largest value of 400% the wing parts are way way way too small for it. I dont want it to have over 10k parts (i.already made the drones for it but by my calculations it will have over 3500 parts just in the 80 drones, and i dont have a NASA supercomputer in my basement to run a craft like that. I could change the tweakscale modifier to include 5000% scale but i still want to publish the craft on KerbalX for all of you to enjoy it still and play with it. So im placing a request here for any moder to make stock-alike wing parts just in 2000% or 5000% scale. I will make sure to add the moder in the credits of the huge craft on KerbalX. I would do it myself if i knew how, but sadly i have 0 knowledge in modding. I will post pics here Also all Suggestions will be welcomed, in the album you can see the drone that is done,
Structural Wings v1.0 What does this mod do? Structural Wings is a VERY simple mod, which duplicates most of the stock wings, but removes their aerodynamic properties. This makes them structural, and are a great alternative for panels. This allows you to build large, sci-fi like spaceships without aerodynamics messing it up. They are all located in the structural category. They're all called "Structural Wing Part", so do not get them confused with actual wings. Download:
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So, here's the scenario: I'm flying a passenger jet and just coming in to land... thinking that it'd be a good idea to quicksave in case of a failed landing. After a dangerous approach and hitting the ground too hard, I quickloaded only to find that both wings detach from the airframe as soon as it is fully loaded in, and the jet comes crashing down just short of the runway. I tried pausing the game before this happens, timewarping to try and avoid it, even quicksaving and making sure that I didn't hold down any of the control keys. Nothing worked, so I started wondering if there's an effective way to counter this unfortunate occurrence. Any ideas on this? I'd be more than happy to provide evidence should anyone request it.
I'm building an aircraft in Mission Builder that will fly on Laythe. I'm using the Fat-455 large wings. They hold a lot of fuel, but only liquid. Is there anyway, therefore, to have other tanks be oxidizer only? I realize I can drain liquid fuel out of tanks to save weight, but that still leaves me with a lot of bulk. I'd like to get the most oxidizer in the least amount of space--approx 1200 units--to match what the wings will carry. Also, it needs to be stock, because I hope to share this mission and want to make it simple for others to use.
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- oxidizer
- mission builder
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Hello everyone! I use ksp 1.2 and I want to make a small plane with folding wings to deploy from a bomb bay, I think I need something that allows me to fold the wings to place the small plane inside. I'm looking for any mod that has this, do you know if it exists? Thanks to all!
So, I come here again seeking answers to what I would assume is a simple question. I am streaming a heavily Modded series, I do posses the means to add them to the Extended CTT, but my question is. Does Procedural Dynamics or B9 Procedural Wings exists in the standard Tech Tree in Career. I would assume not since I have not seen them, but I can be blind at times. If they are added to a Vanilla Tech Node, or a CTT node do they cost money based on size of the wing? Similar to how TweakScale has a price point that is adjusted based on scale? I do understand how to add the wings to the CTT but not sure about the Vanilla if they even could be, next and final question. If they do not have a scaling price metric based on shape and size of wing. Any idea how to put one in to make it not feel 'cheaty' yet fair? Thanks to any insight or answers from any and all that can give me a hand. Necro
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- b9 procedural
- wings
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Hi all! The standard wings, visually at least, have the same width at the root as they do at the tip, and at the front as they do at the back. They're boards with nice edges. The Big-S series of wings, however, has varying thicknesses and a much more dynamic profile. They taper to the wingtip, and have a thicker airfoil, several times thicker than the standard wings. I know this thickness is probably meant to model the fuel capacity and look nice with larger planes, but I'm curious if there are any other aerodynamic effects of the dimensions that distinguish them from their early-tech-tree cousins. Do Big-S wings have higher drag (like they would, intuitively, judging by their size)? Do they produce more lift at low speeds than a standard wing constructed to the same planform shape? Do they produce more lift at the wing root than at the wing tip? Heck, does it stall at the wing root first? ...or is it just a different-looking standard wing that you can fill with fuel? Those of you with more programming experience than me (i.e., x>0) would probably be able to navigate the part file or aero model to see any differences, so besides designing and flying a carefully controlled flight test experiment, I can't answer these questions as well as you guys can. Thanks!