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Valentina Kerman


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Dear Jool. I'm not a praying man, but please please please please PLEASE make the name "Valentina Kerman" NOT make her a pilot in the current "set the career based on a hash of the name" scheme, which then forces Squad to reverse their decision to use hashes of the names to set careers.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but what I want is the ability to set both career and gender in the .sfs file, so I can make custom Kerbals. image how embarassing it would be if the hash of Gregrox turns out to be a female kerbal?

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Historical footnote: as kids, HarvesteR and his twin brother Moach used to play with matchstick astronauts from a race they named Kermans. "Kerbal" is the adjective form of Kerman, and that is the name players adopted for the creatures themselves, so it stuck. Thus, Kerman is not actually a surname. :D It's the race's name, just as ours is "human."

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While I think that this model is fantastic, I still do think that there are some small changes to be made.

First off, I don't like the eyebrows at all. They're really thick and quite out of place, in my opinion. If you thinned them down or otherwise made them a little less noticeable, that would be great.

Second, why in the world would you give her the name Kerman? I thought that there would be a different last name for female Kerbals. (KSK uses Kermin, which I really like.)

Actually, I have a better idea: call her Valentina Tereshkermin! Please SQUAD? Please?! :wink:

...but yeah, I'm really excited about this, and I'm happy that the KSP community is so united in their support. I remember the days, hopefully now passed, when we griped and harrumphed about things like barns. It's good to see that this potentially-controversial addition hasn't had any of that.

Long live SQUAD!

Considering I've seen an ANNIE Kerman I think it's fine.

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Considering I've seen an ANNIE Kerman I think it's fine.

Anney Kerman. I had an Anney Kerman rescue contract, and Bob said he felt a bit too much like Mario saving her from orbit (TextureReplacer was installed, so i had female Kerbals)

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Ooh. The eyelashes/eyebrows are a bit odd, but they aren't that pronounced! I might actually feel upset if she is killed for the good of Science!

This isn't good! They're supposed to be EXPENDABLE!. And they are!

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I was wondering if there are any plans to make a 3d printed version of her, like was done with Jeb, Bill and Bob?

I held off on buying one of those, but for this sassy lady I'd be very tempted to buy one. :cool:

Was already thinking of that. Though it's easy to think of that when you have an EVA Kerbal and Jebediah Kerman staring back at you every time you look at your second screen.

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She's a bit strange to look at at first, but I'm sure I'll get used to her.

I hope she'll be the only addition to the orange suits, unless there's going to be another two to rival Jeb, Bill, and Bob.

Can't believe it has taken nearly five years, but nonetheless great news!

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have u ever seen a female in a space suit lol....... You obviously wouldnt see any difference, and if you want a bikini model, then i suggest you get a game that doesnt have kerbals in space suits :D

Anyways, one thing i do like about the fem kerbals is that they arent overly sexualized, too many games these days overdo females to the point of being unrealistic.

Edited by DuoDex
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Dear Jool. I'm not a praying man, but please please please please PLEASE make the name "Valentina Kerman" NOT make her a pilot in the current "set the career based on a hash of the name" scheme, which then forces Squad to reverse their decision to use hashes of the names to set careers.

What he (and regex and Gregox) said. I particularly endorse the last's suggestion to make it something in the .sfs files, which can be edited.

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I like, very much.

My only request would be to have more than two types of spacesuits. For example, we have the orange and white, which are used by Kerbal Space Program. There are other companies which may have their own designs and/or colors.

Along that line, is there any chance of being able to put decals on the ships?

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She's alright large scale, but with how minute the differences are, I worry that when they are inside a 1" mini-window in the lower right, you won't be able to really tell the difference. When I saw the Facebook post, at first I thought it was just the remade models for the normal guys. The picture was smaller and not as easily able to distinguish her as a female specifically.

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Historical footnote: as kids, HarvesteR and his twin brother Moach used to play with matchstick astronauts from a race they named Kermans. "Kerbal" is the adjective form of Kerman, and that is the name players adopted for the creatures themselves, so it stuck. Thus, Kerman is not actually a surname. :D It's the race's name, just as ours is "human."

This needs a "The More You Know" star below it.

Though it just changes the question of "Why do they all have the same last name?" to "Why do they feel the need to include their race's name after their first only name?"

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